League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 914 Chapter912 Ancient Spirit

Not caring about Blood Plum's attitude, Lumsden tapped his cane and issued the purging order in the ancient ancient language.

Several ancient spirit priests took out the Holy Cross Seal made of tree bark, knelt on their knees and began to chant the incantation. Along with the magic ripples appearing in circles, more than a dozen moths that looked like human faces carried deadly weapons on their wings. The corrupt spirit of poison flew into the temple where the sacrificial altar was located.

Taking the initiative to stay away from the corrupt spirit summoned by the ancient spirit priest, Xuemei looked disgusted.

Seeing the ancient spirit priest stand up, Ramsden put on his mask again and extended his right hand to invite.

"Your Excellency Xuemei, do you want to come in and take a look together? Take a look at our ancestral land and the natural spirit that protects this world and gives vitality to all things."

"The Navoli Brotherhood has completed its agreement. It is better not to get involved in other things. Elder Ramsden, I hope that as you said, the spirit of nature can help us defeat our enemies."

She refused Lumsden's invitation without hesitation. Xuemei did not want to have too much contact with a strange being like Lumsden, who seemed to be both human and inhuman. Vesk, what happens next in Navsk has nothing to do with the Navoli Brotherhood.

Silently watching Xuemei leave the temple, Lumsden did not continue to say anything to persuade her to stay.

"Next, prepare to complete the magic circle and start the ancestral spirit sacrificial ceremony."

[The Ancient Spirits and the Navoli Brotherhood jointly launched an attack, the Navisk stronghold was lost, and the Reynolds Army was defeated?

Are you kidding me? The Rune Epee Brigade is in the Navisk stronghold. Even the Black Guards are no match for the Epee soldiers. When did the Navoli Brotherhood and those cultists become so capable?

Besides, isn't Langlun's legion stationed at Black Creek Castle? What do they eat? Five thousand people can't deal with those rats hiding underground? Even if I can't defend it, isn't there a magic crystal that can open the magic barrier? Why was it lost? 】

Sheena's serious voice came directly to her ears. Within the scope of the August Weaver, Lester could have encrypted calls with the empire's high-level officials at any time through the Magic Network. Similarly, Sheena could also directly use the Austrian Weaver to make encrypted calls. Gust brought some urgent news to Leicester's ears. .

Lester, who had just eaten Sona and Violet, had to get up from the arms of the two girls. Perhaps because they were being tortured too much by someone, the two girls were not affected by Lester's actions. Wake up, still sleeping as soundly as mud.

Lester was so angry at this unexpected bad news that even his energetic little brother felt a little depressed. It was obvious that he would soon find a way to deal with the Forest of Ancient Spirits and protect the environment of those people in Runeterra. To catch them all in one fell swoop, when everything was ready, but something like this happened, it was no less uncomfortable than to suddenly stop playing at the last moment.

[Don’t be angry first]

Xina explained in a deep voice.

[According to the information returned from the battlefield magic images, the fall of Navisk this time was not the fault of the Reynolds Army.

If the Brotherhood hadn't suddenly gained many shadow assassins who mastered the power of shadow, the number was at least twenty. These shadow assassins used latent assassination methods to destroy the crystal center and assassinate General Reynolds and the accompanying mage. Otherwise, Even if all the Ancient Spirits came out in force, they would never be able to break through Navisk.

For this reason, we have reason to suspect that the Navoli Brotherhood has mastered some method of mass-cultivating Shadow Assassins. 】

Hearing what Hina said, Lester suppressed the anger he had just felt when he got out of bed and became much calmer.

[Indeed, Shadow Assassins are not bad people. Camille killed several Shadow Assassins when she commanded the Edge of Night to destroy the Navoli Brotherhood. Those Shadow Assassins were all Ye Shadow's direct subordinates. The number of high-level talents capable of establishing a Brotherhood branch in Ionia alone can be counted on one hand.

Over the years, the Brotherhood has been hunted by Night Blade's killers like a lost dog. It cannot even maintain its original power, let alone spend resources to cultivate so many shadow assassins.

In addition to having a large number of ways to cultivate shadow assassins, there may be other forces that choose to secretly support the Brotherhood against the Empire]

[I have sent someone to investigate this matter]

[Well done, let’s continue with the information about Navisk]

[The Ancient Spirits and the Navoli Brotherhood activated the formation in the temple after occupying Navisk. The Langlun Army was unable to crack the maze. After sending an investigation team into the maze, there was no news. In order to prevent For a worse outcome, I have ordered the Langlun Army to defend Black Creek Castle. If even Black Creek Castle is lost, the empire will lose the only springboard to attack the underground world of Navisk.

I plan to send magic crystal warriors to Navisk to deal with the counterattack of the Ancient Spirits, and recruit a vastaya army into the underground world. No matter what the Ancient Spirits plan to do, we cannot let them succeed...]

After a pause, Xina's tone became much more tactful and low.

[The only problem now is that under the double strangulation of the Ancient Spirit and the Shadow Assassin, I am afraid that all the soldiers of the epee brigade have been killed. Brother Lester, you must be mentally prepared]

Knowing that Xina was talking about her extra attention to Riven, Lester sighed softly and rubbed the center of his brow.

[I'll go there myself. If you want to see someone alive or dead, you'll see a corpse. What's more, she is the best warrior in the devil's training camp. It's not easy to kill her.]

【If it's just you...】

[Don't worry, I will take Ryze with me. Even if I can't beat him, I can run away. What's more, I have already felt the limit of the star seal. I only need one suitable opportunity to completely master the life rune and find it. Returning the sealed power]

Xina took a deep breath and exhaled silently. Because the time was so long, she almost forgot that when the Emerald Territory was attacked by the Star Spirit God Envoy in the past, it was no one else who stood in front of everyone and resisted the God Envoy's attack. It was her brother Lester,

Fidelite, the Emerald Territory, or the entire Noxus Empire today, the most powerful person has never been the Imperial Archmage, nor the Imperial Angel, nor those war weapons with the name of killing gods, but the most powerful one named Lai. ster man.

It's not because the empire is strong that Lester is born, but because of Lester, the empire can be so strong.

Not wanting to waste time, Lester quickly found Ryze who was living in the Fidelite nightclub. The somewhat bored Ryze immediately became energetic when he heard the news that the Rune of Life was about to be completely controlled.

Ryze asked in a low voice, his eyes resting on Lester's dark red light armor and the magic-sealing gun box on his back.

"Where are you going to fight?"

"To be precise, find someone."

Lester opened the map of Ionia and pointed to the location of Presidium.

"The underground world of Presiden, the ancient city of Navsk, the faster, the better."

Ruiz nodded clearly, stood up, and stretched his muscles.

"Wait for me three minutes."

"I'll wait for you in the carriage in front of the tavern."

Noticing that many mamasans were already walking towards him, Lester also stood up and left the tavern.

It only took Ryze two minutes and twenty seconds to complete the preparations. As an open and tolerant magic city, some residents of Fidelite have weird skins with the same nature as Ryze. Because of this, Ryze is not He needs to wrap himself up tightly to get the attitude that normal people deserve. Rather, his blue-purple rune skin attracts many women with unique tastes, which brings him a lot of attention. trouble.

Ryze was naked as always, with his muscular upper body and a wild animal skin skirt on his lower body. In addition to his body that was coveted by nightclub workers, the rune scroll was also of some value.

The royal carriage, which symbolized the most authority of the empire, pulled Lester and Ryze into the heavily guarded Starry Sky Gate. The two passed through the Starry Sky Gate and directly arrived at the Dragon Gate.

Without stopping at Longmen, Ruiz locked the space beacon in Placidian and brought Lester to the outskirts of Placidian in a flash.

After the teleportation array dispersed, Ryze's condition was noticeably worse. This was not because he had consumed too much during the night, but because Lester's physical condition was no longer as easy to carry around as it had been in the past.

"If you wait until you lift the star boundary seal, I'm afraid I won't be able to take you around."

With an indescribable sense of relief and a bit of regret, Ryze didn't know what his state of mind was when he said this.

"Don't say that, Ryze, you are more than just a portal."

Ryze shrugged.

"You finally stop hiding your opinion of me?"

Lester smiled and took out a positioning crystal from his pocket. The crystal refracted by the sun reflected a colorful beam of light, which happened to be projected onto Lester's magic map, forming a magic marking point.

The location of the magic mark point was Lester's own location. By distinguishing the spatial orientation, Lester quickly found the location of the large rift that entered the underground world of Navisk.

"Go northeast...Looking at how weak you are, you haven't slept all night, right?"

Lester, who was holding a map, walked in front, and Ritz followed closely behind. The two of them moved quickly along the forest path.

"Actually, that kind of thing feels quite new at first, and it doesn't make much sense if you do it too much."

I thought that Ryze would not respond to his joke, but a few minutes later Ryze said something that surprised Lester, so much so that he couldn't help but look back at Ryze's expression.

Well, I have the temperament of a great sage who has seen through the world of mortals. After living in a nightclub for a month, I probably have nothing left in stock.

You must know that the girls who can work in Fredlet's nightclub are all serious, hold professional qualification certificates and eat national food. It cannot be said that they are proficient in all kinds of martial arts, at least they must be battle-hardened. , I haven't seen any birds in the forest. No matter how special Ryze is, he can't use magic to strengthen the Grasp of Eternal Death.

"I don't think you are very convincing right now."

"Maybe it's because I still don't understand what love is."

As if his heart had been touched by Lester, Ryze became taciturn during the rest of the journey.

Half an hour later, Lester and Ryze had arrived at their destination. After passing the inspection at the outer imperial outpost, Ryze and Lester stopped outside the ancient battlefield site. The sky seemed to be dyed red by the land, and the wind was blowing. A heavy and sad breeze.

As far as the eye can see, there are ruins and ruins, and a stone giant sword is quietly stuck upside down in the solid earth stained red by blood. The outline of the inscription on the giant sword can no longer be seen clearly, but it exudes a disturbing aura. ,

Surrounding the stone forest of sword monuments are many ancient broken swords that have decayed. From the broken swords that should have been rusted into mud, Ryze actually felt a powerful magical aura, but it was magic that kept the broken swords from decaying. , after careful observation, the red land in front of us seems to have a sense of spatial disorder.

"I feel the fluctuations of space magic here. Could it be that this is actually an ancient teleportation array?"

Not surprisingly, thinking of this level, Lester stepped into the ancient battlefield.

"You're right, this is both a teleportation array and a sealed prison.

Who would have thought that three thousand years ago, the Ionians fought a life-and-death battle with the ancestors of the Ancient Spirits to protect the surface of the earth. If the Ionians had not won, I am afraid that the Ancients would be ruling Ionia now. Spiritual person. "

Lester took the lead and walked along the battlefield ruins. He stopped in front of an arched stone door that looked like a tomb and embedded a magic crystal in the groove at the top of the arched stone door.

As a film-like magical aura emerged, a road leading to the underground appeared behind the arched stone door.

Ryze walked around the stone door and took a look, but everything in his sight was still flat, with no signs of hidden passages.

"It took a lot of effort for the empire to decipher this magical secret. There was also a splendid magical civilization in Rune Land thousands of years ago, but those magical civilizations have not survived until now. Only through ancient ruins can we guess what kind of magic the ancient people had. magic level,

Speaking of which, all we have to do now is just to continue our civilization. "

After passing through the stone gate, the two of them went down and reached the large crack that was ten thousand feet high. On the edge of the large crack, Ryze saw a small magic tower.

In order to facilitate the transportation of troops and supplies, the empire's mages used a unique method to build a large elevator of elemental stones. As long as it is controlled by a magic tower, the large elevator can transport people to the underground world thousands of meters below in the most efficient way. among.

Riding the large elevator all the way down, the elevator clicked onto the magic stone base below. Ryze followed Lester down the elemental stone elevator, and suddenly realized that he had arrived at the strange and beautiful underground. world.

At the same time, a sound of ethereal and terrifying laughter came from inside the Navisk Temple, and countless dead souls swirled into the temple like catkins fluttering in the wind.

All the Ancient Spirits, including Ramsden, knelt down and kowtowed in prayer in the direction of the temple.

"Great spirit of nature, please listen to the voice of your servant. May all creatures and peoples become your nourishment, and may your kingdom come."

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