League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 899 Chapter897 The war heats up

In the Noxian calendar, AD 986, with the Sun Gate Bridge as the border, the war between Piltover and Zaun entered its most brutal stage.

At this time, a full year has passed since Heimerdinger, Piltover's chief scientist, professor of engineering sociology, and physics, disappeared. Uptown and Downtown, who refused to negotiate, worked hard to develop armaments. Piltover Husband uses Hex Technology as his core technology, while Zaun uses Glimmer Potion as a biochemical transformation technology to fight against Hex Technology.

What confuses most people is that the two cities in the midst of the war have not been affected by the lack of supplies. The rapid advancement of science and technology is efficiently transforming the face of life, but it seems that there is a sense of prosperity and absurdity. Many migrants even moved to the two cities and became new residents. The floating population allowed the two cities to maintain a total population of about 1.6 million.

Only a few people know that these foreign populations are refugees from the continents of Ionia and Shurima. These refugees came on Noxian cargo ships and exchanged all their belongings for the opportunity to start a new life. Opportunity, for the refugees, the war between the two cities can only be said to be a small fight, not to mention the constant import of food from the Noxus Empire. Life is not peaceful and comfortable, but it is not precarious by starvation.

In order to cope with the increasingly complex war situation, Piltover carried out drastic reforms to the military system by learning from the military instructors of the Noxus Empire. The main body of foreign wars was no longer the Law Enforcement Administration responsible for urban security, but the General Administration of Law Enforcement responsible for urban security. The Piltover Progressive Defense Force proposed by Councilor Jess Tallis.

The junior officers of the Piltover Advanced Defense Force are composed of law enforcement officers with combat experience. The commander-in-chief of the Advanced Defense Force is Lieutenant General Grayson, the former director of the General Law Enforcement Directorate. The deputy commander is Major General Marcos. The number of the army has been expanded and reorganized many times, and now it has grown to more than 20,000 people. If the reserves are included, the defense army can pull out a team of more than 50,000 people in the shortest time.

Facing the changes in Piltover, Zaun, which had received assistance from the Noxus Empire, was not to be outdone. While rebuilding factories and vigorously developing local enterprises, it also actively participated in maritime trade and established three maritime trade lines in the name of Zaun.

The Zaun people, headed by Silko and Fandel, even formed the Zaun Autonomous Army. They gathered talents and pieced together a grassroots team that could barely function. They connected the scattered Zaun together and formulated a relative plan. A fair and just social system,

In the process of controlling Zaun, it was inevitable to encounter hostile elements. The Autonomous Army quickly used an iron fist to wipe out all the opposition forces in Zaun, destroyed the alchemy baron system established by Piltover, and established the urban governor system.

After a small-scale democratic election, Fandel was elected as the governor, and Hilko was the deputy governor. Fandel was responsible for governing Zaun, guiding the development of Zaun's capital, and establishing the city. Hilko was responsible for commanding Zaun as the commander of the autonomous army. The An Autonomous Army is responsible for foreign wars and the research and development of new biotechnology.

There are approximately 20,000 people in the Zaun Autonomous Army. The majority of them are young adults who have been injected with slow-release low-light strengthening agents. They are equipped with different weapons.

After simple military training, the young adults in Zuan who volunteer to join the Autonomous Army will be injected with a slow-release low-light strengthening agent. The function of the agent is to stimulate the human body's potential. During the period when the agent is taking effect, the soldiers of the Autonomous Army can efficiently use military training. Improve personal physical fitness,

After the first phase of medication period is over, autonomous army soldiers who pass the assessment can be further injected with new low-light strengthening agents to determine their development direction, depending on their physical conditions.

Under Singed's leading role, Zaun's alchemical biotechnology was far ahead of Piltover, opening up the technology tree of genetic evolution.

There are three types of specific strengthening potions. Soldiers can further strengthen their senses, strengthen their strength, or integrate biological genes to modify their bodies.

Because of this, although the weapons of the Zaun Autonomous Army are not as powerful as the Piltover Advanced Defense Force equipped with Hex weapons, they still pose a considerable threat to the advancing defense forces.

On this day, Lester and Ritz were walking on the east bank of the Grand Canal, and Ritz seemed a little worried.

Both sides of the Hinanomon Bridge were already covered with large-caliber coastal defense artillery. Searching all over the continent, only the ships of the Noxus Empire dared to sail through the canal under the fire coverage of the coastal defense artillery.

"I'm afraid this war will not end easily. How do you plan to end it?"

Standing on the coast, Ryze could hear the roar of gunfire from the dam area. If it weren't for the strong sea breeze from the Piltover Grand Canal, he might have been able to smell the smoke and blood.

"do you have any good advice?"

The noncommittal Lester remained calm and looked at the blue sea. Ruiz couldn't guess Lester's thoughts from his facial expressions.

"In my opinion, let the empire intervene. Piltover and Zaun have already proven the value of Hex technology and shimmering alchemy potions. There is no point in fighting any more than increasing casualties."

Lester shook his head and said.

"There is still meaning. If it weren't for this war, the empire would not have obtained samples of Hex technology and shimmering agents in vain. As long as the war is still going on, the scientists in the two cities will not stop the research and development of military weapons. Many things have to be acquired in actual combat, and the technology provided by Piltover and Zaun has saved the Empire a lot of time."

"Is it worth it to have so many people die just to save time?"

"Is it worth it for a beggar who is about to die of hunger to dig food in a swill bucket?"


"You also understand that if you don't dig food in the swill bucket, the beggar will starve to death.

Although it is cruel, the empire really cannot accommodate any more refugees. As the emperor of the empire, I must consider the people of the empire from the standpoint of the empire. I can never sacrifice the interests of the people of the empire for the sake of kindness. Giving up the living space of the people of the empire to the refugees of Shurima,

The Emperor of Noxus does not make decisions for the Noxians, but should he make decisions for the Shurima people?

Under the erosion of void energy, the environment of the Shurima continent has rapidly deteriorated. Originally, there were only a few oases in the desert. Now only the west of the Sun Disk and the land of Ixtar are suitable for human survival. If it were not for the Empire, We have been moving refugees all the time. Those millions of Shuriman people have long since died in natural and man-made disasters. How can you be confused? "

Ryze tightened his lips. He knew that what Lester said was not a lie. In order to resettle Shurima refugees, the Noxus Empire had done its best. Although Zaun and Piltover were a little chaotic, it was better than dying in Be strong in the desert.

“The people of the Freljord are extremely xenophobic, and coupled with the long distance and language barrier, it is unrealistic for refugees to settle in the Freljord.

Ionia is fine, but the continent of Ionia is currently being disturbed by the dark descendants of Veruas. As Karma's reincarnation is approaching, Presiden has heard the news of Nocturne's resurgence and Aza's death. With the news of Karna's large-scale invasion of the material realm, the Ionians are in a panic. If they want to immigrate at this time, I'm afraid it will cause greater chaos.

After much deliberation, only Piltover and Zaun are the most suitable. There will be no language barrier, and a group of refugees who are not suitable for survival can be eliminated in the most powerful way, and Piltover can be gradually disintegrated. Husband and Zuan's independent will allows the empire to better control these two cities. Why not? "

"So, you're going to let this war continue?"

"It's not that I let it go, it's that they want to continue the fight. The MPs of Piltover need a war to consolidate their power and plunder wealth. The governor of Zaun wants a war to prove Zaun's ability. The civilians who can't find their way forward want to We have to turn around through war, and it was never me who kept this war going."

"Maybe you're right."

A gust of sea breeze blew, and Lester smiled.

"The progressive city and the ditch area were too comfortable in the past. It would be a good thing to experience the cruelty of the world in advance."

At the Medical University Affiliated to the Yodel Academy of Sciences, Skye, who was holding a shorthand notebook and accompanied by a nurse, opened Ward 306. Victor walked into the ward with a cane and a fruit basket. He put down the fruit basket and faced the pale Victor with a look of fear. The nurse smiled.

"Ms. Nurse, I will ask the patient some privacy questions next. Can you make it convenient?"

Hearing this, the little nurse with freckles on her face nodded hurriedly and left without looking back.

Knowing that he was not very lovable, Victor didn't know that he was so lovable. He coughed helplessly a few times, nodded to Skye beside him, and looked at the subject on the hospital bed.

"Good morning, Mr. Saroyan."

"Professor Victor, good morning."

Victor sat next to another empty hospital bed.

"Have you eaten yet?"

The middle-aged man named Saroyan shrugged.

"I have eaten, but you should also know that the food cooked in the hospital is never meant for people to eat, so it's almost as if I haven't eaten."

"Mr. Saroyan is still so funny."


After a pause, Victor looked at Saroyan's right hand with a fur glove.

"Mr. Saroyan, is your right hand still numb?"

Saroyan took off the fur glove on his right hand. What was exposed was not the flesh and blood of a normal person, but mechanical limbs flowing with purple blood. There were several metal sensor sheets inlaid at the finger joints to assist movement. Look. It's both dangerous and scary to watch.

He opened his palm and moved the five fingers of his right hand towards Victor. Under Victor's gaze, Saroyan said with a smile.

"I stopped numbing three days ago. Although it looks ugly, it is very flexible to use. If it weren't for Professor Victor, I might have lost my right hand forever."

"Can you tell me how you feel?"


"How does the feeling of being strengthened by the Hex Rune, and the feeling of controlling the movement of the Hex mechanical prosthesis, compare with your left hand?"

Nodding, Saroyan's relaxed expression turned serious.

"Professor Victor, let's first talk about the situation when the Hex Rune was strengthened. At that time, I really didn't know what you meant by installing such a crude mechanical right hand on my wrist. After all, there is no prosthetic limb without nerve links. The method was easy to control. I really didn’t react at the time, so you pointed that strange luminous thing at my right hand.

Then it hurt so much that I can’t describe it in words. My right wrist felt like it was being roasted by a fire or being pricked by a needle. It ached from the bone. Even if my right hand was cut off by an out-of-control lathe, it didn’t hurt that much.

After that, my right wrist merged with the mechanical prosthesis on my right hand. It looked terrible. I don’t know what it was. Anyway, my right hand gave me a very cold and numb feeling, and I couldn’t move it. This feeling In fact, it’s hard to describe. At that time, my entire right arm lost all feeling. It really scared me to death. My family was also shocked, thinking that my skin was necrotic. If you hadn’t told me, professor, that my right arm would be healed soon. Recovery, I even thought this experiment damaged my right arm..."

Saroyan seemed a little incoherent when he spoke, but Victor and Skye listened quietly. These are first-hand information about Hex's enhanced experiments and the most important part of human experiments.

"Then three days ago, when I woke up, I found that my right arm seemed to have regained consciousness. I tried to eat and drink with my right hand, and the flexibility of my fingers was no worse than that of my previous right hand. It was strange, obviously it was A cold mechanical prosthetic leg, but I have the touch of the flesh and can feel coldness and warmth. Also, when I got up, I accidentally crushed the guardrail of the hospital bed, which shocked Ella. I could tell Ella doesn’t really like my right hand and probably thinks of me as a monster, but hey, who cares, with such a great right hand I can go back to work and maybe do more things.”

Victor nodded, stood up and came to Saroyan's hospital bed. There was indeed a metal railing on the right hand side that was twisted and flat. If you look closely, you can still see finger marks. Obviously Saroyan's Hex right hand is not only Flexibility is that simple.

Ella is the nurse in charge of this ward. Like most people, she doesn't have a good impression of him, the pioneer of Hex mechanical prosthetics. After all, human experiments don't sound like something a normal scientist should be involved in.

After tentatively knowing the condition of Hex's right hand, Victor silently observed Saroyan's right hand.

From the appearance point of view, the Hex mechanical prosthetic limbs are very weird and evil. The purple-black mechanical limbs do not conform to the mainstream aesthetics. In terms of appearance, his Hex mechanical prosthetics are different from the exquisite and gorgeous Hex robots designed by Jace. Compared with the other weapons, the weapons are not even a bit inferior.

"Mr. Saroyan, thank you for your cooperation."

"No, Professor Victor, it's me who should thank you."

A cold and powerful right hand gently held Victor's right hand. Victor raised his eyes and saw a simple face full of gratitude.

"If it weren't for your invention, I might have to be a disabled person in this life. Now, I think I can do more work and earn more money to support my family."

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