League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 631 Chapter629 Peerless Genius Training Program

"The first step is to concentrate your mind, imagine that your body is in a lake, and try to hold a ball of water vapor from the lake.

The source of this water vapor is the dark element around your body. Don’t be greedy for too much, just a little bit is enough. This is a part that you can fully master, and it is the cornerstone of your strength...

Remember, the power you can control is what truly belongs to you, and power out of control is harmful to you. "

Under Lester's instructions, the obedient Syndra did not obey the temptation brought to her by the dark element. She just grasped the extremely weak free element in the air, which was about the size of a thumb.

"Teacher, I did it!"

Looking at Syndra's clenched fists, Lester whispered.

"Well done. Now give me your hand and I will assist you in completing the shaping and construction of the elements."

When Syndra put her small fist in his palm, Lester wrapped Syndra's right hand with his two big hands, completely stabilizing the restless dark element through the power of arcane vision and runes, allowing the dark element to be exposed. All the secrets of oneself.

"Okay, the next thing you have to do is slowly open your right hand. Remember, don't be afraid of the magic element in your hand. It has been tamed by you and can be fully used by you. It will not cause you any harm. Do you understand?"

"Understood! Teacher, I won't be afraid!"

Taking a deep breath nervously, Syndra opened her palms intently and saw with her own eyes a finger-sized dark purple elemental mass in her palm. It was like a small spark or a dark purple pearl. The elemental mass was In Syndra's hand, it showed an extremely beautiful form.

Sindra fell in love with the gadget in her hand after just one glance. The girl couldn't help but look at Lester, who was protecting her with both hands, and felt sweet in her heart.

There is no doubt that it was the teacher who brought all this to him, allowing him to gradually understand the world of mage and never get hurt.

As long as the teacher is by your side, you don't need to worry about anything.

On the other side, Leicester was also secretly observing Syndra. Apart from the fact that the girl was smiling happily, the facts were just as he expected. Not only did Syndra have a superb talent for magic, but she was also highly obsessed with magic. Good things come in pairs.

There are many talented mages in this world who are missing out on everyone due to various reasons of their own. Obviously Syndra is not such a useless guy, and her character will make her magic talent manifest efficiently.

At this moment, Leicester made up his mind to do his best to cultivate Syndra in the next dozen years and make Syndra his trump card and trump card.

"Sindra, this is the most basic form of magic elements. The magic elements obtained from the outside world and the magic elements guided within the body need to be transformed into this form before they can be used further.

Now you can try to guide this dark element with your thoughts, change its shape, and make it what you like best. "

Nodding, Syndra turned her attention away from Lester and put it back on her hands.

【What is my favorite look...? 】

In an instant, Sindra recalled five years ago, when she first met Lester, the man handed her a grape-flavored round fruity hard candy that looked like purple pearls.

After putting the fructose in her mouth, the sweet and sour feeling was her favorite and an experience she had never had before.

[Can I turn this dark element into something like glucose fructose? 】

Thinking like this, Syndra was surprised to find that at some point, the amorphous dark element in her hand had turned into a stable dark purple ball, which looked like glucose fructose.

"Teacher, I...did I do it?"

Syndra cast her hopeful eyes on Lester, who nodded with a smile.

Sure enough, ball girls just can’t live without the ball.

"Syndra did a great job, but can Syndra tell me why you want to turn the dark element into this?"

"Because this is the fruit candy Lester gave me. I like it best."

Lester was stunned. He didn't expect that the candy he used to deceive the little guy was the culprit.

Is this a correction of the world?

"I see... Well, if Syndra can always perform so well, I will reward Syndra with a few fructose candies."


The little girl waved her hands excitedly, completely forgetting that she still had the elemental ball in her hand. Syndra's right hand invisibly left Leicester's control.

Syndra didn't realize anything until the elemental ball landed at her feet. The little girl turned pale, and the next moment she was hugged tightly by Lester and fell to the ground.

The formed dark element energy ball hit the ground like a cannonball and exploded. The dark element destroyed the rules of gravity, tore apart the dense land, and tyrannically blasted a hole the size of a human head on the ground. Mud was scattered and splashed. Got Lester all over him.

The power of dark elements is more terrifying than imagined.

After the magic fluctuations subsided, Lester released the stunned Syndra from under his body, and after carefully observing her up and down, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Syndra is his precious little baby, and it hurts him to death when he touches her.

Just as he was about to comfort Sindra, Sindra's mouth narrowed and tears flowed down.

The exploding elemental ball was less than two meters behind Lester. If it were a little farther away, it would definitely cause serious damage to Lester. This was something she absolutely did not want to see.

In this world, the only thing she didn't want to do was hurt Lester.

"I, I was too careless, almost, almost, wuwu...Teacher, I'm sorry for you..."

Probably knowing his importance in Syndra's heart, Lester touched Syndra's head with a gentle face and wiped away the little guy's tears.

"I'm fine, as long as Syndra realizes her mistake and doesn't make the same mistake next time.

As a spell caster, you must be cautious and cautious. The first purpose of controlling magic is not to harm yourself and your companions, and the second purpose is to destroy the enemy.

Once the magic is formed, if it is not released, you have to reversely deconstruct the formed elements into a harmless free state...

Okay, okay, don't be sad. Let's take a break tonight. We won't practice magic. I'll take you to pick wild fruits. "

Sindra sniffed her nose in grievance, nodded, and took the initiative to hold Lester's hand, with some small expectations in her heart.

"Teacher, where are we going to pick wild fruits?"

With a mysterious smile, Lester pointed to the second mountain in the distance.

"There is a peach tree by the mountain stream there. The fruit has just ripened in the past two days. Do you want to go?"

"I'm going!"

The two walked away hand in hand, leaving only the shivering Saint Lyupasvo and the pothole not far away messy in the wind.

In the next three years, Lester spent his nights teaching Syndra about magic. During the day, he rode Roy's transformed Shia out of Skasias Village to deconstruct the magic of Ionia. species and terroir,

Lester obtained a lot of valuable information during his exploration, including but not limited to: military map mapping, the types, names and effects of local herbs, the distribution of residential buildings and the location of magic vortexes. Each task requires a lot of time and effort. energy.

Not only did this information allow Noxus soldiers to gain greater chances of survival and attack convenience when fighting, it also allowed him to find several ancient ruins and ancient battlefields in Ionia, which he used as a gold mine for a long time. Captain,

Ionians who respect nature and maintain harmony choose to stay away from these things, but he doesn't care about these things. After all, even the Ionian spirit Karma is his equal, leaving the living Ionian spiritual body alone. He is not that bored yet in awe of the ethereal natural harmony.

Strictly speaking, ancient ruins and ancient battlefields are not unique to the First Land. You can find many of them in the vast continent of Valoran and Shurima. However, in comparison, there are more ancient tombs in Shurima. The continent of Valoran has many ruins of old civilization, but Ionia has the most ancient battlefields.

I have to say that it is somewhat ironic that Ionia, which values ​​harmony as its beauty, can have so many war ruins.

Others don't know why there are so many ancient battlefields in a place where man and nature coexist harmoniously, but Lester knows that Ionia is actually a special magic testing ground for the protoss.

In a sense, those ancient battlefields are the [Total War Runeterra Simulator] arranged by the protoss. Warriors of different races are placed in the corresponding areas in [population] units to compete fiercely, and through the survival of the fittest, better products can be obtained. ,

Power system, magic system, bloodline potential, racial characteristics,

All data and intelligence will be squeezed cleanly by the protoss in the arena, allowing the protoss to further improve their magic crafts in order to transform and create more powerful magical beings.

Most of the star dependents with powerful power in Misha's mouth are the winners in the arena. Most of these winners will be taken to the star world to become slaves of the star spirits. Only a few people will be lucky enough to survive. It evolved into a strange race,

These guys who look different from humans do not belong to vastaya, nor do they belong to ordinary humans. Their bloodline can only be traced back to the day when they were artificially changed by the protoss.

Unlike him, a fake remnant of ancient ruins, these people are serious remnants of ancient times, outcasts of the era.

Once the messy bloodline was mixed with humans and vastaya, even Lester didn't know how to describe these weird guys.

All in all, Leicester is not bored if he can find things to do. He excavated and explored the ruins of two ancient battlefields and found a lot of useful things.

When his investigative information is transmitted back to the Emerald Territory, Xina will soon dispatch several carefully selected special operations teams to further explore and excavate the relics and technology of the ancient battlefield, and reversely deduce the protoss magic craftsmanship to obtain the knowledge of the Emerald Territory. Get something useful.

Of course, this is all for later. Leicester is currently most concerned about Syndra’s growth.

In addition to the outrageous dark element magic talent, the girl also has the standard of excellent qualifications for the normal four basic elements of water, wind, earth, and fire. She is an out-and-out hexagonal mage.

In this case, how to maximize Syndra's magical talent becomes the most critical issue.

Any wrong decision will cause Syndra to waste part of her talent. Especially when she is around ten years old, her magic talent is as active as the rising sun. The mainstream mages trained by Black Rose and Black Lightning are also from Selection and training begins in childhood.

For Leicester, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, any waste is the most shameful waste. He wants to do his best and has the ability to do his best, so he naturally has to do his best.

In fact, when Leicester knew how valuable Syndra's talent was, the man was already hating Konigan, who had fooled Syndra for more than ten years in the original world, and wished he could go directly to the cliff of Philo Island to do it himself. Choke Koenigan to death,

A piece of peerless jade was forced to be thrown into the pit and used as a piece of rubbish for more than ten years. Who would die if Konigan didn't die?

Konigan, the priest of Philo Island, clearly promised to help Sindra control and learn magic, so Sindra stayed on a sea cliff for more than ten years. Not only did she miss out on her youth, but she also wasted her magic talent.

Not only did Konigan fail to teach any magic knowledge, he also took advantage of Syndra's ignorance of magic to deceive and suppress Syndra's magical talent, preventing Syndra from achieving any effective growth.

The most ridiculous thing is that the reason for deceiving the apprentice in this way is actually for the sake of the apprentice's safety.

In Lester's view, if Syndra's magical talent was not so outrageous, even if she did nothing, or even took the initiative to suppress the talent, her body could continue to absorb magical elements and grow, I am afraid that Syndra would have really transformed from a peerless mage. Became an ordinary Ionian,

Leicester understood very well how angry and resentful Syndra was who killed Konigan himself. If it were him, he would probably torture Konigan severely. Killing this bastard directly would be too merciful. .

Generally speaking, according to Syndra's talent, the path of arcane magic is the most suitable. After all, the path of arcane magic is suitable for those with excellent talents. Like Ryze, doing Tai Chi with eyes closed can lead A large wave of elements comes and overturns everything. This is the romance of the arcane mage.

There is no need for any runes, magic circles, or elemental axioms.

But having said that, it is absolutely impossible for Lester to educate Syndra into an arcane mage who only knows how to use R.

With arcane magic as the main body, the free construction of rune magic and the coexistence of axiomatic rules of elemental magic in various ways, the Great Elementalist is Lester's most ideal educational goal.

Now three years have passed, and Syndra, who started from scratch, has reached the level of a formal mage in the field of arcane magic. As for mana reserves and magic power, Syndra has reached a level that is beyond the reach of ordinary mages. ,

If you are careful, you can walk sideways in Ionia.

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