League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 861 Chapter859 Kassadin has no choice

The situation is more difficult than Lester imagined. Now that he has fit as close to Kesha's exposed body as possible, the void energy in Kesha's body is getting stronger and stronger.

These all-pervasive void energies violently transformed every cell of Kesha into another kind of life form. One side did not care about the safety of the host's life and devoted itself to destruction, while the other side acted as both father and mother, repairing and repairing at the same time. The most critical thing to fight against the enemy is the lack of troops, and the situation is getting worse and worse.

Not only Lester knew this, Kesha herself also saw the body that began to emit a strange purple light. The originally normal world seemed to be hazy with an invisible purple mist, just like the purple ocean she had experienced before. Weird.

"Brother Lester, there's something wrong with my eyes. Everything I see is purple. What should I do? Am I going to die?"

Kesha could no longer hold her breath and looked at her only life-saving straw.

"Kesha, do you believe me?"

Taking a deep breath, Lester made some determination. With him by his side, he would never allow Kesha to become 'Kasha', even if doing so would make him lose part of his things.

Staring into Lester's solemn gaze, Kesha nodded imploringly.

"I believe you, please save me."

"Okay, just do as I say and you will be fine, trust me."

From strategic advantage to complete defeat, the Mark of the Void was easily erased like a bubble. For a while, Belvis could not accept that there were mortals in this world who could resist his transformation.

With a thought in his mind, dozens of Void Daughters instantly hatched in his mind and became void beasts that had lost their minds and only knew how to kill.

Belvis could even hear the fearful and sorrowful cries of mortals in the lavender sea. This was the feeble cry of watching a loved one turn into a monster and start killing him.

After confirming that it was not the void mark he had planted that had a problem, but that the enemy was too powerful, Belvis regained some confidence.

She began to re-examine the enemies she would face,

Obviously, this world is not as she originally thought, as long as the monitor is eliminated, she can dominate everything. Among other things, the guy who competes with her for control of the Daughter of the Void is a formidable enemy, not to mention that the mortal is still a monitor. The chosen one, this will definitely be her fierce enemy.

Having said that, this battle was defeated before leaving the lair. Wouldn't it be more dangerous if he really left the lavender sea and went outside?

Thinking of this, Belvis once again extended the idea of ​​​​being born. She has many methods, and she can do many things without exposing herself.

Now that her lavender sea has begun to expand northward from Icathia, it will not be long before the entire Shurima continent becomes a swimming pool in the void. In this way, the advance layout in Valoran and Ionia continents will be became necessary.

Malzahar is the first prophet of the void she chose, but she will definitely not be the last. She has enough patience and time. One day, the whole world will turn into a lavender sea and become the treasure of all living things in Rune Land. Final destination.

Lester took Louisa's comb and ran it along Kesha's somewhat messy black hair. Although Kesha looked mature, she was still a little girl. Although he was a bit scumbag, he was not a bastard who deceived people's feelings.

"Now that the void mark on your body has been eliminated by me, I will send someone to protect you, and you can study in the Church of the Goddess of Wind in peace and contentment. When you are two years older, I will marry you. Remember, this is The agreement between the Emperor of Noxus and you will definitely come true unless the world is destroyed."

"The Emperor of Noxus? Brother Lester, you are the legendary Emperor of the Empire!?"

Kesha opened her mouth wide and was speechless in surprise.

Having already experienced a life-and-death trial, now that she knew Lester's true identity, Kesha completely regarded the man as her backbone. When she heard that the man had agreed to marry her, the girl hugged her with attachment. Live a man and completely open your heart.

"So you're leaving?"

While talking, Kesha herself was too embarrassed to speak.

Lester laughed and flicked Kesha's smooth and plump forehead, and the girl made a cute purring sound like a small animal.

"I'm obviously very shy but I still pretend to be mature. I should punish my bad girl~"

Covering her head and squatting down, Kesha raised her head and showed pitiful eyes.

"Can I not go to church to study? I want to follow you, okay? Please~"

"But following me is very dangerous. If you don't have strong strength, it will only hold me back. As you saw just now, my enemies are all such terrifying existences."

After hearing what Lester said, Kesha lowered her head in despair. She knew that Lester was right.

"How about this."

Lester also squatted down, gently raised Kesha's chin, and stared into Kesha's black and white eyes.

"You have a strong talent for magic. How about I send you to Black Rose to learn magic? When you come back from your studies, you will have enough ability to protect yourself. Then I will take you out to play."

Kesha regained her energy. With hope in her heart, Kesha was no longer depressed, and there was light in her eyes again.

After Kesha fell asleep, Lester left the magic secret room. Louisa and Gwen were still waiting outside the door. When Lester came out, they greeted him.

"Your Majesty, is little Kesha okay?"

Lester smiled at Louisa, who was confused by concern, and said softly.

"Although there were some twists and turns, the mark of void in her body was still removed and she is no longer in serious trouble."

Louisa was relieved and apologized to Lester humbly.

"It's just that this matter is not over yet. The void force that marked Kesha may find Kesha again. Kesha happens to have good magic talent. During this time, I plan to send Kesha to Black Rose to learn magic.

Priest Luisa, how to negotiate with Kesha’s parents, I have to leave it to you, wait a minute. "

Seeing Lester's face suddenly turn serious, Louisa's heart skipped a beat.

"His Majesty?"

Lester suddenly remembered that Kesha's father Kassadin seemed to be the lucky one to get Horok's inheritance [The Blade of the Underworld], which meant that he could find a powerful Shurima artifact through Kassadin.

In the original Runeterra timeline, Kai'Sa fell into the void world due to the collapse of the rock valley outside Bogus Village, and was forced to fuse with a void insect skin to become Kai'Sa, the daughter of the void.

Kassadin's wife disappeared into the void together with Bogus Village, her life and death unknown.

When Bogus Village suffered a disaster, Kassadin was still acting as a guide. Later, when he learned that his wife and daughter were missing, Kassadin regretted it and vowed to avenge his wife and daughter. After that, he found the tomb of Horok the Ascended. Obtained the powerful Blade of the Underworld, and has been guarding the border of the raging void to prevent the ignorant from seeking death.

Now that Kassadin, his wife and little Keisha are in Noxus, under his protection, they will no longer encounter the tragedy of family destruction, but this also means that Kassadin will definitely not return to Shurima to look for the Tomb of Horok. .

"Go to the secret room and clean up. Gwen, follow me."

In the evening of the second day, Kassadin and his wife Samana once again came to the Church of the Goddess of Wind to find Priest Luisa and wanted to inquire about their daughter.

Recalling what Lester had ordered, Louisa hesitated for a long time and decided to tell the truth. She really couldn't deceive a pair of parents who cared about their daughter.

"The void mark in Little Kesha's body has been eliminated. For the time being, Little Kesha will not be in any danger."

The smile on his face suddenly froze. Kassadin didn't understand what 'temporarily' meant, so Samanna asked directly.

"Priest Louisa, I don't understand what you mean. Will Kesa encounter other dangers?"

Priest Luisa nodded, her expression solemn.

"I wonder if you know the prophet of Shurima [Malzahar]?"

Samanna looked at Kassadin. She had heard her husband say something about the prophet Malzahar and knew that he was a very dangerous person.

Unexpectedly, his daughter was related to the prophet, and Kassadin was frightened for a while.

"Master Priest, I don't know much about Malzahar. I have only heard from friends in the empire that Malzahar is related to the forces of the void. He is preaching everywhere in southern Shurima and calling on Shurimans to offer sacrifices to the gods. ,

To be honest, it was precisely because Malzahar was eyeing our village that I decided to leave Shurima with Samanna and Kesha. "

Louisa sighed heavily.

"But you don't know that Malzahar's master, the god that the Shurima people use sacrifices to worship is actually a void lord, and all the sacrifices have become a powerful force in the void.

The person who planted the marks on Kesha was also the master of Malzahar. These marks are extremely dangerous. If the marks cannot be removed, Kesha will turn into a void monster that her relatives will not recognize at any time.

In fact, we speculate that Kesha is not the only one who has been cursed on the Shurima continent. From the beginning, the void master wanted to recreate the void insect tide of the Icathia period. On the Shurima continent, Raising the wind of extinction. "

Recalling the scene when Malzahar entered the village, Kassadin and Samanna were convinced. However, they did not know that Bogus Village had been destroyed by the sudden change of the Void Girl just last night.

“The Void Curse Seal on Kesha’s body has been eliminated.

But we cannot eliminate the resentment of the Lord of the Void,

If little Keisha is not protected,

The Void will attack Kesha again, and this time the Void will not hold back,

You must know that we cannot protect her forever. "

Priest Luisa showed the right look of embarrassment, and Kassadin immediately knew what he should say now.

"Master Priest, please let me know if there is anything I can do. We just want Kesha to grow up safely. We don't ask for anything else. I ask Master Priest for your understanding."

"In this case, I will try my best to arrange for Kesha to enter the Black Rose Academy to study with the magic instructor. The Black Rose Mage Academy is the safest place in the Immortal Fortress. Even the void forces cannot invade.

Firstly, Kesha can gain sufficient growth and use her excellent magical talent. It will not take long for Kesha to become a powerful mage to protect herself. Secondly, Kesha can be well protected there.

If you are worried, Ms. Samana can move to the Immortal Fortress to live with Kesha. There is only one thing, Kassadin, that can only be done by you. "

At this point, Kassadin has no other choice but to nod in agreement.

Louisa took out the scroll she had prepared and handed it to Kassadin.

"In fact, it is not a difficult thing to do. Now the news of the outbreak of the void in Icathia has made a fuss in Fidelite. Now the empire is gathering strength to rush to the Shurima continent to help the new Shurima Empire fight against the void forces. I am afraid that it will There were huge casualties,

In order to enhance our strength, the empire has reached an agreement with the New Shurima Empire. The New Shurima Empire agreed to allow the empire's exploration team to search for lost ancient ruins in Shurima.

And this time the empire's exploration team is looking for this thing. "

Opening the scroll, Kassadin's eyes narrowed. The scroll not only recorded the tomb owner's life achievements, but also gave many possible tomb locations. The most eye-catching one was undoubtedly a twisted and invisible magic dagger. It was the most powerful weapon that the Ascended Horok had ever wielded during his lifetime.

It is the blade of the underworld known as the 'Void Killer'.

After swallowing dryly, Kassadin felt a chill on his back.

He saw the location of Horok's tomb on the stone wall of a Shurima tomb somewhere.

He had been destroyed long ago to avoid being discovered by the Noxians, but now the Empire was looking for him without any bias.

He didn't know what this meant, and he seemed to have no room to refuse.

"How's it going? Is Mr. Kassadin sure?"

From the fleeting change in Kassadin's expression, Louisa always knew that Kassadin must know about the Blade of the Underworld.

Sure enough, His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire knows everything. The void has prophets of the void, and the empire also has prophets of the empire.

"Master Priest, I will do my best to do this."

"Very good. In that case, our deal is concluded. You don't have to worry about safety issues. This time you are no longer a guide, but the commander of the exploration team. The empire will send the most powerful warriors to protect your safety."

The anti-theft chapter is by no means an anti-book friend. This book has been written to this day. Those who read pirated copies will never pay, and those who pay will never read pirated copies. I will not use the anti-theft chapter to disgust my real readers. It is really helpless to publish the anti-theft chapter. As a result, I didn’t have a leave request in August, so I had no choice but to make this decision.


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