League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 656 Chapter654 Camille’s Choice

"I, can I really say it?"

Camille, who has a dashing appearance and is just like a tomboy, is acting a little unspeakable at the moment.

Lester smiled slightly, maybe this was the contrast between cuteness?

Pulling Camille up who was kneeling on the ground, Lester gently stroked Camille's jet black hair. He liked Camille's current hair color better than her old grandmother's gray hair color.

"Say it, as long as it's reasonable, I'll satisfy you."

Camille finally raised her head after taking courage, held Lester's hand tightly, and looked directly into Lester's soft eyes.

"Teacher, I want to raise the strongest descendant."

Lester was stunned and couldn't react at first. Only after noticing the girl's intimate body movements, Lester understood what Camille meant and couldn't help but froze.

Isn’t it difficult to give birth to a child?

At this point, Lester could only pretend not to know what he meant. It would be really embarrassing if he misunderstood Camille's meaning.

"The most powerful descendant... Oh, I understand, you want to pass on the method of using magic power, right? I don't have any objections here..."

"Of course not this!"

The originally shy girl suddenly puffed up her face, put her hands on her hips and pointed at the man who was pretending to be stupid.

"I mean, Teacher Lester is the most powerful in the world. I want to have a child with Teacher Lester, just like my parents gave birth to me.

If it is a boy, it will be called Custer, if it is a girl, it will be called Lemuel. The boy will become the most powerful warrior in the empire, and the girl will become the most beautiful little princess. Lester’s father and Camille’s mother will The little princess is held in the palm of my hand, so that she will not be wronged in the slightest..."

Seeing that Camille had already thought about the development of her child, Lester was also a little dumbfounded and quickly interrupted Camille's fantasy. This topic was not something to be discussed casually.

"Wait, Camille, don't talk about this yet... If I remember correctly, you seem to be only thirteen years old this year? Who taught you these strange knowledge?"

"Before leaving, my mother gave it to me..."

After repeated questioning, Lester finally figured out the culprit. It turned out to be Camille's mother Vicky who was imparting life lessons.

I'm afraid that in Vicky's eyes, Camille who was not pregnant was not considered integrated into her side at all. After all, Vicky gained her status by giving birth to Camille.

Among rich and powerful families, it is an unchanging principle that mother is more valuable than son.

"Listen, Camille."

Lester knelt down and stared at Camille seriously.

"There are many, many women who want to give birth to my blood, the number is beyond your imagination, but do you know why I have no direct descendants?"

Camille was stunned for a moment and then shook her head blankly. She didn't know the source of this problem.

Seeing that Camille was ready to accept the truth, Lester, who was not prepared to lie when Camille was at a loss, gave a cruel answer.

"Because no woman can withstand my power, and no woman can perfectly blend with my blood and create a new life.

Camille, the life level gap between me and other women is so big that it is impossible to make up for it with conventional methods. In my body, no power will be continued through blood division, because I am not old. As an immortal, I don't need to have offspring to pass on my influence, so I lose the need to have offspring.

Camille, you are very good, but you are still in the realm of mortals. The union between you and me will not produce children. "

After waiting for a long time, Camille regained her consciousness in a daze. Within a few words, she had experienced the ups and downs of life.

Fortunately, Lester did not deceive her. Sadly, it was difficult for her to achieve her goal. As Lester said, although she was special, she was not so special that she broke the boundaries of power.

Putting his hand on Camille's shoulder, Lester smiled and shook his head.

"So, change your wish."

"...But, I don't want to give up just like that. Teacher Lester, can I find a way to solve the problem on my own?"

Seeing Camille, a child who never looked back until she hit the wall, Lester felt helpless.

Now that things have come to this, we can't dampen Camille's enthusiasm for fighting. For now, Camille plays an important role in the plan to control Noxus. Only when you have a goal can you have motivation. This is a good thing.

What's more, it's little Camille who wants to be her own woman, so she won't suffer any loss.

Taking a deep breath, Lester nodded, agreeing with Camille's obsession.

"I promise you, Camille, work hard to become stronger and use your power to find any possibility. Maybe you can really find a special way to conceive my flesh and blood. I look forward to this day."

After the interlude, Lester, who had a slight headache, and Camille, who was satisfied, returned to their seats. As the two looked at each other, the atmosphere became serious again.

“In fact, what I want you to do this time is to use limited resources to form a secret force hidden in the Immortal Fortress to complete some shady tasks for me.

I will provide you with the money, weapons and equipment and necessary talents needed for initial development. After stabilizing, the development, economy and planning of the organization will be arranged by yourself. The leader of this secret organization is you, and you do not need to ask for help. Anyone who is responsible only needs to be responsible to me.

This mission will last ten or even twenty years. During this period, you must recruit subordinates who are loyal to you and personally cultivate talents. When necessary, I will provide you with sufficient support, including but not limited to outstanding talents. law and weapons,

I only have three requests:

First, this secret organization must not be exposed to the sun, let alone be associated with the Emerald Collar.

Second, in order to complete arduous tasks, the secret organization must have sufficient strength and must have the ability to assassinate, sabotage, or spy on intelligence and disrupt the situation. I will personally evaluate the process and results of each task released.

I allow failure, but I don’t allow failure due to stupidity. Remember this and avoid making stupid mistakes.

Third, this secret force must be completely controlled by you. I will not allow any out-of-control parts, let alone the existence of traitors. You must use your own way to eliminate the influence of traitors.

The above three points are all requirements that do not allow bargaining. It is up to you to decide how to avoid the worst result. I only want the result. "

The heavy pressure was seen on Camille's face, and the serious-looking Lester's expression softened slightly.

"The Immortal Fortress is heavily guarded and enemies are everywhere. In my opinion, this task is very difficult. It can be said that except you, I do not expect anyone to complete the task.

You are my student and the little princess I have watched since childhood. I don’t want to impose pressure on you that is not yours. Camille, if you feel embarrassed, you still have a chance to withdraw now.

If you choose to quit, I will arrange for you to go to the [Imperial War College], and then you will follow the path of a normal imperial soldier. With your character and ability, it is not a problem to become the best young general in the Emerald Territory. "

Camille lowered her head and thought carefully about what Lester said.

For her, attending a military academy and becoming an outstanding imperial general is definitely a good way out.

She naturally knows where the Imperial War College is. It can be said to be the most coveted military holy place in the entire continent of Valoran and even the entire world. Whether it is Demacia or Noxus, they are all secretly studying the management of the War College. and education model,

A variety of military theories are taught in the War College. There is no boundary between nobles and civilians, only age restrictions. Any Emerald Territory citizen who has passed the theoretical examination and physical test and is under the age of twenty-five is eligible to enter the War College. Further education.

Students who graduate from the War College will receive a personal ability assessment that will affect their lives. As long as they carry this assessment report with them, no matter where they go, countries and forces will offer them olive branches.

The youngest graduates can also join the Emerald Territory's legion and become low-level officers. Excellent graduates can even directly become military strategists of the Imperial Legion. By then, they can be promoted to mid-level officers as long as they fight a few battles with the legion.

This path was bright and open, but Camille considered another aspect.

The world is so big and there are so many talents in the Emerald Leaders. How many people can let Lord Demon Face directly issue tasks?

"I want to ask, if I complete Teacher Lester's mission, how far can I go compared to entering the War College?"

Lester smiled slightly, he didn't hate Camille's little greed.

"If you can complete the task I assigned you, you will have two ways to go.

The first is to go to the War College to complete further training. Judging from your achievements, after completing the study, you will be at least a senior officer. It is not a problem at all to become an imperial general.

The second is to join the Night Blade for training and try to win the supreme power of the Night Blade's number one assassin. "

Lester smiled lightly.

"With my support, defeat all competitors. At that time, you will be the leader of the Night Blade appointed by me personally. The intelligence resources of the entire empire will be at your disposal, and you will also control the Night Blade."

"The Blade of Night, the number one assassin..."

Camille's body trembled with numbness in her scalp. Her family knew about her family affairs. The glamorous secret agent organization of the Philos family could be said to be a castrated version of the Assassin Council. If it hadn't been for the efforts of several generations of chief secret agents to improve, the secret agent organization would not have existed at all. Will have the current strength and status,

Even so, the secret agents of the Philos family were feared in Piltover. The sharp blades in the hands of the secret agents killed countless enemies hiding in the dark.

And what does the Blade of Night mean?

If the secret agents of the Feros family are the castrated version of the Assassin Council of the Noxus Empire, then the Assassin Council is the grandson of the Night Blade. The Assassin Council was basically established by the empire in imitation of cats and tigers.

The Emerald Territory's Night's Edge is a true invisible blade, the Shadow's Edge. Regardless of the assassin's level or training method, the Night's Edge is the undisputed number one in Valoran.

No one knows how the Blade of Night trains assassins. People only know that everyone who has seen the true face of the Blade of Night assassin has turned into a cold corpse.

There is no comparison between Night Blade and Secret Agent.

Camille thought that the road she followed Lester would be broad, but she never thought that this road would actually lead to supreme authority.

[Brother, you don’t know what you’ve missed. This is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step]

Camille's delicate face was slightly distorted as she was ecstatic. With great difficulty, the girl suppressed her excitement, knelt down on one knee and bowed her head in salute.

She knew that she had made a choice that she would never regret.

"Lord Leicester, I will use my life to complete the mission you gave me and become the sharpest sword of shadow in your hands!"

After leaving some tasks for Camille that needed to be completed in the early stage, it was considered that the matter regarding Camille was completely settled. Lester naturally gave Camille his first gift.

It was a magic crystal sheathed one-handed sword made of Hex crystal as the energy core and a variety of precious high-level magic materials.

In addition to the Hex magic craftsmanship, the Crystal Longsword also has two magical states, [Ice Attribute] and [Fire Attribute] that can be activated by Hex Crystal. It can be said to be a masterpiece of Jade Collar weapon craftsmanship. In terms of functional attributes, it is much better than Leicester's own magic steel sword Luoxia.

The crystal sword appears azure in the sunlight, and the sword body looks like jade glass. After stimulating the Hex Crystal in a low-light or no-light environment, it can become invisible and shadowless, or it can be transformed into fire and ice attributes.

The long sword is about 130 centimeters long, has double-edged edges, and has a sword guard. Its style is cold and capable, which perfectly matches Camille's personal temperament.

In order to commemorate Camille's life path that was changed beyond recognition by him, Lester named it "Green Steel Shadow". To his surprise, Camille seemed to like this name very much.

Immortal Fortress, High Command,

Brown Darkwill rarely lost facial control, and his majestic face looked a little stupid, looking unbelievable.

"Gone? That person, he, he just left like that?"

It is no surprise that his master would look like this. In fact, Jennings himself was not much better when he got the news.

"Yes, this is the news sent back by Miss Tiknis. It is absolutely serious. Lord Demon Face has led the Dark Guard and the supply army to leave the Immortal Fortress, and the Emerald Leader warship at the port has also left."

Brown Darkwill, who stood up from his seat and looked a little more relaxed, soon frowned again and paced for a long time. Brown suddenly looked at Jennings.

"He went to deal with Timothy? What did this girl Ticnis say?"

"Miss Tiknis said she doesn't know the purpose of Lord Demon Face's march."

"You useless guy, I should have a more beautiful and smarter daughter!"

Brown continued to move forward, and the military power of the Emerald Territory quickly appeared in his mind.

"There are two thousand people in the Dark Guard and 10,000 in the chaotic logistics corps. What does he want to do with just a few people? Those old guys in Timothy have a combined strength of hundreds of thousands. He doesn't want to go there. Negotiate?"

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