League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 880 Chapter878 Zu An has no way out

Lester's slow look calmed down the slightly excited Violet sisters.

"If we hide you in the Moonlight Tavern, the law enforcement officer will never be able to find you, but this is not a solution to the problem. If the law enforcement officer cannot catch you, he will definitely attack Fander. I think you don't want to see such a result.

Of course, I can also directly step in and take over the whole matter, so that the council and law enforcement officers will no longer cause trouble for you and Fander, but in this case, your trouble will be solved, but it will not solve Zaun's dilemma.

Without Wei Aolai and Bao Bao, there will be other people who are unwilling to obey the Zaun people in the upper city who will stand up and take the path of resistance. At that time, the law enforcement officials will still have enough excuses to come to the lower city to crack down on gangs and evil and rectify the public order. ', casually sealing off half the city. "

Violet suddenly grabbed Lester's hand and held it tightly, his eyes full of hope.

"Isn't there a way to solve the problem? Well, I don't mean a trivial one..."

"Yes, but this is not something you young people need to face, but I can tell you about it."

Lester's smile faded and turned into an adult coldness that made Baku and Viola uneasy.

"A war game in the style of the Noxus Empire. The upper city and the lower city use the purest violence to pursue the results they desire.

The people in the upper city want to completely enslave the lower city and continue to monopolize the means of production in the lower city and squeeze the labor force. The people in the lower city are eager to get rid of the oppression of the upper city and the alchemy baron and turn the products in the sweatshop into their own due remuneration. Thereby accumulating wealth, using armed resistance to gain the respect of the people in the upper city,

The demands between the two sides are actually very simple. What is more complicated is that the contradiction between them has become so deep-rooted that only war can solve it.

What most people in the Twin Cities worry about is that once the war starts, it won't stop easily. That's why I'm here. "

After a pause, Lester said in a deep voice under the horrified eyes of Bao Bao and Wei Aolai.

"As the ambassador of the Noxus Empire, I will keep a certain bottom line in this war and control the scale of the war within an acceptable range. Bloodshed and casualties are inevitable, but it will not be cruel enough to drain a certain force. blood...

Wei Aolai, as you said, this time is no small matter..."

That night, Wei Aolai and Bao Bao stayed in the Moonlight Tavern. The dream was filled with gunpowder smoke. The two seemed to be back on the Sun Gate Bridge. The twilight was vast and the setting sun was like blood. The two sisters hugged each other. It was difficult. Spent the night.

The next day, Fandel entrusted Fulgen's Tavern to his subordinates and walked into the Moonlight Tavern. Fandel was soon invited into the private room.

To Fandel's surprise, his 'old friend' Hilko, whom he had not seen for a long time, was already sitting on one foot of the sofa. His amber left eye reflected an indifferent luster in the light of magic fluorite.

"Hilko, why are you here?"

Fandel frowned and sat across from Hilko with a complicated expression. Hilko smiled indifferently.

"It's just an invitation from the big boss. But you, Fandel, you stupid bear don't seem to be making any progress."

"If what you mean by making progress is to inject your strengthening potions into all of your own people and make them neither humans nor ghosts, then I really haven't made any progress."

Fander, who was a little upset, took out his pipe and suddenly thought that this was not his Fulgan Tavern after all, so he put the pipe back into his pocket.

Seeing Fandel's timid appearance, Hilko chuckled.

"Oh, don't be so hostile, my old friend, I did not sell 'Shimmer' to your territory as you said."

"You should be glad you didn't do that."

Fandel replied in a muffled voice, and there was no communication between Fandel and Hilko.

About five minutes later, the private room door was pushed open, and Lester walked in carrying two bottles of refined ale produced by Blackthorn Winery. Hilko and Fandel stood up and bowed their heads in respect.

Lester waved his hand and sat in the middle, gesturing for the two of them to sit down. He raised his thumbs and the metal seal of the wine bottle fell down along with the mud cork cap.

"Boss, please let me come."

Without refusing, Lester handed the opened bottle of Black Thorn Ale to Hilko. He watched Hilko bend over and refill the drink for himself with a respectful look on his face. Then he stood up straight and filled Fander's cup with one hand. superior.

Picking up the wine glass, Lester smiled at the two of them.

"In terms of age, these two bottles of wine are old enough to be your great-grandfather. How do you like it?"

The two of them followed Lester's actions and took a sip. They felt a strong aroma of flames cut from their throats into their lower abdomens, and their bodies suddenly became warm.

"Boss, I have never drunk such a wonderful ale in my life. Thanks to the boss, I finally got to see what top-notch wine is this time."

Hilko's praise made Fandel a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't allow himself to be rude in front of the boss.

"A very strong wine makes people feel as hot as a ball of fire. If you take a sip like this in the cold winter, it will be a great blessing in life."

Hearing this, Lester smiled with satisfaction.

"As long as you are satisfied. In fact, I called you here this time just to discuss Zaun's next development plan... Hilko, tell me how far your research on [Glimmer] has reached?"

I didn't expect Lester to be so direct. Hilko, who looked uncertain, hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell the truth.

"Back to the boss, my scientists have developed three kinds of shimmering agents.

The first type is the diluted first-generation shimmering agent, which has serious addictive and neural analgesic effects. It has the largest production volume and is mainly used to sell to addicts to accumulate research funds and expand intelligence collection channels.

The second type is the enhanced low-light agent. The enhanced low-light agent has strong cell mutagenicity. Used with the neutralizing agent and the culture tank, the subject can obtain an activated body that is invulnerable to bullets and bullets, which greatly enhances the Self-healing and physical strength allow an ordinary person with no physical strength to become a killing machine in a short period of time.

Just because the effect of the potion is too strong, it can easily destroy part of the subject's brain and make the subject lose their rationality. It is necessary to cooperate with the turbo alchemy tank to stabilize the subject's sanity.

The third type is the injectable low-light mutation agent that is currently being studied. The advantage of the injectable low-light mutation agent is that it no longer requires neutralizing agents and culture tanks to assist cultivation, which greatly shortens the cell mutagenesis time and allows The person who injects the medicine can get physical strengthening faster and more efficiently.

In addition, the injectable low-light mutation agent can effectively reduce the damage to the brain, allowing the injector to maintain a certain degree of self-awareness and escape the constraints of the turbo alchemy tank. "

Lester nodded, approving of Hilko's research results.

"What are the results of the actual combat test?"

"There has been no effective actual combat test yet, but it is certain that the Enhancer definitely has the ability to fight against armed law enforcement officers."

The raw material of the shimmering potion comes from the purple lichen found deep in the mine. Before Hilko commissioned Singed to mass-produce the second shimmering potion, the empire had secretly obtained samples of the purple lichen and completed the cultivation work.

Purple lichen is a combination of some kind of mutated fungi and algae. On top of this, it also has the phototactic and shade-loving characteristics of plants. Purple lichen, which grows deep underground, can rely on the decomposition of rocks, minerals, spores and other fungi. To supply its own energy, it has a strong desire to reproduce and biological activity.

The expansion and aggressiveness of purple lichen far exceed the evolutionary framework of natural organisms, and it has become an out-and-out heterogeneous organism.

After research and investigation by imperial scientists, it was quickly determined that Purple Light Lichen is actually a void creature that was eroded and mutated by void energy. The biggest difference between Purple Light Lichen and other void creatures is that it has no self-awareness and only possesses a certain aspect of the void. These characteristics make purple lichen the best reinforcing compatible material.

In the Noxus Empire, many powerful demonic clans relied on the extract of purple lichen to complete very dangerous self-strengthening.

It was precisely because Purple Light Lichen could be controlled and utilized by humans that Lester allowed Hilko to further study the shimmering agent and conduct various human experiments on 'super soldiers'.

After Hilko finished speaking, Lester looked at Fandel, who had an unhappy expression.

"Fander, I think you should also understand that Hilko's research has always been in a 'permitted' state. I know you are very dissatisfied with Hilko dumping shimmer everywhere in Zaun like a drug, but you must understand that Hilko's research has always been 'permitted'. Why would Erko do this?

The crux lies with Piltover, not Silko. For most Zaunites who are living in a state of confusion, paralyzing themselves with a shimmering potion may be a happier life than dying of illness at work without any value.

do you understand? "

Fandel didn't speak, just nodded silently.

Lester clapped his hands in satisfaction.

"Very well, let's get down to business. The aftermath of the Piltover bombing has not gone away. The law enforcement officer's tyranny has caused dissatisfaction among the Zaun people. And you, Fandel, you will definitely not put Violet and Viola together. Let the blasters be handed over to the parliament for trial, right?"

"I would rather be tried by the parliament. Wei Aolai and the others are still children, and the mistakes they made were not serious ones like beheading. They should not bear such heavy responsibility..."

"Huh, stupid good old man."

Hilko cursed in a low voice.

"Now you have another way to go, which is to kill the disobedient Alchemist Baron, unite all the forces in Zaun, and fight a real war with Piltover.

As long as you can make the people in the upper city feel pain, the empire will naturally step forward to mediate and establish a governor of Zaun. By then, Zaun will be able to rely on the political power of the empire to obtain complete autonomy, and will no longer be oppressed at will by law enforcement officers. When it is time to restore order, Zaun will gain true respect - of course, this presupposes that you must serve the empire. "

Listening to Lester's concise and cruel words, Hilko and Fandel's breathing suddenly became heavy, and then they felt a little sad.

From beginning to end, their appeal was just to let the Zaun people get the respect they deserve. What seemed simple was actually very difficult to do.

The reality is always crueler than imagined. From the beginning of the joint effort to today, it took fourteen years just to deal with the strength of the various gangs in the black alley and the Alchemy Baron in the middle area. This has not really begun to face Pierre. Armed pressure from the Twov Law Enforcement Directorate and the Saga Chaebol,

Now they are in their forties. Living in a place with a harsh environment like Za'an, life expectancy is not long. Living to the age of fifty is enough to be called longevity. How many fourteen years can a person have in his life to squander?

The more I understand Piltover's military power, the slimmer I feel. The result of taking action without adequate preparation can only be a recurrence of the Sun Gate Massacre fourteen years ago, making those who follow you worthless. There will be countless more orphans like Wei Aolai and Bao Bao as victims.

Even if the armed forces of Piltover were defeated by luck, how far would the war have to go before peace can be achieved? Who dares to pat their chests and guarantee that Mrs. Piltover, who is accustomed to being aloof and domineering, will shake hands and make peace instead of fighting to the end? With only such few resources, how could Zuan be able to withstand endless consumption?

When one difficulty after another becomes an insurmountable obstacle, how many people can stick to the previous path and move forward?

Silko knew that he was one of them, and Fandel knew that he was not. But his retreat was not a sign of weakness, he just didn't want innocent people and followers to spend their lives on this road destined to have no end.

But now there is a real big shot who is willing to stand up and draw a finish line for this unknown road. In this case, is it really possible for Zu An to give it a go?

"If Zaun fails in this war, boss, what will the empire do?"

Fandel looked at Lester intently, and Lester put down his glass, smiled and said something that sent chills down the spine.

“It’s a good thing to think about defeat before winning, but you must know that in the Noxus Empire, strength will ultimately speak for itself.

Now with Shimmer's help, Zaun may not be as powerful as Piltover. Under such circumstances, you don't dare to desperately fight for a way out for yourself. What can you expect the empire to do for you?

If Zaun loses this war, it will only prove that Zaun is not qualified to join the Empire. The Empire will prevent Mrs. Piltover from further revenge on the Zaun people, but it will not prevent Mrs. Piltover from enacting a plan in Zaun. new order,

Losers must have the consciousness of losers. "

Fandel lowered his head in despair, but Hilko drank the contents of the cup in one gulp. His thin cheeks were red, and his sharpened facial lines were as tough as a statue. Hilko was a rare person who was good at cultivating qi. Here comes the temper.

"The Zaun people are never afraid of war! How can those skinheads who live under flowers and sunshine understand what it feels like to sleep with a knife under your pillow in poisonous gas every night?

Boss, the Zaun people who risk everything will never lose! "

"Not bad enlightenment, Fander, what do you say?"

Under the gazes of Hilko and Lester, Fandel sighed.

"Even if it's for those children... I have no choice."

This time, Lester took the initiative to pour wine for the two of them.

"Then, cheers to the upcoming victory!"

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