League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 655 Chapter653 Shadow of Green Steel

"Human's five senses are not completely reliable. What you see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and touch with your body can easily be deceived. The reliance on the senses makes most people lose their sense of proportion and direction when they are deceived, just like A person suddenly enters a world of complete darkness, unable to see or hear, and suddenly loses all sense.

This brief moment of confusion is no big deal to ordinary people, but it is the most fatal flaw to warriors. It is also something that every warrior needs to do their best to avoid.

If you want to avoid this, you must always understand the direction of the sword, learn to perceive the environment with your heart, see through illusions, follow your heart, and act at will. This is a way of fighting that is far better than the five senses. "

"Sir, I don't quite understand. The heart can only beat, how can it be used to sense the environment?"

"Although you have no magic talent, you are a natural warrior with super perception. Camille, use the meditation and spell application methods I taught you to extend your thoughts and use spell power to try to describe what is in your heart. world.

When you do this, you can accept the first task I give you..."

After killing several red-eyed squirrels easily, Camille felt that what she did was not perfect enough.

Being satisfied with qualifications is a kind of humiliation to herself. The pursuit of perfection is the standard that her life should have. Using the shortest time to achieve the greatest growth and gain recognition from her superiors is the new goal she has defined for herself. Only in On this path, she doesn't need to find any reasons to work harder.

"Rather than saying that this is the world in my heart, it is better to say that I am using the sounds around me to perceive the world. So what exactly is the world in my heart like? How can I see the world in my heart? With the power of magic, I How to use this mysterious energy that only Ionians can use..."

In a silent environment, with her eyes closed, Camille could vaguely 'see' the direction of the enemy's attack from the surrounding sounds. It was not difficult for her to defeat such an enemy, as long as she avoided it. At the moment of attack, just use the weapon in your hand to kill the rat.

The only problem is that this has nothing to do with the application of magic power. When she came to Valoran, she learned from Lester how to guide and use magic power. I don’t know if she is not talented enough, but she still hasn’t completely mastered it until today. Find out what the spell is.

Ending this trial with nothing, this was not the result she wanted.

"Click, click."

Not far away, two collisions of animal cages were heard in succession, and Camille, who was thinking carefully, returned her attention to the battle.

Different from the previous red-eyed squirrels, the red-eyed squirrels watching the battle in the animal cage already knew how difficult their enemy was. After some exchanges, the four red-eyed squirrels dispersed, making all kinds of disturbing noises while also Waving its tail like a steel whip, it looks for opportunities to attack.

The red-eyed squirrel changed its offensive strategy, which was not a good thing for Camille.

Rustling noises came from all directions. The more she tried to determine the location of the mouse through the sound, the more Camille couldn't get rid of the interference of the noise, and her clear thoughts finally began to become confused.

It was like being in a mouse hole where hundreds of mice were active, and malice was everywhere. Camille found that she could no longer confirm the surrounding environment through sound, and the confusion in her heart could not be suppressed.

"Yes, this is what Teacher Lester wants to tell me. Since listening to sounds has no effect, it is better to let it go completely."

At this moment, Camille deeply felt the panic caused by losing her senses, bearing in mind this unforgettable uneasiness,

She understood that she could not continue to be in such a state of confusion, so she took a deep breath and completely gave up her awareness of her surroundings.

[The world in my heart, the world in my heart...what is it]

As her consciousness gradually sank, the noise of the rat in her ears became smaller and smaller, until it completely disappeared. Camille, who had her eyes closed, felt a special feeling.

It was a hazy fog, which seemed to be responding to its own expectations.

[The world in my heart... This world should be a domain that I can completely control. Within my domain, no one can hide and no one can defeat me]

Chasing her own voice, the fog in Camille's eyes began to roll and surge towards her body.

At the same time, Lester, who was standing in front of the cage, opened his arcane vision. The power of the arcane runes prevented Lester from being affected by the darkness. The man stared at Camille, who had cold sweat on his forehead, and took a picture. Taking a picture of the cat Fulin in her arms, the reluctant cat Fulin can only blend into the shadow realm, acting as the last insurance for the little human girl.

Unless Camille is killed directly by the red-eyed squirrel, Lester has countless ways to cure the girl.

Lester knew that Camille was close to her limit. The two red-eyed squirrels could still be defeated using the five senses, but the four red-eyed squirrels were absolutely impossible to defeat using ordinary methods. If she was not careful, Camille would be defeated. Will be killed by bloodthirsty rats.

If you want to deal with the four red-eyed gray rats, you must use extraordinary power, whether it is magic or spell power.

The experimental rat specially used for combat training is not only affected by the magic steel. The red-eyed gray rat itself has the blood of the flower rat. It is an experimental subject of the power of the flower rat blood. Its IQ is about the same as that of a five-year-old child. In addition, In addition, the greater the number of red-eyed squirrels, the more frequent the mice communicate. After reaching a certain number, the red-eyed squirrels can even spontaneously mutate to produce leaders with higher intelligence.

With a leader, the red-eyed squirrel will undergo further population differentiation and gradually evolve into a highly aggressive and heterogeneous creature with a very high reproduction rate.

In rigorous experiments, the superior red-eyed squirrels even evolved into an intelligent colony similar to the red-skinned demon rats. Before the squirrels evolved further, Jade Leader spent a lot of effort to wipe out the new colony.

It can be said that the red-eyed squirrel is an extremely dangerous experimental species.

[Let me see your true ability, Qinggangying, don’t let me down]

Realizing that the red-eyed squirrel had lost patience, Lester narrowed his eyes.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

During the long confrontation, the red-eyed squirrel approached the stationary Camille from four directions at the same time and launched the most fierce attack.

The muscles of the four tails tightened instantly, and the tail like a steel whip whipped at Camille with a sound of breaking through the air. In Lester's eyes, Camille had only one way to avoid it, and all other ways of dealing with it would be useless. Injuried.

When the danger was getting closer and closer, Camille did not avoid it, nor did she use the dagger in her hand to block it. She just stood there with a stern smile.

"Thank you for using your life to let me see a new world."

The next moment, a cyan halo emerged from Camille's body. Most of the cyan mantra flowed towards the dagger in Camille's hand, while a small part was guided and absorbed by Camille's body.


Lester squinted his eyes. Time seemed to slow down at this moment. Four tails that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye slowly moved towards Camille from different directions. However, Camille's body still maintained its swift speed and easily got around it. The tail avoided the attack, and the strengthened cyan dagger in his hand slashed through the rat's tail one after another.

I thought Camille's counterattack was over, but Camille moved her steps again, using elegant dance steps to send the dagger into the head of each mouse, and then calmly returned to the original place.


Amid the whining of the mice, things in Lester's sight returned to normal speed. After several screams of fear, four red-eyed squirrels died at the same time. There were four more severed tails on the ground, but Camille maintained the same posture as before the action. .

There was a smile on Lester's lips, and he applauded the elegant dancers.

"Camille, you succeeded in doing it, even better than I imagined."

After hearing Lester's praise and applause, the girl suppressed the joy in her heart, but kept calm on her face, and bowed to the man not far away.

"It's not that Camille is good, it's that she was taught well by her superiors."

"Next, I'll release all the rats. Are you ready for trouble?"

With a curl of her lips, Camille easily held the dagger in her hand.

"Sir, I'm ready."


Under Lester's control, the remaining eight animal cages were opened at the same time. The sixteen red-eyed gray rats chatted squeakingly and cast angry and hateful glances at Camille. Their hunger was suppressed by their anger.

The overwhelmingly superior number of red-eyed squirrels rushed towards Camille, but Camille calmly wiped the edge of the dagger with the handkerchief in her pocket. She did not throw away the scarlet handkerchief until the first mouse approached.

Five seconds later, under the witness of Lester, sixteen red-eyed squirrels were swept by a cyan shadow, suddenly stopped in place, and burst into blood.


The red-eyed squirrels fell to the ground one after another, dying with their eyes open.

By the time the panting Camille took off her blindfold, Lester had already lit all the torches and sat on an iron bench.

"Sit down. Now that you have learned how to use spells, you have the ability to protect yourself in this city. It's time to tell you what's going to happen next."

"My subordinate understands."

After bowing respectfully, Camille calmed down her breathing and sat down opposite Lester. Although her body was exhausted, the girl held her chest up and raised her head with a solemn expression.

Nodding to Camille, Lester took out a white chewing stick and held it in his mouth, his narrow eyes reflecting a black abyss.

Camille's heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, the girl's breathing became short. This was the first time she felt such heavy pressure in Teacher Lester's eyes.

Only those who are familiar with Lester will know that whenever Lester shows this expression, it means many people will die.

"I have also told you a lot about this country. I like the Noxus Empire. In my eyes, she should have been a country destined to be great, but now it has become what it is now because of the stupidity of its rulers. Such a ghost look,

The current empire is like a puddle of decaying mud. Soldiers who died in battle do not receive the honors and medals they deserve. Orphans and widowed mothers are devoured by cowards who are afraid of war. Orphans do not have a healthy growth environment. Even if civilians pass It is difficult to change your status by joining the army, and you will lose nothing once you die.

I don’t know since when, this country has become a country where the capable people are supported by the incompetent. The strong give up their dignity in order to survive and are willing to become slaves of the nobles. Money has become more important than character. The prostitutes laugh at the peasant women who work hard with their hands. , even the Arena of Reckoning, which inherits the glory of warriors, has evolved into a dance party where the superiors publicly execute and humiliate the inferiors.

A hundred years ago, the people of the empire would cheer for the glorious victors, but now they only laugh at the tragic death of the tortured...

She shouldn't be like this, she should never be like this, and her founder would never want to see this situation.

I have always believed that a truly great country should have rules that most people agree with, and it should treat its people well.

Every one of her people should be well fed, clothed warmly, have a house to live in, and live with dignity. Only despicable and superficial rulers will use the most basic survival needs to control and consume the people's will and spirit, which will obliterate the people. Without passion and creativity, such a country will definitely have no future, let alone long-term development.

Only when everyone's survival needs are met, can the people be willing to unite and become a fist, can they stand up and be a human being, and become warriors who have no shame, believe in justice, and pursue courage and glory.

In this case, the people will feed their love back to their motherland to make the country stronger. The country and the people should have a complementary relationship. The country makes the people live better, and the people make the country stronger. The relationship between the country and the people is by no means an abnormal relationship between master and slave.

Camille, now Noxus has lost its centripetal force. There has been an irreparable rift between the people and the nobility of this country. In order to satisfy the quality of life of a very small number of people, most citizens of the empire cannot live with dignity.

Obviously the glory of the empire in the mouth of the nobles has become the best reason to oppress and humiliate the lower class people, but the nobles of this country want the kneeling people to use their lives to regain the lost glory on the battlefield. Why?

One by one, most of the ruling class in this country should be guillotined! Only by killing them until rivers of blood flow, can the moths in this country be completely wiped out! "

The atmosphere unknowingly became so heavy that Camille couldn't breathe. The little girl's face turned pale and her body trembled involuntarily. Fortunately, Lester realized this in time and withdrew his exposed murderous intent.

After regaining his composure, Lester whispered.

"Camille, will you join me in changing this country?"

Camille, who struggled to regain her mobility with the magical energy, knelt on one knee and looked up at the man in front of her.

He took a deep breath, clenched his fist with the girl's right hand and slapped it hard on her chest, and uttered the oath loudly.

"Your Majesty's goal is your subordinate's life direction! Camille is willing to follow you forever and devote her life to you!"

Staring into Camille's eyes, Lester also stood up, his face softening.

"I see ambition in your eyes. Besides power and status, tell me, Camille, what do you want?"

Thanks to [Little Xianyu Hero] for the 1,000 point reward. Now is the period of double monthly votes. Please vote more. This is the biggest encouragement to stay up late.

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