League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 876 Chapter874 Believe in your own possibility

"Please allow me to say something!"

A woman walked out of the darkness, holding her hands in front of her chest. The index and middle fingers of her left hand had been replaced with metal prostheses. Her expression was sincere and her tone was full of pleading.

Heimerdinger looked closely and saw that it was Jess's mother, so he waved his hand and motioned to Sheriff Grayson to let the woman over.

Glancing gratefully at Heimerdinger, Jason's mother humbly greeted the councilors' scrutiny.

"I come from a low-class family, and I must be a low-key person here. As Jess's mother, I implore all the congressmen sitting here to listen. My son has indeed committed an unforgivable mistake..."

Jace looked back at the woman sadly, but the woman seemed not to see her son's sadness, and just faced the judges with a humble attitude.

"He has been pursuing an unreachable dream all his life. What he did was indeed stupid and unwise, but he has no bad intentions. Please let him go home."

"A crime as serious as his cannot be let off lightly and this boy must be punished."

"Drive Jace Tallis out of Piltover."

“Everyone, those who violate social consensus should indeed be deported, but I can also understand a young man’s ambition to dream of changing the world. In this case, it is better to give him a lighter sentence as appropriate.

I announce that from now on Jace Tallis will be officially expelled from the academy and Jace Tallis will be handed over to the strict custody of his mother. Do you all agree? "

After saying that, Heimerdinger took the lead in raising his right hand, and a beam of light shone from the prism, which meant that this proposal received a precious vote from the MP.

Councilor Cassandra Gilaman, Jace's sponsor, raised her hand for the second time. In her opinion, keeping Jace from being deported is now considered the best result.

Congressman Palmer, who is involved in the machinery industry, Congressman Gate, who has a hatred for magic, and Congressman Miriam, who hates rule violators, remain indifferent and insist on giving Jace a heavy sentence.

Kizz, who was playing with children's toys, didn't like young people who were smarter and more handsome than him, so he thought about voting against it, but he never thought that Representative Meyer actually raised his right hand and glared at him fiercely.

In a hurry, Kiz, who did not want to offend the noble lady of Noxus, quickly raised his right hand and cast a crucial vote.

With four votes in favor and three against, Heimerdinger's proposal passed.

Caitlin, Victor and Jace's mother all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Only Jace, who was in the darkness, lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly.

"Take your son home, Mrs. Tallis, but he will never be able to step into the gate of the college again."

Heimerdinger's voice brought the final curtain to this public trial. Although they were quite dissatisfied with Heimerdinger's arbitrary actions, the three congressmen did not express it.

"Is this scene good to watch?"

"Are you saying that Jess Tallis's deprivation of research qualifications looks good, or do you mean that the result of this verdict, which talks about standards but only interests at heart, looks good?"

"No, what's beautiful is Heimerdinger's complex and changeable face. Believe it or not, all it takes is a small push, and Heimerdinger will stand on the opposite side of everyone and become an outcast in Piltover." .”

"Aren't you and Heimerdinger good friends? Why do you feel like you are taking pleasure in others' misfortune?"

"It's true that he is a good friend, but being a good friend doesn't mean that I will sympathize with him.

I was the first to invite Heimerdinger to teach at Frederite, or I led Heimerdinger to enter the academy, but he chose to stay in Piltover. I am actually very cautious and have been waiting for Heimerdinger. On the day when Dinger is unlucky, I will call Rambo over to make Heimerdinger angry..."

Some outrageous remarks came from behind. Caitlin frowned and turned around to look for the slightly familiar voice. What caught her eye was the Piltover celebrities attending the public trial. It was impossible to find who was there just now in the crowd. say.

While the law enforcement officer, Sheriff Grayson, was busy attending the public trial meeting, Deputy Sheriff Marcos was also not idle. The four Zaun thieves who had sneaked into the uptown area to cause trouble have not yet been arrested. The hard work naturally fell on him.

From the river area to the black alleys, and then to the ditch area, law enforcement officers came out in droves wearing respirators and sentry sticks to try to search every dark corner of Zaun. Unfortunately, the terrain of Zaun was too complicated, and the ditches The guy's lack of cooperation made it very difficult for the law enforcement officer to carry out the search.

During the search, the law enforcement officers were inevitably greeted by the Zaunites' thick phlegm and matriarchal greetings. Fortunately, the guy in their hands was not a vegetarian. Digou people who dared to challenge the authority of the law enforcement officers were inevitably beaten, which was regarded as courtesy. .

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. In a competitive playground in the Diggou District, he saw four Zaan kids who dared to resist the search.

Even if a few people ran away in the end, he at least had a direction for his investigation.

Soon Marcos received a special invitation. This invitation came from a certain underworld force. Since Fandel was unwilling to cooperate, and he himself could not get help from the Zaans like Grayson, he had to meet him. Being willing to cooperate with him in law enforcement is also a way to achieve meritorious service.

Walking into the abandoned factory, purple-red plant veins like blood vessels and nerves can be seen everywhere on the floor tiles and walls. Marcos frowned and tried to avoid these dirty things, but he still stepped on many of them.

These vein-like plants did not explode as expected, but instead emitted a purple-red gas.

After tightening the filter outside his mouth and nose and confirming that these strange gases would not cause him any trouble, Marcus carried the whistle stick through the open area and arrived at the factory gate.

Within a minute, a short, thin man walked out of the gate. A pair of riding boots made heavy footsteps on the floor tiles. The most eye-catching thing was the man's bark-like left face and The orange left eye is as stiff and cold as a beast.

The man in front of him was obviously so weak, but the prosthetic eye gave him an inexplicable feeling of extreme danger.

"This is the first time I've been 'invited' to a dark alley. I hope you won't waste my time."

Marcos expressed his intention as tactfully as possible.

"Look, this is your problem, Marcus. You always look down on others. Because of this, you can easily miss the opportunities under your nose."

Seeing that the man seemed to know him very well, Marcos's eyes became a little more wary.

"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I know you're tracking down four kids who are messing around with Piltover's proud elite soldiers."

"so what?"

Marcos hated the feeling of being led around.

"It's ridiculous if you think those four children could escape the search of law enforcement officers."

"Don't be nervous, listen to me, I guarantee that you will come back with a satisfactory result. By the way, how long have you been a deputy sheriff, my friend."

His heart skipped a beat, and Marcus subconsciously took two steps back. Looking at those cold and ruthless eyes, Marcus found that his feet seemed to have taken root, entangled by those disgusting purple-red plants. He couldn't move any further. As if to justify his moment of hesitation, Marcos avoided the man's eyes and spoke.

"I just want to know the whereabouts of those four brats and fulfill my duties. Other things... have nothing to do with me."

The man smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I don't need you to do anything for me. On the contrary, I will give you many things, many things you can't imagine."

Yodel Academy of Sciences, Prohibited Instrument Storage Warehouse,

Victor is accompanying Heimerdinger in sorting out the banned items from Jace Tallis.

Quickly flipping through the Tallis family notebook with a hammer on the cover, Victor was full of interest in the Hex magic control theory in the notebook.

"Professor, can Jace's academic theory really be realized? Can we really use Hex Crystal to summon magic?"

"Silly boy, if dangerous thoughts don't arouse people's imagination, there will be no such thing as going astray."

Heimerdinger placed the crystal energy transmission disk gently on the cabinet. Although these dangerous things were destined to be destroyed, his quality as a scientist did not allow him to treat these carefully crafted research instruments roughly.

"As for whether you can summon magic, kid, look at Jace's workshop and you will understand the consequences of using that extremely unstable energy source."

Victor keenly noticed that Heimerdinger did not make a conclusion on whether the Hex Crystal could summon magic. He asked whether the Hex Crystal could be used to summon magic, but Heimerdinger only explained the Hex Crystal. of instability.

Does this mean Jess's theory is likely to come true?

"Unstable? That means that as long as the stability problem is solved, you can use this stone to create magic? Professor, can you make the Hex Crystal stable?"

But he never thought that Heimerdinger would be very impatient when asked.

"Me? Why bother? This will only cause more trouble. That poor kid is bad enough, why should we put more pressure on that kid?

Well, all that's left is to check again tomorrow morning. His research will be safely disposed of soon. Lock the door. "

Walking towards the mechanical door, Heimerdinger added without looking back.

"I'm telling you, don't even think about it. Something as dangerous as magic is far from something you should be exposed to. Once used improperly, it will inevitably cause devastating consequences..."

Heimerdinger had already left, but Victor did not lock the door as instructed. Instead, he found a place to pick up the research notes compiled by Jess Tallis himself and read them carefully.

[Maybe someone will see my records in the future, or maybe only I can see these. In any case, I must record these things. I firmly believe that this is the era of Jace Tallis...

When I was young, my father invented the retractable folding wrench. My father married my mother and gave birth to me. I used the money from the patent to found the Tallis family in Piltover.

My father quickly told me the true meaning of the Talis family emblem. The hammer symbolizes Ornn, the forging god of Freljord. A long time ago, the ancestors of the Talis family lived in the continent of Valoran. The land in the far north is proud to worship Ornn,

The respectful father insisted on searching for traces of his ancestral land and Ornn, but he ignored the dangers hidden in Freljord. A group of brutal barbarians attacked the village. The Freljord tribe warriors had no time to take care of themselves, so the father had to lead We fled all the way,

Difficulties finally defeated us who were not fully prepared. My father fell on the road to pursue his dreams. My mother and I also became precarious in the wind and snow. At this moment, a mysterious and powerful arcane mage appeared in front of me. in front of

It was an arcane ceremony that I will never forget. The color of the heaven and earth changed. The vast and violent wind and snow became gentle and soft in the light of magic. In the blink of an eye, my mother and I were transformed from the Freljord. Amidst the ice and snow, we arrived at the green grassy Piltover Fields.

Before I could recover from the unprecedented shock, the savior of my mother and I gave me a drop-shaped gem. I recognized what it was. It was with the help of the power of that gem that the Master used the Brought to a safe area in a miraculous way,

It was from that day on that Jess Tallis changed.

The mage left silently, but left behind the most precious thing to me. I made the tarnished arcane gem into a bracelet and wore it on my wrist, always encouraging me to move forward...

My mother traded the patent rights of the folding wrench with the Gila Mann family. Since then, the Gila Mann family has become my sponsor. Now that I no longer have to worry about my livelihood, I have the opportunity to go to school and successfully enter Peart University. Worf's greatest school of yordles.

Perhaps it was God's will that I came into contact with the Hex Crystal during an academy experiment. The dark blue artificial energy crystal was so similar to the arcane gemstone on the bracelet. In the fantastic light, I seemed to see the hidden meaning in the crystal. With infinite mysteries,

In the name of Jace Tallis, I became obsessed with learning and exploring the mysteries of the Hex Crystal. A chance encounter allowed me to obtain a book about arcane runes from a merchant ship from Noxus. I am obsessed with acquiring knowledge that Piltover has no access to, and I try to use scientific methods to record the characteristics expressed by arcane runes.

On a night with a sparse moon and stars, a wave of lightning flashed across the sky, as if it pierced a membrane. A ridiculous idea came to my mind. The reason why mortals cannot control arcane magic is because they have not absorbed arcane magic. Energy talent, but Hex Crystal can make up for this shortcoming,

I suddenly understood that magic is a part of this world. Just like the technology we are familiar with, as long as it is interpreted in a language that we can explain, we can definitely use magic for our own purposes...

This is an achievement that has never been done before or since. Jess Tallis will become Piltover's greatest scientist...]

There was only the sound of rustling pages in the dim storage room. His whimsical self-confidence was not ridiculed by the explorers, and his heart beat faster and faster.

In the end, Victor's eyes were fixed on a short and powerful line of text, and he could no longer move away from it.

[Perhaps one day in the future, Piltover will no longer have birth, old age, sickness and death, and everyone can find the true meaning of life from Hex Crystal Magic. This is the only meaning of magic that Jace Tallis is looking for.

Jestalis wants everyone in Piltover and Zaun to live a good life...] (End of chapter)

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