League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 881 Chapter879 An experiment that risks everything

After twenty-two o'clock, except for a few researchers who were still in the laboratory, only the security guards of the Yodel Academy of Sciences were left patrolling everywhere.

As the top academic institution in Piltover, Yodel Academy of Sciences is a typical example of being tight on the outside but loose on the inside.

For a thief who wants to make extra money in the Yodel Academy, the most difficult part is how to bypass the airtight law enforcement defense line outside the academy. Once he successfully enters the academy, the security personnel who take care of themselves in the academy will naturally not be able to make extra money. What a difficult problem to deal with.

He led the disguised Jace into the academy openly and openly. Victor, who was familiar with the old security guard's patrol route, took a circuitous route and safely and efficiently arrived at the academy warehouse where dangerous items were stored.

The last thing that stood in front of the two of them was the mechanical door of the storage warehouse. This door belonged to Dean Heimerdinger. In order to ensure that the dangerous goods in the warehouse would not be easily taken out, the mechanical door used a very complex and advanced method. Four-hole multi-level door lock system,

To open the door, four keys with completely different shapes and specifications must be turned in different orders and accurately in the right direction for a number of turns. Even if a thief is lucky enough to get the key mold from the dean or assistant teacher, he will not be able to open the door. Getting the correct answer through combinations is tantamount to fantasy. This explosion-proof steel door, which represents Piltover's highest security technology, is the ultimate nightmare for all thieves.

"It seems that you, the dean's assistant, often wander around at night? How do you do it? Can you avoid those old men perfectly?"

Taking the miniature electric lamp from Victor, Jace lowered his voice and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Apart from conducting illegal research in violation of the college's management regulations, this was the first time that he had done such a shady and "sneaky" business openly and openly.

I have to say...this is really exciting.

"You also know that I have limited legs and feet."

Taking out the keychain that he had already prepared, Victor calmly took out a key from the keychain and inserted it into the bottom keyhole and turned it gently.

Just like a mathematician approaching the answer through a careful calculation process, the clicking sound of the lock cylinder is fascinating.

"If I didn't know how to observe the environment, I might have been drowned in the cesspool of Zaun long ago."

Hearing what Victor said, Jace raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's hard to imagine anyone harboring ill will towards someone like you."

Not wanting to tell Jess about the days when he was Singed's assistant, Victor calmly changed the subject.

"Everything seems to be going well so far..."

Just as he was talking, as if he was trying to hit Victor in the face, a beam of light came from the corridor on the west side.

Victor and Jace closed their eyes in pain to prevent their eyes from being blinded. After finally adapting to the bright light of the flashlight, what they saw was a black beauty with a hot body and elegant temperament.

The black beauty was none other than Senator Mel Myrdal, the noble daughter of the top family in the Noxus Empire, the woman who treated Jace with a noble hand.

Mel waved the flashlight on their faces and said playfully.

"You have to take the risk of being exiled. It seems that your belief is very firm, right? And this college assistant teacher..."

The flashlight was pointed at the security management entry on the edge of the gate. Under the light, [Heimerdinger]'s name was simply bigger than Heimerdinger's head.

"Is this your room?"

"This doesn't seem to be my room, but why do I have a key?"

Victor looked at Jace as he spoke, and immediately the light of the flashlight shone unceremoniously on Jace's face.

Faced with the sudden exile crisis, Jace had to play his only trump card.

"Please, Senator Myrdalda, we can prove that theory."

Mel was unmoved.

"But you couldn't prove it earlier, so why can you prove it now?"

When Jace was speechless, Victor had to step forward to smooth things over.

"Councillor Myrdalda, we already know how to stabilize the Hex Crystal."

"So I still don't know why Dean Heimerdinger's assistant appears here? With an exiled student who has just been tried by the parliament and can no longer enter the academy?"

"Victor is willing to help me prove that experimental theory. He is now my new partner."

After looking at the two of them again, Mel temporarily recognized their newly changed relationship.

"Well, even if you can prove this theory, it is obvious that the Parliament will not allow it to exist. Something that cannot be recognized by the public is meaningless. You are wasting your efforts."

"Professor Heimerdinger will see the value in this theory."

Victor moved out of Heimerdinger, but the effect was not very good. After all, Senator Myrdalda did not hide his ridicule at all.

"Yes, he has seen it a long time ago. He was frightened. The entire parliament was frightened. Use science to control magic. Haha, thank you for having the courage to say it."

"What about you? Councilor Myrdalda, are you also frightened?"

Mel looked at Jace, half-smiling.

"I know that any worthwhile bet comes with risks..."

The sound of footsteps coming from far and near came from the corridor on the other side. Mel turned sideways and looked at the corridor on the left. Victor and Jess' expressions changed. Without the interference of Representative Mel, they would have been safe. He walked into the storage room, but there is no if in this world. Congressman Meyer came, and so did the slow and determined old security guard Harold.

Although he is retiring in the college, Harold is famous for sticking to the old rules. Once Harold discovers that the college assistant and the college outcasts secretly poked Dean Heimerdinger's steel door in the middle of the night, things will definitely change. If he stabs him outside and causes trouble in the parliament, then it will not only be Jess who will be expelled, but Victor will also have to be packed away.

The footsteps of boots were getting closer and closer like a reminder. Victor sighed softly, silently averted his eyes and stopped defending, but Jace could no longer care about anything.

At this point, the only way to survive is to convince Congressman Myrdalda.

"Congressman, I swear on my life that the science and technology of using technology to control magic really exists. Even if I am expelled from Piltover, one day in the future, there will be a scientist who will embark on this path that no one has ever done before. The great path opened up, Jace can become an exile, but Hex Technology will definitely become a huge wave that changes the world.

This technology is destined to change the world. Just like the magical city of Fidelity, Piltover can also apply magic to all aspects of life. Rejecting new things out of fear should not be the reason for Piltover to rest on its laurels. , we should be the leader in this technology,

Congressman, Piltover is a place that advocates progress, equality and innovation. I know this sounds whimsical, but have humans ever stopped at their dreams?

Please, please give me a chance to prove myself..."

In the repressed silence, Mel Myrdalda thought of the Feros family, which was in great power because of Camille Feros, and then thought of herself.

In fact, she was also an outcast, banished to Piltover by her mother because she could not adapt to the cruelty and pressure of the empire.

Her mother believed that she was not capable of preserving the Myrdalda family's foundation in the Immortal Fortress surrounded by wolves. She did not believe that she was weak and could gain a foothold in the Immortal Fortress, so she allowed her to become a decent member of Piltover in Piltover, which was controlled by the empire. Fortunately, she is also the head of the branch industry of Myrdalda. She showed her business and social wisdom in Piltover, and used the huge wealth harvested in Piltover to save the face of the noble daughter of the Myrdalda family.

Growing up in Piltover, she has been working hard to prove her ability and prove that she has the ability to return to the Immortal Fortress. In order to return to the Immortal Fortress, she is willing to do anything,

The first small goal is to gain enough wealth to prove your ability.

The second small goal is to secretly control the Piltover Council, bribe various families, and use absolute votes to make the Myrdalda family the uncrowned king of Piltover.

Only when she achieves the first two small goals can she gain her mother's approval and return to the Immortal Fortress.

The environment in Piltover is not as harsh as the Immortal Fortress, but it is not harmonious either. The intrigues caused by money are no less than those in the Immortal Fortress.

Even with the support of the Myrdalda family and the Noxus Empire, it is not easy for a branch of the family to become the helmsman of the Piltover Council in a dignified manner.

Especially as Camille's power becomes more and more powerful, coupled with the grace of the Holy Emperor, the Philos family's attitude towards the Myrdalda family has become increasingly cold, and now there is a tendency to lose control, and this means that The Philos family's Hex crystal business will eventually have nothing to do with the Myrdalda family, which will cause her to lose her main source of income.

Without enough money, how could she gain enough influence?

She was so powerful that she could only watch all this happen. It was well known that the Holy Emperor did not like dark-skinned people, so the Myrdalda family could not send a beautiful pure-blooded woman to the emperor like the Philos family. If not In this way, her mother, who was considered outstanding in appearance and figure, might have found a way to get her into the palace of Fredlet to learn how to serve men.

Today, the Myrdalda family branch in Piltover lacks a decisive industrial pillar. Most of the money-making patented inventions have long been taken by other families and cannot be obtained through ordinary commercial competition. This is also It means that if you want to find new ways to make money, you can only invest in potential stocks that others have not discovered.

And could the man in front of him be the potential stock he was looking for?

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The footsteps were close to her ears, but Mel looked at Jace. She tried to see the hidden wavering and doubt in the man's eyes. What surprised her was that the man's eyes were as firm as ever, just like the words in his mouth. The science of science and technology is not a fairy tale, but a treasure chest full of treasures that has not been discovered.

Using technology to control magic and recreate the miracle of Fidelity in Piltover, perhaps because this idea was too ridiculous, she couldn't laugh.

If there are miracles in this world, only such a miracle can allow her to return to the Immortal Fortress, right?

After letting out a breath, Mel's face suddenly turned serious. At this moment, she was no longer the famous socialite of Piltover, but more like a crazy gambler.

"Tonight, gentlemen, let me open my eyes to the power of change you talk about, otherwise you just pack up and leave."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for a response from the two of them, Mel turned around and faced the old security guard.

After glancing at Jace who was a little surprised, Victor shrugged and took out the key again.

This time there was no interruption, and Victor quickly opened the cumbersome steel door.

The two people who walked into the room locked the steel door. Victor did not dare to light the light in the room, but used the miniature electric light in his hand to guide Jess in the dark to find the experimental equipment.

"The energy mutator, the crystal stabilizing disk, the energy exciter, and this media transmission device. Damn it, this thing is broken. It must have been broken by someone."

Victor frowned.

"Can it be fixed?"

"It can be repaired, but I need some welding tools and metal materials..."

"Tools are not a problem. Don't forget that this is not only a warehouse for prohibited items, but also the laboratory of the president of the Yodel Academy of Sciences. Not to mention welding tools and metal materials, even Hex crystals can be found for you."

He rummaged through Heimerdinger's toolbox to find the repair tools Jace needed, and Victor opened Jace's experimental notes.

"If I guessed correctly, you should also need a Hex crystal generating device and an energy regulator?"

Jace put on the welding goggles and picked up the welding gun.

"The Hex crystal generating device was stolen, but I can make one ready-made, but the energy regulator cannot. There is no..."

"Do you think this can be used?"

Jace was stunned, looked at the quartz dial in Victor's hand, and nodded in astonishment.

"As long as there's electrical continuity, it should be fine."

"Then I'll start assembling the instrument, and you can continue repairing it."


An hour later, Jess personally checked the instruments that Victor had assembled. He thought that Victor would make a few mistakes when assembling them for the first time, but he did not expect that the entire experimental device was more perfect than imagined.

Victor even optimized some of the energy transmission lines on his own. Apparently Victor chewed up his experimental notes and swallowed them, completely digesting them.

"Your hands-on ability and learning ability are really strong."

Victor looked at the Hex crystal generating device that Jace had temporarily welded, and handed the Hex energy crystal to Jace.

"Thank you, you are not weak either."

After getting the last key item, Jace was a little hesitant.

"Then shall we wait a moment for Councilor Myrdalda?"

Victor pointed seriously at the clock on the wall.

"Do you think she'll come? I don't think it would take more than an hour for Harold to get around here."

With a sigh, Jace put the Hex energy crystal into the metal hook.

"Then let's get started."

I signed the surgery agreement this afternoon. My mother will have the surgery at around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. I have been accompanying her in the ward for the past two days, so the update may not be stable. If there is really no other way, I can only ask for leave. I ask for your understanding.

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