League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 905 Chapter903 Choice

The torch on the wall exudes a green light. The man in the mirror is wearing a pair of black steel-toed riding boots that can pop out the bayonet mechanism, a Mountbatten-style black battle coat with no wrinkles visible, and a large-brimmed black hat on his head. Felt hat, skin showing sickly paleness, a pair of gray-black eyes reflecting a bit of unknown blood, like charcoal that is about to burn out but refuses to completely suffocate and surrender to fate.

The man in the floor-to-ceiling mirror has many titles given to him by others. Some call him the Crazy Laughter, some call him the Skinned Demon, some call him the Bloody Hand Butcher, and the legendary assassin. He is also respected by countless Night Blade killers. For the laughing devil,

For many people, just hearing these intimidating titles is enough to frighten them so much that they can't sleep. For Lester, this frightening face is the symbol of his longing to be embraced again, but never again. The old friend he had never seen before met in another way at this moment, and Lester suddenly felt a sense of confusion in time and space.

Hector - to be precise, Lester who became 'Hector' skillfully took out the golden box containing Yue Wangxiao from his coat pocket, took out a chewing stick and put it into his mouth, looking at the floor-to-ceiling mirror. Move away.

The green brick walls covered with foul-smelling moss, the dark and humid air, the overwhelmingly strong smell of blood, as well as the pink minced meat and bones covered with knife marks can be seen everywhere. Lester is very sure that he has never been here before. However, he knew that most of the time, such an environment was a place specially used to deal with serious criminals and abusive lynchings, and it was definitely not safe.

After holding the human head balloon given by Saco, he transformed into Hector and came to this dungeon created from the spiritual world. There was only one key message that Saco left for him, and that was to find Saco.

So the question is, to what extent does the so-called "find" need to be achieved, and in what way will "Sacco" play this hide-and-seek game with him?

The most important thing is, why did Shaco let him play this game in Hector's appearance?

There were many puzzling points in Shaco's game, but Lester didn't intend to think too much about it. He quickly checked the objects he carried. In addition to Yue Wangxiao, he also found four magic steel flying knives, one A skinning knife, a stabbing sword, and a hand crossbow equipped with six poisoned crossbow bolts.

These equipment were the standard configuration of Hector during his lifetime, and were also the main weapons of the Night Blade Killer more than 900 years ago. Today, the weapons used by the Night Blade Killer are more diverse, but at this moment, it seems that they are not as good as in the past. That touch of sharpness.

Taking down the torch from the wall, without much effort, Lester pushed open the ajar steel cell door and came to the dungeon corridor.

The corridor is pitch black, as if the torch in your hand is the only light source in the entire dark world. The light of the torch cannot shine too far. The visibility is about five meters, and the light beyond five meters will be swallowed up by the darkness.

Lester's position seemed to be in the middle, and he could move forward or backward. Lester pulled out his stabbing sword, and the scarlet sword edge made a mark across the decayed wall. Lester moved his heavy Walking forward, holding a torch.

"Uncle, Uncle Hector! Help me! Please help me! Save Sacco!"

A little boy's cry for help suddenly came from the dead silence of the dungeon. Lester turned his head and looked at the first cell. In the cell, a skinny, hunched-backed and bow-legged little boy was wearing an iron anklet and bracelet. Locked to the wall,

The little boy's eyes were dull, his skin was pale and bloodless, and his wrists and ankles were covered with disgusting sores due to long-term contact with rust. He seemed to be eager to break free from the shackles of the chains, and the iron chains made a clanging sound as the little boy was pulled. The boy craned his neck and leaned as hard as he could toward the cell door.

Leicester recognized that the little boy was Sacco when he was six years old.

"Uncle!? Let me drink some water, I'm dying of thirst..."

At this moment, endless resentment and anger suddenly arose in Lester's heart. Every minute and every second the other person existed in front of him was torture and humiliation for him. He wished he could kill the ugly and sick boy immediately. Pulling out his bayonet, Leicester cut off the iron lock of the cell with one sword stroke. Unknown to his uncle, who was coming with a sword, Sacco still had hope.

"Uncle, are you here?"


He rolled up his sleeves and slashed his wrist with the stabbing sword. Blood dripped down, and a string of drops fell into the mouth of Sako, who had his head raised and his face blank, dyeing the little boy's white lips blood red.

"Uncle can't find water for the time being, so let's quench his thirst with uncle's blood first."


The little boy's expression suddenly turned vicious, he turned his body and hit him backwards, his head bursting with blood.

The space given by the iron chain cannot allow the little boy to be free, but it is enough for the little boy to choose to embrace death.

The blood on his wrist continued to flow. Lester looked at the dead boy in silence, stood up and walked out of the cell.

The surrounding environment seems to be a bit worse. I don't know if it is due to blood loss. The air is getting colder. Every time I breathe, I can see a patch of hoarfrost.

Lester placed the stabbing sword on the torch to heat it, and then brought the hot sword blade close to his left wrist. Amidst the sound of flesh and blood being scorched, the sword marks on his wrist were covered with a layer of scorch scars.

Holding the torch and remaining calm, Lester continued to move forward.

"Uncle, I successfully hit the target with the flying knife! Look!"

Walking into the second cell, the eight-year-old boy hunched over to show Lester the results of his training. The man who was tied to the execution frame and covered with a sack covered his head was no longer breathing, and his body was full of penises. There were more than a dozen flying knives, flesh and blood flying all over the floor. The boy stood three meters away from the target, his blood filled with joy.

"Why didn't he listen to my words and throw the throwing knife into his throat and eyes? Why did he waste the prey I brought him at a distance of three meters? He shouldn't be alive in this world, but now he is ungrateful ?!”

Once again, the uncontrollable urge to kill made Lester take out the magic steel flying knife from his waist, and his body seemed to throw the throwing knife uncontrollably to kill the disobedient bastard.


"You did a good job, and you worked so hard that your uncle was surprised."

Lester took out a poisoned magic steel flying knife from his waist, touched the boy's head when the boy was at a loss, and handed the magic steel flying knife to the boy with a special knife sheath.

"This is a reward from your uncle. The blade is poisonous. Be careful not to cut yourself."

The boy took out the poison-quenching flying knife, stabbed it into his own throat and pulled hard. Lester stood still and let the blood spurted by the boy drizzle all over himself.

Lester walked out of the cell covered in blood, but did not take away the poison-quenching flying knife.

In the third cell, the eleven-year-old boy reported his first mission to his uncle. Lester gave the boy a hug. The boy took the remaining poison after the mission and vomited blood and died.

In the fourth cell, the fourteen-year-old boy showed his uncle his space magic and mirror magic. Lester praised him without hesitation, but the boy used his own mirror image to stab his heart with a dagger.

The fifth cell, the sixth cell, the seventh cell...

The boy who grew up became more and more powerful and mature. During his narrow escape, he completed many tasks that were difficult for the killers of Night Blade. Even among the Blades of Night, he gained a certain reputation. For Lai For Sturt, the urge to kill and the twisted pain are growing day by day.

He couldn't accept that the killer of Night Blade confused him with his nephew. He couldn't forget that his nephew was a mistake. He was born from his sister's body because of his powerlessness. Every time he saw this ugly thing, he couldn't accept it. A person's disgusting life will remind him of the night when he lost everything.

Now he is so powerful that he can easily crush a hundred gangsters from the Guillotine Bandit, strangle to death a thousand Brian who skinned his parents, and even find the bones of Brian's grandparents with a single order, and kill Brian. The bones of grandparents were dug out of coffins and fed to wild dogs;

But so what, he could only watch helplessly as the bastards left behind by Brian polluted his last home. The Edge of Night had become his last refuge, but he could not get rid of the humiliation of the past.

The stronger you are, the more humiliating you are...

In the ninth cell, Lester saw a woman, a woman with a dog chain around her neck, lying on the ground and unable to even speak.

The woman swayed her body and looked at the boy behind her lovingly, but she could only make a "woof, woof" sound.

Behind the woman, the boy was desperately doing something worse than a pig or a dog, with a crazy smile on his face, but two lines of hot tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

There was unabashed ridicule from behind, and Lester turned around. At some point, his colleagues from the Blade of Night were behind him. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the extremely ugly things. Everyone knew that women and teenagers Everyone knows what the relationship is, they are their sister and their nephew.

This time, Lester completely lost control of his body, but a satisfying sense of relief emerged in his heart. Hector laughed and slit the young man's neck, pierced the woman's heart, and finally killed the guilty Fei. The knife went into his heart.

The world fell into silence at this moment, and more and more blood was flowing on the ground. If possible, Lester would rather call it a blasphemy against humanity.

"So, who is Sacco?"

Lester looked at his left hand. At some point, the burning green torch turned into the clown's head balloon again. The clown's scarlet lips maintained a smile. He was clearly asking a question, but his tone was as indifferent as a piece of ice.

"Hector drugged his nephew and sister."

Lester responded with the same indifference.

"So, it's Hector's fault, right?"

The clown's mouth slowly opened, and the ferocious shark teeth were frightening. His tone was a little more eager to be recognized.

Staring into the clown's abyss-like eyes, Lester said coldly.

"Hector is right, so is Shaco. What is wrong is the Beheaded Robbers, and what is wrong is a natural-born villain like Brian."

The Joker didn't quite agree with Lester's statement.

"Now that the Beheaded Bandits have been destroyed and Brian is dead, why did Shaco get such an ending? Tell me, why? What is the reason?"

"Hector will never survive if he attacks, not even Sacco, who has mastered magic. The most important thing is... Sacco, who will never be recognized by his uncle, is also desperate. Facing Hector's blade , Sako will not resist, he would rather die with his mother in the hands of his uncle.

So, Shaco really died at the hands of Hector. You are not Shaco, you are just the demon who got Shaco’s soul and inherited Shaco’s last wishes and memories, right? "

During Lester's rhetorical question, the clown closed his mouth and looked strange.

Seeing that the clown refused to speak, Lester's expression began to turn cold.

"I think we'd better have a frank talk. Now that I know you're not Sacco, you can't expect me to go easy on you."

"I didn't expect you to see it. You are worthy of being the master recognized by Shaco. It's amazing."

The demon clown walked out of the darkness with a pool of blood and bowed to Lester like a circus clown who had just finished his stage performance.

"The Emperor of the Noxus Empire, the master of Shaco, and the founder of the Night Blade, it is an honor to present you with a poor performance. Please allow me to introduce myself."

The head balloon exploded with a 'pop' sound, and a piece of colorful ribbons and small flowers fell from the air. The clown straightened up, put his right hand on his chest, and pinched a blood-red rose in his left hand.

"I have many names and have played many roles, but my favorite is the career I discovered and my real name. You can call me the Joker or Sacco. As you said, I am human. Deeply attracted by the twists and turns, and ultimately born out of Sacco's death,

I inherited everything from Sako, and I am certainly entitled to the name 'Sako'. Because of this, I can feel Sako's absolute loyalty to you. "

"go on."

"I can feel Sako's emotions for you, but I don't believe that there is still a person in this world who is willing to release kindness to Sako, a desperate and twisted soul. I have waited for hundreds of years to use the night to I killed all the snoopers with a sharp edge, just to attract your attention and make you come to meet me in person, but it's a pity that I can't wait and wait."

Lester looked a little strange.

"I don't have time to play hide-and-seek games. Even Hector is not qualified to let me meet him in person, let alone his nephew."

The clown smiled happily, without the slightest hint of annoyance.

"So I gave up. Since you refused to come to me, I had no choice but to come to you. I also confirmed one thing, that is, you are indeed very busy."

"So you came here to wait for me, just to wait for me to come here to find you and accept the trial you gave me?"


The demon clown stared at Lester with burning eyes.

"I was born from human malice and twisted desires, and I can see through people's hearts best. I really didn't expect that besides Sacco's mother, there is actually someone in this world who is willing to give Sacco a hug."

"My hug is for Sacco, not for Joker."

"That's true for you, but not for me. Your kindness is as important to me as it is to Sacco."

The demon clown bowed again, but tilted his head upward at a neck-breaking angle, staring at Lester.

"I once made a bet with Sako. If you are still willing to give him a hug, I must serve you until you die. Unfortunately, I lost this bet. If I had known this was the case, I might as well have stayed away. point……

In short, now I have to serve you according to the bet, so are you willing to accept me, a devil born from the evil of human nature? "

Under the gaze of the demon clown, Lester's face softened as he stepped forward and patted his clown hat.

"No one in this world is destined to be born with a bad reputation. Sacco doesn't need it, and neither do you."

"Do you even dare to accommodate the devil?"

The clown lowered his head completely.

"In that case, can Master officially give me a name?"

"From this moment on, your name is Sacco Hector."

"Sacco...Thank you, Master." (End of Chapter)

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