League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 913 Chapter911 The best imperial soldier

Just as the Fredlet Black Rose Magic Theater was cheering, a sudden attack broke the tranquility of the underground ruins of Navsk.

Thousands of meters below the surface, ancient civilization ruins lingered, and a brutal battle suddenly broke out. Thousands of ancient spirit people (see C732 for details about ancient spirit people) controlled hundreds of violent spirit wolves from the ancient spirit. The Sens came out in full force, strengthened by the animal bone horns, and rushed like a tide towards the Noxian Empire Legion stationed at the ancient ruins of Navisk.

Facing the ancient spirit people's counterattack without warning, Major General Reynolds, the commander of the Imperial Legion, immediately sent a message to the Imperial outposts behind for help, and then personally stood on the ancient city wall that had not yet been repaired to direct the battle.

Under the command of Major General Reynolds, the slightly panicked Imperial army quickly stabilized, until a crossbow arrow burning with black flames shot out from the shadows. The fatal crossbow arrow penetrated the large forged steel kite-shaped shield held up to block it. The Guards soldiers in front of the Major General melted into the chest of Major General Reynolds.

Under the stunned gaze of the Guards, Major General Reynolds fell to the ground unwillingly. Starting from the chest where he was hit by the arrow, his body began to rot and melt as if it had been splashed with strong acid. In the blink of an eye, all the flesh and bones were removed. It melted into a pool of foul-smelling black pus and blood.

"Lord Reynolds!"

"It's high-purity rotten toxin! Navoli's shadow assassin is here!"

"Who can tell me! Why our barrier didn't stop these damn rats!"

The belated mage who accompanied the army was about to light up the rune of true vision, but assassins in black with skull masks emerged from the darkness. They were the Brotherhood of Navoli who had already infiltrated into the camp and were waiting for an opportunity. shadow assassin,

Different from the past, the magic-breaking dagger in the hands of every shadow assassin can easily break through the magic shield of the mage. Although the poison on the dagger blade is far less powerful than the infernal rot poison, it can still take away the lives of most mages. , only a handful of mages with magic and martial arts skills drew their swords in time to fend off the fatal attack, struggling to hold on during the siege.

With the attack of the Shadow Assassin, the barely maintained defense line collapsed instantly. The Imperial Legion could no longer resist the attack of the Ancient Spirits. The formation was broken up and they had to fight on their own.

Seeing that the Noxus Empire's military defense line was broken, a masked woman walked out of the shadows. The shadow assassins around them lowered their heads and listened to the orders with respect.

"Collapse everyone's resistance as soon as possible and let the Nature Spirit Sect use the souls and flesh of Noxians to complete the ancient spirit sacrifice ceremony.

The Lord said that whether we can summon the ancient spirits this time will greatly affect our counterattack plan. Now that the barbarians in Noxus are waging war, we must not let go of this opportunity to counterattack the empire. "

"Yes, Lord Xuemei, everything is for Ionia! Everything is for the Lord!"

The shadow assassins turned into black smoke and disappeared in place. The woman named Xuemei smiled coldly and raised her eyes to look in the direction of the ancient spirit army.

"Bastards of the Empire, I've waited too long for one day. And you, the traitors who are colluding with the Empire, your good days are over."

When the beast spirit wolf of the ancient spirit people appeared in sight, Riven, the swordsman of the Noxus Empire Legion and the rune epee brigade, was already wearing armor and standing on the city wall with a serious face.

The Rune Epee Brigade and the Magic Crystal Tactical Squad are of the same nature. They are both special tactical units created to experiment with new weapons of the empire, and are of extraordinary significance.

There are only twenty-four people in the Rune Epee Brigade, divided into two combat units. Although the number is small, the soldiers in the Epee Brigade are truly combat geniuses selected from thousands of miles away from the Imperial Youth Military Academy. They have received special training since the age of six. Cultivation, after rounds of brutal training and selection, finally stood out from tens of thousands of competitors and became a veritable humanoid combat weapon.

Not only is the source of troops special, but the weapons and equipment of the rune epee brigade are also unique. Whether it is the black heavy knight plate armor on the body or the heavy rune weapons of different shapes in the hands, they are all magical equipment inscribed with living runes, not counting the first generation. Experimental samples, there are only twenty-four finished products in the entire Noxus Empire,

The so-called living runes are a top-level rune enchanting process led and developed by Huazhi Shu. Although ordinary enchanted equipment has magical combat effectiveness that far exceeds non-enchanted sophisticated equipment, it has no growth potential and no soul binding. Functions can be used at will as long as certain basic conditions are met.

The living rune equipment is different. Each set of equipment can only be bound to one person for life. After the owner dies in battle, the living rune equipment can also give the owner a second life by killing his own soldiers, once again strengthening the owner's physical fitness. , in theory, powerful enough living rune equipment is enough for the owner to advance to a higher level of life form.

As long as the owner is alive, through continuous killing, the living rune can also absorb the souls and flesh of the dead, gradually strengthening itself or restoring energy, making the equipment itself and the user of the equipment stronger.

The mission of the Rune Epee Brigade, an experimental unit, is not only to assist the Reynolds Legion stationed in Presidence to eliminate the Ancient Spirits of Navisk, but also to kill and grow as much as possible to obtain the upper limit of the growth of living rune equipment. data.

Because of the special nature of the Rune Epee Brigade, the empire's senior officials also called this bloodthirsty and crazy force like the demons of hell [Demon Slayers].

For demon slayers, fighting is a survival instinct engraved in their bones, and war is a life creed that goes deep into their souls. The ancient spirit people who used to hide in the forest of ancient spirits to fight guerrillas came out, which will only make the rune epee brigade more powerful. The berserker became excited.

"Everyone in the epee brigade obeys orders!"

The white-haired swordsman with a heavy sword on his shoulder stared at the animal spirit wolves that were getting closer and closer, his eyes filled with an ominous blood glow like the scarlet moon.

"Follow me into the enemy lines! Let these cultists who dare to oppose the empire know what fear is!"

The twenty-three Slayers drew their weapons silently. It was not that they could not speak, but that all their words were condensed into the simplest movement.

In the eyes of the imperial legionnaires looking at madmen, twenty-four Slayers jumped down from the twelve-meter-high city wall and launched a counterattack against the beast spirits and ancient spirit people who came like a wave. The four black spots were as powerful as the dense waves.

The unpretentious black rune giant sword glowed with blood. The blade slashed horizontally in the simplest way. The giant spirit wolf, which was enough to kill several veterans of hundreds of battles, let out a miserable whimper. The blade was cut from the wolf's mouth. Start splitting in two.

The movements continued, and the twenty-four Slayers were submerged into the charging formation of beast spirits, instantly falling into an isolated and helpless situation. However, the warriors wearing black armor and heavy blades blocked the oncoming wave like rocks on the edge of a cliff.

The formations of the affected beast spirits were slightly chaotic. Many giant wolves tried to turn around and fight back, but were knocked down and trampled by their companions. Although they were not killed, they lost the threat.

With the Slayer able to resist most of the giant wolf beast spirits, the pressure on the city wall was greatly reduced.


The tone of the animal bone horn changed, and the animal spirit priests shook the ancient bells in their hands. The ancient bells emitted light green magic ripples, and the giant wolf's eyes suddenly burst into golden light, and the whole body was shrouded in a layer of pale golden brilliance. More violent.

In just a dozen breaths, the ancient spirit warriors following the wolves came up to kill them. However, the ancient spirit warriors did not stay near the slayers, but instead went straight towards the broken city wall of Navisk.

The empire's demon-breaking arrows had limited damage to the ancient spirit people. The ancient spirit people resisted the rain of arrows and reached a position 20 meters below the city. The ancient spirit warriors raised their swords and shields to defend against the arrows, and the ancient spirit long archers hid behind the ancient spirit people. The turning magic arrows were continuously shot out from behind the warriors, causing considerable casualties to the imperial soldiers on the city wall.

Soon, patches of magic shields were raised on the city walls, specifically blocking the ancient spirit people's magic arrows.

Facing the magical defense of the imperial soldiers, the Ancient Spirit people kept suppressing it with their bows and arrows. A dozen Ancient Spirit tribe priests holding long staffs walked out from the crowd.

Amidst the prayers of the ancient spirit priests, the illusory but capable of supporting the entity of the long steps of light green souls spread upwards from under the city wall. The ancient warriors who had been prepared for a long time roared and rushed up the long steps to fight against the imperial soldiers. together.

Facing the Ancient Spirits who were not afraid of swords, the Imperial Legion was under great pressure. Only by hitting the vital points with the enchanted sword many times could the enemy truly die. Fortunately, the Imperial soldiers were mobilized very frequently. With the addition of fresh troops, the city wall was not lost. .

"Puff puff!"

The sudden assassination caught all the imperial soldiers off guard. Most of the mages on the city wall were assassinated by shadow assassins before they could react. Without the assistance of mages and the flanking attacks of shadow assassins, the casualties of the imperial soldiers increased greatly. Immediately afterwards, There was a voice coming from the darkness, bringing even worse news to the Imperial soldiers.

"General Reynolds is dead! This city cannot be defended! Everyone, run away! If you stay here, you will definitely die!"

"A hidden rat! You can't hurt General Reynolds! Soldiers! This is the enemy's plan! As long as we hold on to the city wall, reinforcements will arrive soon!"

"Behead those who shake the morale of the army! Behead those who retreat without reason!"

An officer tried to stabilize the morale of the army, but was killed by the Shadow Assassin. Seeing that the enemy had surrounded him, but there was no reserve legion to support him, and there was no hope of victory. Now even the imperial soldiers could not maintain their morale. , one after another took the road and fled.

The city wall fell too fast. In an instant, the ancient spirit people marched straight in, rushing into the ancient city without even looking at the soldiers of the heavy sword brigade.

Looking at the ancient spirit man who was deliberately dragging himself on the battlefield with the beast spirit, Riven seemed to have thought of something. His face changed and he ordered to return to the ancient city to aid, but was entangled by the giant beast spirit wolf.

"The target of the Ancient Spirit is the Navisk Temple! Everyone obeys the order! Return to the Navisk Temple at all costs!"

The Navsk Temple is located in the very center of the ancient city of Navsk. There is a large, damaged ancient magic circle at the location of the sacrificial altar.

There are four very dangerous magic culverts under the temple. The magic culverts are connected to the Natovela Falls. Powerful magic energy fluctuations can be detected. Judging from the functional performance, ancient civilizations are likely to be using Natovela. The waterfall was used to power the temple, and its principle was probably similar to that of a water conservancy windmill.

From the beginning of the occupation, the empire discovered unknown magic arrays and magic crafts in the Navisk Temple. So far, after research, scholars of ancient magic crafts in the empire have come to a preliminary conclusion, that is, the magic arrays in the temple are very It may be some kind of space teleportation array powered by the Great Falls. Unfortunately, the most critical information has always been controlled by the ancient spirits, and the empire's research has never been able to go further.

If they want to recapture Navisk, the Ancient Spirits have a better chance. The Ancient Spirits and the Navoli Brotherhood who are coming out at this moment are naturally joining forces not just to recapture the ruins of Navisk. Obviously, both parties have The Alliance has a bigger agenda.

The most valuable thing in Navisk is the temple.

Riven's reaction was already fast enough, but it was not as fast as the Navoli Brotherhood, which had been planning for a year. When Major General Reynolds was assassinated, the shadow assassins had already sneaked into the temple and destroyed the center of the temple. The magic crystal center.

The temple that has lost its magic crystal center can no longer open the sealing barrier. Faced with attacks from shadow assassins from all directions, the heavily armored soldiers and mages guarding the temple have to retreat to the temple's sacrificial altar and rely on the sacrificial altar. Fight the shadow assassins of the Brotherhood of Navoli at the only entrance.

Under the true vision magic of the Imperial Mage, the Shadow Assassin gave up the idea of ​​launching an attack from the Shadow Realm. A frontal attack would bring huge casualties to itself. In this case, the Shadow Assassin actually stopped taking action and patiently chose to wait for the ancient The arrival of the spirit man.

Soon, Xuemei outside the temple saw the elders of the ancient spirits who were surrounded by the ancient spirit priests. The woman took off her skull mask, revealing an extremely charming face.

"Elder Lumsden, I have been waiting here for a long time."

The old man named Lumsden wore a green robe woven from vines. He held a staff in one hand and took off the spirit of nature mask with a golden halo with the other hand.

The skin under the mask was twisted and full of wrinkles like dark brown tree bark, and the eye sockets were deeply sunken, like the hollows of a dead tree. Xuemei even suspected that the old man in front of her could not be called a 'human' at all, a tree man. Not bad.

The old man seemed to be smiling, but to Xue Mei, it looked like a grimace that only appeared in dreams.

"May the spirit of nature bless you and others."

"It's better to avoid it. We prefer the blessing of the Lord of Shadows."

Xuemei looked indifferent. The premise for cooperation between the Navoli Brotherhood and the Natural Spirit Sect was that they had a common enemy, but it was not because the Brotherhood agreed with the religious ideas of the Natural Spirit Sect.

"There are still some stubborn sacrifices inside. In order to prevent our people from destroying the magic circle, it is up to you to clean it up next."

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