League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 901 Chapter899 Elena’s Recovery

Under the state of meditation, Lester's consciousness sank into the depths of the spiritual world. What was once a mirror lake under the moon has transformed into a vast ocean. The raging spiritual torrent is enough to turn any spellcaster who tries to peek into Lester's spiritual world into a Vegetative state.

Without goal guidance, even Lester himself would have difficulty moving freely in his own spiritual sea.

The consciousness body went all the way down and immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness. Following the extremely weak connection, Lester quickly arrived at the abyss where the World Rune Altar is located.

The five empty slots for runes of different sizes and heights on the rune altar have all been filled. The difference is that the empty slots for domination runes, precision runes, enlightenment runes and arcane runes are only partially incomplete, each accounting for approximately The overall completeness is 10%, only the life rune is close to 95%, and most of the rune stones are lit.

Standing beside the rune altar, Lester stretched out his right hand and caressed the slowly flashing life rune. It was Elena's call that brought him back to this spiritual world that symbolizes the source of the law after so many years. .

"Elena, are you calling me?"

While waiting silently, Lester seemed very patient. Sure enough, after feeling Lester's tolerance, the life runes began to flash faster, and the rune stones exuded a bright light green luster.


The familiar yet unfamiliar murmurs gradually became clear and powerful. Lester's mental body trembled violently. This time, Elena did not call him 'Dad', which meant that Elena did not Think of him as the life-promoting body of the rune of life.

Only the idiot apprentice he loved and hated would call him that.

"Elena?! Have you recovered your memory?"

Unable to suppress the excitement in his heart, Lester's voice sounded a little trembling.

After still waiting for a long time, a more coherent voice came from the shining life rune.

"I did think of a lot of things, a lot of things from another world... Lester, have you... not forgotten me?"

For some reason, Lester always felt that Elena's tone sounded a little cautious. From this point of view, it was not like the girl who was doted on by him and grew up.

Smiling helplessly and fondly, Lester patted the life rune.

"Are you stupid? You actually doubt that your guardian will forget you and raise you so big in vain."

Hearing Lester say this, Elena seemed to be relieved and her tone changed.

"There are so many beautiful women who need to be remembered. Teacher, despite your busy schedule, you can still remember me, an insignificant and stupid student. I am really touched."

Lester was speechless and held his forehead: "..."

This sarcastic tone and way of speaking meant that Elena didn’t run away.

"Ahem, Elena, do you remember what happened after the plane was blown up? Why did you turn into a life rune and merge with me?"

Elena whispered as if she was considering her words.

"I thought you saw that light just like I did."

"Light? Did you see light? What light?"

Lester put away his relaxed attitude and just asked casually. Who knew that Elena, who was hugging him, really had a different experience.

"After the plane disintegrated, a sudden green light surrounded us. The scale of time became extremely slow, just like the soul left the body. I watched my body being slowly torn apart by shock waves and explosives. The strange thing was that the teacher Your body was not harmed in any way, and it was then that I realized that the green light that suddenly appeared was to protect you, teacher."

Lester sighed.

"I lost consciousness after the explosion, and I didn't see any green light... Do you have any witnesses after that?"

"At that time, my only thought was not to be separated from you. As if I heard my wish, the green light merged with me, and I found that I became green."

Lester was silent. Unlike those Westerners who like to cuckold, green is not a good color in the East. Judging from his own experience... Elena's claim that she turned green doesn't seem to be a big problem.

Not knowing that Lester was struggling with something, Elena was still recalling what happened at that time.

"How to describe the feeling of merging with green light... It's probably like becoming a spermatogonia, piercing into your egg cell and settling down. It's warm and comfortable, and you can see the surroundings from your body's main perspective. Something like driving a combine harvester.”

Ignoring Elena's weird metaphor and not wanting to know why his body was a combine in Elena's eyes, Lester asked.

"So, you didn't lose your memory when you became the Rune of Life, and I didn't come to Rune Land either?"

"Is such that."

Elena's response at least shows one thing, that is, this time traveling journey is far from simple.

It was definitely not an accident that the Rune of Life found him and Elena accurately across the world. If a bearded man in a white robe told him that this was done by God, he would try to go up and stab him twice. If he couldn't do it, he would die. If you do, you might really believe that God brought you to Runeterra.

"What happened after you entered my body? Did you see anything? How did we come to Runeterra? We have not only played League of Legends, why did we come to a different world with League of Legends as the background?"

Facing Lester's series of questions, Elena paused: "I don't know why we came to the continent of Valoran. As I just said, I felt very comfortable after entering your body and fell asleep quickly. The past has passed, and it wasn’t until these days that I regained my past memories.”

It can’t be said to be disappointing, it can only be said to be expected. After all, Elena is just an ordinary person, and it is a surprise to be able to witness more things than herself.

As for how he and Elena came to Runeterra, maybe he can figure it out after he gains more power.

With a gentle breath, Lester's spiritual body picked up the life rune the size of a human head and held it in his arms.

"No matter what, Elena, it would be great to be back. Having you by my side all the time is the luckiest thing in my life."

"Well, but I have become a stone. I never imagined that one day I would become one of the elements of the rune page...Teacher, is there a way for me to restore my human body? Although it seems very strange to see you and those women. Stimulate……"


Lester looked stunned, realizing that he had accidentally spoken his mind, and Elena quickly changed the subject.

"Teacher, is there anything you can do? I can't stay in your body forever."

"There is no solution for the time being, but maybe we can restore your body later."

Lester also wanted Elena to get a body and come out to see the beautiful land of runes, but it was a pity that he himself could not figure out what the rune of life was. In this case, anyone who tried to strip Elena of consciousness These actions are extremely stupid decisions.

"That's it... forget it, I'm used to watching blockbusters in your body anyway. To be honest, it's quite exciting to see those heroines I like being played with by you."

Lester: "..."

"You have done a lot of things over the years. Watching small movies in your body is actually not boring. It is not impossible to wait for a while."

"Elena, I feel like I'm almost completely under control of the Rune of Life. I'm just one step away from it, but I just don't know what to do. Do you have any good suggestions?"

I always feel that there seems to be some problem with Elena's growth. Lester wants to correct it but doesn't know where to start. For the time being, it is better to selectively ignore it.

"No, I thought you already understood the true meaning of the rune of life."

Elena seemed to hate iron.

"Of course the true meaning of life is to create life! Thank you for having so many women,

Listen, if you want to completely control the runes of life, you must understand the deeper laws of life, and the laws of the runes of life are embodied through the human spirit. "

"But the question is how to experience it? I have developed sixty-four moves, and the number of people is hundreds of thousands. I can't mess with Furui..."

For some reason, in terms of Seese, Elena now gives Lester the feeling of being a great master. In front of Elena, his experience seems not worth mentioning.

"Stupid, it's useless to have so many people. Don't you know that the number of soldiers is better than the number? Those women are just coveting your lust and power. How many of them really love you?

Teacher, only a soul mate who has a high degree of emotional resonance with you can improve your control over the life runes. Your reincarnated lovers have been with you for two lifetimes, and they are more likely to resonate emotionally with you. This is why I feel great every time I eat an old lover..."

Hearing this, Lester felt a little strange.

"Don't worry, I will guide you next and tell you which woman has reached the most appropriate time to take action.

If you want to control the life rune as soon as possible, you can't continue to act aimlessly.

Listen to me, hurry up and get the damn life rune, then break the astral seal and absorb the other runes. When the time comes, the gods will kill the gods and the Buddhas, and you won't need the Noxus Empire. One person can defeat all enemies, Mordekaiser is nothing!

When you control all the runes, you will definitely be able to get me out. I don't want to stay with this broken stone for a second..."

At this point, before Lester could do anything, the life rune in his arms burst out with dazzling green light, like a golf ball that had been hit by a club. Lester's consciousness began to reverse, and in the blink of an eye, He flew out of the spiritual sea and returned to his physical body.

Taking a breath, Lester tried to call Elena in his mind.

"Elena? Can you hear me?"

"very clear."

"How are Caitlin, Violet, and Blast doing now?"

"These three girls are still a little bit hot."

A blond girl wearing glasses seemed to appear in front of her, holding a piece of chalk and explaining a difficult problem to herself on the blackboard.

"Caitlin just has a deep affection for you. It can't be called love, especially since Caitlin is currently preoccupied with the conflict between Piltover and Zaun. How can she think about romance? Of course, if you She will definitely not refuse if you force yourself on her.

Wei Aolai treats you as a big brother and wants to achieve great results under your hands, but you are greedy for other people's bodies. It is true that she has a good impression of you and will not refuse your dirty tricks, but after all, she has not turned into a Love, or in other words, Wei Aolai has not yet come to his senses. Of course, it is not impossible to start now, but the effect is not obvious.

Not to mention Baobao, she is just a little girl who has not grown up. She calls you brother and actually treats you as a father. She just wants to feel safe in you, even though she doesn’t even understand what love is. "

Lester's head was full of black lines, and he found that he had no way to refute Elena's words.

In fact, he himself has a set of standards for behavior, and he has a general feeling about whether it is natural or not, but his 'sixth sense' is nothing compared to Elena's cheating-like opinion analysis.

"Elena, how do you know what they think of me?"

"What do you think the rune of life is? Don't underestimate me, you scumbag teacher!"

Not daring to refute Elena's words, Lester silently accepted the title of 'Teacher Scumbag'.

"Who is suitable for me now?"

"Excluding those girls who have already been harmed by you, the one who still retains her perfect body and has the highest opinion of you should be 36E."

Lester was stunned.

"36E? Who is that?"

"Of course it's Sona. Her love for you is no worse than those old lovers."

Lester was really shocked now. He never expected that the person who had the highest opinion of him now was Sona, the piano fairy who he had only met a few times. The most important thing was that Sona was not the reincarnation marked by Qian Jue. lover.

"Why is her favorability so high?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe it has something to do with your experience in the organization? In fact, I'm also confused. 36E is a good girl with clear distinctions between love and hate. How could she have a crush on you, a scumbag teacher who bullied her adoptive father and made her cry? Oh...did you place any forbidden love spell on 36E?"

# finally appeared on Lester's temple. If Elena hadn't become one with him now, he would have had to let the unscrupulous person know why his buttocks were so red.

As if aware of Lester's emotional changes, Elena, who kept exerting her strength, restrained herself a lot.

"Ahem, teacher, if there's nothing urgent, I suggest you capture Sona quickly. Didn't you form a performance troupe? Take advantage of the opportunity to capture Fiona, Seraphine and Laxana as well."


Lester shrugged helplessly. He originally wanted to goof off in Piltover for a while and train the quiet maid and the wild busty girl, but now he can only change his mind.

"Before leaving, I still need to ask Night Blade to pay attention to a few key figures in the Twin Cities. Victor, Jace, and Singed are all technical talents who are of great use to the empire. They cannot die easily." (End of this chapter. )

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