League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 875 Chapter873 The possibility of using technology to control arcana

The moonlight shone through the metal railings into the rather cramped single cell. Jace sat on the wooden bed with a dejected look on his face, regretfully savoring the unprecedentedly bad situation.

He had thought that his research was dangerous and he might face serious charges if he was discovered. However, he did not expect that after a serious explosion accident, he, as the victim, turned out to be the ancestor An Mao and moved into the General Bureau of Law Enforcement. In the prison cell, he seemed to be a heinous criminal, but in fact he was just conducting some seemingly illegal research that was actually harmless to humans and animals.

If Zaun, who did not understand the properties of Hex crystals, had not destroyed things that should not be moved, in a hundred years the Hex crystals placed in the gear shockproof safety boxes would not have exploded, let alone destroyed them. He was sent to a detention center after everything he had worked so hard to save was in vain.

At this point, Jace can only hope that Caitlin can use the influence of the Gila Mann family to intercede for him in the Piltover Council. He no longer expects to get the stolen goods back from the hands of those Zaun snitches. Hex crystal and other stolen goods, it would be thankful to be able to save the experimental equipment that was taken away by the law enforcement officer.

"Ta-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta..."

Slightly messy footsteps came from outside the door of the prison cell and ended outside the door. Immediately afterwards, the law enforcement officer took the key and opened the door of the prison cell. Jess stood up a little awkwardly and arranged his clothes, nervously guessing that he was visiting the prison in the middle of the night. Who will be the big shot?

As the silhouette outside the door deepened, a short yellow-haired yordle walked in with small steps, shaking his head, but it was Heimerdinger, the dean of the yordle Academy of Science and chairman of the council.

"Every time I come to the prison cell, I think about the meaning of imprisonment. Piltwolf's law has been so perfected, but the cells in Stillwater Prison are never short of people. Regardless of right or wrong, who built the cage? for what?"

Heimerdinger stopped in front of Jace, his eyes bright and his expression serious.

"The body can be restricted in this small space, and the lack of iron walls cannot deprive the freedom of the soul. If the so-called freedom is inclined to crime from the beginning, how can we put shackles on this out-of-control freedom? To me, this is It’s a good subject.”

Jace lowered his head, thinking about the meaning of Heimerdinger's words.

"I remember when I first met you, you were just like me when I was young, enthusiastic and studious, full of curiosity about the unknown, like a real scientist, always ready to explore new fields,

But sometimes we tend to act too hastily. Great scientific achievements should not put lives at risk...

Tell me, kid, what kind of dangerous research are you doing? "

Jace knew very well that this was the best opportunity to defend himself. As long as Heimerdinger was impressed, things would develop in a favorable direction. If he was lucky, he wouldn't even need to rely on the Giramann family's connections. Get this done.

"Professor Heimerdinger, I am convinced that I have discovered a magical substance, a means of controlling magic using scientific methods."

Heimerdinger opened his eyes wide and looked at the whimsical Jace with some surprise.

"Controlling magic with science?"

"Yes, Professor, I..."

"No kid, your idea is indeed novel, but it is a very dangerous and wrong direction."

Heimerdinger looked up at Jace with a serious face.

"Arcane magic is a very dangerous natural energy. Science cannot control it, just like the laws of physics do not apply to Bandle City. With all due respect, this is ridiculous."

"But what if it works? Professor, I'm about to make a breakthrough. I'm sure of it. Just give me some more time..."

Knowing that Jess, who has a spirit of scientific exploration, would not easily listen to his persuasion, Heimerdinger changed the subject.

"Son, how old are you this year?"

Jace was stunned for a moment, then answered honestly.

"I am twenty-four years old."

"Ha, I am three hundred and seven years old this year. I have been exploring scientific mysteries all my life, but in the end I found that some riddles are better left unsolved. I am afraid this is the problem you want to solve...

Go and admit your mistake in front of the parliament. Admit that your research is indeed dangerous, but don’t even mention the word ‘magic’.

If you're willing to do what I say, you can theoretically escape the council... How do you say that? Give small punishments. "

Heimerdinger, who walked to the door, glanced at Lester who was silently listening to the conversation outside the door, but saw Lester shaking his head and showing no intention of talking to Jace.

"Child, think carefully about what I say. I believe you will make the right choice."

Watching the law enforcement officer lock the door of the prison cell again, Jace sat back on the wooden bed dejectedly, clenching his fists and slowly unclenching them.

On the wristband, the arcane crystal from the savior was so heavy in the dim moonlight.

"Why don't you go talk to that kid named Jace?"

"The situation hasn't reached the point where I need to step in, but it's you. Why do I think you are deliberately avoiding Jace?"

After coming out of the Law Enforcement Administration to say goodbye to Heimerdinger, Lester and Ryze got into the Philos family's carriage.

"Is it that obvious?"

Ruiz smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I just happened to help the child and his mother once. Now he is in enough trouble. I am not going to get anything from the child based on this kindness. In this case, it is better not to see him."

Early the next morning, Lester and Ryze walked into the bustling parliament tower as spectators of the Philos family.

By the time they entered, seven Piltover MPs had already taken their seats, and both sides of the conference hall were filled with gentlemen and ladies from Piltover. For Piltover, who had been calm for a long time, the Giraman family workers The explosion in the square is enough to talk about for a month, and those who are capable will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity to join in the fun.

Victor, who entered early, stood on the outside with a cane. Although he only met once, he was deeply impressed by Jace and the research formulas on the blackboard of the workshop. At least he personally did not want Jace to be in this scene. The punishment in the public trial was too harsh.

The time soon came for the trial to begin. The open walls and dome slowly closed amidst the sound of mechanical gears turning, adding a solemn atmosphere to the bright and breezy conference hall.

Sheriff Grayson, who was responsible for escorting the interrogators, opened the door, and Jess Tallis took the initiative to walk to the interrogation seat.

In the darkness, the only beam of light shone on Jace Tallis, showing Jace Tallis unreservedly in everyone's eyes, exerting invisible pressure.

According to the established rules, Cassandra Giraman seriously raised a question on the council seat.

"Jace Tallis, you have been charged with conducting illegal experiments and endangering the citizens of Piltover. Do you have anything to defend yourself?"

Under the scrutiny of everyone, Jace, who lowered his head, came up with the words he had prepared in advance.

"The dangers of those materials far exceed my knowledge... But now I know that my actions violated the college's regulations. My inappropriate actions have endangered human lives and are really reckless. I am deeply sorry for this.

I beg the Parliament to forgive me for my sins and hope to have the opportunity to continue my scientific research. "

Heimerdinger breathed a sigh of relief. It was better to admit his mistake in a formal manner than to use magic to stir up Mrs. Piltover's nerves.

Jace's patron, Senator Cassandra, was the first to step forward to intercede on Jace's behalf.

“As Jace Tallis’s patron for many years, I can vouch for his character and I firmly believe that one day he will make a great contribution to our society.”

"He blew up a building. Is this what you call a huge contribution? How long has it been since there was such a loud explosion in Piltover?"

The middle-aged male congressman who spoke was bald. He kept playing with the children's educational toys given by the head of the Myrdalda family with a disapproving look on his face.

As a Piltover dignitary secretly funded by the Myrdalda family, Kizz Horton only needs to make sure that his position is on the same side as the Myrdalda family.

Facing Councilor Kizz's tit-for-tat, Cassandra could only purse her lips. After all, she couldn't refute the fact that Jace's experiment blew up the building.

In the silence, Heimerdinger spoke.

"Any scientist knows that if you want to build a prototype, you must break a few wrenches..."

Staring at the handsome young man, Representative Mel Myrdalda took over the conversation.

"Jace Tallis, apart from this explosion, do you have anything else to show us?"

"No, there is no result yet..."

"So what you're saying is that your research is pointless?"

He just didn't want others to think that his experiment was meaningless, Jace argued.

"My research is very disruptive. No one has done any research in this area before me..."

"How can it be subversive? I just see a young boy tinkering with dangerous things that he can't control."

[Magic, I am studying ways to control magic through science. No scientist has ever explored this unknown territory before me! 】

He wished he could speak out what was in his heart to refute those who doubted him, but Jace instinctively looked at Heimerdinger. Heimerdinger shook his head and let him swallow those two words that should not appear here.

So, Jess lowered his head in silence, letting himself be exposed to the whirlpool of MPs' condemnation.

"Why do the standards of the academy seem to have been relaxed a lot? I remember that students who violate the academy's regulations will be deprived of their student qualifications, let alone those who violate the [Hex Crystal Protection Law]."

"Standards are very important. If you let him go this time, he might do something ridiculous next time. I suggest that Jestalis be deported."

"Everyone, what's there to discuss? Don't we have more important things to discuss than discussing how to deal with a young student who doesn't care about the rules? It's not worth wasting time on this matter..."

"Obviously, Jestalis has no idea what his mistake was."

Soon, questions came from the auditorium.

"It's unimaginable that the college would allocate funds to such students. Who are the people supported by our tax dollars?"

"I heard that the noble daughter of the Gila Mann family almost died in the explosion. I really don't know why Senator Cassandra would speak for such a bastard."

"This Jestalis seems to have a good skin. In my opinion, he is a fool, and he is also subversive. I am afraid he invented a children's toy and still treats it as a treasure."

"It's such a shame that there are people like Jestalis in the academy..."

In the auditorium, Caitlin looked at her mother's helpless face with a pale face, and her hands were tangled together. Although Jace was an ordinary student supported by her family, she regarded Jace as a friend. Naturally, she couldn't help it at this moment. Some are worried about the dire situation Jace is facing.

Seeing that things were about to get out of control, Heimerdinger was ready to intercede for Jace and set the tone of taking things lightly, but Jace, who could no longer bear it, shouted loudly.

"I originally wanted to create magic!"

As soon as the words fell, the noisy conference hall fell silent.

Heimerdinger closed his eyes in despair.


"The ability to cast arcane magic is an innate talent and cannot be created artificially."

"I do think this is possible."

Now that things have come to this, Jace no longer intends to swallow his anger.

Seeing Jace's confident look, Councilor Mel interrupted the councilman's questioning voice.

"Before denying it, has any of you tried it?"

No one could answer these words. After all, no one was stupid enough to want to create magic in the city of progress and technology. In the awkward silence, only the gear man Gate Councilor spoke with a brass sounder.

"Arcana is a curse to our world, and my people were nearly wiped out because of it."

"But as scientific pioneers, we Mrs. Piltover can definitely use magic for the right path. How can we easily deny a revolutionary possibility without trying it before? We are so good at scientific research, if we can use it If we can use this power that we have never encountered before, can it bring about huge changes in our lives?"

Only Jace Tallis' self-defense monologue was left in the field, and Heimerdinger finally spoke.

"Jace, that's enough!"

Jace, who was excited about it, seemed to have heard nothing about it.

"This is a city of progress. How can we reject a new path? How can we be afraid of a possibility that has never existed before? Think of the miracles we can create! Let me prove that we can use technology to control magic. Magic creates brilliance..."

"It's enough!!!"

Heimerdinger gave a rare roar, interrupting Jace's speech.

"You don't know the dangers involved! You also can't possibly know that when the power of magic is abused by ambition and desire, it corrodes people's hearts, exhausts resources, and causes brilliant civilizations to fall apart...

We must never let this happen again, kid, that's the only thing we can't do! "

"Heimerdinger is right. We established Piltover in the first place to avoid that group of warlike mages, not to cultivate another group..."

Senator Palmer echoed Heimerdinger's voice, and Senator Gate, the gear man who hates magic the most, immediately made a conclusion.

"Now that there is a consensus, he must be expelled from Piltover." (End of Chapter)

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