League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 900 Chapter898 Innovation that is not tolerated by others

After leaving the hospital, as soon as Victor walked into the gate of the college, a law enforcement officer came to him.

"Professor Victor, Senator Tallis is waiting for you in the laboratory, please follow me."

Nodding, Victor followed the law enforcement officer with his cane.

"I happen to be going to the laboratory...Did Councilor Tallis say what happened?"

"Congressman Tallis didn't explain much to me, but judging from Councilor Talis's anxious attitude, it should be something important."

Victor, who had some doubts in his heart, didn't ask much, so he just followed behind him.

Arriving in front of the college laboratory building where the laboratory is located, there were four soldiers from the defense army equipped with Hex technology gun blades standing at the entrance of the building. The soldiers from the defense army stopped the professors and students who wanted to enter the laboratory building. No entry allowed, no exit allowed.

Noticing Victor and the law enforcement officer, a soldier from the defense army approached them and saluted them.

"Is this Professor Victor? For safety reasons, you need to be searched before entering the building to meet with Representative Tallis. Please cooperate."

Hearing this, Victor frowned. He had never thought that it would be so difficult to meet Jace one day.

"Do you think I'm hiding any dangerous weapons or do you think a sick guy like me can do any harm to 'Councillor Tallis'? I need to go back to my laboratory and do some tests?"

"Sorry, duty lies."

The soldiers of the advancing army stopped talking and began to quickly search Victor's pockets. The law enforcement officer on the side noticed Victor's face and explained in a low voice.

"Recently, many Zaun rioters have been wreaking havoc in the upper city, specifically targeting congressmen and gentry. Professor Victor, please be patient..."

Victor didn't speak any more. After the soldiers from the defense army searched his pockets, he silently walked into the experimental building and walked towards the Hex Technology Laboratory.

When Victor walked into the laboratory, Jess was talking to Skye about the recent scientific research, and Skye was discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Hex Technology and Hex prosthetics.

"... can be used to create beautiful artifacts that can be used by anyone, rather than being reserved for a select few with arcane aptitudes,

It can harness magical energies contained within extremely rare crystals, and its power is limited only by the imagination of the user. It is capable of performing amazing feats, from charging machines to generating beams that can cut through the hardest steel, but Hextech is ultimately just an auxiliary tool outside of the human body and cannot be counted as a limb extension.

Different from Hex technology, Hex mechanical prostheses function completely the same as the human body. Through experiments, we have proven that Hex evolution theory is enough to allow the human body to transform into an unprecedented magic-like energy body through directional changes..."

"Skye, look who's here."

Jace, who noticed Victor, immediately stopped the conversation with Skye, walked up to Victor with a smile and patted Victor on the shoulder.

"My friend, congratulations on opening up an unprecedented new field of Hex technology. Would you like to take Skye to have a meal with me and Mel tonight?"

Hearing this, Skye's serious expression became a little unnatural. The woman secretly glanced at Victor, but Victor just stared at Jace.

Seeing the research partner in front of him who seemed to be different from before, but also seemed to have never changed, he couldn't tell how he felt, so Victor let out a breath and spoke.

"Jace, I don't think a person's travel requires such a big pomp, and it's just like other places. Your soldiers actually blocked the teachers and students of the college from entering and exiting the laboratory building normally. Do you know that for a scientific researcher, time is limited? How precious?”

"What? This is actually happening?"

Jace was stunned for a moment, and then he called seriously to the defending soldiers outside the door to verify Jace's statement, his tone was unkind.

"Remove all the people immediately. Didn't I say that you can protect me, but you must not interfere with the normal order of the college?"

"Congressman Tallis..."

"Go quickly! Don't make me say it a second time! Before being a member of parliament, I am also a researcher! Even the defense force is not qualified to interfere in the affairs of the college!"


The soldiers of the advancing army left in a hurry, and Jace looked at Victor with some distress.

"Many citizens have been attacked recently, and the marching army has become a bit unsettled. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize to me."

Victor shook his head and sat on the stool.

"It's rare for you to come over here, you can't just come here to congratulate me, right?"

Jace sat next to him, his smile faded slightly, he sighed softly, and there was a bit of sadness between his brows.

"Victor, your research results...how should I put it...are a little too outstanding.

Congressmen have been silently paying attention to your Hex evolution theory, especially the technology of mechanical transformation and transplantation. It has great potential. Whether it is used in the military or in people's livelihood, Hex evolution is quite perfect. A solution, if our disabled soldiers can replace Hex mechanical prostheses, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers will be improved to another level..."

"So, you came to me just to persuade me to use Hex evolutionary technology on your soldiers of the Defense Force?"

Victor frowned and Jace smiled awkwardly.

"Ahem, this is only part of it. You know that there are many patients who need organ transplants for surgery, and there are always not enough organs. If the Hex Rune Array is used to make up for this shortcoming, maybe we can achieve success in medicine. A bigger breakthrough...

The question now is, is it too hard for you to study alone? After all, a person's ability is limited. Your teaching qualifications are enough to create a brand new scientific research department. "

After chewing on the implication of Jace's words, Victor understood what Jace meant, which was simply to let him use the Hex evolution technology.

"I can create a new scientific research department to teach Hex evolutionary technology. Jace, can you guarantee that this technology will only be used to save lives and not be used in war?"

Gazing at Victor's clear and calm eyes, Jace's smile froze slightly.

Among the many conditions that can be promised to Victor, this is the only one that Jace cannot guarantee, because he knows that the reason why the senator wants Hex evolutionary technology is to create Hex mechanical soldiers to fight against Zaun. It would be best to form a group of Hex super soldiers from the advancing army to directly defeat Zaun's autonomous army and end this war with an absolute advantage.

"Victor, you know this is difficult to do. Before the war between Zaun and us ends, our science and technology should be the first to be applied in the military field. Only in this way can we reduce the casualties of soldiers..."

"But I am a Zaun, Jace. I was born in Zaun. I came to Piltover to study to make my hometown a better place, not to become an executioner who causes war and slaughters the villagers.

The lives of the soldiers of the Japanese Army are precious, but the lives of the soldiers of the Autonomous Army are not precious, right? Jace, shouldn't life be divided into high and low like the residents of the upper and lower cities? "


"Jace, do you still remember the wish we made when we founded Hex Technology?"

Jace slumped his shoulders in despair. How could he forget that life-changing time?

"Victor, the world is like this. There is no peace. How can we use our efforts to make this world a better place?"

"Peace does not exist, but some people do not allow peace to exist. Jace, let me ask you, has the Council really understood the demands of the Zaun people? Could it be that the Zaun people took up arms and killed Piltover just to fight with Piltover? Will Mrs. Twow kill you to the death?"

"Victor, no one in Zaun is willing to talk, what can we do?"

Victor stood up.

"Jace, if I want to try to bring peace back to these two cities, will you support me?"

Skye, who didn't dare to speak the whole time, held her breath and pinched her fingers nervously.

After a long silence, Jace gave his response.

"What do you need me to do?"

"First of all, let me become Mrs. Piltover's public enemy. In this case, even the Parliament must consider the impact of Hex's evolution."

"Hex Evolution is a complete scam, Victor Dorrent - a Zaun fraudster who deceives the world and steals his name"

"The evil scientist's human body modification experiment, Hex evolution is the door to hell. If the devil has a skin color, it must be purple. If the devil has a name, it must be Victor Dorent"

"The owner of the Hex prosthetic limb, the factory worker Saroyan lost control of his emotions and caused two deaths and one injury in the factory. The Hex prosthetic leg is the most evil invention that should not appear in the world. Life is in front of the Hex prosthetic leg. "Fragile as paper"

"The pioneer of human experimentation and the blasphemer of life is right next to you and me"

"The source of evil, Victor Dolent, should be hanged immediately!" 》

"Shock! The Zaun demon scientist actually took off his clothes in the early hours of the morning to do such a thing..."

For a month, various small newspapers published a lot of news about Victor Dorrent. Most of the news was negative news, especially the Hex prosthetic transplanter Saroyan who used Hex machinery in the factory. After crushing two people to death with his right hand, the Hex mechanical prosthesis became an evil invention that everyone was clamoring for. Many indignant fanatics squatted outside the gate of the Yodel Academy of Science all day long, waiting for the evil scientist himself. Come to the door and give him a good beating with his fists.

Piltover, Myrdalda Manor, Mel, who was sitting on a leather chair, put down the low-quality newspaper produced in a small workshop and stared at Jace who was having a meal with his beautiful eyes.

"Did you do it?"

Jess swallowed the steak in his mouth, put his fork on the edge of the plate, and looked at Mel calmly.

"I did it."

Mel Myrdalda raised his eyebrows and asked with some confusion.

"Why do you do this? Isn't Victor your best friend and research partner?"

"Piltover only needs one Jace Tallis, not Victor Dolent."

Staring at Jace, Mel Myrdalda's tone was a little cold.

"Just because of this? Do you think I would believe it?"

"Victor is no longer the Victor he used to be. In order to survive, he has become a monster who will do anything to survive. You can tell by looking at his body. The transformed body cannot be called a human body at all, as long as it is Normal people would not accept such transformation, not to mention, Hex transformation is very dangerous."

Mel Myrdalda smiled slightly, but his tone turned cold.

"What does this have to do with you? You should know that we need Victor's technology. Victor is the only one in Piltover who knows how to control the Hex Rune Array. How can we use this technology if you ruin him?" ?”

"Is it important to use it or not? If Victor cooperates with us, why would I use such methods against him? Mel, Victor was not prepared to let others get his technology from the beginning, even if he assisted Victor throughout the experiment Skye only has a partial understanding of Hex’s evolutionary technology, and now Victor is on our opposite side.”

Mel was stunned by Jace's rhetorical question. She didn't know where Jace had the confidence to say such a thing to her.

"Mel, we already have Hex Technology. We can use Hex Technology to make weapons, crafts, machinery and transmission devices. Hex Technology is enough to support us in achieving our goals. We don't need Victor's invention. , and there is no need to turn our bodies into monsters,

Wouldn't your family recognize your ability without Hex's evolutionary technology? Why don't we put our scientific research resources into Hextech? Why don't we try to develop Hex weapons that are more powerful than Hex revolvers and Hextech belts? "

Mel was somewhat surprised to re-examine the outstanding scientist with whom he was married but had never disclosed his identity to the public. The man in front of him was unexpectedly jealous.

Of course, it's possible that this is just a disguised attitude of the man in front of him.

After thinking about it, Mel did not continue to push her man. After all, what Jace said was right. Hex Technology was indeed enough to meet her current needs. Besides, the defense army loyal to Jace had become a A force that cannot be underestimated.

"So Victor, what are you going to do?"

His expression softened a little, and Jace said calmly.

"With his invention, Victor has now become a street rat. He can't do anything, not even leave the academy safely.

Let Victor continue his research in the academy. "

At night, Victor in the Hex Technology Laboratory burned all the research materials in the brazier. The flames illuminated Victor's modified legs, reflecting a faint purple light.

Not far behind Victor, Skye stood hesitantly by the door.

"Are you leaving?"

Looking back, Victor's pale face became a little more colorful.

"I'm leaving, but I'll always come back."

"That, that..."


The words came to her lips but couldn't come out, so Skye lowered her head.

"Come back early, I'll wait for you here."

Staring at Skye's cheek, Victor nodded and remained silent for a long time. (End of chapter)

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