League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 860 Chapter858 There is also internal strife in the void

In response to the roar from the monitor, the void mark in Kesha's body seemed very calm, even calm.

The mark responded with a solemn and confident female voice.

"You who have been locked out of the world for thousands of years and unable to adapt to the world are destined to be dead bones buried in the tombs. Retreat, this world does not belong to you, otherwise I will destroy the void world together... "

The words of the two powerful beings stopped abruptly, and then what echoed in the minds of Lester and Kesha was an unrecognizable murmur in the void, which seemed to be cursing. Anyway, the listeners had splitting headaches.

Unlike a veteran like Lester, under the dual mental impact of the monitor and the unknown void consciousness, Kesha used the simplest way to protect herself - she passed out directly.

Because the repeater stopped operating, the connection between the voids was severed. Lester quickly supported Kesha who was about to fall, frowning.

On the other side, Louisa did not expect such a result. The Wind Goddess Priest looked at Lester with a worried look. She saw the solemnity on Lester's face, which made her very uneasy.

Obviously things are not that simple to solve.

After so many days of getting along, she has fallen in love with the smart, humble and courageous Shuriman girl. At this moment, she naturally does not want Kesha to be in any danger.

"Your Majesty, Kesha..."

Lester looked at the Goddess of Wind Priest, who was concerned but confused, and spoke in a slightly serious tone.

"Keisha is fine. Louisa, you take Gwen out first. Just leave this place to me. You are not allowed to come in without my instructions."

After the worried Louisa left with the confused Gwen, Lester held Kesha on the bed, laid his hand on Kesha's smooth forehead, and carefully used the power of runes to check Kesha's condition.

After half a cup of tea, Lester breathed a sigh of relief and began to use life energy to nourish Kesha's shocked spirit.

"Fortunately, I just suffered some mental tremors. The problem is not very serious. However, the new void consciousness is evenly matched with the monitors. It seems that so many years of dormancy have given the new void consciousness the capital to compete with the monitors. I’m afraid this Icathia riot is not that simple, a test? Or is it a sign before a full-scale war? I don’t know.”

Immediately, Leicester thought about the contradiction between the forces of the void. It can be seen from the angry attitude of the monitor that compared to letting Runeterra return to nothingness, the monitor at this time wanted to eliminate the traitors in the void. The principle of "safeguarding the internal affairs first" makes sense from the supervisor's side.

Cooperating with the void is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. We must be cautious and not let the void take advantage of us.

Lester recalled the confrontation between the Void Consciousness just now, and decided to have a face-to-face talk with the Monitor. Compared with the extremely aggressive Icathian Void Will, the Monitor is more suitable to be an 'ally', and maybe he can also Find a way to lift the star realm seal from the void.

His thoughts returned to the black-haired girl, but he had trouble getting rid of the void mark in Kesha's body. After hesitating, Lester was about to try to use the power of runes to slowly eat away at the mark. Unexpectedly, the void mark seemed to feel threatened. Generally, a burst of void energy suddenly rushed out, trying to repel Lester.

The items in the room were swept to the ground. From the purple light waves that hit his face, Leicester accurately sensed the emotions hidden in the mark. This was a arrogant, harsh and angry rebuke like a queen, full of anger. He was so condescending and domineering that he treated him like an insect.

As a result, Lester was also angry, not only because Kesha had the Seal of Kindred, but also because of this rude offense.

"Who do you think you are, a turtle hiding in a dark corner!? You dare to steal someone from me?"

It seems like you are in a fantasy ocean of fluorescent purple, or like some kind of maternal womb that makes people willing to fall into deep sleep.

There are only dull but real sounds of bubbles and water waves in my ears, and at my feet are the endless ancient Shurima buildings.

Tens of thousands of strange purple fish of all kinds shuttle among them. Among the strange fish, there are some monsters with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, and their eyes are covered with a layer of scales. From the appearance, these strange fish look extremely scary, full of aggression and aggression. sex.

Kesha stood there in fear, not daring to move at all. What was puzzling was that these strange fish did not attack her, but instead took the initiative to bypass her position and make way for her.

Rather than thinking about why she was in such a dreamy scene, it was more incredible to say that an ordinary human like her could move freely in such a dangerous ocean.

Before boarding the Noxian ship, she had been living in the village of Bogus outside Rock Valley and had never seen the face of the ocean.

If she hadn't personally seen the Sea of ​​Watchers that separates the continent of Valoran and Shurima, she might not have thought that the world's oceans were purple.

Just when she was a little hesitant, a group of devil rays that were different from other purple sea beasts came from the depths of the underwater ruins and rushed straight towards her. The rays' eyes flashed with anthropomorphic emotions, as if Impatience, anticipation, anger, and it seemed as if the above emotions were just an illusion created by herself.

Kesha couldn't tell what this emotion meant. She just felt that she was exposed to some extremely terrifying existence. After all, she was a girl who had never experienced many things. After the novelty wore off, Kesha became a little scared.

"Dad! Mom! Where are you?"

"Someone help me! Sister Louisa! Help!"

The devil ray was getting closer and closer. Kesha, who didn't want to be taken away by the ray, called in vain a few times, and a figure that was both strange and familiar suddenly appeared in her mind.

For a moment, she recalled the name she had just learned.


"Trash! Stay away from Kesha!!"

With the sudden squealing sound, all the strange purple fish went berserk and rushed towards Kesha desperately. Kesha screamed, but found that her body was getting higher and higher, as if her soul was out of the body and kept rising. He quickly got rid of those terrible monsters and escaped from the deep purple ocean world.

When the world fell into darkness, Kesha's consciousness became clearer, and she suddenly found that her body was full and joyful as never before. Unlike the sense of disobedience brought to her by the purple ocean world, what she felt now was only peace of mind and warmth.

I don't know how much time passed, but Kesha, who was unbearably hot and wet, opened her eyes with fear on her face. Suddenly she felt warmth coming from her palms, but her two hands were held tightly by the man beside the bed, and her eyes moved upward. , a man who was also sweating profusely was supporting his body with his arms, his expression serious and serious.

Kesha was stunned for a moment. One hand was all it took. Lying on her body and pressing her two hands was beyond what she could accept. She recalled that her father and mother taught her not to let men touch her body casually. Keisha whimpered and started to pull away.

Unexpectedly, after breaking away, the man actually pressed forward. Although he did not let go of all the gravity, his whole body was pressed against the man's chest. Looking sideways, Kesha could hear the man through her clothes. The hot and powerful heartbeat transmitted the heat, and the girl couldn't help but blush for a moment.

Before Kesha, who was ashamed and angry, could say anything, a man's cold voice came to Kesha's ears.

"Calm down, I have no better way to fight against that monster, so I have to resort to this. Sister Kesha, if you don't want to become a monster, don't move. She hasn't left yet, and I have to suppress her power back. "

The purple shadow was still vivid in her mind. Recalling that terrible and hopeless world, Kesha realized that the man holding her down was not doing something obscene, but that she had wronged her savior.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know...I didn't know you were helping me..."

Kesha's voice was as low as a mosquito, and she looked very young and shy. Before she understood the situation, she felt uncomfortable all over. Now that she knew the truth of the matter, she longed for such a strong embrace.

Experiencing this very contradictory feeling for the first time, Kesha felt like she was going crazy for being so shameless.

This embrace was completely different from her father Kassadin's. Her father's embrace would only make her feel happy, but now her embrace made her heart beat faster and her body became weak. It was... almost like two magnets attracting each other.

[But, but I am still a child...]

Kesha, who was biting lightly with her silver teeth, could only slowly savor this unprecedented taste in silence. Unknowingly, she used her legs to hook the man's thigh in reverse.

[Wait, what is this, a short sword? Why is it so annoying? 】

Kesha, who was a little confused, adjusted her body and almost freed herself from the painful stab in her belly. However, the dagger was stuck in the position of Xiao Bigu, and she couldn't shake it off no matter how much she moved. Thinking of the dagger It's very possible that Kesha would escape from her shell and stab herself, so Kesha wouldn't dare to move anymore.

On the other side, Lester, who looks like a playboy but is actually treating illnesses and saving lives, is not having an easy time.

Just as the energy of the life rune can clear the void mark imposed by the monitor, the life energy can also clear the mark in Kesha's body, but it just takes more time.

The only problem is that this mark is not that mark. He has the ability to prevent the Monitor from exerting other abilities in the mark, but Kesha cannot do this. The latter is more like a powerful virus that cannot be restrained. Once it breaks out, it will Actively obtain various permissions, causing the computer to crash instantly.

The mark imposed by another void master was far more powerful than the one the monitor had placed on him. Especially after confirming that he had a way to remove the mark, the other void master actually began to use the void mark to transmit void energy, trying to put Kesha Empty.

The mark of the void is in Kesha's body, and the void energy transfers unimpeded and continuous. However, he can only input the power of runes to fight the void energy by expanding the body contact area.

He could do this with just one hand, and if Kesha wouldn't be torn apart by the power of the runes, he could give it a try.

Far away in the underground world of Icathia, just as Kesha saw in the spiritual world, the rocks and sand have been corroded by void energy. The gaps are filled with void energy like water bubbles, and countless void creatures swim freely. Among them, in the [Lavender Sea] created by the master himself, guard their only master and queen.

If there were any ancient Shuriman alive who could look down at this strange and inexplicable purple world through the surface of the earth, they would find that the remaining rocks had actually formed an ancient and great outline in an orderly manner. That was the ancient Shurima The great seaport city that the empire has long lost in the sea of ​​time has witnessed the glory of the empire for thousands of years, and its name is [Belvis].

The terrifying master was conceived in a fateful accident. The energy of the void swallowed up the city of Belvis in a wave, and also swallowed up the millions of humans in the city and the power left by thousands of bloodlines. In the countless surges of the void wave, In it, more lives were integrated into it and lost in it. The souls that should have returned to the underworld were scattered and reorganized countless times, and finally gathered into a unified dominant consciousness, becoming the queen who inherited the name of the ancient seaport and betrayed the void.

At this moment, the lavender sea began to shake. Millions of young void fish crawled in panic in the purple sand, bowing their heads to the shadow that was taller than the mountain. The Queen's void fleet even shivered. When the void With human desires, the fear of death has become an ineradicable nature.

"How dare a mortal do this! Is the daughter of the void appointed by this king an existence that you can get your hands on!?"

The lavender sea trembled for the second time, and the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked.

The tyrannical Queen of the Void spread her ray-like 100-meter wings, and purple plasma dissipated from her body, instantly killing hundreds of giant void sea beasts that could not escape.

Seeing that the Queen was truly angry, the wise void sea beasts no longer cared about their duty to protect her and fled for their lives.

Are you kidding? With the Queen’s strength, does she still need to be escorted? A group of people who are usually strong are still staying in their lair and not going anywhere. Who can kill the Queen?

Only a fool would stay with the Queen and wait for death when she is furious. When the enemy comes, it is not certain who will save whom. Unless the Queen personally gives the order, they will not be willing to get involved in these messes.

When the guards fled, Pelvis still devoted all his energy to an invisible war thousands of miles away.

Her prophet Malzahar had chosen thousands of Shurima girls for her in her Promised Land, but that didn't mean she was willing to give up any of them.

The Daughter of the Void is the key to her fight against the Void Monitor, and she will never allow the Daughter of the Void to escape her control.

"The Noxus Empire...my will must come to the land of Valoran. My army will definitely make the ungrateful mortal nations pay the price!"

Determined to choose a second prophet to preach in the continent of Valoran, Belvis strengthened his connection with the Queen's Mark at all costs, determined to let the Daughter of the Void blossom and bear fruit thousands of miles away, and even if it didn't work, he would offend her. The ignorant pay the price.

"Only pain can make humans understand awe, lackey of the Watcher, your good days are over."

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