League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 906 Chapter904 Encounter in the amusement park

The Sacco incident finally came to an end. Leicester seemed to have let go of some kind of burden and felt a lot more relaxed in an instant.

Before participating in the game of the demon clown Sacco, he also imagined that if he was still in Fidelity when Hector had psychological problems, could he stabilize Hector's emotions and let Hector and Sacco A better ending with Sacco's mother,

After experiencing Sacco's despair this time, Lester knew that even he might not be able to change all this. All he could do was to move Sacco far away from Hector, but by doing so It does not mean absolute safety. The tragedy that happened to the Hecht family is simply a knot that cannot be untied.

The Demonic Clown cannot replace Sakho, and Sakho is not the Demonic Clown. Leicester knows the difference very clearly.

"Master, what do you need Sako to do for you?"

"Next, you can clean up the worms in the Noxus Empire for me. I know that there are countless filth places where I can't see. Anyone who commits crimes will be punished by you. You can judge, judge and rule in your own way, let the name of the devil clown become the nightmare of criminals,

Just don’t forget that although you are a devil, you are still operating in human society and must abide by the most basic social rules. In addition, every time you deal with a person, you need to keep a copy of the information and report it to him every once in a while. Let me summarize it once, I believe it is not difficult for you. "

"If there really are demons who enforce justice in this world, maybe there will be fewer tragedies in this world..."

When Lester came out of the Adventure Castle, Pinglan was already waiting with his boss at the gate of the Adventure Castle. He did not give the middle-aged man a chance to have a relationship. Lester simply explained that the Adventure Castle had already After returning to normal, he left alone. The somewhat discouraged middle-aged man could only leave in anger.

On the other side, without staying too long in the Germination Plains, the four Laxana girls had arrived at the [Dreamland] in the west on the Pegasus driven by Nicole.

As the most popular and mysterious place in the entire magic amusement park, Dreamland can not only fulfill wishes in dreams, but also allow visitors to experience more fun in a limited time. This is also a unique feature of Dreamland. .

Of course, the most attractive part of the dreamland is the ability to fulfill dreams.

After parking the carriage, the coachman and tour guide Nicole also seemed a little excited. Not only could she show the guests the beautiful beginning of the dreamland, but it was also a pleasure in itself to communicate with four beautiful girls of noble status and their own merits.

The young girl pointed to the fantasy garden shrouded in cherry-colored vegetation, and introduced the four young and beautiful girls eloquently.

"...Guests, the three most planted plants in Dreamland are all famous plants.

The tallest and straightest tree with pink flowers is called the 'Blooming Spirit Tree'. The blossoming spirit tree here is exactly the same as the blooming spirit tree in Ionia, the land of birth, even if it is Ioni from Presidium. Even humans can't tell the difference between true and false. The Soul Blooming Festival in Ionia only happens once a year. Here, it's a Soul Blooming Festival every day~

The light red plant that grows close to the ground is called the 'Resurrection Flower'. The Resurrection Flower is also called the Flower of the Other Side. The Resurrection Flower is also an extremely rare plant in Presidence. It is said that the Resurrection Flower is the only scenery on Huangquan Road. If there is one, If the living mourn, the dead souls taken away by the God of Death will have a chance to return to the world through the Resurrection Flower... Of course, this is just an unbelievable rumor, but there are still many people here who try to pray to the Resurrection Flower to pray for the deceased. meet relatives,

The low, pale golden lotus that grows with the water is called the 'Entertainment Lotus'. It is said that the Enchantment Lotus is a magical plant cultivated by His Majesty Leicester himself, and it is the only one of its kind in the world..."

Hearing that the Linglian Linglian was related to Lester, Sona couldn't help but look forward to it.

Following Nicole, the four girls followed the flower path and walked into the beautiful and dreamlike world of flowers. Everywhere they looked was a sea of ​​flowers, colorful and colorful, and bright fence-like beams of light fell on the ground from the gaps between the blooming trees. , making everything in front of you covered with a layer of bright gold.

The spirit butterfly flaps its wings and flies through the flowers, shedding a bright and cold light rain. There are many flying birds perched on the blooming tree. Most of these birds have strangely colored wings and sometimes emit various crisp and melodious cries.

"Miss Nicole, this place is so beautiful. I have never dreamed of such a stunning view."

Seraphine, who likes flowers, covered her pounding heart and opened her eyes wide. Everything in front of her made her feel like she was in a dream, and she felt dizzy. There was no doubt that the beauty here was that of Zu'an. A world even Mrs. Piltover could never imagine.

"Miss Nicole, is this a real scenery or a fake one?"

Fiona caught the falling pink petals and pinched them. The petals were slightly moist and close to her nose. The faint fragrance exuded the unique vitality of morning dew. Fiona tried to distinguish between true and false, but the result brought to her by her senses was unnecessary. Doubtful truth.

"Speaking of which, is it really possible to achieve this with just magic?"

"In a world like this, it doesn't seem to matter whether it's true or false."

"Yeah, the important thing is to enjoy this moment."

Laxana's words resonated with several girls. Human beings are creatures that rely on their senses to survive. Even if they are fake, if they can make the fake scenery so real, what is the difference between it and the real thing?

Walking along the flower path, it was like there were different paths. No one met any other tourists along the way. Sona, who had been watching the scenery silently, was attracted by the spirit lotus and her steps unconsciously slowed down. .

Nicole, who had been paying attention to the four distinguished guests, quickly stopped and came to the guest who had been silent and seemed to be very introverted and quiet. Her eyes unconsciously fell on Sona's slightly exaggerated chest, and then she lowered her head. She felt a lot discouraged inexplicably because of her lack of success, but her duty as an outstanding guide made Nicole quickly cheer up again.

"Miss, do you want me to introduce you to the Jie Linglian?"

[Okay, I was just going to ask about getting married with Linglian. Thank you, Sister Nicole]

"Huh?! Who is talking to me? Did you hear anything?"

With a look of panic on her face, Nicole took a few steps back and looked around. After noticing the expressions of Laxana and others, Nicole calmed down and focused her attention on Sona again.

"Yes, are you talking to me in my head?"

Before Sona could say anything, Fiona nodded in amusement.

"Sister Sona was born unable to speak, but sister Sona has a high level of magic talent and can directly communicate with others using her thoughts."

"Is that so?"

[That’s it, Sister Nicole]

Only then did Nicole realize that Sona was not introverted and afraid to speak, but was born mute. She couldn't help but feel a little regretful. After all, it took her so long to notice this, which was definitely a dereliction of duty.

Now the only way to make up for it is to give more care to the mute sister.

Thinking of this, Nicole didn't say anything more about the mute topic and spoke with a smile.

"When it comes to getting married with Linglian, there is a story that cannot be avoided..."

The story is not too long, and it is not even new. It is basically about a lonely man who got married to another woman through Linglian. After giving birth to a daughter at an early age, the woman died due to frailty, leaving her husband and their growing daughter alone to watch over them. The story of missing a woman beside the lotus,

Strictly speaking, if we put aside the part about men and women bonding, the bonding spirit lotus cannot be regarded as an auspicious thing. It is only slightly better than the resurrection flower that can only be seen on the road to hell after death. After all, if you give birth to a daughter, you will die, and no matter how stupid you are, you will feel unlucky.

In short, after listening to this story, Laxana, Fiona and Seraphine didn't have much reaction. Only Sona's eyes were red, and tears dripped down her cheeks in strings. The girl turned out to be The crying pear blossoms are raining, and they can't stop.

As an outsider, although Nicole was impatient, she could not intervene. She could only stand aside and rub her hands anxiously. Laxana, Fiona and Seraphine surrounded Sona, hugging and wiping her tears to comfort her. After a while, Sona stopped crying, and her red peach blossom eyes were still filled with tears. I can't even describe how pitiful everyone felt for Sona.

"Sister Sona, why are you crying so well? Isn't it just a story? This kind of story is just a gimmick to attract others and cannot be taken seriously."

"Yes, Sister Sona, it's not worth shedding tears for a story. There are too many sad stories in this world, so be strong."

Facing the comfort from her sisters, Sona wiped the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief handed over by Laxana.

[I'm thinking... I'm thinking that if that woman gave up her life and her husband's fate for her daughter, that would be too sad... She must, must love her daughter very much... …]

Four people, including Nicole, heard Sona's words and became silent for a moment. If the story is analyzed from Sona's perspective, the story of getting married to Linglian is simply a story praising maternal love.

They have not yet experienced the happiness of being married to a man, but they do have mothers and can understand how great a mother's love for her children is... The biggest problem is that only Sona is an orphan without a father and mother, and only Sona does not understand it. Live maternal love.

The three Laxana girls, who knew Sona's life experience, remained silent. If Sona had compared this story to herself, then it would not be difficult to understand why Sona was so sad and moved.

Maybe there really is such a woman in this world who lost her life for her daughter. If she didn’t love her, why would she give such a precious thing as Juhua (the artifact that was sent to Sirana Monastery with Sona)? Leave it to your daughter.

After such an experience, it was difficult for the girls to get out of their previous emotions. They hardly said anything more before arriving at the flower bed. Even Nicole, who was good at activating the atmosphere, became taciturn in such a low pressure. She was good at sensing the atmosphere. Nicole knows when to speak and when not to speak.

"This is the dream flower bed. As long as you lie down and inhale the pollen, you will soon enter the dream. Generally speaking, if the dreamer does not realize that he is dreaming, the dream will show everyone's subconscious desire. If the dreamer can realize that he is dreaming, then the dreamer will gain all the control over the dream. This is also the most basic condition for constructing a dream.

Of course, if you fail to stay awake in your dream this time, you can always control your dreams as long as you fall asleep a few more times..."

Nicole gradually guided the four girls to lie on the flower bed. When August lowered the absolutely safe magic protective cover beside the flower bed, Nicole breathed a sigh of relief and squatted outside with her chin in her hands.

"Have a sweet dream."

At the same time, tracing the location of the Seal of Kindred, Lester teleported directly to the core magic network of Fantasyland through the highest authority of the amusement park magic network.

Through a simple magic circuit check, Lester instantly found Laxana's location, and naturally determined that the other three girls were also in the dreamland.

"I didn't expect that the place these girls want to come to the most is here... Do you want to see the girls' dreams?"

When Lester was hesitant, Elena's voice appeared in Lester's mind and kept urging.

"If you don't want to watch it, I still want to watch it. Come on, come on, I'm so bored. I just want to see what those little bitches who stole my teacher like to daydream about."

Although a bit unethical, Lester was not a gentleman to begin with. Under Elena's instigation, he naturally used his GM authority in August.

Lying on a flower bed made of temporary magic nets, Lester first entered Laxana's dream.

What Leicester didn't expect was that Laxana was dreaming about the thighs of Galio, the Forbidden Stone Colossus.

As if replacing her ancestor Miranda Crownguard, Laxana was sitting on Galio's lap and kissing him as Miranda Crownguard.

What surprised Lester the most was that in Laxana's dream, Miranda Crownguard's vague husband was sitting under the Forbidden Stone Colossus, looking like a dejected loser. The whole picture was full of Dema. The excitement and decadence of West Asian aristocrats.

"Innocent girl, it turns out you are so good..."

Amid Elena's laughter, Lester scratched his head in embarrassment and left Laxana's dream.

The second one is Fiona's dream. The location is actually in the duel field of Demacia. Fiona is representing the Kingdom of Demacia and making a fair decision with him, the emperor of the Noxus Empire. I thought this was It was a dream of the weak defeating the strong to protect the homeland. Halfway through the duel, the situation took a turn for the worse.

I saw the lewdly laughing 'Lester' in the duel field, drawing his sword faster and faster, each sword could tear Fiona's swordsman uniform apart, and soon Fiona was completely naked. With a humiliated and unwilling expression on his face, 'Lester' grabbed Fiona and pierced the girl's body with a sharp sword in broad daylight - again and again.


"It seems that the swordsman girl who is as noble as a flower in the snow is more eager for you to use some rough methods to conquer her, hahaha! Look at your stupidity, teacher..."

"Let's stop here. I shouldn't listen to you and spy on other people's dreams."

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