League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 895 Chapter893 The Loose Star Spirit Seal

Piltover, Yodel Academy, Hextech Research Laboratory.

After a violent cough, Victor took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and readjusted the rune parameters with a serious expression.

Jess on the side folded his hands on his chest and silently watched the special experiment that Victor was conducting.

It's a bit shameful to say that because of some interpersonal contacts that he couldn't refuse, he could no longer help Victor in the experiment involving Hex rune enhancement. Victor's knowledge in Hex rune enhancement had far exceeded he.

This temporary demonstration experiment did not take much time. Under the light of Hex energy, the experimental mice in the culture tank disintegrated into a bloody mass of meat.

Victor sighed and turned off the experimental equipment.

"It seems like it didn't succeed?"

After considering it for a moment, Jace spoke cautiously.

"It seems that the experimental mice cannot withstand the energy input from the Hex Crystal. Would it be miraculous if we lower the output frequency?"

The pale Victor shook his head at Jace's rather amateurish guess.

"The most fundamental problem now is not the experimental subject itself, but life itself resisting the role of the energy of the Hex Rune. Life is refusing to change. Because of this rejection, life is willing to dissolve itself rather than accept the Hex Rune. transformation,

The cause of death of the experimental mice was self-decomposition. "

“Is life resisting change?”

"Cough cough cough... There will be no such problem if Hex Rune is used on non-living matter. The current experimental problem is how to make life accept the transformation of Hex Rune, cough cough cough..."

As he spoke, Victor began to cough violently again. Jace stepped forward to help Victor, but Victor waved his hand and refused Jace's help. Jace's expression immediately became a little embarrassed.

"Um, your body... doesn't matter, right?"

"You won't die yet, but it should be soon."

Victor straightened up and looked at Jace Tallis with complicated eyes.

"Jace, I haven't asked you for anything, but this time it's different. Two things. I wonder if you can help me?"

Jess patted his chest and agreed.

"Just tell me, I will help you as long as I can."

Victor seemed relieved and nodded gratefully.

"The first thing is, I need the Parliament and the Academy to allow me to conduct human experiments on Hex Rune. You know I don't have much time. I can't continue to waste time on these experimental mice and experimental monkeys. Maybe I can I have found a solution in the human body, but at this point, I have no way out."

Frowning in distress, considering that human experimentation was a precedent that had never been set by the Yodel Academy of Sciences, Jace did not agree immediately. He only hoped that Victor's second request would be simpler.

"anything else?"

"I have to find a way to get back to Zaun. Aren't Zaun and Piltover at war now? Is there a safer way?"

Hearing this, Jace's brows twisted into an inverted figure.

"Returning to Zu'an? Are you ready to leave the academy?"

Victor shook his head.

"Maybe I can find what I need in Zu'an. It's not convenient to tell you now. I'll tell you when I figure it out... How about it? Is that okay?"

To put it bluntly, Victor's two requests are too unrealistic. Whether it is finding someone to protect him when traveling to Zaun during the war or convincing the parliament and the professors of the Yodel Academy of Science to open the restricted area of ​​human experimentation, they are all beyond his dreams. to things.

Staring at Victor's hopeful and pale eyes, Jace felt extremely embarrassed but could not say any words of rejection.

As the co-founder of Hex Technology, Victor’s efforts and sweat in Hex research are no less than his. However, Victor has never received the treatment and status he deserves.

He has always been enjoying the admiration and glory from everyone. There is actually very little he can do for Victor, and now he can only watch his best friend become a patient with half a foot in the coffin.

"Let me think of a solution."

Neither being able to refuse, nor being 100% sure that he can do it, Jace could only give this response.

"Mel, you have to help me in this matter. You know, I only have one close friend, Victor. A man as proud as him has never asked me for help. Now that I say that, it must be time. He is at the end of his rope and I have to help him.”

In a high-end private hotel suite in Piltover, Jess hugged Mel who was dripping with sweat from behind, their bodies pressed tightly against each other.

Feeling the warmth and security brought by Jace, Mel was as soft as a pool of spring water after being fully nourished. The only flaw was that at such a warm time, the man she valued spoke for another man. And he talked about it endlessly.

Even the most generous woman will have some small emotions in this situation.

After thinking seriously for a while, Mel said.

"There is no way to go to Zaun. Just take the empire's route. The people of Zaun are not crazy enough to dare to attack people from the empire.

As for opening up human experimentation... Jess, I think you should also know what kind of attitude Chairman Heimerdinger will show. He is your mentor. If it weren't for him, you would have been exiled from Piltover. Husband. "

"Is there really no way?"

"...Yes, the Yodel Academy of Science's regulations prohibiting human experiments were proposed by Chairman Heimerdinger. As one of the founders of Piltover, Chairman Heimerdinger has sufficient prestige. This is also the case for all human beings. The main reason why the experimental project was uprooted,

However, the current situation is different from the past. Piltover is in a state of war. Facing the endless stream of Zaun biochemical warriors, Piltover must have enough courage to make changes.

This change is not just a change from people's livelihood to military... Chairman Heimerdinger has done enough for the City of Progress in hundreds of years, but now Chairman Heimerdinger still adheres to conservatism ,

Dangerous military research is not allowed, and unsafe inventions are not allowed to be produced. Even external prostheses require special review by Chairman Heimerdinger in order to bring convenience to people who need them. If I hadn't taken your Hex Technological experiments were recommended to the parliament, and Piltover will not enjoy the convenience of Hex technology until now.

Jess, no one will deny what Chairman Heimerdinger has done for Piltover, but now Chairman Heimerdinger has become an obstacle to Piltover's progress. Since it has become an obstacle, it has become an obstacle to history. If there are any obstacles to the trend, we must remove them and allow Piltover to continue to move forward. "

Unexpectedly, the silent Mel would deal with Heimerdinger as soon as he opened his mouth. Jace swallowed dryly, feeling a little at a loss.

"What...are you going to do?"

"It should be said that what we are going to do, Jace, with your current achievements, you are already qualified to nominate a member. When your Hex weapons successfully suppress the Zaans on the battlefield, I believe that the entire Piltover will No one will stop you from becoming a new member of parliament.

Only by becoming a new member of parliament can you have enough authority to do things. "

Jace's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"You mean, let me become a parliamentarian? Can I do that?"

Gently scraping Jace's lips with her index finger, Mel smiled slightly.

"Don't belittle yourself. As long as you are willing to share some of the benefits, you will get enough votes to become a new member of the Piltover Council. You can only do this if you want to help your friends."

"What's the connection between me becoming a councilor and helping Victor?"

Mel stared hard into Jace's eyes.

"Become a congressman and get enough votes to honorably retire Chairman Heimerdinger so you can amend the bill to remove the Academy regulations prohibiting human experimentation."

"He...Chairman Heimerdinger is kind to me, how can I do this?"

"There is only one way. If you still want to help Victor, think carefully about what I said."

Late at night, Victor followed the people arranged by Jess to the private dock next to the Grand Canal. Victor observed the surrounding environment with his peripheral vision, and was quite surprised that there was such a secret dock here. After living in Piltover for so many years, Victor , this is the first time he knows this place.

The muscular, brown-skinned man with short hair and beard did not give Victor much time.

"From now on, you are a scholar from Noxus, your name is 'Viggo'. Forget your original identity and remember your current identity information. Otherwise, don't blame me if you are killed by the Zaans." Tell you."

Victor took the forged document handed over by Beard and opened it. It had his own photo sticker with a red background and white edges. Judging from the text, he was indeed a scholar from the Noxus Empire, not Piltover. husband scientist.

Surprised that Jace still had such energy, Victor nodded.

"I remember, what should I do next?"

Seeing that the lame and consumptive man didn't look like a fool, he pointed to the other side of the river with his beard.

"Wait for the boat. My people will transport you to the other side of the river. A week later, at twelve o'clock in the evening, board the boat at the same location and I will bring you back. Is there any problem?"

"Wait, aren't you coming with me?"

Victor felt that things seemed different from what Jace said. Jace said that he would arrange for someone to bring him safely to Zaun and bring him back safely, but he did not say that he would just find someone to help him sneak across.

"Going with you?"

The bearded man glanced sideways at Victor and grinned.

"Boy, if you want us to follow you, you are not qualified."

When it was past twelve o'clock, a small boat arrived on the canal. Victor hesitated for a while, but decided to board the boat. The boat left the dock and slowly approached Zaun.

At about 2:30 in the evening, the boat arrived on the other side. Victor stepped off the boat alone and set foot on the land of Zaun again.

Looking at the pitch-black Zaun in the distance, Victor felt both familiar and unfamiliar. This city sunk beneath the sea level seemed to have never changed, but he could not find a way back...or rather, there was no way at all.

The 100 meters outside the pier was surrounded by high iron walls. Various exaggerated and obscene graffiti were painted on the iron plates. Many of the patterns symbolized the secret parts of men and women, which made people blush.

Except for the large iron gate with various wire traps and pin board traps, there is no second way out of the dock.

The searchlight suddenly turned around. Before he could see clearly what weapons the Zaun people on the sentry tower were holding, a blinding light suddenly shone over them.

Victor blocked the light with his right hand, and could only vaguely see three Zaunites walking toward him quickly with something to do.

"Hands up! Who are you?"

Victor, who couldn't open his eyes at all, could only raise his hands and crutches as told to prevent him from being killed with a knife before he could explain his origin.

"Viggo, a Noxian, was sent here by Black Bear. I'm here to do some research."

Victor tried his best to make his tone reflect the arrogance of the Noxians. Sure enough, after he spoke, the attitude of the three Zaans became much more cautious.

Victor really didn't know that after the war between Zaun and Piltover, many Noxian scholars came here to investigate Zaun's alchemy warriors and shimmering potions. The superiors also issued orders to treat Noxans. The people must be respectful enough not to harm any Noxian.

"How can I believe that what you say is true?"

"I have papers."

"Take it and take a look?"

Victor took out his ID and shook it.

The dock guard looked at the fearless stowaway. After hesitating for a moment, he put down his weapon. The leader of the Zaun took Victor's ID and opened it to look at it.

"Viggo? Where are you from?"

"A native of Black Rock Village, Bamut Town."

"Speak a few words of Noxian?"

After hearing this, Victor's expression changed.

"Do you think we Noxians are wild dogs on the roadside? Either let me pass or kill me, as long as you can bear the consequences."

Several Zaun people looked at each other and nodded in unison.

So arrogant and crazy, the Noxians are undoubtedly.

Piltover Parliament Tower, with Hex self-defense weapons as the core of its interests, Jess Tallis won three-quarters of the votes in the parliament and became the eighth Piltover MP.

With the support of various wealthy families, Hex weapons technology quickly expanded to the production line.

The first mass-produced model was the Hextech Gunblade.

The Hex Technology Gunblade uses an improved Hex crystal as its main energy source and has two attack methods. It can emit high-temperature Hex energy rays from a long distance. After testing, the rays are enough to melt a three-millimeter-thick steel plate at close range. The Hextech gun blade can be used as an enchanted spear for soldiers to use in close combat. Once the gun blade stabs the enemy, the Hextech gun blade will release high-voltage waves, causing huge damage to the organism.

It can be said that the Hextech Gunblade is a high-energy weapon created to strengthen soldiers with Zaun's Turbo Alchemy Pots.

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