League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 874 Chapter 872 Teaching Assistant and College Outcast

In the afternoon, Piltover,

In this valuable land less than five kilometers away from the clock tower of the Parliament, a team of Pi City law enforcement officers armed with live ammunition has surrounded the severely damaged building. They are not allowed to enter or leave at will unless ordered by the Parliament.

The mechanical steam carriage belonging to the law enforcement officer was parked on the roadside. The law enforcement officer was transporting some very dangerous illegal equipment and placing it in the carriage. These are prohibited items that are prohibited by law and need to be transported before being transported back to the Parliament for destruction. Go to the Yodel Academy of Science to conduct a careful investigation to determine the origin of the banned experimental equipment.

Chief Grayson, the current law enforcement officer of Piltover, walked slowly and opened the ajar door on the first floor, closely followed by a thin young man with a cane and some inconvenience in his legs and feet.

In order to let the young people behind him keep up with him, Grayson has worked very hard to slow down his pace, but the young people are still struggling to follow. Grayson did not deliberately show his thoughtfulness, but he could sense the young people's concern for him. gratitude.

"Chief Grayson, Jace Tallis is on the second floor."

A law enforcement officer holding experimental equipment took the initiative to say hello to Grayson, who nodded.

Before walking up to the second floor, Grayson stopped and looked at Mr. Victor, the investigator from the academy and now the assistant to the president of the Yodel Academy of Science.

Grayson had heard about Victor. He knew that this young and talented scholar was born in Lower City. He relied on rigorous diligence and excellence in academic style to break through the siege and became the great scientist in Piltover and Peart. The assistant to Dean Heimerdinger, the chief member of the Worf Council, has the right to observe in the Piltover Council.

This heinous theft and explosion case was not just a 'break-in' theft case, but also involved the illegal research of Hex artificial crystals, which was prohibited by the [Hex Crystal Protection Act], so The Yodel Academy of Sciences sent Assistant Professor Victor as an investigator to evaluate the 'victim' of the incident and the illegally purchased research equipment. The victim was the young scholar funded by the Gilaman family - Jess Tallis.

Grayson's reason for becoming a law enforcement officer is of course her desire to protect fairness and justice, but this does not mean that she is willing to become a rigid and dogmatic enforcer of cold words.

One of the reasons why she is admired is that she can make the law enforcement process more humane without violating any legal provisions. Especially when the relationship between the upper city and lower city gradually deteriorates, she just acts as a lubricant, reducing the The conflict and contradiction between the upper city and the lower city.

Because this case was somewhat complicated, Grayson had to figure out some things in advance. Doing so would help her grasp the intensity of law enforcement and enforce the law flexibly.

"Mr. Victor, if it is convenient, I would like to know the Yodel Academy of Science's views on this case."

It was said to be the opinion of the Yodel Academy of Science, but in fact, it was the attitude of Dean Heimerdinger that was asked. Considering that this was not an unspeakable matter, and Grayson was very kind to him, Victor spoke up.

"The college explicitly prohibits the purchase or research of Hex Crystal experimental equipment outside the college. Each batch of Hex Crystal experimental equipment has an independent batch number and is strictly supervised by the college.

Obviously...the prohibited equipment on the list does not come from illegal misappropriation. These equipments come from black goods in the lower city. Out of tolerance for scientific researchers, as long as Mr. Tallis is willing to admit his mistakes and promise As long as he no longer violates the college's regulations, the college should be lenient to Mr. Tallis. "

Grayson nodded, roughly knowing the academy's bottom line.

Compared with Jace Tallis's illegal experiment, the four snitches from Zaun were a small problem. After all, the Zaun people had not come to Uptown to steal things.

Without further words, Grayson went straight to the second floor. Victor carefully stepped on the steps and walked up slowly.

There is a big hole in the room at the end of the corridor on the second floor. The dim sunlight shines into the room through the hole, bringing a warm and dark silhouette.

Jess Tallis sat on the carpenter's chair in annoyance, holding his forehead with his right hand, his dry lips tightened, and he looked at the law enforcement officers with a pained face as they threw away the experimental equipment that he had put together with his own hands. take away,

He hadn't drank a drop of water since he was knocked down by the aftermath of the Hex Crystal explosion in the morning, and his physical hunger was only one ten thousandth of the pain in his mind.

He was just buying some pastries with Caitlin, but his secret workshop was blown up by thieves using Hex crystals. Not to mention the expensive experimental equipment was damaged, and he, the victim, was destined to be held accountable. Who could explain this? ?

"Mr. Jess Tallis."

Noticing that the well-dressed young man did not notice him, Grayson had to emphasize his tone.

"I think we have enough time to tell what happened here, and it would be best for you and me to find out what happened this morning."

Only then did Jess notice the two people who had walked into the house with a look of astonishment. He calmed down and said slowly.

"Chief Grayson, as you can see, when I was out shopping, my workshop was robbed. Not only did they take away the Hex crystal I used for research, they also blew up my balcony. , their criminal behavior has caused me to sit in this chair and look directly at the sun, and all it takes is a heavy rain to turn my residence into an aquarium.”

Grayson took a look at the list of illegal equipment in the hands of the law enforcement officer. There were as many as twenty-three items in it, which can be said to be "a lot of crimes."

But then again, being able to get so many things from Zu'an without incident also shows the young man's ability to do things.

"You and I both know that this case is not just as simple as breaking in. Look at these instruments and so many contrabands, but I haven't seen any approved certificates. I want to know if you have any explanation for this. ?”

Victor silently glanced at the two people talking, and focused on the blackboard filled with formulas.

With his academic ability, he could recognize that most of the formulas on the blackboard related to the divergence and transmission of Hex crystal energy, but he had never seen those rather weird symbols, especially the table of symbols also marked some complex variables. , each symbol seems to have a different energy output formula. The research of Mr. Jesse Tallis seems to go beyond the scope of science, but those symbols do not seem to be made up at will.

Not noticing that Victor was struggling to analyze his research formula, Jace glanced at the disabled arcane crystal on his wrist and explained.

"Of course it is scientific research. What I am studying in the college is Hex Crystal Energetics. I am studying how to use crystal energy to achieve stable transmission. In my opinion, Hex Crystals should not only be used in factory machinery. Above that, wherever energy is needed, we can use Hex Crystals to replace it..."

"Child, scientific research is not the reason for you to use prohibited equipment to conduct illegal research. We know very well that unproven scientific axioms cannot be used as experimental data, let alone evidence in court. I think your rhetoric cannot Explain where these prohibited instruments are coming from.”

Jace murmured with slumped shoulders.

"It was customized from the alchemy workshop in the lower city, and I completed the transformation and assembly of the parts myself."

"Can you tell me the location and name in detail?"

Victor casually picked up a delicate brass disc and looked at Jace in surprise.

There is of course a reason why the academy does not allow scholars to conduct private experiments on dangerous goods. Before the academy's management regulations were perfected, the favorite thing for scholars at the Yodel Academy of Sciences was to set up workshops in downtown areas where it was convenient to purchase experimental equipment.

The explosions not only caused serious damage to Mrs. Piltover's life and property, but also killed many promising scientists. Because of this, the college made regulations prohibiting private research on dangerous substances.

If it is true as Jace said that these experimental equipment were drawn by himself, customized by the people in the lower city, and assembled and installed by himself, then it is enough to show that Jace is a very talented experimental talent.

"Hey, you have to be careful, this thing is really easy to damage."

Jace, who was explaining his purchase location to Grayson, noticed that his precious baby was being held casually by the law enforcement officer. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The law enforcement officer turned around and sneered, then threw the metal object in his hand into the bag. , making a crisp sound of metal collision, Shi Shiran walked away carrying the cloth bag.

"You should have said this to people a long time ago...in a softer way."

Victor gently put down the brass disc and looked directly into Jace's extremely heartbroken eyes.

"What is going on here? It seems like there is more than just crystal research going on here."

"Well, of course it is independent research... I think as a scholar of the academy, it is not unusual to establish a scientific research workshop."

Unless necessary, Jace doesn't want to tell others that he is studying the relationship between Hex crystals and arcane runes. After all, what Piltover hates the most is the arcane magic that can affect matter by relying on personal talent. .

"As far as I know, there is no scientific research that requires the use of so many illegal experimental equipment. Instead, those Zaun fanatics who are good at making explosives like these energy-containing gadgets."

Grayson refuted Jace's words with a serious look on his face, and Victor added.

"The academy also does not allow students to do dangerous research in private. Who authorized you to do these research?"

Faced with the aggressive question, Jace looked up at the thin young man and said with some dissatisfaction.

"I am doing independent research, who are you?"

"I am an assistant to the Dean of the College, who, I hope you will recall, is also the Chairman of the Council. He sent me here to ensure that all hazardous materials are safely transferred to the College for further review, and, according to me The list I got, dangerous goods also includes you.”

Having said this, Jace couldn't sit still.

"What? Why am I in danger?"

"You'll have to ask the council about that."

After Victor finished speaking, Grayson took out the handcuffs.

"Son, I think you need to find another place to spend the night."

Piltover Law Enforcement Directorate, greeted by Chief Grayson and Deputy Chief Marcus, three people got off the carriage.

The leader is Heimerdinger, the president of the Yordle Academy of Sciences, who is also the chairman of the parliament. Naturally, he is followed by Lester and Ryze who came from the Valoran continent.

Originally, Lester returned to Piltover this time to urge Jace and Victor to get the Hextech flying door as soon as possible. At this moment, he naturally would not give up this good opportunity to meet Jace.

For Ryze, Piltover is definitely a strange place. Although this place does not regard magic as much as Demacia does, it is not too friendly to arcane mages.

"Chairman Heimerdinger, may I ask, who are these two?"

Grayson looked at Lester, who was wearing a mask, and Ryze, who was wrapped up tightly and didn't look like a good man, with some suspicion. If she were a law enforcer who judged people by their appearance, she would probably put these two bad men together immediately. The guy who seemed like a good guy was arrested.

Lester stepped forward and took off his mask, took out the emblem of the Philos family from his pocket and handed it to Grayson along with the qualification documents for emergency approval by the parliament, and said with a smile.

"Chief Grayson, long time no see."

He always felt that the handsome man in front of him looked very familiar, but he was too familiar to remember it for a moment. Grayson focused on two objects. The emblem was the identity certificate of the secret agent of the Philos family, and the qualification document stated 'Mr. Lister', as the investigator of the Hex Crystal explosion case, has the authority to participate in the review of Jace Tallis's case as a secret agent of the Philos family.

Her thoughts suddenly returned to six years ago. At that time, she was not yet the police chief, and Gunnery Officer Sherwood had not yet left the Law Enforcement Administration. A young nobleman from the Noxus Empire used frightening marksmanship to suppress Zaun's thugs. , took away a girl named Orianna, and then frequently visited Piltover's aristocratic families, and was respected as a guest by all the aristocratic families.

Turning his attention to Lester again, Grayson, who was unfazed by favor and humiliation, showed a rare expression of gaffe.

"Are you Mr. Lister?"

"It seems Chief Grayson hasn't forgotten me yet."

Lester took back the emblem and paperwork, smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Grayson shook Lester's hand quickly and firmly.

"How could I forget such a big shot like you? It's just... it's just... your appearance doesn't seem to have changed much... This makes it hard for me to be sure for a while..."

In front of Lester, Grayson found it difficult to maintain his usual composure and became very reserved.

"Arcana can do many things, and delaying aging is just one of the very trivial effects."

Hearing Lester say this, Marcus behind Grayson understood what an appalling miracle happened in front of his eyes.

"As for this one, his name is Ryze, he is my best friend, and he is an extremely powerful arcane mage from the Noxus Empire."

Wearing a mask, Ryze nodded slightly but said nothing.

"Chief Grayson, I think it's better for us to go meet the little guy who violated the academy's regulations first. To be honest, I'm here just for him this time."

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