League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 677 Chapter675 Another Road

In the underworld, the souls floating in the River Styx turn into bits of starlight like the Milky Way. The souls leaving the material realm surround a tall figure hundreds of meters tall. They return to silence in the washing of the River Styx, or become the most spiritual. Pure soul energy waiting to be reshaped,

The yellow-brown straw robe is slightly shabby,

Compared with nine hundred years ago, the rickety figure wearing the mask seemed a little tired, and even the blue soul light in the double holes of the mask seemed a little dim.

The person who controls the river of the underworld is the creator of the Mask Spirit, the Mother of Masks who has the authority over the dead.

The underworld energy surged, and ripples appeared in the closed space. As a white soul path appeared, the purple-gray arms of the Mother of Masks that had not stopped for a hundred years slowly lowered.

The Creator of the Masked Spirit lowered his head and stared at his daughter who was walking towards her toes with her head lowered.

The Mother of Masks soon noticed that her favorite sheep spirit mirror claw did not carry the inseparable wolf spirit, let alone the underworld artifact that had never left her hand.

"Mirror Claw, where are your weapons?"

The voice of the masked mother was very plain, lacking a bit of the joy she once felt when seeing her good daughter.

The weapons in the hands of the masked spirits symbolize the power of the underworld and are also powerful tools against the undead army. It is just a matter of not wanting to make progress. Losing the weapons is the most unforgivable sin.

Looking up at the Titan-like Mother of Masks, feeling the severity of the Mother of Masks, the Sheep Spirit's mask was a little shaken.

"I'm very confused now, mother. Before I respond, I want to ask you a few questions, okay?"

Staring at the sheep spirit, which was as small as dust, the Mother of Masks put down her palm, letting the sheep spirit jump in her hand, and slowly raised it to her eyes.

Standing next to the eyes of the Mother of Masks, the sheep spirit is not even as big as the down of the Mother of Masks.

"Tell me, my child, what do you want to know?"

Putting his hand on his sheep spirit mask, Mirror Claw's trembling body gradually calmed down.

"We have been fighting Mordekaiser for more than a thousand years, winning victory after victory. Why are my brothers and sisters getting fewer and fewer, and my enemies getting more and more?

Nowadays, Mitna Rachen's soul obelisk covers nearly half of the underworld. The number of souls falling into the River Styx has decreased by a quarter, and the quality is getting worse and worse.

Mother, is this battle destined to fail from the beginning? Wouldn't our sacrifice, our determination to maintain Styx's stability be meaningless then? "

The Mother of Masks rarely spoke. She just lowered her head and sighed. The withered yellow tattered robe made of Netherworld Grass had a few more holes in it.


"I didn't expect that my favorite daughter would ask such a question..."

"Mother, I just want to know the real answer."

"Child... This is our established mission and the meaning of our existence. My child, as long as we exist, we must maintain it, even if we are destined to fail."

Use the other fingertip to tap the head of the sheep spirit. The voice of the Mother of Masks vibrates the river of souls. Thousands of souls that were weakened in the washing due to being too evil were directly shaken away and turned into crystal light like flowing fireflies. point.

The Mother of Masks had to soften her tone and speak the Rachen language in a low voice.

"From the moment I put on the mask, from the moment you put on the mask, we became prisoners of the mask and can never take it off again.

The ancient gods have long since perished in chaos, and the power of order has left Runeterra. The evil god behind Mordekaiser... is just one of them,

There are too many evil forces spying on our world, but as long as we continue for another thousand, one hundred, or even ten years, we will not be considered as dishonoring the mission behind us.

This should be understood when we choose to wear a mask. The mask means the responsibility of maintaining the reincarnation of the two worlds. Even the God of Death will dissipate in front of the River Styx if he cannot fulfill his responsibility. The Void Spirit Evil Owl was born for this.

Even if I created the Void Spirit and Evil Owl, if no one in the material realm remembers the name of the God of Death, he will die when all things are silent.

Son, we had no choice from the beginning,

We are born here, and we are destined to die here. We should understand that although we are in charge of the authority of the underworld, what we obtain is only the incomplete parts left after the death of the gods. In fact, we are no different from prisoners.

As regulators, we have limited abilities. We can maintain this world that should have been destroyed five hundred years ago until now, and then continue it for a hundred years, waiting for the world to save itself. This is the meaning of our efforts and sacrifices. . "

The heavy words made Yang Ling feel a little desperate. Maybe it was because she had given up on herself by throwing away her weapon. The Mother of Masks chose to put the cold facts in front of her eyes.

From the moment the gods died and the barrier of order shattered, the world lost all hope. All prosperity and peace in the material realm were like a mirror, and would break and dissipate like colorful bubbles under the sun at any time.

Just like Mordekaiser, who has been blessed by the power of another world, can stably take root in the underworld and gradually encroach on the land and power of the underworld. In addition to the evil gods of the world that Mordekaiser believes in, the void, astral spirits, hell, evil The earth, as well as those evil forces that cannot be known but can secretly corrode the world through projections, are also attacking Runeterra.

Otherwise, how could Mordekaiser alone be able to fight against the Mother of Masks who holds the power of the underworld.

"Mother, can we just watch this happen?"

Regarding the sheep spirit's question, the Mother of Masks was silent for a while before asking in reply.

"Mirror Claw, I smell a human vitality on your body. Did your weapon stay on that visitor from another world?"

Not thinking about hiding anything, Yang Ling nodded and said nothing.

"Can you tell me your reason?"

"Mother, you said that there is only one way to revive this world, and that is to have a fire that controls the power of all gods and use divine power to reshape the world.

In addition to recovering powerful souls, the hunting orders you have arranged for me over the years also have the meaning of searching for this fire. In the end, we found Lester. I feel that leaving the soul-capturing bow to Lester is better than me hunting. A soul or Mordekaiser's soldiers would make more sense.

Mother, Lester has proven his ability, but you still don't recognize him. I don't understand the meaning of this. "


After hearing the name Lester, the Void Spirit Evil Owl appeared out of thin air, holding the shoulders of the Mother of Masks with both feet, looking at the sheep spirit with a pair of indifferent soul eyes.

The Mother of Masks gently stroked the wings of the Void Spirit Evil Owl with her hand and explained patiently.

"Child, we don't know yet whether Lester is the Tinder, but what he did is tantamount to betrayal. He used his soul to raise demons and sold his soul to demons from other worlds. For this reason alone, I will not recognize his identity. He If it was fire, how could he do such a despicable thing?"

Glancing at the Void Spirit Evil Owl who was staring at him, the Sheep Spirit turned his head and stared intently at the masked spirit's eyes.

"If all this is to save the world that you say is hopeless, mother, wouldn't you admit it, mother?"

Before the Mother of Masks, whose eyes were getting colder, could speak, the Void Spirit Evil Owl opened her mouth, a red light flashed in her eyes, and made a hoarse and cold voice.

"Kindred, have you forgotten your identity by being so disrespectful to the Mother of Masks?"

Yang Ling paid no attention to Xu Ling Xie Xiao.

"Mother! Are you protecting the mask spirit's doctrine or this world?"

"Ga! Ga! Ga!"

Sensing the emotional fluctuations of the Mother of Masks, the Void Spirit Evil Owl flapped its wings and made a threatening cry, like a crow calling for death.

Under the gaze of the sheep spirit, the Mother of Masks took one last look at the mask on the sheep spirit's face, slowly lowered her palm, and let the sheep spirit return to the ground.

"Mitna Rachen has established a temporary portal. Kindred, get your weapons back and take the wolf to find out what Mordekaiser wants to do?"

Taking a half-step back in disappointment, Yangling lowered his head and turned away silently.

"Mother of Masks, can you allow me to supervise?"

After the sheep spirit left, the Void Spirit Evil Owl turned to look at the Mother of Masks without showing much awe.

The Mother of Masks said.

"No need. After Qian Jue leaves, you will take over the area she is responsible for."


The Void Spirit Evil Owl responded, fluttered his wings and left.

As the last insurance against the corruption of the mask spirit, he is born with the urge and desire to hunt the mask spirit, and can naturally suppress or even kill the mother of masks. Therefore, he will not be afraid of the mask maker who created his own, but he has not yet taken action. At this time, although he was a little unhappy, the virtual evil owl could only accept the order.

When the sheep spirit left the Styx space, a short but fierce hunting battle ended quickly in a certain jungle in Ionia.

The wolf spirit bit out a piece of blood and finally let go of its mouth. The black rose female mage who had been dead for a long time fell into a pool of blood. The marked soul flew to the River Styx under the guidance of the mark, perfectly avoiding the underworld. Obelisk of the Soul of Mitna Rachen.

The wolf spirit was not happy after completing the hunt. Looking at the empty forest, the wolf spirit lay beside the corpse and stared blankly at the tree trunk, looking a little lonely.

He missed the sheep, but the sheep never came to him.

With a sigh, the wolf closed his eyes a little lonely. His life was actually not easy.

In the past hundred years, due to Mordekaiser's active plunder and a series of other factors, although the population of Runeterra has been gradually increasing, the total mass of souls has been rapidly decreasing.

In order to cope with the dwindling soul quality, and to prevent powerful souls from falling into the hands of Mordekaiser, the Masked Spirit began to actively hunt mages with tough souls to make up for the loss of souls and allow the Styx to operate normally.

The quality of the soul is related to personal talent and personal lifespan. People with strong souls not only live a long life, but are also born with strong affinity for magic. They can get twice the result with half the effort during meditation.

The arcane mage is one of the best, and Syndra, who has the talent for dark element magic, is a very extreme example.

In the past, Runeterra could still see many groups of mages walking around the world. Under the active hunting of mask spirits, it is now difficult to see people with magical talents. The surviving mages either hide their whereabouts or live in a corner. A Buddhist life.

Newborns are getting weaker and weaker, and the average life span of human beings is getting shorter and shorter. There are very few children who can master strange talents and magical talents from birth. The magic power of other continents is declining at an accelerating rate, and only in Ionia. The newly born land blessed by the spirit still retains the most original magical environment.

Therefore, Ionia is also the main hunting ground for wolf spirits.

As if sensing something, the wolf suddenly opened his eyes, stood up vigilantly, stared at the middle-aged man who appeared in front of him, and opened his fangs.

The middle-aged man wears a simple green robe, his long hair is tied back, and he wears a light green gemstone headband. He exudes terrible oppression. He is the reincarnation of the contemporary Ionian spirit, Karma.

Karma glanced at the Black Rose mage, who was obviously not an Ionian, and her frown relaxed a little.

"Qianjue, your frequent appearances have caused panic among the Ionia people. Even though you are not hunting Ionian mages, I cannot continue to allow you to continue hunting in Ionia, at least not for another year. .”

Knowing that he had taken the initiative to work a lot of overtime due to a bad mood recently, and that he had hunted too many people and caused fear among the Ionians, the wolf spirit did not refute anything. After all, the Mother of Masks and the Spirit of Ionia After establishing the alliance, let alone his ability, he really couldn't attack Karma.

Just thinking this in his heart, the wolf still maintained his 'majestic' look, baring his teeth and grinning. At least he had to hold on to his momentum.

"Spirit of Ionia, you should not interfere with my hunting...but the hunting grounds of Ionia have been cleared, so I will give you a face and go to the next hunting ground."

Knowing that he had persuaded the wolf spirit, Karma also breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of these mask spirits, but he doesn't want to fight against the messengers of the Mother of Masks unless he has to.

"Why haven't I seen the sheep spirit recently?"

Hearing this, the bared-toothed wolf spirit withered like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Sheep, she has more important things to do...more important things than hunting with me..."

"Something more important?"

Although she was somewhat curious about the whereabouts of the sheep spirit, Karma was not someone who liked gossip, especially since the wolf spirit looked in pain, making it even more inappropriate to inquire further here.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need for him to stay any longer.

Karma turned and left. The wolf spirit lay alone on the ground feeling sad, but the sheep spirit walked out of the soul realm. The sad wolf didn't even realize that the companion he missed had come behind him.

Noticing the loss of the wolf spirit, the sheep spirit sighed softly, bent down and hugged the wolf spirit, and put his face against the wolf's forehead.

Surrounded by the familiar feeling, the wolf spirit was stunned and suddenly turned from sadness to joy, its tail between its legs rotating rapidly like a fan.

"Sheep, you're back!? You must be very busy this time, right? Take a rest, I've already..."

But Yang Ling said something that made Wolf Ling stupid.

"Wolf, I've decided to take off my mask."

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