League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 907 Chapter905 Sona’s Dream

Looking at the increasingly fierce physical game in the duel field, it seems that 'Lester' is taking the lead, but in fact Fiona has taken all the initiative.

Leicester, who has a black hair, has every reason to suspect that Fiona's family has instilled in the girl the necessary knowledge for entering the palace. After all, if traced back to the origin, Fiona's ancestors were Nosles who were eager to have sex with him. If he hadn't really been unable to accept men, I'm afraid that the handsome and enchanting Nosles would also become a member of his harem.

Now Fiona's motivation for learning this knowledge is definitely not pure, maybe she is just greedy for his body.

As soon as his consciousness sank, he seemed to be pushed back to the sea by the waves. This time, Lester came to Seraphine's dream. Compared with the dreams of Laxana and Fiona, Seraphine's dream was It seemed normal. It was just an informal solo concert. The audience came from Piltover and Zaun. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and did not look like they were fighting at all.

Mixed in the illusory audience, Lester silently watched the pink-haired girl sitting on the edge of the Zaun Bridge singing with a loudspeaker. Although it was in Seraphine's own dream, Seraphine still behaved very well. Seriously, it would be better to say that Seraphine, who knew she was in a dream, sang more naturally and relaxedly. It was this that attracted Lester's attention.

"The same sky, we stay together across the sea

Eyes connected, blood and heartbeat synchronized, interpreting each other's voices

When the bridge lowered, we breathed in the morning sun above the sky by the bridge. When the sea waves rose, we watched the bright moon under the stars on the beach.

Thousands of years ago, we were indistinguishable from each other. Thousands of years later, we put down our war.

Piltover and Zaun, we are one.

Let us embrace each other and there will be no more wars. Let us accept our fellow men and listen to the voice of peace.


"Is it peaceful..."

Listening to the innocent and cute lyrics, Lester smiled bitterly, looking sad.

As a listener, he admired Seraphine's kindness and innocence, but unfortunately his experience in two lives had long made him understand that peace was not a treasure that could be obtained through singing and dancing.

To this day, most residents of Runeterra still naively think that a peaceful and stable life is what they deserve, or they think that the Immortal Fortress and Fidelite are the safest places in the world. These people are rampant because of ignorance.

As everyone knows, when most people are sleeping peacefully, it is those warriors who stand upright and use their lives to prop up the protective walls made of flesh and blood. What is ridiculous is that these soldiers who risk their lives to fight against powerful enemies are still there. Most people still see the ruthless Roxy barbarian.

Seraphine's self-composed songs are really nice, but it's a pity that they are mixed with some personal emotions, making them completely unlistenable.

When Lester turned around and disappeared, Seraphine noticed an unusual man among the audience she created. It had nothing to do with reality or fiction. The man's indescribable sadness was deeply imprinted on her. into Seraphine's mind.

Just like Lester couldn't listen to songs anymore when he thought about the never-ending war, Seraphine was equally concerned after seeing Lester's expression and couldn't continue singing.

"Why, why did he look like that? Is it wrong to pursue peace?"

Seraphine jumped off the edge of the bridge and pushed aside the crowd, but that figure could no longer be seen in the crowd.

Even the fabricated audience disappeared. Looking at the empty Zuan Bridge, the girl felt lost.

"Why don't you listen more?"

Elena seemed a little unfinished.

"Teacher, you have to train such a talented girl well. It's a pity that she can't sing with such a voice."

After calming down his mood swings, Lester said calmly.

"If you don't really like music, you won't be able to become a good singer no matter how hard you train her. If you like music, you don't need anyone else to train you. All Seraphine needs is a good stage and a good teacher. "

"With your abilities, teacher, being Seraphine's teacher is more than enough, right?"

"I haven't even finished the life rune yet. When I have some free time, maybe I will consider it. Let's forget it for now."

Now there is only Sona's dream that he has not seen yet. Adhering to the principle of "come and come", Lester entered Sona's dream.

This is a dark forest that is rarely visited by people. The dense tree canopy blocks the moonlight, and the forest is pitch black. No insects can be heard among the trees. It is so quiet that it is eerie. It can be used to shoot ghost films without any post-processing.

It happened that in such an environment, there was a baby basket containing an abandoned baby on the grass in the forest. Next to the baby basket was some kind of long object wrapped in a strip of cloth.

Lester watched for a full half hour in a 'non-existent, non-interfering' manner. Unexpectedly, there was no change at all in this half hour. The whole world seemed to be dead. During the long period of observation, even the baby's breathing He also became extremely weak, as if he would die in the next moment, and the entire dream world revealed a sense of despair that "sorrow is greater than death."

His face changed slightly. Lester was not sure what was wrong with Sona's dream, but he knew that he could no longer watch. Without hesitation, Lester immediately mobilized August's authority to change Sona's dream. The flower bed where Sona lies completely frees Sona's dreams from the influence of the real world.

After an unknown amount of time, footsteps suddenly came from the depths of the quiet forest. The moonlight shining through the gaps in the forest shone on the person who came, but he was a little boy who looked a little tired, carrying a basket of herbs on his back.

The little boy is about six or seven years old. He has short, dark and thick hair, and his black pearl-like eyes are clear in black and white. If the dirt on his face is washed away, the little boy will definitely be called as cute as pink and jade, but The tattered clothes and scars all over the little boy's body destroyed this beauty. This temperament forced by life made the little boy look a little mature.

First he noticed the long object wrapped in a strip of cloth. The little boy frowned. Then he looked at the baby girl in the baby basket. After looking around and finding no one else, the little boy put down the basket of herbs and put the baby girl in. Pick up from the baby basket.

It seemed that he had been hungry for a long time. The baby's eyes were tightly closed and his breath was very weak. The little boy's face was tense, and he poured the herbs in the basket on the ground. After putting the baby basket and the baby girl in the basket, he directly picked up the objects next to the basket. Run in a certain direction.

A leaky house appeared in the depths of the forest. I don’t know what kind of difficulties the previous owner encountered. The house didn’t even have windows or doors. There was an extremely unreasonable animal pen outside the house without doors and windows. There were circles in the animal pen. I was walking with three sheep, and heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and the sheep kept bleating.

Ignoring the lamb that kept screaming, the little boy took the baby girl who had opened her eyes at some point from the basket and placed her on the cashmere bed. He washed his hands, took out the iron pan and poured in the freshly squeezed goat's milk and placed it on the fireplace. While heating, it didn't take long for the goat milk to start steaming.

The little boy poured the hot goat's milk from the iron pot into a bowl and blew on it. Looking at the starving baby girl, he was suffering from the lack of suitable tools to feed her. After thinking about it, the little boy took a mouthful of goat's milk and fed her little by little. To the baby girl, the baby girl also opened her small mouth obediently and swallowed the goat milk.

The baby girl who drank half a bowl of goat's milk seemed to have regained some energy. She stared at the boy without listening. There was a constant buzz of insects outside the house. Compared with the total silence just now, the world at this moment was more suitable for living people to survive.

Seeing that his rescue measures were effective, the boy finally breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the baby girl who was neither crying nor fussing. The boy whispered.

"I'm just like you. I haven't had my parents since I was a child. I don't know who they are or what they look like.

I have been wandering outside since I can remember. I don’t know why they abandoned me. For me now, even if I know, I don’t care, because no matter what their intentions are, they abandoned me after all. Since They didn't stay with me to watch me grow up, so why should I care about their feelings? "

Wiping the milk stains on the corners of the baby girl's mouth with his fingers, the boy lost his previous indifference, and there was a bit more hesitation in his tone.

"I have never experienced what it's like to have parents, and I will never have this opportunity again. Now that I have found you, I don't want you to be as helpless as me. This is the reason why I brought you back, to have you with me." You will definitely not be hungry if you eat, but the question is, are you willing to live with me?"

Under the boy's gaze, the baby girl stretched out her chubby little hand and grabbed the boy's little finger. Seeing this, the boy also had a smile on his face.

"Since you have accepted me, I swear that I will protect you with my life until you grow up healthy."

Days passed by, and the boy who became both a father and a mother finally raised the baby girl until she was five years old. With the efforts of the boy, the small shabby house became much stronger and safer. The animal pen was expanded and more animals were raised. livestock, and there is an additional farmland outside the house. If someone can look down at the earth from the sky, they will find that even the woodland with a radius of hundreds of miles outside the house has many natural environments that should not appear, making it more real.

Although life is poor, it is very satisfying for the growing boy and girl. The only thing that worries the boy is that the baby girl he picked up is a mute who cannot speak. Because he cannot speak, the girl has been sad for a long time.

"Let me teach you a way to communicate without words."

After pondering for a long time, the young man finally came up with an alternative method, which was to use hand movements to express his thoughts. During the learning process, the girl with the girl's hair showed a learning talent far beyond ordinary people, and It didn't take much effort for the girl to master sign language, and because of this, the two children communicated more.

As they grow up, girls also begin to share housework. When boys go out to chop firewood and hunt, girls will take good care of the farmland and animal stables. Even when cooking, girls will not be idle and do as much as possible. The girl showed heart-warming sensibility without any need for education.

Both boys and girls seem to be unaware of the falseness of the world and are immersed in life.

On the girl's twelfth birthday, after dinner, the boy took out the only thing left to the girl by her parents, and uncovered the cloth, which turned out to be an extraordinary-looking guqin.

The girl stared blankly at Xianqin, seemingly at a loss.

"Let me teach you how to play the piano."

The boy smiled gently at the girl and put his slender fingers on the strings.

Listening to the sound of the piano, the girl burst into tears. The sound of the piano was interrupted. The boy stared at the girl, pressing his fingers on the strings, silent.

"I don't deserve what you have to do for me."

The girl who had never spoken a word spoke softly.

Unsurprisingly, the young man gently put down his guqin, stood up and wiped the girl's tears. Then he hugged the girl as usual and put her forehead against his chest.

"Little fool, I just don't want you to get into trouble. If you cry every day because of your life experience, then I can't coax you every day. What will you do if you find me troublesome?"

Hearing what the boy said, Sona burst into laughter and pressed her cheek against Lester's heart. She could hear the man's restless heartbeat. Pressing her hand on her chest, she could feel that her own heartbeat was actually It's in the same beat as the man's heartbeat.

"Originally I wanted to enjoy your tenderness more in my dream, but what should I do now? I feel like I can't go on."

"When did you discover me?"

Sona stuck out her tongue playfully.

"I discovered you when you appeared in front of me to save me... From that time on, I have always remembered your breath."

Knowing that Sona had gotten rid of her inner demons, Lester's tone became more relaxed.

"You're wrong. There are still things that can be carried out here."

"what the hell?"

Sona pouted and acted coquettishly, Lester let go of Sona and smiled evilly.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years. Little Sona has grown into big Sona. This is a rare opportunity. Can you let me see how beautiful my big Sona is in my dream?"

The blushing girl rolled her eyes, turned around, and instantly transformed into a plump girl wearing an Ionia-style cyan silk skirt in the white light.

Like a fairy in legend, Sona has exquisite facial features and an appearance that charms all living beings. Even in Rune Land, a land of outstanding people, Sona's beauty can be ranked in the top five. If you include Sona's bulging figure and smooth body Even the shape-shifting mud demon Evelin may not be able to match her natural elegance.

Sona changed her body, and Lester was not idle either. He adjusted his form to that of his youth. Through the feedback brought by August, Lester could sense that Sona was also full of love for him. Affection.

Now Lester couldn't bear it any longer.

Looking at each other, Lester and Sona's eyes were like melted sugar strands that could no longer be separated. Needless to say, a large velvet bed appeared out of thin air on the ground. The man picked up the woman and pressed her on it. (End of chapter)

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