League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 897 Chapter895 Embrace Evolution

Zaun Black Alley, Moonlight Tavern,

Lester stood by the fence on the second floor, drinking a small drink, looking at the mixed crowd of people on the first floor of the tavern indifferently. For him, finding peace in the midst of chaos was already considered a passive skill.

A while ago, Orianna had taken Seraphine to the Valoran continent through the teleportation array. After the two of them reunited with Sona, Lux and Fiona from Demacia, they would meet in Sheena. An art performance troupe was established under the leadership of

Presumably Xina's ability is enough to allow several girls to find the position that suits them best. The Noxus Empire is now strong enough. He does not need his girls to face cruel wars. It is okay to make the lives of a few girls easier. One of the few things he could do for his woman beyond material needs.

Speaking of which, the Noxus Empire is now flourishing on three sides. No matter which side it is, it is not an easy enemy to deal with. Even a warlike Noxus can't stand it.

The Imperial Legion in the northern part of the Valoran continent has advanced into the Star Barrier. However, in the Star Barrier world, the suppression of the Star Barrier Law has caused the Empire's mages to suffer a lot. In addition, there will always be flashes of madness through the Star Barrier. The Star Children attacking the guard tower station made it even more difficult for the Imperial Legion to move forward. We don’t know how those endless Star Children were created. The best situation at present is just a stalemate.

Foego on the Shadow Island feels a lot more at ease. I don't know if it's because he used his identity as 'Isolde' to reveal Thresh's great achievements. Foego's ghost army is fighting against the Legion of Light. In the war, they seemed to be somewhat passive and sabotage, but Wigus sent news that Thresh had left the Shadow Island for a long time, and he must be planning some conspiracy, which he had to guard against.

Finally, there is the Void War on the Shurima continent. Although the empire has mobilized its elite army, it is not an easy task to annihilate the Void Queen. It must be carried out step by step, and every year it is invested in the Shurima continent and Freljor. Germany's supplies are not a small amount. If the Noxus Empire hadn't had thousands of years of heritage, it really wouldn't be able to afford such consumption.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the pressure caused by the long war, the empire gradually relaxed restrictions on the entertainment arts, allowing chambers of commerce or individuals to organize cultural performers to perform in public. This is also the basis for Orianna and others to perform freely. Conditions, before this, the Noxus Empire strictly prohibited unofficial art groups from performing in public, in order to prevent some disgusting artistic performers from becoming national idols and thus bringing bad personal effects to the people.

There is only and only one kind of idol allowed in the Noxus Empire, and that is the imperial soldiers who open up new territories and defend their homeland. No matter how high the artistic attainments of singers and dancers are, it is difficult for them to be on the stage.

"Mr. Lister, I have your letter."

Taking the letter from the guard, Lester opened it and read it, his expression became a little complicated.

"Go down and clean up the letter."


Handing the letter to the guard, Lester's mind returned to the violin notes in the tavern. Among the well-dressed tavern waiters in black and white dresses, the two girls in maid skirts were particularly eye-catching.

The short but slim and pretty maid has long dark blue hair, with bangs covering half of her smooth and full forehead. Her legs are straight and fair, and she walks around with a tray in her hands like a cat with a quiet and calm pace. , long legs attracted the attention of many male drinkers,

The pink short-haired maid, who is slightly taller than the blue-long-haired maid, has a slightly fuller body line. The strong and streamlined muscles do not appear bloated at all. Instead, they perfectly show the healthy and energetic youthful body of the girl. Looks very powerful,

Compared with the slightly thin blue-haired girl, the pink-haired girl has a perfect gourd-shaped figure. Her bright chest, which is no longer covered by a bra, stands proudly, and her collar is bulging, exuding intoxicating female hormones.

The girl with the best figure has a pretty androgynous face, and a pair of silver-gray eyes as sharp as swords. Even a man with some special ideas will be defeated by these cold eyes. Come on, don't dare to think wildly. Of course, no blind fool would dare to touch the waiters and maids in the Moonlight Tavern.

The two maids working on the first floor were none other than Caitlin and Violet. When they had nothing to do, the two girls would work as maids in the Moonlight Tavern.

People who are familiar with the two girls will be very confused about the changes that have occurred in Caitlin and Violet. In fact, Lester just used the life runes and massage methods to help the two girls adjust their bodies, and the two girls showed their Unusual beauty.

Lester had a hunch that it wouldn't take long for the life rune to be completely absorbed by Elena.

The day to leave Piltover is not far off.

Lester turned around and said softly to the girl in the princess dress sitting on the high chair.

"Bangbao, go and call Sister Wei Aolai and Sister Caitlin up. I have something to tell them."

Hearing this, Bao Bao quickly put down the peach juice in his hand and walked quickly downstairs.

In less than two minutes, Baobao led two girls in a hurry up to the second floor.

"I'll give you half a day off today to get ready. I'll go to Piltover with me tomorrow morning."

Caitlin didn't speak, but hesitated a little, but Wei Aolai spoke.

"To Piltover? What to do?"

For Violet now, there really wasn't much to do in Piltover. Since Lester didn't need her to go to the battlefield, she would rather stay in the Moonlight Tavern with a drink and watch people fight.

"The Myrdalda family is planning to join forces with other Piltover council members to attack Heimerdinger. I can't let go of this opportunity to ridicule Heimerdinger."

"What do you mean? Why are the MPs going against Chairman Heimerdinger?"

Lester looked at Caitlin and explained casually.

"I think Heimerdinger is probably no longer suitable for the development of Piltover. Now that Jess Tallis has become the new councilman, the weaponization of Hex Technology must have become a certainty. In this kind of situation, Under such circumstances, Heimerdinger, who strictly prohibits the development of military weapons, will naturally become Mrs. Piltover's abandoned son, and there is no way that the name of the Chairman of the Parliament will be removed."

At the same time, Victor had just returned to Piltover, and the Hextech Laboratory was as empty as ever. For Victor, who was used to researching alone, the fact that Jace was not in the laboratory made him feel more comfortable, at least he didn't have to Waste of time answering Jace's questions.

"Ahem...is the shimmering potion the key to evolution I'm looking for?"

Victor, who muttered to himself, knew very well that the specific effect of the shimmering potion still depends on the experimental results.

Looking at the few experimental cages, Victor quickly selected an experimental squirrel with two hind legs broken off, because Skye would clean and tidy up the laboratory on weekdays, and there were no experimental animals that Victor fed. Didn't starve to death.

Victor, who was holding the rat's tail, frowned.

"Teacher Singed said that if an animal with weak willpower is injected with low-light medicine, the animal will show a state of bloodthirsty and madness...ahem...it will definitely be too late to temporarily establish a safer laboratory. , I have to think of another way, if the gray mouse really goes out of control due to the strengthening of shimmer and Hex runes, how should I deal with the crisis?"

According to Singed's experimental theory, the best response to an out-of-control experimental subject is humane destruction, and there are not many ways Victor can choose, and Hex Claw is one of them.

Throwing the gray mouse into the test box, Victor carefully checked the state of the Hex Claw and confirmed that the Hex Claw was in a perfect state to be activated.

It began to charge, and the Hex rune array emitted magical lightning. Everything was ready. Victor extracted ten milliliters of shimmering potion and injected it into the body of the gray mouse.

"Squeak squeak!!!"

The moment the medicine entered the body, the flesh and blood of the gray mouse began to twist, and the villi fell off greatly. The naked eye could see blue-purple blood vessels emerging from the hairless parts, and the eyes reflected purple light.

Without daring to hesitate, Victor directly controlled the Hex Claw to grab the struggling gray mouse and approach the Hex Rune Array. Pressing the button, the rune array burst out with magical brilliance and enveloped the gray mouse.

Victor took two steps back, controlled the Hex Claw to aim at the experimental table, and waited for the result without blinking.


The light of the Hex rune array gradually dimmed, and with a sharp cry, a mouse monster as big as an adult cat landed not far in front of Victor. It grinned and threw a selective and devouring attack at Victor. eyes,

The mouse monster has a hairless body, and its teeth and front claws have black-purple hard growths. Its tail is twice as long as its body, reflecting the luster of metal. Its eyes are white-purple, and densely packed blood vessels can be seen around the eye sockets.

The most important thing is that the mouse without hind limbs has actually grown two black and purple blade-edged legs, which looks very dangerous.

Without giving Victor much time, the Hex-enhanced rat, which had adapted to the physical changes, directly attacked Victor.

This moment of crisis made Victor's heart rise to his throat. His brain, unable to think anymore, remained blank, but his body instinctively controlled the Hex Claw to make the most perfect cutting action.


The Hex laser drew a beam of light on the ground, and the rat flying in the air was split into two. The sour barbecue smell filled Victor's nasal cavity. Judging from the laser-cut body of the rat, the rat's organs were still there. Belongs to the category of flesh and blood,

With a 'pop', the mutated mouse fell to the ground, and there was a pool of lavender blood with no peculiar smell on the floor of the laboratory.

Victor fell to the ground with lingering fear. It took him a while to regain his composure. He picked up half of the rat's corpse with his hex claw and placed it on the observation platform.

"Has the level of life changed? Is this change due to the mouse's own desire or the influence of the shimmering agent? If it were a human being, would such an influence be controlled by personal will? Can specific targets be strengthened in a targeted manner? parts of the body, rather than the whole body being affected?”

Although he did not understand what caused the changes in the mouse's body, Victor knew that this experiment was generally a success. After all, the experimental gray rat did not change under the influence of the Hex Rune Array like its predecessors. into ashes,

If the bony hind legs, which are as hard as pig iron, can be considered part of the limb complement, the chinchilla can definitely be considered restored to physical health.

The experiment proved that the shimmering potion can indeed make life begin to accept the changes in the Hex Rune Array. This is the best start. As for other variables in the experiment, as long as the experiments are repeated enough, he can always draw the correct conclusion. .

"At least it is certain that the shimmering potion can be used to assist evolution."

The excited Victor rarely smiled.

"If the human body can adapt to Hex evolution through the use of shimmering potions, is it possible that humans can transform all parts of the body into higher-level tissue structures, thereby breaking away from the weak body?

In this way, not only disabled people can recover, but also terminally ill patients can continue to live. Hex Evolution will become the second life of patients and change people's lifestyles. "

Victor knows very well that this is a great invention that spans the ages no less than the Hex Flying Gate. If he can gain enough influence like Jess, he can promote Hex Evolution to every poor family, allowing those The poor who cannot afford medical treatment or medicine are freed from pain and suffering.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Victor wished he could use his own body to complete the Hex evolution experiment now, but he was not at the end of his rope yet, so there was no need to take such a huge risk and conduct an experiment without guarantees.


The door of the laboratory opened, and Jess, wearing a white custom-made dress, strutted into the laboratory. Just as he was about to talk to Victor, an unpleasant smell of barbecue came to his nostrils, and Jess's eyes involuntarily stayed on the remains of the mouse. on the corpse,

Frowning, he had never seen such a ferocious big rat...if the half-body corpse on the ground could be considered a rat.

Looking away, Jace's eyes were fixed on Hex Claw.

"Victor, what's going on here?"

Victor had a smile on his face.

"The Hex Rune Array evolution experiment was successful. What you see is the lab rat that has completed evolution. It has successfully grown its hind legs."

Jace asked in disbelief.

"You said this monster was your successful experiment? Did something go wrong with your experiment? How can it be considered a success when it's like this?"

Victor explained patiently.

"Jace, it's the greatest success that it didn't die during Hex's evolution. As for other problems, I will solve them one by one... By the way, can the human experiment be done?"

"I came here to tell you this."

Jace let out a breath and looked complicated.

"There will be an important meeting at noon tomorrow. As Professor Heimerdinger's assistant, I hope you can come and attend."

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