League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 898 Chapter896 On how to abduct Heimerdinger

It was just dawn in Piltover College's senior apartment, and Heimerdinger climbed out of the small bed.

Wearing a nightgown, the yordle walked into the bathroom and started washing up despite being tired. Years of living in the material realm allowed Heimerdinger to develop the same living habits as humans. He also tried his best to make himself Forget about being a yordle and try to live in human ways and ideas.

After washing, Heimerdinger took out some cold hard butter bread from the refrigerator and put it into his stomach along with the raw milk from the delivery box outside the door. For Heimerdinger who does not need to eat to maintain his life, To put it bluntly, this breakfast, which is not delicious and can only be described as casual, is just a formality.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't want to eat good food, but he doesn't like extravagance and waste. Over time, the college's deliveryman will no longer give him a luxurious breakfast in his capacity as the president of the college and chairman of the council. As for lunch and evening When I was in school, I naturally had to go to the college cafeteria to eat a big pot of rice.

For Heimerdinger, there is nothing wrong with this. He did not come to the material realm to enjoy life. His main goal was to explore science with like-minded humans.

It was only about seven o'clock after breakfast. Heimerdinger put on the uniform of a college professor and plunged into his laboratory. There was an open class to teach from nine to ten thirty, and he had to attend at eleven o'clock. Piltover Bell Tower Meeting, although he is the president of the Yodel Academy of Science, he does not have much free time.

It took a whole morning to do research and lectures. Heimerdinger was already used to the long time scale. Heimerdinger slowly had lunch in the college cafeteria and took the time to get on the bus to the parliament before 10:45. Tower carriage.

At ten fifty-five, Heimerdinger stepped off the carriage and greeted the law enforcement officers and acquaintances along the way.

"Good afternoon, Chairman Heimerdinger."

"Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Mountbaston, everything goes well?"

"Well, thanks to you, everything went smoothly."

"Professor Heimerdinger, your public class is very exciting. I look forward to your next public class."

"Who are you?"

"Joseph, a new student of Engineering Materials, I attended your open class in the morning."

"A studious kid, you are a new student. No wonder I have no impression of you... If you are interested in anti-seismic materials, you can come and take my private lessons."

Greeting people is not an easy thing, especially greeting people with different identities, different purposes, different ages, and different degrees of familiarity. What to say and what not to say is a science. At first, Heimerdinger He was still unable to deal with other people's greetings, but now he is as comfortable as a fish in water, and he is extremely proficient.


Heimerdinger, who was about to enter the clock tower building, stopped and followed the source of the feeble sound. Heimerdinger saw a face that had not been seen for a long time and became increasingly pale.

The yordle who had always maintained a polite smile finally turned serious, and his eyebrows raised looked very unkind.

The young man who spoke did not expect that his teacher would give him a slap in the face when he met him. He didn't know how to express his words in a poorly organized way.

Noticing the hesitation and guilt in the young man's expression, Heimerdinger softened his harsh attitude slightly. He is still relatively patient with young people who make mistakes, provided that the persuasion is useful.

"Victor Dorrent, I heard someone said that you and that boy Jace are going to make Hex weapons?"

"Professor, you also know that sometimes Jace and I's opinions don't matter..."

Heimerdinger interrupted Victor directly.

"Absolutely not! I have already told you about the dangers of magic. You are not allowed to conduct magic experiments. You insist on using Hex crystals to control magic and use Hex technology for people's livelihood. You actually want to use Hex crystal. Sri Lanka technology manufactures weapons,

Didn't I tell you how many civilizations were destroyed by out-of-control magic? Do you want the City of Progress to be destroyed? "

Victor tightened his mouth and kept silent, with a bitter look on his face. This expression made Heimerdinger believe Victor's words.

"Kid, don't feel embarrassed, I will make those madmen give up making Hex weapons,"

After saying that, Heimerdinger, who was blowing his beard and glaring at everyone, walked into the clock tower building angrily.

ten minutes later,

"Professor Heimerdinger is no longer fit to serve as President of the Assembly. A show of hands will follow."

"With five votes in favor and two against, the resolution was passed to strip Professor Heimerdinger of his title as President of the Parliament."

"Congratulations, Professor Heimerdinger, you can spend more time teaching and teaching. The council decided to retain your honorary title in the Yodel Academy of Science, and you can continue to teach in the Yodel Academy of Sciences. "

Walking out of the parliament tower in a daze, those enthusiastic faces seemed to have never appeared before and became unnoticed.

Heimerdinger raised his head in a daze, feeling that the sun on the horizon was making him unable to open his eyes. Only then did he understand what the guilt in Victor's eyes meant. His assistant knew that he was being raped before he walked into the parliament tower. Abandonment thing.

His favorite students and assistants, the council families he had promoted abandoned him, and those people joined forces to banish him from the center of power in Piltover because he refused to identify with Hex Weaponization of technology.

Because of this perfectly normal thing, the city he built with his own hands betrayed him.

"Ciel B. Heimerdinger."

A shadow came condescendingly in front of Heimerdinger, followed by two girls with unique temperaments. Heimerdinger raised his head, and an all-too-familiar face reflected in his sour and red eyes.

"It's a pity that this happened to you."

"Little Lailai..."

He wanted to call the tall man in front of him Lester, but his words came out as Lulu's nickname.

At this moment, he is no longer the chairman of the Piltover Council, and his status as the dean of the Yordle Academy of Science is not worthy of making him puff up his chest. Only as a yordle can Heimerdinger have the courage to face the situation in front of him. man talking.

Under the somewhat surprised gazes of Caitlin and Violet, Lester smiled slightly, not caring that his Yodel nickname was exposed.

"I'm glad you can call me that name. Come on, let's go have a few drinks. Even great scientists have to learn to relax."

Unlike Zaun, which became increasingly chaotic and lively, when the war broke out in the Twin Cities, most of the shops and taverns in Piltover were closed and the streets were in a state of depression. Only a few taverns with a good background were qualified to stay open. It’s just that the prices of food and drinks will inevitably increase several times.

After finding a private room, Lester, who was not short of money, asked Caitlin and Violet to sit down, asked the waiter to order all the dishes, and ordered two bottles of whiskey.

"Have you had any drinks?"

Facing Lester's question, Heimerdinger shook his head silently. After pouring a glass of whiskey into his mouth, Heimerdinger started to speak with red eyes.

"Little Lailai, I've made you laugh."

Lester smiled and poured half a glass of wine for Caitlin and Violet. Violet, who had drank strong liquor, didn't care too much, but Caitlin, who had only drank juice since she was a child, was a little at a loss. After working as a waiter in the Moonlight Tavern for such a long time, this was her first time drinking.

"You are wrong. In my opinion, there is nothing funny about this matter. I know how much you have paid for this city, so I can probably understand how you feel now."

Think about it for a moment, if the Noxus Empire becomes powerful and backfires and ousts the career-minded emperor from the throne, and the power of the empire is controlled by a group of guys wrapped in corpses, then it will not be possible to end it by drinking too much. thing.

"I came to this land before Zaun was divided. It was you who led me into Fred Science and Technology Research Institute... Gudong~ At that time, the Gate of the Sun Bridge had not yet been built. Fred Science The Technical Research Institute is not called the Yodel Academy of Science either, hiccup ~ the Yodel Academy of Sciences... The hundreds of invention patents I disclosed for free turned out to be just a name change..."

Lester filled Heimerdinger's glass.

"Yes, the most influential scientist in Zaun at that time was Fred, but didn't Fred's name still have to be changed? No matter how much kindness you have, there will be a day when it will be forgotten."

"Gudong, Gudong~ Tell me, little Lailai, did I do something wrong? I just don't want this city to be destroyed. You should know how dangerous magic is. It's not easy... it's not easy to have someone who pursues science. The human city..."

"Heimerdinger, you are a qualified teacher, an excellent professor, and a great scientific explorer, but you are not a suitable politician. You do not understand that human beings are the most forgetful creatures. You do not understand that most people often only know You need something but cannot remember what others have given you. Mrs. Piltover respects you but will never fear you."

"Maybe you're right. This young city doesn't need me anymore, it doesn't need this old guy like me..."

After three drinks, Heimerdinger fell down on the wine table with a thud. Lester paused in pouring the wine, retracted his arm, put the mouth of the bottle to his mouth, and finished the drink in a few sips without blushing or out of breath. The look made Caitlin almost pop her eyes out.

Supporting Caitlin, who was slightly dizzy, Violet looked at Lester, who was looking deeply.

"Brother, I thought you would laugh at this big head."

"Ridicule is meaningless to a person like Heimerdinger. He is smart enough and doesn't care about others' ridicule. He just can't accept the feeling of being abandoned by the one he loves. Time will erase everything."

"Then what are we going to do next?"

"You can't waste a table of food after ordering it. Let's eat."

Wei Aolai swallowed.

"What about Heimerdinger?"

Lester clapped his hands, and three strong men immediately walked in from outside the private room. They gagged and tied Heimerdinger in one clean move, put him in a breathable black leather bag, and took the yordle away directly.

Caitlin, who was dizzy from drinking half a glass of whiskey, put her hand on the handle of the gun close to her thigh. For a moment, she didn't know whether to stop her master, who was suspected of human trafficking.

"I can only hope that Heimerdinger will fall in love with Fidelette. It should be a good thing for him to leave this sad place."

In the plains of Knockmouch, the dense forest on the outskirts of Fidelite, and at the entrance of a secret base close to the Urus Mountains, a magic carriage dragging a magic sealed box slowly drove into the mountain tunnel.

If there are senior generals who are familiar with the factions of the imperial army here, they will find that the armed guards along the way are all magic crystal warriors with the highest combat order. Even the most famous Noxian Black Guards and Blood Knights in the empire are stronger than the magic crystal warriors. Three levels behind, the only one who can compare with him is the black lightning strategic magician who masters various forbidden arts and can influence the direction of the war epidemic by himself.

Every Magic Crystal Warrior is a member of the Eve Blade who has been hardened and absolutely loyal to the Emperor. Even if they are loyal, the Magic Crystal Warrior will be given forbidden spells to completely eliminate the possibility of betrayal.

[Fidelite Third Research Base] will not appear in any official documents of the empire, and its confidentiality level is second only to [Research Institute Zero] and [Atlan Research Institute] located in the underground fortress of the Shining Silver Mountains.

The magic carriage arrived at the checkpoint smoothly. After exchanging mission documents, a special person came to receive the goods in the back compartment of the magic carriage.

An hour later, the secret cargo was delivered to Huazhishu's special laboratory.

"Open it and let me see what the second mouse in the world that can speak human language looks like? His Majesty Leicester actually went to great lengths to transport it here for me to personally 'entertain'."

As Huazhishu finished speaking, the two magic crystal warriors standing behind him nodded, used magic to remove the seal, and opened the sealed box.

"Ugh, damn bastard! Where is Tucci?"

A hunchbacked mouse about one meter tall sat in the sealed box. The mouse had dark green fur, and exuded the stench of sewers. It spoke human words and was unruly.

"Body fluids are highly corrosive, and the brain is not fully developed, but it possesses a certain degree of wisdom. Is it because of unknown changes in the level of life? The guy who dares to be rude to His Majesty Leicester is your boy called Tucci?"

Tucci's gaze was fixed on the head of the bald red-skinned mouse, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Rat, you, can you speak?"

Huazhishu rolled his eyes and waved his little hands.

"Stupid thing, my wisdom is beyond your imagination. You can call me Director Hua. Also, from now on, I will ask you questions. You can only speak after I ask you to speak... Stand this guy up and ask questions. Let him feel our enthusiasm first.”

Under the light of magic, one of the magic crystal warriors covered his hands with a layer of lavender crystals. He picked up Tucci and pressed him on the special restraint chair. He skillfully locked the belt on the restraint chair and gave it to the restraint chair. Powered on.

"We will have a lot of time to get to know each other, Tucci. I hope you can actively cooperate, so that you can suffer less pain." (End of Chapter)

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