League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 931 Chapter929 Experience

The heavy and desperate dark curtain dispersed, and the moonlight reappeared, gently spreading a cold glow.

In the Falling Sun Temple, the once arrogant ghost-faced crowd broke up and fled outside as if they had seen a ghost.

The moment he sensed the change in Qi, Tano immediately issued the order to pursue and kill, leading a group of disciples to rush out of the temple, trying to annihilate the fleeing enemies as much as possible. The fact was just as Tano thought, it was not just the fall. The enemies of Riji are fleeing, and the Ghost Faced Killer who has slaughtered the Dragon Tower and Kirigakure is also fleeing.

The killings with the reversal of stance did not stop for a moment. Until dawn, the members of the Ryuyin-ryu sect wiped out the entire sect. Except for the bloody corpses everywhere, the Ryuyin-ryu sect had returned to its previous tranquility. Different Yes, the tranquility is mixed with inextricable sadness and sorrow.

Regardless of how to deal with the corpse, Tano, who was soaked in blood, summoned the remaining disciples to reunite in Lijianshi Square. The morning breeze could not dissipate the smell of blood that filled the air. After careful counting, it turned out that more than 1,200 people were just one person. There were three hundred and twenty-four people left, all of whom were injured and wounded. After fighting to the death, the fierce look on their faces had not faded away.

Looking at the disciples who looked like they had been reborn, Tano's expression was very complicated.

"Deputy Sect Master, what should we do next?"

The disciple who spoke is blind in one eye, and the only eye is filled with evil spirits.

Looking towards the direction of Longyin Palace, Tano took a deep breath.

"Let's clean up the mess first. Remember this great hatred. There will be a day when you can pay it back."

The joint reinforcements recruited by Karma, the soul of Ionia, and Kris, the governor of the Navori province of the Noxus Empire, arrived at the Dragon Hidden Ryuyama Gate one after another at noon, and Meimu Yeoman Texi also Among them,

After Mei Mu learned about the sect's situation from her husband Tano, he immediately met with Lester in the Dragon Hidden Palace alone. Tano began to arrange for more than 120 warriors from various sects and sixteen people who came to support him. The Imperial Demon Swordsman,

After witnessing the horrors of the Ryūnyin Ryu with their own eyes, the United Reinforcements felt sympathy and resentment towards the Navoli Brotherhood. Especially after hearing that the Empire was preparing to completely eradicate the Navoli Brotherhood, many warriors expressed their intention to join. Among the crusade, only the captain of the Imperial Demon Swordsman knew what the next action would be. Only one person was qualified to make a decision. Facing that existence, even Governor Chris had no choice but to obey orders.

Outside the Dragon Hidden Palace, the magic barrier had not yet dissipated. Riven led Mei Mu through the barrier and followed Lester's instructions without being humble or overbearing.

"I am guarding the main hall on my lord's orders. Master Meimu, my lord is waiting for you in the Yangxin Pavilion. I will not follow you in."

As if she had forgotten her various titles, Mei Mu was as cautious as an ordinary little woman.

"May I ask what your name is? And what is your position?"

"Just call me Riven. Currently I am His Majesty's personal bodyguard."

"Your Excellency Riven, I wonder... is my daughter Akali still safe?"

"With my Lord's protection, your daughter will not be hurt even a hair. I still have a mission, so I won't accompany you."

Immediately he breathed a sigh of relief, Mei Mu nodded gratefully, and watched Riwen, who was carrying the sword on her back, return to the gate of Longyin Hall, standing like a sculpture on the inside of the gate.

Considering that the Holy Emperor might be injured in this battle, it is not unreasonable to have his personal guards guard the palace gate.

Turning around, Mei Mu quickly walked towards the Yangxin Pavilion deep in the hall. She seemed to have thought of something. The woman's cheeks unconsciously had a blush, and there was confusion in her eyes.

Follow the pear wood spiral staircase to the third floor.

There was a faint strange movement in the attic. Mei Mu covered her mouth in panic, stood on tiptoes like a cat and raised her ears. Her heart was pounding. She was obviously going back to her own home, but she felt guilty as a thief.

"Cousin...cousin...is this strength okay..."

This is the voice of my daughter Akali,

She is like a young girl who has not left the palace, green and sweet, but also like a pure and innocent white lily... provided that she does not quarrel with her.

"Huh... Just keep this strength... Yes, Akali, you did a good job..."

The man sighed, his voice a little lazy... To Mei Mu, she was quite familiar with this voice.

"But, but, is it really comfortable like this? My hands are so sore."

The innocent tone of the girl who seemed to be getting twice the result with half the effort and unable to see the results was a little bit more complaining.

As a mother, Mei Mu can actually understand the difficulty of looking up at the mountain.


Considering some possibility, Mei Mu's mind went blank, but her legs seemed to have been drained of all their strength.

If she hadn't held on to the wooden wall beside her in time, the woman might have collapsed directly on the ground.

The man seemed to be a persuasive teacher, his gentle words full of encouragement to his students.

"After all, this is your first time, and your talent is already good enough. Practice makes perfect, and you will know how to do it the more you do it... By the way, Sister Meimu often helps me with massages~"

"Will mom give my cousin such a massage?"

"Yes, the massage is very comfortable. Sister Meimu also likes me to massage her. By the way, I will press the acupuncture points on your meridians in a while to make sure that your whole body is comfortable. As a deal, you can Don’t tell Uncle Tano our secrets.”

"Why can't you tell dad?"

"Well, my cousin will know about it later."

Mei Mu was stunned immediately, rubbed her shy cheeks vigorously, stomped her feet in annoyance, and walked slowly behind the screen, only to see Lester lying on the blanket with his eyes narrowed, his own The daughter sat astride the man's lower back, sweating profusely and squeezing the man's broad shoulders. The collar became wet and formed a full arc.

It can be seen that his silly daughter has really worked hard. She has never enjoyed her daughter's service, but she has given the man in front of her a taste.

"Sister Meimu, you are here."

"Meimei? Why are you here??"

The man's disapproving look made Mei Mu's teeth itch, and the unfilial daughter's words made Mei Mu even more furious. Several ' # ' appeared on her forehead.

Perhaps because of the small resentment in his heart, perhaps because his daughter was disrespectful to him, or perhaps because the ancestor he admired secretly called himself sister, Mei Mu acted more proactively and boldly, and came directly to Akali Next to him, he picked up the confused girl and threw it aside, and then replaced him with the old god,

Mei Mu sat astride the man's solid male waist, her soft little hands as warm as jade pressed against Lester's back muscles, hooking her fingers into a cone, and pressed along the meridians gently or not hard.

It is said that after a long illness, she has been massaged by men a lot, and she has more or less learned some acupuncture techniques.

"Good brother, what fun is there with that little girl? Let my sister serve you well..."

Before Mei Mu finished speaking, Akali punched her in the air, not caring that the punch was facing her unique mother.

"Meimei! What are you going to do!"

"What are you doing? You little bastard, even if you call me by her first name, you still dare to fight with me! You are going against the grain!"

He caught Akali's fist with his extended hand, and Mei Mu jumped forward, gnashing his teeth and fighting with the naughty girl. There was no trace of the pride and pomp of a warrior.

Lester got up and watched with relish as the mother and daughter tore each other's clothes and hair like rogues. Being able to see the bright spring scenery in the autumn boudoir was a rare pleasure in life.

After a struggle, Meimu was the winner after all, locking Akali's body with a sleeping technique, and the two long legs under the side-exposing short skirt were twisted like scissors on Akali's chest and abdomen. , no matter how hard Akali struggled, it was useless.

After scanning the two of them, Lester sighed secretly and could only say that the older ones are still the hottest ones.

"let me go!"

"Akali! Do you still think of me as a mother?"

"Have you locked me up in the mountain alone for so many years? Are you so considerate? I don't believe Tano would dare to do this without your consent!"

Facing her daughter's doubts, Mei Mu remained silent and sullen. Seeing that the atmosphere was getting a lot heavier, Lester hurriedly smoothed things over.

"We are all a family. If you have anything to say, please talk to me. Sister Meimu, please let go of cousin Akali first. It's cold. Don't catch a cold, you two."


Akali, who puffed out her cheeks, pushed away her mother's long legs angrily. She first glanced gratefully at her cousin who had made the decision for her. Then she inadvertently lowered her head and her face immediately turned into a ripe cloud of embarrassment. She hurriedly used her hands to Covering it with his arms, he lowered his head like an ostrich.

I don't know when my collar was torn open, and my body had been looked at by my cousin. Fortunately, I had a careless fight with my mother. How could I get married now?

Quietly glancing at her cousin who was staring at her body like a gentleman, Akali's heartbeat suddenly accelerated and she felt a stream of hot air flowing into her limbs from bottom to top, making her body feel a little weak. ,

After calming down, the girl couldn't help but recall what Theodore said about the 'Xiyue' during the battle. If her cousin hadn't insisted on keeping her by his side, I'm afraid she would have been killed by the assassins of the Navoli Brotherhood. In this way It turns out that it was my cousin who saved my life.

If that's the case, it seems like I have no choice? Since it was his father who handed him over to his cousin, can he blame himself?

Akali, who had figured it out, had never been one to hesitate. She immediately lowered her arms, crossed her hips, raised her chest and raised her head with the pride of a girl. First she glanced at her mother provocatively, and then looked at her innocently. Staring at the man who was staring at him intently, there was a little anticipation on his face.

This mistress's superior behavior made Mei Mu very angry. She knew that her daughter would fall into Lester's hands sooner or later, but she didn't expect that their temperaments were so similar that they could be honest with each other within a day of meeting. In such a situation, he doesn't take his senior in the eyes at all.

"It's a beautiful body. Let's explore the next area in another place."

Lester showed his white teeth, gave a thumbs up and praised, and skillfully helped Akali pack her clothes. Akali nodded helpfully, squinted her eyes and hugged Lester's arm tightly without letting go.

"Cousin, I am yours, you can't leave me behind~"

"Ahem...it's almost time to get down to business."

Before she was completely reduced to the background wall, Mei Mu, who had already put away her clothes, sat on her knees with a serious expression.

"Sir, the coalition forces are on standby, and the empire is also waiting for your instructions. What should we do next?"

Patting Akali's little head, without Lester saying anything, the girl let go of Lester knowingly, and knelt down next to the man obediently.

Seeing the rebellious little cabbage she raised being subservient to the golden pig, Mei Mu's mood at the moment was really complicated and difficult to understand. She didn't know who she should envy.

"This war has been going on for so many years, and it's time for it to end."

Lester sighed softly, his smile faded and he became majestic, and Mei Mu couldn't help but feel his breath stagnate.

"Now I know where the headquarters of the Navoli Brotherhood is. The Shadow Lord Theodore is dead, and the nightmare demon has been exorcised by me. As long as the Shadow Temple is completely destroyed and the inheritance foundation of the Navoli Brotherhood is broken, Navoli The Lee Brothers will no longer be able to make waves.

Kris, the Governor of Navoli Province, will formulate a specific action plan. This crusade does not require too many manpower, as long as it has the effect of promoting the empire's reputation,

Mei Mu, I will give you half a month to prepare. You will be responsible for selecting the thirty-six suitable people from the reinforcements from various sects. Half a month later, these thirty-six people will join under your leadership. The Imperial Crusade took a boat from the Presidio Military Port to the Magic Coast to completely eradicate the remnants of the Brotherhood.

During this period, the empire will be responsible for all food and clothing expenses of the Ionian reinforcements. The empire will never be stingy with rewards for warriors who perform well in the crusade. It is important to let the warriors participating in the operation understand this and let them be willing to do so. Serve the Empire. "

"Meimei understands."

Meimu bowed down and bowed to Lester.

Akali's eyes widened. She had never seen her proud mother display such a submissive attitude.

Lester stood up and raised Mei Mu, his fingertips traced across the woman's pretty face, and then gradually moved down to pinch the woman's chin, his eyes filled with meaning.

"I won't go to this operation. I plan to take Akali to practice. This girl has great abilities but lacks practical experience. Continuing to practice here is just a waste of talent."


The woman bit her lower lip and shyly avoided Lester's gaze.

Across Lester, Akali didn't notice anything strange about her mother and seemed extremely excited.

"So, I can leave here and go out to play?"

Lester put down his right hand and turned to Akali and smiled.

"Having said that, you have to assist Uncle Tano in the past half month, participate in the reconstruction of the sect, and have more contact with people."

The girl who had been smiling just now suddenly fell down, and she cupped her hands and begged like a little animal.

"Cousin, can I not go? I have to continue to protect you, please~"

Lester smiled without saying a word and turned back to look at Mei Mu, who immediately had a serious look on his face.

"If you can't handle what your cousin told you, don't even want to go anywhere!" (End of Chapter)

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