League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 859 Chapter857 Kesha’s problem

Something happened on Kesha's side, the void was about to move, and a lot of things were rolling in. Naturally, Lester couldn't continue to take Annie and Tibbers to visit the mountains and rivers. In fact, four days was not a long time, and it was enough for Annie. He left a deep impression. If nothing else, at least Anne would not easily draw a sword against him when she was in a mood.

For him, this is enough.

"Sister Anne, sister Rose has arranged a new training mission for you. It's time for us to go back."

After breakfast, Anne, who was fully expecting Lester to take her out to play, suddenly froze. Then her mouth flattened, her face wrinkled, and tears fell involuntarily. After wiping her left hand with her right hand, even Tibbers was stunned. There was no time to take it, but Anne remained silent.

Lester could see that Anne was really sad. He didn't expect this to be the case, so he quickly picked Anne up from the chair and comforted her.

"Annie, don't cry. Anne is a good child... Can you tell me why you are so sad?"

With Lester patting her back gently, Anne got some comfort and sobbed intermittently.

"I, I don't want to go back, I don't want... I don't want my brother to leave... Mom... Mom just leaves... never to see me again..."

Lester responded softly.

"But Annie is a student. If Annie doesn't go back, my brother will never see Annie again. Your teacher Rose will definitely not allow bad students to come out to play."


"Let's do this. Brother and Annie will make another agreement."

Lester stretched out his little finger and scratched the palm of Anne's hand, which made Anne burst into laughter.

"Annie grows up well and strives to become more powerful and defeat more monsters. Then you tell Teacher Rose that you want to hang out with me. If Teacher Rose agrees, I will definitely come to see Annie again. How about that?" "


"Really, come on, Lagou."

Calling Ryze, who rarely enjoys a peaceful life, through the teleportation circle, Lester took Gwen directly from the Immortal Fortress to Fidelite. The empire had entrusted Jax to go to Shurima to deal with the void problem, but It is necessary for Ryze and Jax to meet before Jax sets off. As for Gwen, it is not a bad idea to use it as a pendant for now.

Blues Tavern third floor,

Not as the emperor of the empire, but as a friend, Lester opened a customized private room and served the most popular dishes of the Noxian Empire.

Lester knew that neither Ryze nor Jax liked extravagance, so in addition to some fruit snacks that Gwen wanted to eat, Lester ordered all the local home-cooked dishes from Fidelette, which highlighted one tasty.

At the circular dining table, Gwen was closer to Lester, while Ryze was relatively close to Jax. Everyone took their seats. Before twelve meat and vegetable dishes and four plates of fruit snacks were placed, Lester opened three bottles. White wine, a bottle of ice-cold watermelon juice.

Only after pouring watermelon juice for Gwen did Lester bother to greet Riz and Jax, and Riz and Jax were used to Lester always being surrounded by beautiful women. Both of them were alive. A veteran who has lived for thousands of years will naturally not have any objections to a little girl.

Taking the initiative to pour two glasses of white wine for Ritz and Jax, Lester stood up and raised his glass to face his two close friends.

"It's rude of me to say that I usually treat you as a treat. This is the first time I've treated you seriously in such a long time. Things are urgent and I can't have a proper banquet in the palace. I can only make up for it next time. Well, I'll do it first as a courtesy, it's my luck, Leicester, to meet you."

Jax shook his head with a smile and glanced at Ryze calmly. He was not wearing a mask during this small gathering, and there was no need to wear a mask. After all, Ryze's situation was not much better than him. Compared with Ryze, In comparison, his appearance is just a bit ugly.

"With our relationship, there is really no need to say these foreign words. If you have to say it, I should ask you to rescue me from the Frost Guard Fortress. But you also know my situation. It would be good to have some food." , there’s definitely no money for a treat.”

Ruiz also had a rare smile on his face.

"I know you're busy, so it's not too late to hold a banquet when you're really free. What I don't lack most now is time.

The extremely natural and familiar behavior of the three of them made Gwen a little panicked. The girl hurriedly took a sip and drank more than half a glass of iced watermelon juice. She stood up without even having time to wipe the juice from the corners of her lips.

"Well, it tastes good! I drank it too!"

They couldn't help but laugh at Gwen's behavior. The three of them laughed as they sat down, making Gwen realize that his behavior might have made a fool of himself.

"Miss Gwen is not familiar with the world. Lester, you will be very busy in the future."

Jax winked, not looking particularly horrified.

"You are wrong. Miss Gwen is smart and smart. She doesn't need me to worry too much. Ruiz can testify."

After teasing Gwen and seeing the little girl almost burying her head on her chest in shyness, the three of them got down to business.

"Ritz, didn't you say you wanted to monitor Lester's condition? How do you feel as a supervisor these days? Will the world runes get out of control on Lester?"

Ruiz shook his head, his expression extremely complicated.

"In Lester, I only saw the control of power and the vastness of energy, but I never noticed the danger. Unlike other rune holders, Lester can perfectly control this world-destroying power...

To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I probably wouldn't have believed that there was a special being like Lester in this world. "

Jax filled himself up with amusement.

"So, are you ready to give up asking for runes from Leicester?"

"I will continue to assume the responsibility of the supervisor, but I should not have to observe Leicester's situation anytime and anywhere. Compared with the crisis faced by Rune Land now, the rune out of control is probably nothing."

Ryze told the truth, he had witnessed the threats of the Blood Dynasty and the Ruined Legion with his own eyes. Strictly speaking, Rune Calamity could not be compared with the two.

These words are expected. For Lester, if Ryze still only cares about the harm caused by the world runes, he may be very disappointed with the savior.

"Jax, now the void insect beasts of Icathia are sweeping towards the interior of Shurima continent. How will your Eternal Flame react?"

"There are some 'reactions'..."

Jax picked up the metal lamp post leaning against the leg of the table and showed Lester and Ryze the flames inside the lamp post.

"It seems brighter?"

Lester said with some uncertainty.

"I remember the last time the lampposts didn't shine so brightly."

"In addition, I can also feel a special power, which makes me feel scared and also makes me feel a little warm.

I have never been able to make up my mind to touch it. How to say, it is like a crystal that is very useful to me but very fragile. I cannot touch it rashly without being sure. So as not to break it. "

Jax sighed as he placed the lamp post back in its place.

"I'm afraid I still need more time to explore the mystery of the eternal flame. This void insect swarm in Icathia is a rare opportunity for me. Maybe I can find a suitable answer in the void insect swarm.

The only problem is that the warband may need some supplies... Ordinary weapons may not even be able to break the chitinous carapace of Void Bugs, which are a headache for even Ascended Ones, so how can we talk about killing them? "

"I would like to ask, how many members does your warband have now?"

Jax twirled three fingers repeatedly.

"One, two, three... one, two, three... If you and Ryze are included, twenty people should be able to gather together. They are all good at fighting, but they lack some supplies and weapons."

"Supplies and weapons are not a problem. You can prepare the weapons and armor you need in Fidelite in advance and bring them directly to the Shurima continent by ship. On the Shurima continent, you can also get the support of the Shurima Empire. .”

"Then there's no problem on my end. The members of the war gang are here to fight against the void together. As long as they have something to eat, that's all."

The meal lasted until the afternoon, when everyone parted ways and said goodbye to each other. The four of them were extremely happy. Even Gwen, who was enjoying the food, longed for Lester to take her through more meals.

In addition to meat, half of the vegetarian dishes and most of the fruits are eaten by Gwen. It seems that Gwen has a talent for foodies.

After thinking about it, Lester left the inner city and went to the outer city of Fidelite. As he got closer and closer to his destination, Lester suddenly found that the Kindred mark on the back of his hand was reacting. In addition, In addition, the void mark in his body that had been silent for a long time was also about to move, as if it had something to say to him.

The man's expression couldn't help but change, and he suddenly quickened his pace.

In order to avoid unnecessary danger, Kesha has been temporarily under house arrest in the Church of the Goddess of Wind since Priest Luisa detected the void mark in Kesha's body.

Facing the coercive measures of the Wind Priest, the Kassadins had no choice but to go to the church to check on their daughter after finishing their work every day.

House arrest is just a form of protection, and Priest Luisa will naturally not stop the couple from visiting regularly.

When the moon began to rise and the stars were shining brightly, Lester and Gwen arrived at the Church of the Goddess of Wind.

Lester, who explained his intention, showed his token, and was quickly brought to Louisa by the little nun. He waved the nun away, and Louisa locked the church door and directly opened the wind barrier. After doing all this, Louisa sacrificed He bowed to Leicester with trepidation.

It only said that someone would be responsible for Kesa's affairs, but it did not say that the person would be His Majesty the Emperor, the highest-ranking emperor in the Noxus Empire.

"Your Majesty is here in person, but Louisa cannot welcome you from afar. Please forgive me."

"Get up. There are no outsiders here. We are all followers of Janna. No need to be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Louisa secretly looked at Lester. Speaking of which, this was the first time she saw a real person face to face. She had only seen the emperor's face in a magic image during the church's internal training. It could only be said to be a magic image. Not even one-third as handsome as a real person.

With difficulty Louisa regained her composure.

Standing in front of her now is the founder of the church, the chosen one of the goddess, a legendary figure whose status is equal to that of Janna, the goddess of wind.

As a female priest who serves the Goddess of Wind wholeheartedly, she cannot be contaminated by the secular world and filth. She only has the responsibility to serve the Imperial Emperor who has a deep connection with the goddess. In fact, many people in Janna's church like to call the Imperial Emperor Be 'Father God' and be proud to serve Father God.

She had doubts about this before, but now that she met the 'Father God' in person, she suddenly understood why a pure, kind and beautiful goddess like Janna fell in love with the Father God, and even left the difficult life for the Father God. The abandoned Zuan became the patron saint of the empire.

Unexpectedly, countless thoughts flashed through Louisa's mind in just a few breaths, and Lester spoke softly.

"How is Kesha doing now?"

"Back to Your Majesty, Kesha's father and mother have just seen her. Now Kesha is in the magic secret room, and the void mark in her body has no special reaction."

"Take me to see it."

"Yes, Your Majesty, please come with me."

Every church in Janna will have a magic secret room. The so-called magic secret room is not a prison.

The magic chamber houses the statue of Janna, but it is actually a holy place where core believers communicate with the goddess through prayer.

After passing through the stone wall of the mechanism, the terrain became lower and lower. Under the light of the fluorite lamp, the three Lesters arrived at the magic secret room of the church.

Although she was entering her room, Louisa knocked on the door first. It was obvious that the Wind Priest gave the little girl enough respect.

The core believers of Janna were very satisfied, and Lester was in a good mood. Of course, this was also related to the Kindred mark that was emitting heat on the back of his hand.


"Sister Louisa, are you back?"

Kesha opened the door and looked at the unfamiliar face behind Luisa with some confusion, but no fear.

"Sister Louisa, who are they?"

Holding Kesha's little hand, Louisa introduced.

"This is the special envoy responsible for the mark of void in your body... This gentleman will be fully responsible for your affairs."

Lester took the initiative to step forward with a gentle face.

"My name is Lester, and this is Miss Gwen, little sister Keisha, nice to meet you."

Kesha suddenly realized and hammered her hand, as if she were a little adult.

"I see. So the void mark in my body can be lifted? I don't have to be confined here anymore?"

"What is the specific situation, I still need to check it myself... Priest Louisa, Miss Gwen, please stay away."

Kesha watched the gentle and kind Louisa and the beautiful sister she had never met leave. Only herself and the good-looking envoy were left in the secret room. Kesha felt a little embarrassed after realizing it.

"Don't be afraid, sister Kesha, can you give me your hand?"

After hesitating for a moment, Kesha held out her small hand, which was gently held by Lester's big hand.

Before Leicester could use his life energy to probe Kesha's body, the void mark in the man's body suddenly erupted with dazzling purple light, and the screams of the Void Monitor penetrated the plane barrier and reached Lester and Kesha. in the ears.

"Betrayer! We found you!"

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