League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 922 Chapter920 The significance of Kalma

"Just half a month ago, I defeated the ancestral spirit of the ancient spirit people in the ancient city of Navisk and destroyed its divine totem. The ancestral spirit of the ancient spirit people was named Elvis. According to the investigation results, Elvis Ervis is probably an Ionian who believed in evil gods thousands of years ago."

Riven, who was standing behind Leicester as a bodyguard, breathed softly, silently pricking up his ears and staring at Dalha, who was frowning. Seeing that Darha was still thinking, Lester gave out more information.

"Judging from the sealing circle under the ruins of the ancient battlefield, someone should have defeated Elvis and his followers. The victor sealed Elvis in Navisk and destroyed the ancient circle.

I wonder if Dalha knows anything about this matter? "

Dalha's eyes suddenly glowed with the fire of his soul. After about a cup of tea, Dalha relaxed his brows and told the story of the past in a daze.

"That was more than 1,300 years ago. At that time, Elvis was still a simple boy who made a living by hunting and collecting herbs. Not long after they got married, Elvis's wife fell in love with several people from the same village. A man fell in love with a man, gathered together to have fun while Elvis went hunting in the mountains, and chanted during the day..."

Speaking of these slightly embarrassing things, an unnatural blush appeared on both sides of Dalha's calm cheeks. He was full of contradictions like a pure virgin who had experienced many battles. Lester tilted his head slightly, but saw that he was low. Riven, who was wearing her head, was not much better. Obviously, for Dalha and Riven, the words "gathering" and "chanting" were still too advanced for the two girls.

“Knowing that Elvis’s wife was a wild woman, more and more men came to the village, so that every time Elvis went out, the house would be filled with uninvited guests, and a hundred birds would chirp.

After fooling around all day long, no paper can stop the fire. After knowing his wife's betrayal, he secretly investigated and confirmed that his wife was not forced by others, but actively colluded with outsiders. The angry Elvis pretended not to know the truth and used All the prey he caught was given to the whole village for a banquet, and he secretly drugged the food. After the village banquet, all fifty-three men and women in the village were unconscious.

Elvis first dismembered his wife and all the men in the village, and then...he molested and killed the women in revenge. Finally, Elvis set fire to the entire village. Later, someone discovered the burned-out village. , shocked by the evil means, but still unable to determine who committed the murder. It was later learned that in order to avoid tracing, Elvis chose to live alone in the mountains and forests, hanging out with wild beasts all day long...

After that, there were incidents of animal spirits attacking the village and kidnapping the villagers. "

Recalling the various animal spirits that Elvis had commanded, Lester sighed with understanding. Elvis's experience was really miserable for men. I'm afraid it was because of his wife's betrayal that he no longer believed in the same kind of beasts. Only Elvis would fall hopelessly in love with the beast. Coupled with the gift of the evil god, after some manipulation, it is not incomprehensible to give birth to strange Pokémon.

"By the time 'Karma' knew about this, the martial arts forces in Navoli Province alone could no longer resist Elvis's army of animal spirits. Elvis, who severely damaged the harmony of nature, eventually caused 'Karma' Attention, under the guidance of the Ionian spirit, 'Karma' began to guide the Ionians to encircle and suppress the beast spirits. The final battlefield was the ancient battlefield in your mouth,

In that battle, the road to the underground world was opened, the army of animal spirits that was defeated by 'Karma' was defeated, Elvis was killed by 'Karma', and the remaining army retreated underground, 'Karma' 'The transmission channel was sealed with a sealing spell.

Until the Noxians discovered the teleportation channel hidden in the ruins of the ancient battlefield, and when 'Karma' found me, the channel you had opened suppressed the remnants of the underground world..."

"Please wait a moment, Dalha, I have a question."

Lester interrupted Dalha, who was slightly startled.

"What do you mean by saying that 'Karma' is influenced by the spirit of Ionia? Can the spirit of Ionia directly interfere with each generation of Karma?"

The frowning Dalha was silent for a moment and shook his head in confusion.

"I have no idea."

Seeing that Dalha himself could not explain the reason, Lester did not delve deeper, lest the Ionian spirit really exist and cause the Ionian spirit to be dissatisfied.

"So, the ancient spirit people are actually the descendants of Elvis' beast spirit people. Because the group has mutated after living underground for a long time, Elvis was not completely killed by 'Karma' and survived in some way. When Elvis came down, he turned himself into the totem of the ancient spirit people's faith, using this method to extend his life... I have to say, if he hadn't met me, this Furui control would still be quite capable."

"Furicon? What do you mean?"

Dalha blinked and looked at Lester, who laughed.

"Maybe it means that you like something unique... By the way, how much do you know about the Temple Array in Navisk?"

"The history of Navisk goes back even further, in fact..."


Lester stared at Dalha closely. Dalha let out a breath, and the green light symbolizing the fire of the soul in his eyes gradually extinguished.

There was deep exhaustion between the girl's brows and eyes.

"Actually, the memory of 'Karma' can only be traced back to more than 1,500 years ago. There are only some vague fragments of older events, and there is no way to decipher any useful information."

"Dalha, I wonder if you can tell me whether the 'Karma' in your mind is just a memory, or is it a soul that has never entered reincarnation? Can they communicate with you independently?"

According to the ability of the Ionian Spirit, it is not difficult to integrate the memories of thousands of people over thousands of years. He has never heard of any generation of Karma going crazy due to memory confusion. In this case, Karma's memory is It shouldn't have ended more than 1,500 years ago. If we had to go back, we would have to go back to the ancient times when Vastaya Shari fought the giants.

He covered his head in distress, and there were fine beads of sweat on Dalha's forehead, looking a little in pain.

"They...should be memories, but...sometimes...they will...talk to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Dalha tilted his head and fell towards the ground. Before Dalha touched the ground, Lester supported the girl's slender and plump body.

Riven looked startled and subconsciously looked back to see if there were any witnesses. Her eyes paused on the closed door of the Palace of Samsara before Riven relaxed.

"Boss, what should we do next? Should we leave?"

"We can't leave yet without asking Dalha about the Navoli Brotherhood. Moreover, we can't leave with Dalha in this condition."

Putting his hand on Dalha's forehead, Lester let out a breath as he felt that Dalha's emotions at the moment were chaotic and violent, as if he was in a spiritual whirlpool.

"I have no choice but to help Dalha recover. Riven, I'll take Dalha to the back. You can help me guard the door and don't let anyone in."

After giving the instructions, Lester picked up Dalha and placed him in the inner room of the main hall. As a place of spiritual cultivation for the reincarnation of the soul of Ionia, the inner room looked particularly simple, and most of it was filled with books. The room was filled with It smells of calming incense, but other than that there are some very simple furniture.

There was only a thin layer of cotton padding on the low wooden bed, which was enough for an adult man to lie down on, and was more than enough to accommodate Daha.

When Lester put Dalha on the wooden bed, Dalha still had no intention of waking up. His brows were furrowed, as if he had dreamed of something bad.

"Elena, do you think Dalha's coma is related to the soul of Ionia?"

Elena's voice was hesitant.

"How should I put it... something doesn't seem right with Dalha's body. It gives me the feeling that several consciousnesses are competing with her for control of her body, but the fact is that the only one controlling Dalha's body is her own consciousness."

"In that case, why did Dalha pass out?"

"Perhaps it is because you have consumed too much energy? After all, the questions you asked are too tricky. If you want to find specific content from so many memories, for the current Dalha, I am afraid it will cause harm to the body. It’s no small burden.”

Lester nodded, took off Dalha's gem hairband and put it aside, and put his hand on Dalha's forehead. As Elena took the initiative to use the life rune, Dalha no longer showed pain, and his spirit Visibly much better.

Seeing that his actions were very effective, Lester appropriately increased his efforts.

At the same time, deep in Dalha's consciousness, the girl was wandering alone in the alley,

Different from the bustle and bustle in the past, there is no previous incarnation in the alley now, and it seems quiet and lonely. For Dalha, this is the first time she has encountered such a situation since she became 'Karma'.

Looking back, there was no way to retreat, so Dalha continued to pace forward, like an aimless wandering soul.

Finally, under an illusory and beautiful blooming spirit tree, a kind-hearted old man appeared in front of her, waving his hand to her, as if beckoning her to come over.

The moment he saw the old man, Dalha had some kind of enlightenment in his heart and knew the name and origin of the strange old man.

Stepping forward to approach the old man, Dalha looked up at the old man who was several heads taller than him.

"Xiu, can you tell me where the other reincarnations have gone? Why can't I find them?"

The wrinkles on the old man's face were like those of a centuries-old tree that had gone through vicissitudes of life. He knelt on the ground. When Dalha and the old man sat across from each other, Karma, named 'Xiu', smiled pleasantly in her previous life.

"When you don't need them, they won't appear in front of you.

Every Karma has a unique Karma deep in his heart. When you have questions, we can only tell you the principles we have learned. How to do it depends on how you understand it. "

Dalha glanced at Xiu in surprise.

"You seem to be different from other Karma. Other Karma will only explain to me the way of harmony and the laws of nature."

Xiu was still smiling kindly, looking at Dalha with loving eyes, just like a grandfather looking at his most beloved granddaughter.

"I used to be like this too. I took the "Law of Harmony" as my life creed, not to interfere with anything in the material realm or the spiritual realm, and dedicated my time to the Ancient Buddha of Qingdeng. I didn't dare to go beyond it even a little bit. Until I died, I saw the mourning of Ionia."

"I... don't quite understand what you are talking about."

The inscrutable language made Dalha very confused.

Maintaining a kind smile, Xiu did not explain too much what he had just said. His figure gradually became illusory and finally disappeared.

"The man who is helping you to recuperate your body is more suitable to take care of you than us. The Palace of Eternal Existence is a holy place and a prison. This time, follow your own heart and make a choice."

Dalha opened his eyes and met Lester's slightly worried gaze. The man immediately retracted his right hand and asked with concern.

"You suddenly fainted in the morning. How do you feel now?"

Daha sat up and glanced out the window, only to see that the sky had turned dark. She was suddenly shocked to realize that her conversation with the old man named "Xiu" only took a moment, and she actually fell into a coma until the night.

"Thank you, I feel a lot more relaxed now."

Nodding, Lester smiled faintly.

"Fortunately, the monks and elders of the temple did not force their way into the Palace of Reincarnation, otherwise I would have been in a lot of trouble seeing you in your current state."

Dalha lowered her head and glanced at the slightly loose collar. The blush on her cheeks flashed away. Dalha calmly tightened her robe. With her wisdom, she certainly knew that Lester’s original intention of doing this was not In order to satisfy her own desires, just to make her breathe easier, she could feel that except for the slightly loose collar, her clothes had not been touched by the man.

"The Palace of Samsara is not only the residence of Karma to the Palace of Eternal Existence, it is also the most sacred place in Presidio. This is why I chose to talk to you here."

After calming down, Dalha regained his composure.

"You said you came here to verify two things with me. You might as well take this opportunity to tell me directly. It is always inappropriate to keep you here overnight."

Hearing this, Lester's face also became solemn.

"I suspect that the Navoli Brotherhood has resurrected the nightmares and cultivated a large number of shadow assassins with the help of the power of nightmares. If this is true, the nightmares operating in the spiritual realm will definitely leave clues.

I know you can establish a special connection with the Spirit Blooming Tree, and I hope you can help me confirm the situation of the nightmare. "

In a daze, Xiu's memories emerged into his mind. The soul-exploding disaster caused by the nightmare slaughtered the lives of Presidio and desecrated the holy land guarded by the soul of Ionia.

"Tomorrow we can go to the Magic Garden together, where I will try to find traces of the nightmare." (End of Chapter)

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