League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 882 Chapter880 Hex Technology Era

"Dean Heimerdinger, there is a strange light shining in one of your research rooms. Is someone doing some experiments? Records show that there are no scientific experiments approved by the college tonight."

Heimerdinger, who was wearing a nightgown and opened the door, heard these words in a daze, and suddenly a cold air rushed to the sky, and he woke up instantly.

It must be those two stupid boys who don't know the heights of heaven and earth, playing with dangerous things in his warehouse!

"Take me there quickly! Notify the law enforcement officer by the way!"

The night security guard in the courtyard was a little confused.

"Dean Heimerdinger, don't you need to notify the law enforcement officer?"

Without responding to the night guard's question, Heimerdinger turned around and went back to the bedroom to get dressed.

"Find a carriage! I want to reach the main laboratory building as quickly as possible!"

The carriage stopped outside the main laboratory building. Heimerdinger jumped off the carriage and looked up. Sure enough, the experimental warehouse where prohibited items were stored was shining with a dangerous dark blue light. He knew that it was the power of the Hex Crystal. .

At this time, a circle of law enforcement officers had gathered outside the laboratory building. Because of the good relationship between the Law Enforcement Administration and the Yodel Academy of Sciences, the law enforcement officers did not act without authorization. When Heimerdinger came, some law enforcement officers came forward to talk.

"Dean Heimerdinger..."

Heimerdinger directly interrupted the law enforcement officer, his expression more serious than ever.

"Immediately send people to seal off the entire building. No one is allowed to go out and no one is allowed to enter. Then two strong young men will come with me to check the situation."

The law enforcement officer frowned. To be honest, Heimerdinger's 'order' was somewhat inconsistent with the law enforcement officer's regulations. However, considering that in addition to being the dean of the college, Heimerdinger was also the honorary chairman of the Piltover Council. It's not easy to refuse to cooperate.

"Elvis, Margery, you two will cooperate with Dean Heimerdinger in all operations."

"Yes, Captain!"

In the experimental warehouse, Jace and Victor, who had just completed the preliminary verification experiment, became nervous again.

The experiment just now confirmed that the magic rune theory written in Noxus can indeed be expressed with Hex Crystal. This time the experiment needs to verify whether a complete magic can be released by Hex Crystal. In theory, Say, this is a Hextech magic with the ability to teleport.

The high-speed rotating metal rails surround the Hex Crystal suspended in the air. In order to catch up with the energy frequency of the Hex Crystal in order to achieve the resonance effect, the speed of the metal rails has exceeded the level that the naked eye can distinguish, and it looks upside down. As if standing still,

At this moment, if someone who doesn't know how serious the situation is puts their fingers into the motionless range of the ritual, the thick and blunt metal bars will turn into the sharpest blades in the world and cut the fingers and bones into pieces.

As the metal ritual allows the Hex Crystal's energy to be output stably, blue energy lightning emanates from the crystal ball from time to time. The entire laboratory seems to be 'alive', and both metal and non-metal products are beginning to produce... Irregular tremors.

Victor carefully glanced through the broken window. The outside of the experimental building had been blocked by law enforcement officers. A law enforcement officer hurried into the building. It was obvious that someone would come to the door soon.

The situation has reached a point where it cannot be concealed, and for both of them, there is also no way out.

"The law enforcement officers and people from the academy will be here soon. Jace, you'd better speed up a little bit."

Victor knew how to open the metal door from the outside, but Heimerdinger never told him how to lock the metal door from the inside. Because of this, he could only find a wooden cane and insert it between the ring handles of the two doors. It serves as a temporary door bolt, just to block intruders for a few more moments.

Ignoring talking to Victor, Jace stared at the rune metal plate in the ritual without blinking, thinking hard about the next magic rune.

In the Hex technology theory he created, there are three general steps required to use a Hex crystal to release magic.

The first step is to activate the Hex Crystal and complete the preparations for magic charging in a stable state. This requires self-development of a complete set of experimental instruments. Now Jace has done this alone.

The second step is to control the Hex crystal to form corresponding magic runes by lighting up the rune metal plates, and let the magic runes appear in the appropriate order to form a fully functional magic.

The third step is to increase the energy output of the Hex Crystal, activate all magic runes without interruption, and allow the Hex Crystal to create Hex technology magic that can be adjusted with scientific instruments.

Strictly speaking, Jess has only completed the first phase, and has not conducted corresponding experiments in the second and third phases.

The first experiment just now in the experimental warehouse was the first time to safely and completely create magic runes based on the crystal resonance theory created by Victor. It was half way to the second step, and it was confirmed that the runes were inscribed on the metal plate. feasibility of magic runes,

Now the law enforcement officers and people from the academy are about to break in, but Jace has to complete all the remaining steps alone. It's absolute bullshit to say he doesn't panic.

"Jace! Victor! I know you two are inside! Open the door quickly before things turn to the worst!"

Heimerdinger's anxious voice came from outside the door. The metal door was pushed from the outside, but was tightly held by the wooden stick on the inside of the door. It could only open a thin crack.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

Seeing the wooden stick blocking the way through the crack of the open door, the two law enforcement officers decided to find another way to open the door.

"Boom! Boom!"

Faced with the unfriendly door call, all Victor could do was to block the door with his back against the inside of the metal door. Under his anxious gaze, Jace had not made any move for twenty seconds.

"Jace, don't panic, take your time."

"Stop talking! The more you talk, the more panicked I get!"

Because no new magic runes have been produced for a long time, one of the magic runes surrounding the Hex Crystal has begun to crack. The experimental equipment, which is not safe in the first place, makes an uneasy squeaking sound, as if it will be destroyed the next moment. Will fall apart,

Coupled with Heimerdinger's dissuasive voice outside the door and the law enforcement officer's banging on the door, Jace had already lost his head.

Will the experiment be successful?

Where is Councilor Mel Myrdalda who believes in himself? Has he left already?

If the experiment fails, will he and Victor really be expelled from Piltover?

If he left Piltover, how would he explain to Councilor Gila Mann? What to tell Caitlin? Where will his mother go? Where is he going to start a new life?

The distracting thoughts in his heart were rushing in like a demonic barrier. The figure of Rune had disappeared. Even at the most critical moment, his mind went blank. At this moment, Jace suddenly understood what it felt like to feel despair.

[Forget it, struggling is of no use at all. It’s better to die in the experiment and be happy so as not to be embarrassed...]

Just as Jace was about to slump his shoulders, he suddenly heard Victor's voice.

"Jace! Look at your bracelet! Think of everything you have paid for this! Only you can do it! I believe in you, and you have to believe in yourself too!"

He lowered his head blankly. The drop-shaped incapacitated crystal inlaid with arcane runes exuded a charming and mysterious dark blue light under the reflection of the Hex crystal light. For many days and nights, he caressed this An arcane gem clenched its teeth and persevered on a road that had never been explored before.

In a daze, Jess seemed to have returned to that day when the snow fell. His hypothermic mother fell into the snowflakes. While he was kneeling in the snow, a man in a hooded robe came to him and clutched his hand. An arcane crystal, the mage used magic to demonstrate a shocking and rare miracle for him.

Surrounding the magic circle that was gradually taking shape, the dancing magic runes came into view clearly. This was the only moment that he would never forget.

His consciousness was still immersed in the miracle of countless reincarnations in dreams. Jace's stagnant hands were placed on the regulator, and the rune metal plate began to rotate again, faster and faster.

The collapse was terminated, and the Hex Crystal stabilized again, glowing with hope.


The relatively strong wooden staff made a cracking sound under the continuous impact, but Victor did not dare to speak for fear of affecting Jace.

"Let's hit it together!"

"Okay, three, two, one!"

Outside the door, law enforcement officers Elvis and Margery looked at each other, took two steps back, and violently hit the door together.


The overwhelmed wooden staff cracked from the middle, and the door was finally knocked open. Victor stumbled forward and was about to fall to the ground, but the Hex Crystal suddenly erupted with a terrifying energy shock wave, and the room was filled with energy. The interior was in disarray as if it had been swept by a strong wind. The glass in the window shattered instantly, causing a commotion downstairs.

Amidst the disorder and chaos brought about by magic, a circular magic array steadily emerged in the mid-air, with the Hex Crystal as the center. The disordered space instantly froze, and the out-of-control magic was restrained by the bridle of science and became A docile sheep.

Victor, who staggered forward and fell forward, looked up in a daze at the magical reflection as beautiful as the starry sky. When he came back to his senses, he realized that he, like Jace, had already flown.

Outside the gate, two Piltover law enforcement officers stared at the abnormal phenomenon that could not be explained by common sense with stunned expressions. The only thing they could do at the moment was to maintain the dignity of the law enforcement officers with their mouths tightened.

Heimerdinger, on the other hand, raised his head high and stared blankly at the magical miracles that could only be seen in the Bandel realm. The Yodel man's white beard stood tall, and his expression was indescribably complicated.

He was angry that his teaching assistant and young student Jace ignored the advice and insisted on exploring the field of magic, but he was also proud of the courage and wisdom shown by the two scientific researchers.

After all, the two ignorant young people in front of him are members of the Yodel Academy of Science after all, not to mention that he has witnessed the experimental results of Hex Technology Theory with his own eyes. Now he can no longer treat them coldly, but he should It is better to knock once, lest the two of them fly into the sky with pride.

"I didn't expect you to actually succeed. Just because this theory can be realized does not mean that it can be applied in real life... I said, can you stop flying? My neck is a little sore."

Jace, who was flying in the air, scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Professor Heimerdinger, I don't know how to stop either."

For some reason, Heimerdinger suddenly thought of Lulu when he looked at the two people flying proudly in the air.

Lulu is definitely one of the most magically gifted yordles.

Her magic can turn people into sheep and rabbits, rocks into cakes, and swords into flowers. If there are levels of magic, the highest level must be something that cannot be explained by magic theory. Lulu.

Lulu is very powerful, but if Lulu can explain the reason for the spell she cast, it will definitely be impossible.

Because of this, most of Lulu's magic cannot be voluntarily revoked. If it weren't for the fact that most of Lulu's magic has a time limit, there would probably be dozens of yordles living in the Bandel Realm today. lamb.

And now, his cherished Piltover is about to have a game changer, a guy who could very well change the style of Piltover as a whole.

"Look, this is magic. Even people with talent can't figure out the ins and outs, let alone people without talent. Things that are half-understood are often more dangerous than the unknown. We need to remain in awe of magic.

Dear boys, the future of Piltover should never be what it is now, think of people flying into the sky..."

"Whether it should or not, that has to be decided by the Parliament. My dear Professor Heimerdinger, this is not something that the two of us can decide easily."

Before Heimerdinger finished speaking, a woman's elegant and calm voice came from behind Heimerdinger. Law enforcement officers Elvis and Margery turned around, only to see that the members of the Myrdalda family had already stood in front of him. Behind them, the two quietly stepped back to make way for the congressman.

Mel Myrdalda walked over, first looked at Jace in the air, and then fixed his gaze on the Hex Crystal, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Perhaps it's time for Piltover to begin the Age of Magic."

Jace in the air seemed to have gained enough courage, staring at Mel closely, correcting him without blinking.

"It's Hex Technology, the era of Hex Technology, my respected Senator Myrdalda."

Looking away from the beautiful Hex crystal, Mel responded to the young scientist's eyes with her beautiful black and white eyes, silently raising the corners of her lips.

Heimerdinger looked at the two people who seemed to be talking secretly with their eyes. He didn't know when the relationship between the two had become so good. The thought that Mel would bring this matter to the parliament regardless of his own wishes made him nervous. Somewhat sad.

Among the people present, only the lame Victor forgot his physical defects and was immersed in the brilliance of magic. He tried his best to get closer to the Hex Crystal without blinking, getting closer and closer... ( End of this chapter)

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