League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 894 Chapter892 The Zaun Girl Born with Electricity

In Hei Ruian Community, a little boy hurriedly ran into the tube building and found a green-haired girl lying on the bed in a daze, with an anxious look on her face.

"Sister Zeli, please hide away quickly. I heard from Grandma Ogma that there are three people outside who are looking for you by name. Judging from their clothes, they are very difficult to deal with. Most likely they are here to cause trouble for you."

"Looking for trouble for me? Who would bring trouble for me? Has Baron Alchemist sent someone here again?"

The green-haired girl named Zeli sat up from the bed, a little confused. Because Zaun and Piltover were at war, she hadn't gone out to do anything for a long time.

Due to some conflicts before, the people in the community had helped her settle the grievances she had with the Alchemy Baron. She had been keeping a low profile for such a long time, so logically no one should notice her.

"Where did the other party come from?"

The little boy with yellow skin and black hair scratched his head and tried to describe what he saw from a distance.

"Two women and one man. The man is taller than Uncle Bol and very handsome. Both women look beautiful. I can only confirm that one woman is also from Zaun.

Also, the clothes they wear are also very beautiful. I think only people from the upper city can afford to wear them. Even the clothes of the Alchemist Baron are not as good-looking as theirs, so they must not be the losers of the Alchemist Baron.

Grandma Ogma said that the more beautiful the clothes, the less likely they are to be offended. Sister Zeli, you’d better hide away. "

There was not much information in the words, and Zeli could only tell that the person was probably rich or noble. Although Grandma Ogma was a bit verbose, she had to admit that most of the time what the old man said made sense.

"Are they armed?"

The boy hesitated to give his guess.

"I didn't see any weapons. Maybe they were hiding them in their pockets. Anyway, I didn't find any fear in them when facing Uncle Bol's muskets."

Zeli nodded, agreeing with the boy's words. Just because he didn't see any weapons on hand didn't mean there was no threat. There were very ruthless people in Zaun who liked to hide their weapons and attack others secretly. There were nine out of ten people who would treat others as if they were bare-handed and careless. They all have to be killed as fools.

Not displaying weapons on hand could only mean that the other party might not be those guys who come just to find trouble, but even so, they should not be taken lightly.

It would be easier to deal with people from Zaun or the Alchemy Baron here, but under such circumstances, the guy who can come to the middle area of ​​Zaun from Piltover is not an ordinary person.

Considering that Grandma Ogma was likely to be harmed, Zeli immediately couldn't sit still.

"Ephi, take me to see it."


The boy named Ephi was hesitant. Zelie raised a finger, and dangerous arcs of electricity flashed on the fingertips. Ephi could feel the hairs on his arms stand up even though he was two meters away.

"Don't forget that I am the most powerful guy in our community. Since the other party is here for me, what's the use of escaping? I can't keep running away. Those people will hurt Grandma Ogma and everyone else. what to do?"

Zeli didn't want to hurt the residents of the community because of her own affairs. She had already caused enough trouble, and she also knew that her ability would cause trouble sooner or later.

Ephi, who had no way to convince Zelie, could only nod.

At the same time, the temporary reception room was surrounded by community security guards. After Ogema tested it many times, he probably determined that the visitor was not hostile.

Lester drank the tea handed to him by the old man as if he was unsuspecting. This move made the community residents present feel a lot more relaxed.

In Za'an, there are only two types of people who dare to drink tea from strangers. One is a fool who doesn't care about life and death, and the other is a friend with good intentions.

No matter how you look at it, the guest in front of you, whose character style has nothing to do with Zu An, doesn't look like those idiots who don't understand anything.

Leicester won the initial respect of the residents of the Black Ryan community with a cup of tea, and in this case there are some things that can be said better.

"Ms. Ogema, as I said, Zeli's magical talent is actually very dangerous. Without the guidance of a magician, Zeli can affect the surrounding elements through her own emotional changes, causing blackouts and fires in the community. This is enough This shows that Zeli has quite powerful potential, and this potential will not disappear because Zeli actively uses a suppressor to suppress magic. Instead, the forced suppression will cause huge harm to the body and spirit.

Once the expanding magic power gets out of control, your so-called 'electrical energy suppressor' will only become the fuse to ignite the explosives. At that time, the fatal electric light will level the entire community to the ground. I think this is definitely not what Miss Zeli wants to see. The result arrived,

Just like Zaun has to rely on drainage culverts to avoid being flooded by sea water, I don't think Ms. Ogma doesn't understand why it's better to block it than to drain it. "

The age spots on his face were tangled together with the wrinkles of his face. Ogma was unwilling to find that he was moved by what the man in front of him said, but the biggest problem was who could guarantee that the man in front of him really wanted it. Help Zeli, instead of just making Zeli a tool like other guys who want to take advantage of Zeli.

Zeli is the child she watched grow up. Although her personality is sometimes unstable, Zeli is definitely a good child with a sense of justice and a strong sense of affection. Otherwise, she would not have fought with those workers because of unfair treatment. Alchemist Baron confronts him.

"Mr. Liszt, it's a pity that even if I want to believe you, I can't let you take Zeli away. She is still a child. Neither I nor Zeli's family will ever hand her over to where she came from. Unknown guy."

After Ogema made his words clear, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. The security guard of Herian Community had his hand on the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.

Faced with the pressure exerted by everyone, Caitlin put her hands on the quick-release holsters on her sides that were close to her thighs. There was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead. Violet, who noticed this, curled his lips and smiled disdainfully.

To her, the scene in front of her could only be described as a small scene.

As expected, this maid was just a bed-warming maid with little knowledge or ability, completely different from her capable and loyal sister.

To her, this was the case, but to her eldest brother, it might not even be called a small scene.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lester played with the tea cup casually, looking a little careless.

"I do have the idea of ​​​​taking Miss Zeli away to teach magic, but this is based on the consent of both parties. If Miss Zeli does not need guidance, I will definitely not bother more, but this requires Miss Zeli to do it herself. Make a decision,

Since Miss Zeli dares to stand up against the Alchemist Baron, she is more decisive than everyone here. I think she is out of the age where she needs others to make decisions for her.

In addition, I should also let you understand whether the person sitting in front of you now is a liar. "


The moment Lester put down the tea cup, a force of extreme cold spread from the tea cup towards the entire low wooden table. The dark blue extreme ice froze everything on the low wooden table into ice sculptures, and the temperature in the room dropped instantly. When it reaches about ten degrees Celsius, it makes a shirtless adult man shivering with cold. In an instant, even holding a gun becomes difficult.

Among the people who were shocked, only Ogma was still sitting on the stool, and his face was much more sincere than before.

"With such exquisite ice magic, it seems that Mr. Lister does have profound attainments in magic. I begin to believe that Mr. Lister is really not a liar."

Lester smiled slightly, but stood up and prepared to leave without any hesitation.

"I came here just to explore Miss Zeli's electric energy magic. Since it's not convenient for Miss Zeli to show up, it's not convenient for me to stay here any longer. I'll take my leave."

Shaking his head in disgust at everyone in the Black Ryan community, Violet followed closely behind Lester and left.

Everyone looked at the cold low table in silence, and for a moment they seemed to be frozen on the spot.

"Well, it seems that this 'Mr. Liszt' is really a big shot. He rejected the other party's kindness like this, but I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing..."

After a long time, Ogma sighed deeply.

"Zeli, are you here? Tell grandma, what do you think?"

Hearing what Ogema said, everyone with trembling teeth suddenly looked at the half-open door behind them. As expected, the green-haired girl was standing at the door, and there was another figure standing with Zeli. The thin woman is Zeli's mother.

"Grandma, there's no way I'm going to be like this all the time, right? Otherwise, I'll have to be punished every time the power goes out in the community."

Zeli looked at Ogma with a wry smile. She really liked this electric energy restraint jacket that her family and friends carefully made for her, but she really didn't like the feeling of the energy in her body being forcibly trapped in her body.

If you have to describe it, this feeling is probably like having thick phlegm stuck in your throat that cannot be swallowed or spit out. It affects both eating and breathing. But you still can't refuse this kindness from your family. She had to endure the whole process with a smile and a grateful mouth. After all, this leather jacket could really suppress the violent electric current in her body.

"Anyway, the new boss of the Black Alley has rectified the alchemy barons and greatly improved the treatment of factory workers. I am very bored staying here. I might as well find something to do. It is rare to meet a guy who knows magic. Maybe he can really help me. Anyway, if I want to run away, no one can catch me. The choice is in my hands.

Moreover, if I can really control the power in my body, no one will dare to mess with us. "

Unsurprisingly, the standard answer made Ogema a little disappointed. He was disappointed that the children he had seen since childhood would eventually leave the big family and embark on an unknown and dangerous path. However, the old man also felt that the girl's choice was different from that of ordinary people. pride.

In a country as big as Zuan, there are many people with magical talents, but not everyone can have Zeli's talent and the courage to pursue the future.

From this point of view, she should be encouraged.

"Dianxi, do you think so too?"

Standing behind her daughter, Dianxi, with a complicated face, tapped her chin and spoke in a gentle voice.

"From the moment Zelie chose to stand up for the workers and seek justice from the Alchemist Baron, I knew that this child was not destined to be satisfied with an ordinary life. Her life should not be tied to this small city, and she should not be restricted by us. Bound by these ordinary people,

Zeli, go pursue the life you want. Zuan is too small, but the world is very big. Since you have abilities that none of us have, you should do what you want to do.

Go ahead and see the beauty of this world with our expectations. When you are tired, remember to come back and have a look. We will always keep the door open for you. "


The corners of Zeli's eyes began to turn red, and she gently hugged her mother and buried her head in her arms.

Knowing that Zeli's departure has become a foregone conclusion, the others lowered their heads silently, holding their reluctance in their hearts.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Zeli chose to leave. The farewell here was not as sad as Zeli imagined. Instead, she received full blessings and expectations.

"So, how do I find my teacher?"

After walking out of the gate of Heiruan Community and going around several communities, Zeli, who was a little lost and distressed, had to face the first huge problem.

The 'Mr. Lister' who wanted to guide him did not wait for him at or near the community gate as Grandma Ogema said. After asking several people, he found out that he had not stopped since he left the community. He left without a trace,

The middle-level area is so big, and some communities have grievances with the Black Ruian community, not to mention the Alchemy Baron thugs that they have provoked before. It is unrealistic for her to ask them one by one.

"Sure enough, what Grandma Ogma said may not be completely right. It's time to find a way on your own."

Tightening her leather jacket, Zeli disappeared into the streets of the middle-class area with a mixture of anxiety and excitement.

"Brother, since you know that the guy who didn't show up will choose to chase him out, why don't you wait outside?"

Wei Aolai, who returned to the dark alley, couldn't help but look at Lester with doubts in his heart, and Lester smiled faintly.

"I know you will regret sooner or later that you didn't choose to come with me. Why didn't I stay in the Moonlight Tavern and wait for you to surrender?"

Caitlin pricked up her ears and looked at Violet. The pink-haired girl in front of her had never shown such a low mood in front of her.

There was no rebuttal, which meant that Wei Aolai really regretted it.

"Human beings only value two things, one is something that is obtained with great hardships, and the other is something that is lost and recovered.

Only things that are easily obtained will not be cherished. If this fate is too easy, how can it reflect enough weight?

If I had stayed in the Moonlight Tavern waiting for you to change your mind, you would have looked down upon me and thought you made the right choice.

But in reality? I didn't care about your choice from the beginning. I don't care whether you want to go with me or not. Because I don't care, you start to care about gains and losses and regret the decision you made. "

"Only when you experience the pain of loss can you understand how precious the happiness of possession is. This is why I never wait for others."

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