League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 883 Chapter881 Changes on the Day of Evolution

On the second day, Lester, who was far away in the Black Alley of Zaun, received the research information compiled by the Blade of Night, including but not limited to the rubbings of the Tallis family's research notes, the experimental environment of the Yodel Academy of Science that night and The experimental equipment and even the runes that Jace used to prove the Hextech theory were clearly delivered.

After spending a day comparing and sorting out, Lester finally understood where the 'error' went wrong in the empire's research.

The empire's Hextech theory focuses on using external objects to engrave the rune array and then using Hex crystals to power it. However, Jace's Hex technology theory boldly uses Hex crystals directly as the carrier of the array. The energy resonance method stably outputs magic energy, allowing the Hex Crystal to independently generate and stimulate magic runes, thereby achieving a perfect unified effect.

Compared with Jace's Hextech theory, the Empire's Hextech theory cannot be said to be a failure. It can only be said to have fallen into a rut and has no creativity.

There were differences in the research paths of the two sides from the beginning. It is no wonder that the Empire was unable to use Hex Crystal or even the superior Life Crystal to complete the construction of the flying portal.

"Send this information to the Imperial Research Institute as quickly as possible. Within a week, I want to see the feasibility plan for the Hex teleportation gate, and within half a year, I want to see the actual object."

The information that had just been covered up was transferred to Fidelite by the Blade of Night via the Star Gate. With another branch of Hex technology theoretical basis, it was for the Noxus Empire Research Institute to develop Hex technology. The flying door of kestech is by no means a big problem.

"The rest will be left to time."

Two years passed by, and in the year 985 of the Noxian calendar, Piltover ushered in the annual Evolution Day.

For the Zaun people living in the bottom city, Evolution Day is the only chance to leap over the dragon gate in a year. Whether they can find Bole in the upper city with their invention patents and craftsmanship technology is the only thing they need to consider. For the local residents of Piltover, Evolution Day is a grand celebration.

The Yodel Academy of Sciences will display the most significant inventions and creations in a year. Businessmen and nobles will look for inventors and collaborators who can bring wealth among the dazzling array of creations. Speaking of the most creative and revolutionary inventions It also has to be Hextech Flying Gate.

Half a year ago, the high-profile theoretical founder of Hex Technology, the founder of Hex Technology, the supporter of the Myrdalda family and the Gila Mann family, and the outstanding young scientists, inventors and scholars of Piltover Jace Tallis used extraordinary creativity to create two round towers of Hextech.

The first round tower is located in the most conspicuous upper area of ​​Piltover, only one kilometer away from the Piltover Parliament Tower. The second round tower is located in Gantry Port on the east coast of the northern continent.

With the help of the Hextech Flying Gate created by the Hextech Round Tower, the Hextech spacecraft can complete transcontinental space transmission within ten seconds, transporting more than ten tons of cargo to the bustling Longmen Port. In the past, it would have taken at least four months to transport the same tonnage of goods by water.

The efficient transportation method has greatly enhanced Piltover's commercial status in the global field. Space is no longer an obstacle to the circulation of wealth, and the City of Progress has become a veritable commercial metropolis.

For a time, the name of Jace Tallis spread throughout the continents of Valoran and Shurima, and even the Ionians knew the name Jace Tallis.

Becoming a true pride of heaven, Jace walked into the most glorious days of his life. The most intuitive manifestation is that in the past evolution days, Professor Heimerdinger, who led the city of progress, gave a speech. This time The evolution day of the year was changed into a young man.

In the evening, in the hall at the bottom of the Piltover Parliament Tower, hundreds of upper-city celebrities were sitting in the dark auditorium. At the front were representatives of Piltover's parliamentary families and some important figures with special connections.

Most people showed little interest in the inventor who was narrating his creative experience on the podium. Applause was more like a necessary etiquette than recognition. After all, the inventor on the stage had already belonged to someone, and whether he was excellent or not was never a factor. The key, the key is whether the invention can make your own money bag bigger.

For Piltover celebrities, the only person worth paying attention to tonight is only one person. This person single-handedly changed the environment of the City of Progress and made everyone eat well, and that person obviously has not yet When it comes time to show up.

Behind the curtain, Victor hurried from the laboratory, hunched over and sitting on a stool,

Victor, who had thin and pale cheeks, leaned on his cane with both hands and kept coughing. He looked left and right but could not see his companion who had not entered the laboratory for a long time.

From time to time, someone came up and asked Victor jokingly if he wanted to give a speech on stage. Victor just smiled and politely explained that he was not in good health. As a scientist as famous as Jace, Victor knew that those eyes looking at him were not very friendly.

Obviously someone was unhappy because Jace had gained both fame and fortune. When he couldn't find any way to cause trouble to Jace, he approached him, a scientist who was as famous as Jace Tallis but was always ignored. The way he was being held accountable was humiliating.

Victor has long looked down on these things. He does not care about the malice shown by others towards him. He only cares about whether his companion who shares weal and woe is willing to show their latest invention to everyone. Unfortunately, Victor did not see it until ten minutes before the speech started. That hurried figure wearing a pure white luxurious dress.

"Where have you been? They are all asking me if I can go up and give a speech..."

Victor coughed twice, bent over and stood up with difficulty. Jess, who held his head high and his chest high, walked towards him holding a coffee cup and patted Victor on the shoulder.

"You should come with me, we are partners."

After looking down at his shabby outfit compared to the others in the Parliament Tower, Victor lowered his head nervously and explained.

"No, no, I definitely can't. There are too many people down there, and my clothes are not..."

Before Victor finished speaking, Jace walked to the stage with a frown and pricked his ears. Judging from the sound coming from the speaker, the last inventor had already stepped down.

"It's your turn Jess, is your speech ready?"

Being ignored by Jace, Victor asked a question in embarrassment, but Jace had no intention of responding and just drank coffee silently.

Skye, who had been following Jace, hesitated for a moment and passed by Victor.

He walked up to Jess and handed over the two stacked speech scripts in his hand.

Jace turned the page, his eyes lingered on the second speech script belonging to Victor for a moment, and then he quickly closed the page and turned the page.

Victor would be embarrassed if he saw this thing, so it would be better not to mention it.

"...we are invited..."

"The highly respected emerging inventor, the future Piltover and the promoter of human civilization came to the stage to join me..."

"Welcome, Mr. Jace Tallis!"

Patron MP Cassandra Gilaman's voice came from the podium, and the originally silent venue suddenly burst into deafening cheers.

The sound that almost overturned the entire parliament tower came only for one person, and that was himself. The only problem was that the parliament, as always, did not prepare a suitable stage and opportunity for his partner to speak. Even Victor did not stay in front of everyone. A name that can be remembered. Of course, this is also related to the fact that his partner doesn't like to express himself very much.

Thinking that Victor's character didn't really like to deal with people, Jace felt a lot better.

It is up to him to deal with the inevitable social relationships alone. Victor only needs to conduct his own research silently without having to bear unnecessary pressure.

It was the only thing he could do for his partner.

"It's time for me to go on stage."

Putting the coffee cup with his bust printed on it on the table, Jace glanced at Victor, and finally walked through the darkness, waving his right hand and walked onto the stage with flashing lights.

After watching Jace leave the darkness, Victor coughed twice and silently sat back on the cold stool. His eyes stayed on the bust of the hot coffee cup illuminated by the sun, feeling a little depressed.

No matter how little he cares in his heart, he will feel a little disappointed at this moment. With the same starting line and the same dedication, Jace, who was saved by him, has become the star of tomorrow in Piltover, heading towards the bright road all the way.

But he, the lame man of Zaun who was ignored by everyone, still hasn't changed much. His legs and feet are still as difficult to use as before. His body is getting weaker day by day. He coughs like a sixty-year-old man. He can't tell one day. Just drive Hexi to the west.

"Victor...are you okay?"

Skye walked up to Victor with some worry. Victor shook his head and had already sorted out his mood.

If Hex Technology products can be recognized by the masses in Piltover, then he will receive enough experimental funds to design Hex prosthetics. With the magic of Hex Technology, he may not be able to improve his declining body.

Because of this, Victor showed no signs of self-pity.

"I'm fine. Although I can't go on stage to speak, there are things I can do here."

"I heard that you have come up with a new invention?"

Victor nodded, walked to the handle that controlled the curtain with a cane, and smiled with difficulty, his voice not high.

"Yeah, I can only make some inventions..."

There are many inspirational inventors in the Parliament Tower tonight, but the product booth hidden by the curtain is only for Jess and him. On the booth are two practical products that embody cutting-edge Hex technology. The technology has reached the point where it can be mass-produced. the point.

As long as he gets the order through approval, he and Jess can make a lot of money and take his research plan further.

The one on the left is the Atlas Mechanical Glove, which only requires a stable Hex Crystal to work at full capacity for more than eight hours. The main designer is Jace, and the target group is Piltover dock porters.

Relying on the energy and power of the mechanical glove, the porter can easily move hundreds of kilograms of heavy objects. The only limitation on the carrying capacity is the physical fitness of the porter. A man with a heavy back and a strong back may not be able to lift two to three hundred kilograms of goods. .

When necessary, the gloves can be turned into siege hammers through Hex charging to carry out more violent rock destruction operations. At the beginning of the project, the Atlas mechanical gloves were just to improve the work efficiency of porters. The sample was completed. Later, it was inevitable that there would be some disharmonious factors other than 'civilian use'.

The one on the right is the Hex robotic claw. The main designer is Victor. It is the first experimental product of the Hex prosthetic series.

Unlike the Atlas Mechanical Gauntlet used on the arm, the Hex Mechanical Claw was designed and produced from the beginning as a fifth limb for Zaun miners.

Through the Hex Crystal Sensor, users can free their hands and accurately control the claw to complete mineral picking operations. The palm of the claw can also emit laser rays that are enough to cut obsidian for a long time, quickly and completely cutting the ore from the veins. ,

Like the Atlas Mechanical Glove, the Hex Mechanical Claw also has quite dangerous characteristics. The high-temperature laser is enough to cut mortal flesh into charred pieces.

But aside from the dangers that depend on humans themselves, once the two devices enter the market, they will be enough to cause earth-shaking changes. Victor is quite confident about this.

Located in the middle is a stable Hex crystal. This is a top-secret process that only he and Jace have mastered. It is also the huge wave that set off the wave of Hex technology. This hammer will not explode due to loss of control. The Hex Crystal will be the only protagonist tonight.

Waiting silently behind the curtain, Victor suppressed his excitement, tightened his grip on the crank, and imagined how crazy Mrs. Piltover would be after the curtain parted.

"...I believe many people did not expect that I would be the one to give a speech tonight, but believe me, I am as shocked as you are,

My family and I make hammers, and our factory all makes hammers. The floor tiles you are stepping on may have been carved out by my hammer. My father once told me that a hammer may not be an expensive tool. But it is the most indispensable tool in the world. I have always believed in this.

Growing up, no one had ever placed high expectations on me. Because of this, I can feel how extraordinary this moment is.

A few years ago, the Hexgate opened its ports to the world, allowing Piltover to prosper beyond anything I could have imagined, but our exploration continues, and this year, we've invented something new for you all …”

Victor took a deep breath and prepared to turn the crank.

Jace looked at Heimerdinger, who was frowning, and his tone was no longer as calm as before.

"This batch of inventions...well...this batch of inventions, I will share with everyone here, just wait until the time is right..."

When Jace finished speaking, Heimerdinger's brows widened. Councilor Mel Myrdalda stood up and left with a dissatisfied look on his face. Victor dropped his arms blankly, as if he had realized something, and coughed violently.

Outside the parliament tower, Caitlin, wearing a law enforcement uniform, looked at the Sungate Bridge in the distance, her pupils suddenly dilated in the sudden expansion of the fire.


The Hinanomon Sea Lock Bridge, which had stood for more than 200 years, turned into broken metal ruins and sank into the canal. (End of chapter)

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