League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 904 Chapter902 Shaco’s status

As if he had just stepped out of the circus, the clown's face was painted with exaggerated makeup, diamond-shaped eye shadow, a red nose, and his lips were covered with blood-like dye. From a distance, it looked like he was smiling with his lips widened. On both sides of the ears, he was obviously smiling, but it gave people a strange chilling feeling.

The clown hat on his head is divided into black and red starting from the middle line of the forehead. The two upright hat tips like billy goat horns look extremely strange. The cage-sleeved tight-fitting top is tied at the waist by dark red black and white plaid bloomers. In the meantime, the legs of the bloomers were stuffed into pointed riding boots that reflected the dark red luster.

The clown's clothing style is mainly dark red, with weird makeup and weird phenomena that others turn a blind eye to. He looks like a demon coming out of the bloody hell, ready to kill at any time. The dark red costume is just to cover up Blood splattered during the killing.

Lester stood in the middle of the street and silently observed the clown. The so-called "turning a blind eye" does not have the extended meaning of contempt for others, but that he really cannot see the existence of the clown. He turns a blind eye like a ball of air, coming and going. This is true for both tourists and staff of the Magic Town. Even if they are less than half a meter apart, no one can spot the clown holding a dozen colorful balloons.

Of course, in a huge flow of people, it will not happen to be a position where everyone can avoid the clown. At this time, the clown will use extremely twisted and exaggerated movements to avoid collisions with others, or twist his hips, or Standing on tiptoes, or bending down flat, and moving forward by contracting the chest and abdomen in a squirming manner, Lester believed that if anyone could see the clown's existence, they would definitely applaud the clown's agile actions.

In fact, if August's supervisors hadn't discovered the anomalies in the Magic Amusement Park through August's Tower, no one would have known that there was such a mysterious phenomenon in the amusement park until now. exist,

For the safety of the amusement park, the amusement park initially sent many extraordinary people to try to investigate or expel the clown. However, the clown disappeared completely without a trace as if he knew he was being targeted. Even August could not detect it. Until a certain irregular period of time, the clown will suddenly appear again, swaggering into August's surveillance network.

According to August's supervision and statistics, in the ten years since the clown suddenly appeared, at least 2,312 tourists have encountered various misfortunes after leaving the amusement park.

So far, the bloodhounds and demon-hunting mercenaries of the empire have not been able to figure out whether the deaths of these deceased are really related to the unobservable clowns in the amusement park, but what is certain is that the two thousand three hundred and twelve deceased They are all extremely vicious criminals hiding in the city of Fidelite, and the least guilty ones are all rapists who prey on minors. Even under the laws of the empire, they are unforgivable crimes.

In this case, Lester personally issued the order, and the empire began to maintain a laissez-faire attitude towards the existence of the clown. Instead of targeting the clown relentlessly, various versions of the legend were deliberately spread. In this kind of situation, This situation has greatly deterred those with evil intentions, and indirectly strengthened the security environment of the amusement park.

Lester was not disappointed. The clown in the amusement park had never targeted innocent people in the amusement park. Even if he did take action, he would only use various accidents to cover up his actions after the target person left the amusement park.

Lester, who returned to Fidelite this time, had just enough time to personally investigate the clown's situation and confirm whether the clown was Hector's nephew - the poor child who had been saddled with an unfortunate fate since birth.

After preliminary observation, the strange being in front of me, whether in attire or personal behavior, looks very much like the demonic clown with an unknown background in League of Legends. I just don’t know if the clown in front of me is related to the one who disappeared during the mission to investigate Shaco more than 90 years ago. It is related to the "Duboist" recorded by Lucius, the high-level assassin of Night Blade,

There are not many investigative records about Sako in the imperial archives. Strictly speaking, there are quite a few, and most of them have no apparent connection. It is definitely not possible to determine Sako's true identity through scattered information. An easy thing - but this is for others. As the master of Hector and Shaco, Leicester has enough means to verify Shaco's identity, provided that Shaco can still remain human emotions and memories of the time.

Lester began to walk in the direction of the clown. At the same time, Lester took out a small golden box from his pocket. He took out a dark brown short stick-shaped chewing stick from the box and held it in his mouth. A pungent smell that is so strong and nauseating fills the nasal cavity, throat and deep inside the brain. For most people whose brains are not broken yet, chewing raw things in their mouths is definitely a form of punishment.

There are gorgeous patterns engraved on the box, with moon white and moonlight patterns on the front, and a twisted ghostly smile on the back, which looks very similar to the collapsed Hector. This thing is none other than Hector. One of the most precious relics is the [Yue Wangxiao] containing the Yuezi White Chewing Stick.

The moment Lester took out Yue Wangxiao, the clown, who seemed to have noticed something, suddenly turned around. The upper half of his face showed a twisted and ferocious expression, but the lower half of his face changed from scarlet smiling lips to Bitter and sad expression.


The nearby tourists all looked at the young man talking to the air, only to see the young man chewing the chewing stick that looked like tobacco leaves in his mouth bit by bit as if no one else was watching. His eyes, as clear and tranquil as the night sky, were filled with indescribable sadness. .

"do you remember me?"

A burst of sudden and cold air blew from one side of the body, and everyone shivered, but they didn't know where the cold air came from. When the uncomfortable cold feeling left, their words and deeds were very strange, exuding something special. The temperamental young man has disappeared in front of his eyes. If many people didn't show very stupid expressions, I'm afraid most people would think that they were hallucinating. .

"That's really weird. Could it be that the guy just now was an amusement park employee who was trying to be mysterious?"

For the visitors to the amusement park present, this episode was not worth paying attention to. The crowd quickly dissipated, and the magic town was still filled with laughter.

Lester walked towards the southwest of the town very quickly.

As if escaping, Sacco, who was no longer smiling, turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared. However, Lester could feel the shadow realm outside the material realm. Sacco was running towards the southwest without looking back. , if it corresponds to the material realm, it is the famous adventure castle of the magical town of Germination Plains.

The architectural specifications of the adventure castle are completely equivalent to the lord fortresses that could be seen everywhere in Valoran four hundred years ago. It is magnificent and has complex terrain, covering a large area.

The way to play Adventure Castle is also very special. As an adventurer, visitors will choose a profession, enter the castle with the three initial action cards owned by the profession, defeat monsters and solve various puzzles, and gain through their own wisdom. Use new magic cards to enhance your own strength. You can defeat enemies all the way to the end BOSS that controls the castle. As long as you defeat the end BOSS, you can get a permanent title. Different titles can bring different effects, which is also the best choice for collectors. like,

In order to keep visitors fresh, the adventure castle will change the way to pass the level every season. The adventurer's profession and the castle monsters will also be completely different. The only thing that can be inherited is the title obtained by defeating the boss at the end of the level. In different castles In the level, changing the title can also bring new game fun, which is also one of the reasons why Adventure Castle has been so popular for so long.

Today's Adventure Castle is at the end of the season. Tourists who want to play the Adventure Castle project have already passed the level. Tourists who don't like Adventure Castle will not come during this time. There are not many Adventure Castles with the theme of "Dark Dungeon" at this time. Tourists, the gate is deserted except for the little girl who is the ticket inspector, holding her chin in a daze while chatting away.

After confirming that Saco was in the Adventure Castle, Lester showed the magic ring to the ticket inspector girl. He only glanced at the ticket inspector girl, who had short brown hair and freckles on her face. Bow and salute.

"Sir, do you have any orders?"

"How many visitors are there in Adventure Castle right now?"

After controlling the magic panel and taking a look, the ticket inspector responded hurriedly.

"Sir, there are seven tourists in the castle now."

"Immediately shut down the Adventure Castle project, let all tourists come out, and each person will be compensated with two free play tickets."

"Yes, sir."

Facing the Ring of August, which has the highest authority in the magic amusement park, the ticket inspector did not dare to have any doubts or indifference. She immediately started to control the panel and waited until Lester used the Ring of August to obtain it. After taking supreme control, the ticket inspector immediately shut down all the facilities in the adventure castle.

Through the magic network established by the August Tower, authorized staff can efficiently control the operation of entertainment facilities through the magic panel, which is no worse than a computer network.

Within five minutes, the seven tourists in the Adventure Castle walked out one after another, with joy on their faces. They were obviously very satisfied with the compensation provided by the amusement park.

"What's your name? You're not Noxian, are you?"

The ticket inspector smiled nervously and said cautiously.

"Sir, my name is Pinglan, and I am from Ionia."

What made Pinglan relieved was that the big man with the Ring of August not only did not discriminate against Ionians, but also spoke authentic Ionian.

"Pinglan, close the door to the Adventure Castle and don't let anyone enter the Adventure Castle before I come out. Can you do that?"


After Pinglan patted her chest and promised, Lester walked into the door of the Adventure Castle. As the door slowly closed, Pinglan's eyes became more worried. Although Lester didn't say anything, Pinglan You can also guess that there must be something wrong with Adventure Castle.

Thinking of this, Pinglan was not idle and immediately used the control panel to notify the higher-level administrator.

When all facilities are shut down, there will not be any monsters or levels made of magic in the Adventure Castle. Only dark green torches that match the atmosphere of the [Dark Dungeon] will burn faintly on the walls of the castle, bringing only a little light. .

As if he had been waiting in the castle for a long time, the moment Lester officially entered the castle, an extremely funny-looking clown walked out of the shadows holding a dozen colorful balloons, as if he had just drank blood. The scarlet color on his lips suddenly became real, and there was an evil smile on his face.

The clown at this moment actually gave Lester a sense of absurd danger. He didn't know how long it had been since he had this chilling feeling, but he was actually a little excited at this moment.

"Before the game starts, how about a magic trick?"

The clown bowed and stroked his chest in salute. Lester didn't say anything. He just took out an imperial gold coin and flicked it. The gold coin made a perfect parabola and landed in front of the clown. The moment the gold coin was about to fall to the ground, the clown He straightened up and caught the gold coin in an instant.

The gold coin rolled flexibly through the five fingers of his right hand like water, and by the time it rolled back from the little finger to the thumb, it had disappeared. The clown kept smiling and slowly approached Lester.

As the clown got closer and closer to him, Lester, who stood still, was sure that the fishy smell mixed with rust came from the red dye on the clown's face. It was not so much dye as it was the paint that had just been applied. The blood that goes up.

Stopping in front of Lester, the clown bowed his head respectfully, then stretched out two fingers to reach into Lester's coat pocket, pinched it gently, and took out a gold coin.

Lester was very sure that there was nothing in his pocket when the clown put his finger into his pocket. To complete this little trick, the clown could only put the hidden gold coins into his pocket at the moment when his finger was put into his pocket. Then he took out the gold coins from his pocket with a natural look on his face,

It sounds simple, but with his eyesight, he couldn't see how the clown did it.

There was no magic fluctuation in the whole process, no mental influence was felt, and there was no interference from any extraordinary power. It seemed that the clown just completed this magic at the most extreme speed. Such a transformation of body and position is so simple that ordinary people cannot see through it. It won't be easy if he, an old man like him, can't see through it.

"Bah bang bang."

Lester was not stingy with his applause, and the clown holding the gold coin returned the favor proudly, as if he was actually performing on a circus stage.

When the applause ended, the clown loosened his left hand slightly, and a red balloon with a black smiley face slowly floated in front of Lester as if it had its own consciousness.

Lester smiled slightly, reached out to grab the traction rope of the balloon, and looked at the clown's position. The clown had disappeared, but the red balloon floating in the air turned into the clown's head. The corners of the clown's mouth opened, revealing a shark-like triangle. Fangs.

"If you want to see Sako, then try to find Sako, right?"

Not resisting the mental influence from the traction rope, Lester closed his eyes and allowed himself to be taken to the spiritual realm of the position by the head balloon.

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