League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 676 Chapter674 The plan cannot keep up with the changes

News of the disastrous defeat of the 80,000-strong coalition led by Grand Duke Glinton spread like a storm, followed by rumors that the Emerald Leader's 100,000-strong army was about to arrive at the border.

For a time, people in the southern border of the empire were panicked. Those in power seized strong men and confiscated the remaining food from the civilians. The rich moved their assets further south at any cost. The poor farmers hoped that the Emerald Territory would take control of the chaotic southern border of the empire as soon as possible and bring peace. Before a stable life becomes stable, the sudden chaos is enough to kill most people.

As if smelling rotten eggs, countless flies swarmed around,

Under the control of some people with ulterior motives, many underground associations under the name of the Emerald Territory emerged in Valx and Nokland. These underground associations, which are no different from the underworld, unleash violence in civilian areas without distinction, causing all kinds of chaos. Such chaos, he did everything he could to bully men, dominate women, and embezzle property.

In addition, Shurima's slave trading group and Bilgewater's pirates have also set their sights on the fertile land in the southern border of the empire. They continue to create missing persons cases and attacks on coastal villages, as if they regard the southern border of the empire as a A hunting ground for whatever you want.

In order to deal with the increasingly severe security problems, Nokland and Varquez adopted a curfew policy and mobilized most of their troops to garrison the two main cities. Even so, they could not suppress the panic and despair of the civilians. More and more people Choose to escape the brutal rule of Timothy.

On this day, Timothy sat in the main seat of the Magic Conference Hall with a gloomy face, quietly waiting for the mage to complete the super-distance spiritual link. After the three mages completed the link, Timothy spoke.

"I just received news that Lord Demon Face is leading his legion eastward. His target must be Nokland. This is the best opportunity to rob and kill. Old guys, I need your help."

"How's it going over there in Glinton?"

In a slightly heavy atmosphere, Jerry Ford was the first to ask.

"Now a civil war is breaking out at Fort Calisto. It seems that Grant, Glinton's good-for-nothing son, can't suppress those veterans. The winner has not yet been decided. Fort Calisto cannot be relied on..."

Having said this, Timothy suddenly looked at Acheson.

Among the four people, Acheson was the only one who controlled the giant city of Varkes. He was somewhat unpredictable. Now it seems that this is not a bad thing.

Being elusive means that Acheson has secrets, and secrets often play a big role when danger approaches.

"Brother Acheson, the Emerald Territory has already invaded the city, and there is no use in smearing it. I remember you told me that there is a way to deal with the Dark Guard. At this time, don't hide it. I owe you one, brother. Favor.”

Where Timothy could not see, Acheson was lying lazily on the velvet bed enjoying the service of the handsome man. He glanced at the skinny old man beside the bed who looked no different than a skeleton, and spoke calmly.

"Brother Timothy, the Dark Guard seems to only have 2,000 people, right? Your Nockland has recruited 200,000 troops, plus the food and grass we support you, no matter what you say, you can do it within a week. Defeat those two thousand people, right? Or are you scared out of your wits by the Emerald Leader, brother?"

After hearing this, Timothy's already ugly face became even more livid, but now that he had someone to ask for, he couldn't get angry.

"Whether it's Brewster Castle or Glinton's coalition forces, every time we have a real battle with the Emerald Territory, monsters suddenly appear and cause havoc. The Emerald Territory doesn't even need to send troops to reap the consequences.

One time might have been an accident, but it was like this twice, which is enough to show that the Emerald Territory really colluded with the devil. Tell me, how can we win this battle? "

Jerry Ford smiled wryly from the sidelines.

"I didn't expect that the original frame-up would actually turn out to be true. It's quite ironic now that I think about it."

"Yeah yeah."

Ignati Woods nodded in agreement. No matter what decision they made, Ignati Woods would nod in agreement. Several others were already used to seeing Ignati Woods who had no independent opinions but was decisive, except for some inexplicable Apart from being unhappy, I don’t have any unnecessary thoughts.

"It's not impossible to win, it just depends on how far brother Timothy is willing to go?"

With red eyes, Timothy stared at the mage representing Acheson.

"If Lord Demon Face doesn't die, I will die. How far do you think I am willing to go? Do you want me to cut off my own head to prove it to you?"

Even though he was thousands of miles away, Acheson was startled by Timothy's eyes. The majestic elephant shell shrank like an eggplant beaten by frost.

After being resuscitated several times without success, most men would probably be furious. However, Acheson sighed, then patted the manservant on the shoulder and motioned for the manservant in front of him to come behind him.

For him, the palms and backs of his hands are all meat, so he can eat whatever he likes.

"Hey, brother, don't be angry. Oh, we are just grasshoppers on the same rope. Ah, just now I just wanted to know if my plan would work... Well, it's right here, yes, now I already know what brother's plan is. I am determined, in this case, ugh... I am willing to be gentle, I mean go all out, and deal with the Demon Faced Lord together with my brother."

Intermittent voices, loud and quiet, came from the mage's mouth, and the other three people present wondered for a while whether there was a problem with the magic link.

Although he didn't know what happened to Acheson, Timothy's face looked much better.

"In that case, you might as well tell me your solution."

"Well, okay, just wait a moment, huh..."

As if taking a deep breath, Acheson's voice appeared again, no longer the short and high-pitched voice before.

"I just happened to recover a black mage who is proficient in ancient Icathian necromancy. As long as I arrange the formation in advance and sacrifice a large number of souls, I can summon powerful undead creatures.

In fact, there is no need for me to make any extra sacrifices. People will die in wars anyway. When the necromancer from my side passes, brother, you just need to prepare some materials and cooperate with him to complete the magic circle in the city.

After the formation is completed, I will send the soldiers from the Emerald Territory into the city to fight. There is no need to worry about military and civilian casualties.

If you defeat the demon-faced lord's army, the magic circle will naturally lose its effect. This is the best thing. But if you lose, don't worry. The more people die, the more undead creatures you summon. The stronger it is, when the time comes I will evacuate Knockland in advance, and my Necromancer will naturally activate the formation.

When the time comes, the Demon-Faced Lord will be trapped in the city, and the Necromancer will summon various powerful undead creatures to wipe out the Demon-Faced Lord and his soldiers.

After I defeat the Demon Faced Lord, I can just push all the casualties to the Jade Leader who colluded with the devil. Then the crisis will be resolved naturally.

Once Lord Demon Face dies, Commander Brown, who is angry because the Emerald Territory refuses to review the mission, will definitely declare war on the Emerald Territory. The Kingdom of Northland and the Principality of Valoran will also take action at the same time. By then, we will form a hundred alliances with the mainland countries. The Wanlian Army attacked the main force of the Emerald Territory heading south. After eating this main force, the Emerald Territory was no longer a threat.

By then, without the Emerald Territory to suppress the other countries, the war will inevitably break out again. By then, our Empire’s Southern Alliance may not be able to make some achievements...

I wonder what I think of this plan? "

Attracted by the future described by Acheson, the old Timothy could not recover for a while. It was not until Jerry Ford coughed that Timothy nodded.

"Is the plan feasible? What kind of necromancer can do such a thing?"

Looking at the terrifying old skeleton again, Acheson whispered.

"Lobito, this is his name. His temper is not very good, but his strength is unquestionable. Brother Timothy, don't worry too much."

The magic link was interrupted, and Acheson lingered with his male favorite for a while before getting up from the bed and kneeling in front of the skeleton old man.

"Sir Lobito, the matter has been completed according to your instructions, what should we do next?"

The old man, who had maintained the magic link without speaking, finally opened his mouth. The old man was not angry at Acheson's neglect, but spoke in a dry and ancient Noxian language.

"Little guy, who do you think is the traitor planted by Jade Collar?"

Recalling the experience of the magic meeting, Acheson whispered respectfully.

"I think Jerry Ford has a high possibility. His territory, Bolburg, is close to the ocean and has built the Half Moon Bay Port. It is a maritime trade hub for the Southern Continent and the Northern Continent. He has many opportunities to contact the Emerald Territory. He must have been attracted by it for a long time. Jade Leader bribed and reached a cooperative relationship."

Hearing this, the skeleton old man Lobito shook his head, and his sunken cheekbones opened and closed, making the sound of a beast grinding his teeth.

"That's wrong, it's another little guy who's been pretending to be stupid. I have to say, this little guy is quite interesting."

Acheson was stunned, and the appearance of Ignati Woods suddenly appeared in his mind, which was quite unbelievable.

"You mean, Ignati Woods is the spy of the Emerald Territory? How could the Emerald Territory choose an idiot like Ignati Woods to be the traitor?"

Lobito smiled faintly.

"You said that little guy is an idiot? Little guy Acheson, didn't you see that?"

After finally accepting the fact that the stupid gourd Ignati Woods was a traitor, Acheson, who was a little ashamed, spoke again.

"Sir Lobito, this junior is blind...wait a minute, since Lord Lobito has figured out that Ignati Woods is a traitor, then the plan just now must have been used to deceive the Emerald Territory with false information?"

With a weird smile, Lobito nodded appreciatively.

"Yes, the plan I told you just now is just a cover-up. The traitor will definitely pass false information to Lester. In order to destroy the plan, Lester and his legion will definitely not enter the city."

"Then what?"

"Then it's not something that little guy like you can know. Remember, do your own thing well. The more you know, the faster you will die."

With awe in his heart, Acheson leaned down thoughtfully.

"Thank you, Mr. Lobito, for your advice."

Watching Lobito teleport away and knowing how powerful the forces he was coming into contact with were, Acheson made a certain decision.

In the wilderness, which was still three days away from Knockland, an army was slowly advancing.

"Lord Lester, the information is here."

A dragon dove flew across the sky and landed on the back of Parame's hand.

After taking down the magic secret letter, Parame used magic to decipher the content of the letter and handed it to Lester in the carriage through the car window.

After reading it from the beginning, Lester frowned.

"Parame, come in."

Parame, the magic liaison officer of Night Blade, was stunned for a moment, then jumped off his horse without hesitation and walked into Lester's car.

"grown ups?"

"Look at this information."

After receiving the information, Parame did not dare to neglect and read every line of words carefully. After a minute, Parame put down the secret magic letter.

"Do you think this information is true or false?"

After thinking for a moment, Parame lowered her voice.

"If that puppet knows that we have planted a traitor, this information must be false. Otherwise, it is very likely to be true. The most critical issue now is that we don't know whether [Ba Ge] has been exposed."

"There is no doubt that [Myna] has been exposed. No matter how good his acting skills are, he can't deceive those old foxes in the underworld who have lived for thousands of years. And they also know that we already know that they have discovered [Myna]. This is all a show."

"Then this information is false. On the surface, that person wants to use Timothy and others to make us use rat weapons and not dare to attack the city. But in fact, he has other purposes. Maybe he is delaying time?"

Lester shook his head.

"He is very good at using conspiracy. Although he can also use conspiracy, it will never be the decisive factor.

This information had lost all value the moment Starling was exposed. Now it is nothing more than an eyesore. Let's burn it. "

Nodding, a flame rose in Parame's hand, burning the precious magic letter into white ash.

"Then Master Lester, what should we do?"

"Have you found a replacement?"

"Find it."

After thinking about it, Lester said in a deep voice.

"Send a message to [Myna]."

"say what?"

"Just say, don't worry, Jade will take good care of his family."

"Secret message with magic?"

"On regular letter paper."

"I understand, then shall we move forward?"

"No, we won't rest tonight. We will return to Brewsterburg overnight."

The dragon and pigeon, who did not show any signs of fatigue, returned again, but when they were flying at normal speed, they were grabbed to the ground by powerful magic power and fell into the forest.

Lobito put his hand on Long Ge's little head, and Long Ge quickly gave up struggling and became calm.

Taking out the letter from the mailbox, Lobito opened it and frowned deeply.

Seeing this, a tall, thin man took the initiative to come to Lobito's side.

"Sir Lobito, what's the problem?"

"This guy, hum... Bean, don't work in vain, recycle all the materials that can be recycled."

Putting the letter paper back into the mailbox, Lobito released the awakened dragon and pigeon and watched the dragon and pigeon continue to fly eastward.

Under the cover of night, five thousand undead legionnaires and twenty soul mages who had gained physical bodies walked out of the hidden magic circle, and disappeared in the sudden rise of gray mist in the blink of an eye.

From beginning to end, the birds on the treetops and the animals in the forest were comfortably bathed in the moonlight, enjoying a sweet sleep.

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