League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 915 Chapter913 The possessed heavy sword warrior

As if coming from the world of the dead, when the number of dead souls reached a certain level, an illusory giant green ghost suddenly appeared above the altar of the temple. After the green ghost appeared, it enveloped Navisk. The weapon mist began to tint green.

The ghost head is the skull of some kind of large beast. There are two dark green goat bone horns on the top of the head, and the hollow eye sockets are burning with blasphemous green flames.

The ghost's lower limbs seem to be composed of countless human skeletons, twisted and densely formed into ferocious centipede-like centipedes, and various plump and juicy maggots squirmed out of the bones over time. Mosquito and fly larvae, meat maggots and flies collided with each other like suicide, exploding green slurry on the skeleton. The bones actually began to weave dark green meat strands, and the meat strands merged with each other to form a fat and greasy piece of meat.

As the ghost shapes the flesh maggots, a corrupt and tolerant aura descends on every creature in Navisk, including the shadow assassins of the Navori Brotherhood and the surviving Noxian soldiers. Everyone felt an indescribable feeling of nausea. However, the ancient spirit man not only did not feel any physical discomfort, but also took the initiative to kneel on the ground and embrace the gift of the spirit of nature. It was said to be a gift, but in the eyes of the shadow assassins of the Brotherhood, in fact, It was maggot plasma that was as thick as clouds and mist, desperately burrowing into the holes in the body. It was extremely disgusting.

As the smell of corruption became stronger and stronger, the earth began to become full of vitality, and various fungi and flesh trees grew. The half-human and half-spiritual bodies of the ancient spirit people began to become fleshy, and each ancient spirit person grew in size. The horns of different shapes are covered with a layer of rotten flesh that is difficult to be damaged by swords. In addition to the changes in appearance, deeper changes that cannot be observed occur in every ancient spirit person, changing the course of life. Nature.

Among the ancient spirit people, the ancient spirit elder Ramsden had the most dramatic change. Ramsden, who devoted himself wholeheartedly to the embrace of the ancestral spirit, soon grew into a fat man and gained a vibrant body. And the authority to exert the power of corruption, the scepter in Ramsden's hand directly turned into a corrupt staff covered with flesh and maggots, able to control flesh, flesh and worms at will.

"Lord Xuemei, the evil god of the Ancient Spirit seems to have an impact on us, what should we do next?"

Unable to stand the stench and flies coming from all directions, the shadow assassins lurking throughout Navisk gathered around Xuemei.

According to the original plan, after the Ancient Spirits successfully repaired the magic circle and completed the sacrificial ceremony, the next step should be to drive their ancestral spirits to eliminate the imperial forces in the underground world, and then counterattack the surface and capture Prey in the Province of Navoli. Xidian, and all they have to do is join this counterattack on the surface as an alliance.

But now the gods of the Ancient Spirits seem to have begun to take action against them before they are fully formed. It is difficult to determine whether the Ancient Spirits have evil intentions against them from the beginning.

Feeling the changes in her body carefully, Xuemei took a deep breath and said coldly.

"The gods resurrected by the ancient spirits are definitely not good people. They go to the shadow realm. Let's leave this ghost place first."

What horrifies the Navori Shadow Assassins is that when they use the authority of the Lord of Shadows to leave the physical realm and reach the shadow realm, even the shadow realm is attached with a layer of disgusting corruption, composed of shadows The world seemed to be infected by a virus, with twisting and ferocious dark green flesh flowers growing out. The flower stems and vines of the flesh flowers were entangled in the boundaries of the shadow realm, as if they were not prepared to let the shadow assassins leave.

Xuemei turned her head and soon noticed a shadow assassin whose skin color began to turn green, with tiny flesh bumps and pustules growing all over his body.

"Ivan, go and cut off the flesh flowers that are blocking the shadows. Go ahead and all the brothers will remember your achievements."

The shadow assassins made way for a middle-aged man named Ivan. After hesitating for a moment, Ivan knew that his body had changed and he might not be around for long. He condensed the shadow blade in his hand and slashed at the squirming and trembling flesh flower with one knife. .


Although she was in the shadow realm, Xuemei heard a very clear sound of popping pustules. Under the cutting of the shadow blade, the flesh blossoms exploded directly, spewing out a piece of disgusting stuff similar to spores and putrid juice. After the spores and thick juice contaminated other places, they actually began to produce small fleshy sprouts that made people feel scalp numb. In just a few breaths, several fleshy flowers the size of a baby's head grew out.

As for Ivan, who did not avoid it and was drenched all over by the thick juice of the bursting meat flowers, his chapped skin had countless granules growing through the flesh and blood, tearing the leather armor on his body, and in the blink of an eye, it grew into a large green patch like psoriasis. Ivan's two eyeballs swelled and burst. Two dark green flower buds protruded from the eye sockets. They were swaying towards the other shadow assassins like snail tentacles. The flower buds were squirming like slugs, exuding... Gorgeous colorful stripes.


Witnessing Ivan's change, a female Brotherhood assassin couldn't hold back and took off her mask and vomited it out.

What frightened others was that the woman's vomit turned out to be a pool of wriggling green meat maggots. After the meat maggots landed on the ground, they began to transform into flies. Finally, the flies hovered near the thick juice of the meat flowers and started to feast on the disgusting meat flowers and flies. They seem to complement each other very well.

"Help...save me! Please...you...vomit!"

Everyone moved away from the woman whose body had mutated, and lay on top of the woman's vomit. Ivan, who had turned into some kind of fungal slug man, opened his thick, sucker-like mouth and greedily sucked in the untransformed flesh maggots. The sauce in your mouth bursts out, as if you have eaten some delicacy in the world, and two tentacle-like buds are waving happily in the air.


Two detached shadow blades flew past, cutting off the heads of Ivan and the female assassin, but it was Xuemei who took action. With Ivan as an example, Xuemei would certainly not be stupid enough to let those vicious juices contaminate herself. body.

Xuemei said coldly as he watched the assassins avoid the green blood sprayed by Ivan and the female assassin with frightened faces.

"From now on, everyone must use the power of shadow to protect themselves and avoid contact with any infectious venom. If someone's body changes, report it immediately. Do you understand?"


"Whether it is intentional or not, the ancient spirit people have caused substantial harm to us. From now on, we need to treat the ancient spirit people as imaginary enemies, and try to avoid them as much as possible before we officially break our skin, and do not take the initiative to cause any harm to us. Conflict, of course, if the hostility of the ancient spirit people is confirmed, they can kill them.

Nowadays, the situation in the shadow realm is worse than that in the material realm. We cannot continue to act in the shadow realm. If we want to leave Navisk, we must find another way and return to the material realm first. "

As she spoke, the body of the female assassin, whose head rolled to the ground, began to swell. Flesh sprouts tore open her clothes and grew fleshy flowers. Ivan's broken neck also sprouted long fleshy stalks, which seemed to want to be connected to the headless body. On the body, the two people whose heads were chopped off were not dead at all.

Not prepared to waste time with such a foreign species, the Shadow Assassin returned directly to the material realm.

"Lord Blood Plum, maybe we can make use of the Noxian bastards."

Xue Mei looked at the speaker.

"Tell me what you think."

"Yes, when I came back just now, I saw a female officer from Noxus. She was being besieged by the Ancient Spirits. She was extremely powerful and seemed to want to break out of Navisk.

If we hide ourselves and follow her, we may be able to avoid many battles. "

At this point, Xuemei didn't have any good ideas, so she nodded as she was told.

"Take me to have a look. Reserve your strength and stay here."

Bypassing the garden filled with green spores and heading east, Xuemei didn't need much effort to find the female imperial officer mentioned by her subordinates because of the noise caused by the ancient spirit people.

Condensing his aura, Xuemei lay down on a broken stone pillar on a higher ground, squinting through the shadows and looking down. The abandoned ancient courtyard was filled with all kinds of deadly poisonous mist and spores, which appeared in the form of flesh flowers in the shadow realm. The strange plants presented have turned into more complex and disgusting plants in the material realm. Such an environment is enough to become a forbidden area for living people.

Those ancient spirit beings who were already ugly in appearance were covered with a layer of dark green rotten flesh that could peel off at any time. Their bodies were covered with flesh bumps and festering pustules. Maggots burrowed in and out of the rotten flesh. The ancient spirit warriors But he had no idea how disgusting he was. He held up his sword and cane filled with green light and attacked the white-haired Imperial soldiers in the open space of the courtyard.

The white-haired female imperial soldier wore an unusual-looking black and red metal heavy armor, wielding an exaggerated heavy sword in her hand, her eyes filled with scarlet blood, mercilessly killing the Ancient Spirits, obviously. Although they were under siege, the white-haired imperial warriors were as fierce as the besiegers, killing the ancient spirits without the ability to fight back.

Xuemei let out a breath of turbid air. Even she herself had no chance of surviving under such a siege. However, the imperial warriors who were surrounded and killed by dozens of ancient spirits were still waving their ferocious black swords to fight mercilessly. Wherever the big sword struck, the ancient spirits split into two parts. They did not continue to struggle to death after being struck like Ivan who died in the shadow realm.

Upon closer inspection, the white-haired warrior was always covered with a faint layer of blood mist. It seemed that this layer of blood mist blocked the erosion of the corrupt toxins and prevented the white-haired warrior from turning into a monster like Ivan.

Seeing this scene, Xuemei felt very heavy. She didn't want to admit it, but she had to lament that the soldiers of the Noxus Empire were always so powerful and terrifying. It was definitely a nightmare to deal with such an enemy. It was a pity that from her From the moment she became Ye Ying's woman, she lost all options of escape.

If I could have joined the Noxus Empire before meeting Ye Shadow, I might be in a different situation now.

Before Xuemei could collect her thoughts, several ancient spirit priests surrounded by corrupt beast spirits came outside the courtyard. The priests were different from those ancient spirit warriors who had lost their human appearance. Their bodies were still as shriveled as trees. Although his skin is thin, he can still see his facial features and expressions clearly.

From Xuemei's point of view, the attitude of the ancient spirit priests could definitely be regarded as furious.

"The Blasphemer! The Blasphemer! The Curse of Corruption!"

[blasphemer? Why do the ancient spirit priests call him a blasphemer? 】

Xuemei looked at the battlefield with some doubts, and saw the ancient spirit priest holding his staff high and projecting dark green halo after dark green halo at the white-haired warrior. He seemed to have noticed the ancient spirit priest outside the courtyard. The warrior let out a cold cry, and a blood-red shield appeared around him that was thicker than before.

"Heretical cult, unforgivable sin!"

Killing the ancient spirit people along the way, the white-haired female warrior rushed towards the sacrifice. The dark green halo enveloped the white-haired female warrior but failed to break the blood shield. Her speed did not slow down. Before the ancient spirit warrior could make a move, In response, the big sword of the white-haired female warrior had already arrived in front of the ancient spirit priest.


The green pus exploded, and the ancient spirit priest's body was separated and killed instantly. Unexpectedly, he was no match for the white-haired female warrior. After killing the ancient spirit priest, the white-haired female warrior then attacked other ancient spirit people. , the bloody brilliance in his eyes became more intense, as if he was a tireless killing machine.

After turning around and slashing, the white-haired female warrior suddenly turned her gaze to where Xuemei was hiding. Feeling the awe-inspiring murderousness of the female warrior, Xuemei also felt a surge of energy and blood. She quickly looked away and left the stone pillar, secretly cursing what a monster she was.

[Is it an extraordinary power involving blood and killing? If every Imperial soldier had such power, wouldn't the Noxian Empire be invincible? 】

When Xuemei changed to a suitable observation position, a fat humanoid tank holding a staff of corruption that was extremely inconsistent with its size quickly approached from a distance. The inhuman monster in the middle was guarded by ancient spirit priests. The belly full of flesh folds broke through the outer wall of the courtyard. All the ancient spirit people who were fighting knelt down and bowed down to the four-meter monster with a human face and goat horns. The ancient spirit people who were waiting to be killed were just in time. They were completely annihilated by the white-haired female warrior.

With great difficulty, Xuemei vaguely recognized that the monster had an ugly face like Ramsden's from the facial features that had been turned into a pile of dog shit.

"My child, don't resist anymore, join me in the arms of the Father. Only in the arms of the Father can you rest."

Ramsden opened his short arms as he spoke, and his fat belly split from top to bottom with the movements of his arms, revealing circles of terrifying sharp teeth, shaped like a worm's blood basin. big mouth,

The most disgusting thing is that there are countless maggots surging happily in this bloody mouth, and sometimes they are punctured by sharp teeth and burst into juice. Because of this, Lumsden's belly is always full of putrid poison. of dark green saliva.

Facing the corrupted Ramsden who was like a behemoth, the white-haired female warrior who remained silent raised her giant sword with one hand and faced Ramsden, making a very standard horizontal slash with a broad sword.

The battle seemed to be about to break out, but Xuemei noticed that at some point, the figure of the spirit of nature appeared in the sky.

It has a goat head, a human body, and arthropod-like lower limbs. The body is composed of rotting pieces of flesh covered with pustules. The disgusting evil spirit in front of you seems to be the god that the Natural Spirit Sect has always believed in with its life.

[Looks like it’s time to leave Navisk]

Xue Mei left quietly. The natural spirit in the sky turned to look at Xue Mei, but had no intention of stopping him. (End of chapter)

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