League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 630 Chapter628 Spell Enlightenment

"This is the first time I've sneaked out at night."

"How do you feel? Are you scared?"

"I'm not afraid, I just feel so excited! But what if I don't sleep all night and sleep all day when I go back, will I be discovered? I'm not afraid...it would be bad if you get into trouble."

Under the sacred willow, Lester and Syndra sat opposite each other. The moonlight was bright and summer insects were chirping. They could see the distant night scene clearly without any light source.

In Leicester's arcane vision, the dark elements surrounding Syndra's body are much stronger than during the day, which is suitable for magic teaching.

"This won't happen. Before teaching you magic, I will teach you how to meditate first. Considering the environment here, just a few hours of meditation is enough to make up for the energy you lost during the night, and it will not affect your ability to function during the day. action."

Lester's words dispelled Syndra's worries, and the girl suddenly became full of energy.

"Lester, you taught me magic, should I call you teacher?"

"You can call me Lester or teacher. We are both teachers and students as well as friends."

"Then I'll call you teacher~teacher~hehe~"

Lester smiled. He didn't know why Syndra was so excited, but he didn't hate such a little guy.

"Okay, sit up straight, Syndra, we're going to start."


Syndra imitated Lester's posture, raised her chest and raised her head, arched her eyebrows, and smiled very sweetly.

In Lester's opinion, Sindra should smile more at her age.

"Let me explain meditation first. The so-called meditation is actually a way of practice to let go of distracting thoughts and focus on the spirit.

Whether they are elemental mages, spell warriors, monks, elders, or master craftsmen, they will all have the meditation method that suits them best. These methods have been practiced for a long time. The details are different, but the general direction is surprisingly consistent. .

Elemental mages purify or absorb elemental mana through meditation, spell warriors recover lost spell power through meditation, monks and craftsmen can use meditation to empty themselves, construct new ideas or recover lost energy. Even an ordinary person can, as long as he learns Meditation can also be used as an alternative to sleeping,

To restore the same amount of energy, the effect of meditation is more than three times that of ordinary sleep. This is also the main reason why many mages do not sleep at all and only rest through meditation. After learning to meditate, you can use meditation to replace sleep and increase your strength. Progress by leaps and bounds. "

Lester sighed, with Syndra's talent, I'm afraid she can easily gain power without meditating.

There was no doubt that he was creating a magical monster.

"Teacher! I want to learn to meditate!"

"You have a very good talent and can learn it quickly. Next, start acting according to my voice. Imagine that you are by a calm lake. The ripples of the lake are your distracting thoughts. The moonlight is shining gently on the lake. With,

As the moonlight gradually slows down the breathing, the shaking lake stops, and everything becomes calm..."

I don't know when it started, but Lester's voice seemed to have an extra layer of separation. It was louder and quieter, and became erratic, as melodious as if it came from the horizon.

Acting according to the instructions of the voice, Sindra soon found that her mind was frozen in darkness, and any worries and thoughts were in a stagnant state. She could not think of anything, could not do anything, and was just quietly in the darkness, She couldn't feel anything except that she was still conscious.

This feeling was wonderful, and Syndra instinctively immersed herself in it and let herself go.

I don’t know how long it took, but a clear lake appeared in the originally dark world, and a bright moon rose in the sky. To Syndra’s surprise, she turned into a light blue Q-version villain. Arriving at the center of the lake,

There is another stunned ice-blue little man in the center of the lake. This man is none other than Lester, who guided Syndra to meditate.

Syndra was so happy that she swam twice and jumped into the man's arms, hugging him tightly like an octopus.

Soft and cool, like a piece of ice jade, so comfortable.

"Teacher~ why are you here?"

At this moment, Lester's face was no longer as calm as before, as if he had seen a ghost.

He never imagined that he could perfectly resonate with Syndra's spirit while meditating.

If I have to make a metaphor, it is probably an alternative dual cultivation in the world of meditation. The efficiency of double meditation is at least three times that of single meditation. It is equivalent to allowing the souls and spirits of two people to leave the body and blend with each other to achieve a complete Get rid of the physical state of spiritual cultivation.

But he didn't have any physical contact with Syndra, and he didn't express his affection and affection for each other to achieve a heart-to-heart connection with Syndra. How could he get entangled with her two meters apart? It’s not like Quantum is unreasonable and can be used to fool people casually.

Could it be that Sindra was born with the same type of person as him?

"Well, I came here to see how you are doing. Well, Syndra, you come down first."


After Syndra left his mental body, Lester allowed his uncontrollable joy to dissipate.

Although this is only the spiritual world, it is still a bit unbearable to be in such close contact with Syndra. You know, Syndra is only ten years old.

"Ahem, tell me, what can you think of now?"

Sindra rubbed her little hands, thought about it carefully, pointed at the man and responded.

"I can think of you, teacher. Why do you look so cute, teacher?"

"But, is it cute?"

Scratching his head, the Q version of Lester was also a little embarrassed.

"Well, besides me?"

Emptying her consciousness again, Syndra suddenly saw the large shadows under the moonlight. She was very sure that there were not these dense things just now.

"I saw patches of black clouds in the sky, like fish scales."

Lester smiled and nodded.

"That's right, these black clouds are actually substitutes in the spiritual world. In the material world, black clouds represent dark elements. The bigger the black clouds you can observe, the more dark elements there are. Meditation The better the effect,

Observation is the first step, now try to float. "


"Yeah, float like me instead of floating on the lake by swimming."

Under Syndra's gaze, Lester slowly rose from the lake like a ghost and floated into the air.

"After floating up, try to guide a little bit of black cloud onto your body through the moonlight, understand that the black cloud is the dark element, and imagine that your body can accommodate and control the dark element."

Nodding, Syndra closed her eyes eagerly.

[Isn’t it a bit embarrassing to directly ask Syndra to change her meditation state? After all, this is an advanced meditation technique, and it is impossible to master it easily from the beginning...]

Before Lester could explain the state of meditation in detail, Syndra was already floating in the air, stopped steadily, and let the moonlight fall from the sky with a wisp of black clouds, merging into her spiritual body. .

Lester was stunned and felt a little defensive. Even he couldn't reach Syndra's level.

What kind of fucking magical talent is this? Do you still need someone to teach you?

It took a while for Lester to get over his complicated emotions. After all, Syndra was his, and the better she was, the better. There was nothing to be jealous of.

Lester didn't speak after that, and just took the time to meditate on his body beside Syndra.

The power in his body is too mixed, involving multiple mutually incompatible powers, especially the extraordinary power of the world runes. Even the astral seal of the protoss cannot completely suppress the breath of the runes.

This also gave him something to do, so he wouldn't have to wait around stupidly.

When it was almost time outside, Lester floated in front of Syndra, who was still addicted to meditation.

"Syndra? It's almost time, you should wake up."

As soon as the words fell, Syndra's spiritual body opened its eyes and pointed at the sky with energy.

"Teacher! I just absorbed a lot of dark elements, and I can still feel that they all want to enter my body! There are still many dark elements fighting."

Lester smiled bitterly. The other mages were begging for the elements to help them, but Syndra was sending dark elements to her just as she stood there. It's really worth comparing people with each other, and throwing away goods with goods.

"You did a great job, Syndra. You make me very proud. I have never taught such an outstanding student as you."


"Okay, let me tell you how to get out. Just as you have to calm down the lake when you enter, you have to make the lake ripple when you want to get out. This is the first way to interrupt meditation.

The second way is to let yourself leave this world through suggestion. When you can do two things at once and can observe the situation outside the body during meditation, you can do the second way. Now try the second way. A sort of. "


Syndra tried to make the lake sway, and in an instant, the lake erupted with tsunami waves. When she opened her eyes again, Syndra found that she had returned to reality.

Standing up from the ground, Syndra moved her somewhat stiff legs and feet. She found that she was not mentally exhausted at all, but her body was as light as if she was about to fly.

At the same time, Lester opened his eyes with complicated expressions. He seemed to have gotten into a drum washing machine just now. It was incredible that he could feel a little dizzy with the tenacity of his thousand-year-old snakeskin soul.

He was considering whether to bring the mature Syndra to beat up the protoss and Mordekaiser directly, and also find some random runes, and just do it if they were unconvinced.

"Now you should be able to understand the dark elements around you. Don't try to accept them further, and don't respond to their prayers. Otherwise, you can easily cause magical disasters with your power.

Go home and come back tonight. I will teach you how to control the dark element and release the first magic. "


Sindra did not speak, but shyly stepped forward, kissed Lester on the cheek, and then ran away with a slight smile without looking back, catching Lester off guard. Downtime.

"I do know that I am very attractive, but that doesn't make Syndra do this, right? How much does this little guy like me?"

At night, Sindra disguised her bedding with the clothes she had prepared, pretended to be asleep, and sneaked out of the room.

Not sure if it was the effect of meditation, Sindra found that she could easily observe the physical status of her family members. Even through the door and the brick wall, she could tell that her brother was in a daze, and her father and mother were in a daze. Together, covering their mouths and sweating profusely.

In this family, no one really cares about me, and I don't need to be cared about. The reason why I haven't left yet is just because my teacher is not ready yet.

Syndra left the small courtyard without looking back, ignoring the dark elements that came her way, and ran towards the mountain.

Only by Lester's side can she find peace of mind and happiness.

"Can I do the same thing as my parents with my teacher?"

Suddenly, the girl who had just arrived halfway up the mountain was startled by her thoughts and rubbed her cheeks. Sindra stopped and squatted on the ground, her face red and hot.

"For example, if that is really the case, will the teacher be very happy? But I am so young and the teacher is so old..."

"Ah? Why am I happy?"

Coming out of the woods, Lester scratched his head.

"Ah! The monsters retreat!"

Syndra jumped up in fright and waved her hands, looking at the familiar face walking from the forest path, her eyes widening.

"Huh? Teacher? Why are you here?"

Lester said with a smile.

"Dark elements are too active at night. I was afraid that you would be in danger, so I wanted to come down and pick you up...

Syndra, what did you do to make me happy? Have you already learned how to control dark elements to release magic? "

"No, no, I just...ah! Teacher, Syndra forgot! I forgot all about it, haha!"

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Syndra waved her hands, looking confident.

"No, absolutely not."

Knowing that Syndra was indeed hiding something from him, Lester sighed secretly but was not prepared to pursue the matter.

As long as you don't make principled mistakes, it's okay for a girl to have no secrets and use her own wisdom to explore. It's pointless to get to the bottom of things.

The two of them came all the way to the mountain and sat down respectively, Lester said slowly.

"The dark elements absorbed during meditation are already in your body and can be mobilized at any time,

As long as you have magic talent, your body can be used as an element container, but the container may be large or small. Some people store more mana, and some people store less mana. This is the lower limit of everyone's talent.

The upper limit of talent depends on the effect of meditation. In addition to accelerating the body's absorption of elements, meditation can also make the body more in tune with magic elements and increase magic storage capacity to a certain extent.

In other words, as long as through meditation, everyone can enhance their own magic reserves, but there is a limit to the improvement that everyone can get through meditation.

After reaching the upper limit of personal talent, the body will no longer continue to enhance magical adaptability. At this time, you need to enhance your magical talent through other methods, or find a staff or magic gem to enhance yourself.

Syndra, your magic talent is very good. Now follow my instructions and try to guide the dark element in your hand. "

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