League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 923 Chapter921 The ice tree has spirit

Navoli Province, the eastern foothills of the Dragon's Back Mountains, the Magic Coast.

Accompanied by a melodious sunset whale cry, the pier of Onkuwo lit up with fire. As if escaping from unknown dangers, the fishermen living in Onkuwo put away their fishing nets and rowed their boats towards the pier on the coast. , even the most experienced fishermen would not choose to fish on the magical coast at night. After all, the fishing net can be cast many times, but you only have one life.

The magic that can be seen everywhere in Ionia does not only mean a high degree of harmony between man and nature. In fact, most of the time, the magical creatures in Ionia only mean danger. The magic coast in the daytime and the magic coast at night are as distinct as each other. In both worlds, when the sea whales make their cries, the increasingly violent magical tide in the offshore area is enough to destroy any man-made thing that attempts to challenge nature. The undercurrent will eventually send the body of the ignorant into the belly of the fish, and the cold sea breeze will transform the hunter. With the identity of the prey, the waves will bury everything, allowing the Magic Coast to continue to remain harmless to humans and animals.

By the time Onkuwo's ​​fishermen successfully returned to the shore, the afterglow of the setting sun had completely disappeared, replaced by the cold and blue moon and bright stars.

The quiet offshore sea suddenly lit up with a brilliant light band. In the turbulent offshore undercurrent, the luminous rainbow fish was driven towards the shore by the blue stinging jellyfish. Behind the stinging jellyfish, there were still There are more dangerous predators, including strange sea creatures that can move on the shore, or sea people with fish faces and bodies who can speak human words. The dead fishermen have no chance to see themselves. The horror spread. Because of this, the fishermen of Onkwo knew little about the situation of the people of the sea and feared a lot.

The only thing that's certain is that the fire and heat on land are enough to drive away all marine life, allowing the residents of Onkwo to have a good night's sleep.

When there was no one around, a dreamlike pink-purple mist suddenly rose from the sea. The mist soon divided the bright night sky, and the cold moonlight suddenly became hazy with a deadly and alluring veil.

At this moment, a tall woman wearing a dark magic cloak approached the magic coast and found a rock wall that was no different from other places, except that it was somewhat remote.

The woman flipped her wrist, took out a purple conch, and played a melody against the rock wall. The rock wall gradually disappeared, and the masked man with his whole body hidden in a hood slowly walked out and stopped in front of the woman.

The hooded man, who was a head taller than the woman, glanced at the woman, his tone full of malicious teasing.

"Xuemei, why are you the only one back? Where are the other people you took away? Were they killed by you? Have you done what the master ordered you to do? Looking at the bad look on your face, I'm afraid you have accomplished nothing. Bar?"

Frowning, Xuemei glanced at the man with disgust, not even having the patience to say another word, and said lightly.

"Majira, I don't seem to have any obligation to report the situation to you. Before I cut off your noisy tongue, you'd better get out of the way, shut your bad mouth, and get as far away as you can."

"Haha~ I hope you can continue to be so arrogant."

Majila smiled coldly, but did not continue to entangle, and took the initiative to sideways and get out of the way.

Watching Xue Mei walk into the darkness without looking back, the man licked his dry lips and smiled obscenely.

"You reckless woman, when the master is completely disappointed with you, I will make you into the most despicable collection and place it in the filthiest place. When the time comes, don't beg me, haha."

Walking through the intricate crypt passages, Xuemei returned to the chief helm after two years and found that the atmosphere at the chief helm seemed a bit unusual. Not only were there many new faces, she also found that there were many members of the fraternity. The old members had a distant attitude towards him, and didn't even say hello to him.

Along the way, she did not see her old friend Zekalea, who was responsible for guarding the magic door and supervising the entrances and exits of the helm. Logically speaking, leaving one's post without permission was a serious crime. If it was not for one's absence without permission, Zekalea went there. where?

Faced with a series of unexpected changes, Xuemei's heart became a little more gloomy. Fortunately, she was loyal to Ye Ying. She not only accompanied Ye Ying, but also did things for the Brotherhood for so many years, even if she had no credit. Hard work cannot be punished because the Noxus Empire is too powerful. Who would be willing to work faithfully in that case?

Thinking like this, Xuemei arrived outside the Shadow Temple. After being informed, Xuemei walked into the Shadow Temple.

The purple wall fire exudes a cold and dim firelight. The ancient slate floor tiles have withstood the erosion of time and still clearly retain unknown symbols and patterns. Only the ancient knight statues guarding both sides of the throne are missing.

Xuemei knelt on one knee, raised her head slightly,

Looking up at the throne from below, it was difficult for Xuemei to see Yeying's face clearly. As always, the founder of the Navoli Brotherhood retained an unfathomable mystery and majesty.

Even though she had a one-night stand with the leader of the Navoli Brotherhood, Xuemei still couldn't leave any impression on Yeying's face and appearance, as if the man in front of her didn't exist in the world at all.

"Xuemei, I hope you can bring me good news that I haven't seen for a long time."

The low and hoarse voice made the already cold Shadow Temple even colder. As if the last trace of warmth from the body was taken away by Ye Ying's voice, Xuemei couldn't help but shudder, lowered his head and said respectfully.

"Lord Night Shadow, during this operation, the assassins of the Brotherhood successfully helped the Ancient Spirits break through the Navisk Temple. They also successfully assassinated Major General Reynolds of the Noxus Empire as planned and annihilated Navisk. The entire Imperial garrison of Sk..."

What makes Xuemei uneasy is that Yeying did not make any positive reaction to this news that can be called a victory, which means that for Yeying, these achievements are not enough to erase all the wars of the shadow assassins under her command. Deadly fault.

Xue Mei, who had no choice but to continue.

"The plan originally went well. After the Ancient Spirits repaired the magic circle, they pointed the finger at us first. They poisoned our assassins with the breath of corruption and sacrificed our people as the same sacrifices as the Noxians. Given to their ancestral spirits, I was the only one who managed to escape Navisk..."

Ye Ying directly interrupted Xue Mei's words and asked coldly.

"So, Elder Ramsden successfully summoned the ancestral spirits? In that case, why didn't I hear the news of the Noxian's defeat? Or is it that the remnants of the underground world broke their agreement with us and did not respond to the agreement? The Imperial defenders of Presidium attack."

Xuemei was in trouble. She was not strong enough to participate in the battle between Ramsden and the Imperial Swordswoman. In that situation, it was too late to escape. How could she be stupid enough to stay and observe the outcome secretly?

Facts have proved that her decision was not wrong at all. Just the breath of corruption dropped by the ancestral spirit killed all the shadow assassins. If the imperial swordswoman hadn't held back Ramsden and weakened the influence of the breath of corruption, I'm afraid that Even if she doesn't have to stay in that damn place,

After leaving the underground world, quietly observing the ruins of the ancient battlefield was the limit of what she could do. She didn't know why the Ancient Spirit Man didn't break out of the underground world after waiting for a week.

Seeing more and more Noxians patrolling the ruins of the ancient battlefield, she was forced to leave.

The reason is quite good, but as a subordinate, how can you use these words to explain to your superiors?

After careful consideration, Xuemei decided to express her speculation.

"Lord Night Shadow, I think the ancestors of the Ancient Spirits may have been defeated by the Noxians. I observed them for a week after leaving Navisk, but I saw more and more Noxian soldiers, but they were nowhere to be found. From the traces of the Ancient Spirit Man, it can be seen that the Ancient Spirit Man must have failed."

"So, all this is just your guess, you have no way to prove it, right?"

Xuemei lowered her head, not daring to look at the night shadow on the throne.

At this moment, any quibbles are meaningless.

"Back off."


After Xuemei left, a mocking whisper suddenly came from the empty Shadow Temple.

"Mortal, it seems your plan has failed again."

A burning black shadow flame appeared in front of the throne, and a pair of cold and evil eyes were vaguely visible flickering in the shadow flame.

"Nightmare, don't forget who resurrected you."

Standing up from the throne, Yeying stared coldly at Shadow Flame suspended in the air.

"I can resurrect you, and I can also seal you again..."

"Unfortunately, you can't."


"As long as there are humans who believe in shadows in this world, I will not die. You just did a trivial thing for your own benefit, which shortened my recovery time to a certain extent. Hang up this matter It means nothing on the lips.”

Taking a deep breath, Yeying sat back on the throne and regained his composure.

"You're right. The Ancient Spirits are no longer reliable. We should discuss more practical matters."

A grinning mouth appeared in the shadow flame, twisted and a little crazy.

"At least we can easily agree on revenge."

On this day, Presiden's Magic Garden welcomed a long-lost guest.

Standing outside the airtight tree wall, the spirit caller holding a wooden staff recited obscure and melodic incantations in a low voice. The top of the root nodule of the wooden staff emitted a green light that symbolized the power of nature, entwining around the tree. The roots of the entire tree wall split apart, leaving a tree-lined path leading directly to the magic garden for the four of them.

Walking on Lester's right hand side, Dalha had a look of nostalgia on his face.

"The Magic Garden has not been open to the public for more than five hundred years. I didn't expect that the first guests after five hundred years would be you, the instigator."

The old spirit caller and the confused Riven looked at Lester together. The former's eyes were full of unbelievable shock, while the latter's eyes were full of reverence.

Lester smiled noncommittally and said lightly.

"If I remember correctly, the Spirit Blooming Tree in the Magic Garden is not dead. In order to save this tree, I did my best. You can't justify it if you blame me so much."

Darha smiled slightly.

"The Spirit Blooming Tree is alive, but you don't know that the Spirit Blooming Tree has changed because of you. It is precisely because of this mutation that the Magic Garden is no longer open to the public."

"Mutation? Do you know that you need to apologize properly for half the words?"

While Darha smiled and said nothing, Lester quickly understood what the mutation in Darha's mouth meant.

As the four people walked out of the tree-lined path, a towering tree with tens of thousands of ice-blue flowers came into view. The trunk of the tree was as crystal clear as a crystal pillar. Through the sunlight, you could see the ice-blue flowers in the trunk of the giant tree. The colorful sap flows gurglingly, reflecting the colorful divine light.

The shape of the flower is similar to that of the Blooming Spirit Flower, slightly smaller in size. The stems, leaves and patterns of the petals have snowflake-like veins. From a distance, it looks like there are tens of thousands of ice crystal flowers blooming in the wind. The branches sway and sometimes sprinkle. The next piece of cold and dreamy ice sand,

Seemingly affected by the frozen tree and ice sand, the entire magic garden turned into an icy blue world. Most of the magic plants were covered with a layer of ice that was so rich that it could not be melted, and the plant characteristics were all different. A certain degree of mutation has occurred, enough to be called a new type of flora.

Standing in the dreamlike ice garden, Riven's breathing almost stagnated. Suspecting that she was dreaming, the girl pinched the soft flesh of her waist hard. When the real pain came, the girl's face suddenly became pale. Mask of pain.

Looking up at the mutated Spirit Blossom Tree, Dalha was in a rare trance.

"Your ice almost killed this tree. When it was dying, this tree was saved by your vitality. Perhaps because of this, she transformed into what she is now, and the land also changed accordingly. .”

For Lester, what he saw before him was an unforgettable sight, especially when Dalha said that the spirit-blooming tree had changed because of him, which gave him a strange sense of intimacy. .

"I'm afraid this can't be called the Spirit-Blooming Tree anymore, right? Didn't you give it a new name?"

Stepping on the icy blue grass, Lester took the initiative to approach the big tree and stretched out his right hand to caress the tree trunk. To his surprise, the ice-like tree trunk actually exuded a warmth, and was still vaguely moving towards it. He conveys a sense of intimacy and joy.

"She was born because of you, and you are the only one qualified to name her."

Standing in front of the tree with Lester, Darha stroked the trunk of the tree equally gently.


Finally, Lester realized that Darha's personal pronouns were a little different from what he thought, and was slightly startled.

"Yes, it's her."

As if to confirm Darha's words, the ice sand floating in the air actively condensed while circling and flying, and then a burst of crystal white light flashed, and a little silver-haired girl with bare feet and a snowflake skirt opened her arms and flew toward Les. Specially, instinctively, Lester hugged the cold little girl,

Lester looked down and saw the little girl looking up at him with a pair of innocent eyes. Under the thick white eyelashes was a pair of ice-blue clear pupils, with the reflection of the His look.

"Over the past thousands of years, countless Placidians have worshiped her, but she only recognizes you."

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