League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 932 Chapter930 The Evil Artist and the Lonely Warrior

Ionia, the southern part of Zhiyun Province, spits cold.

Yagus Heavy Punishment Prison is an underground cave where dozens of extremely evil criminals are imprisoned.

Accompanied by two other guards, the pale-faced armed warden Sean showed his identity token and successfully passed the detention verification room.

The three of them carried candles and formed a triangle formation all the way down the ancient and quiet stone stairs. Amidst the crazy roars of the felons, they arrived at the place abandoned by God with the worst environment - Yagus Heavy Prison. Six floors underground,

The manic noise in his ears dissipated like a mirror, and the moment he stepped onto the sixth floor of the underground, the whole world fell into an icy deathly silence. The two jailers behind the armed warden Sean only felt their hearts pounding. There was only one prisoner on the sixth floor, but the discomfort it caused them was far greater than the murderous maniacs on the fifth floor who slaughtered villages and towns at every turn.

Speaking of which, even the most heinous criminals who committed murder without any calculation were not qualified to be locked up on the sixth floor. There would have been no one on the sixth floor of the underground prison that had been idle for hundreds of years until the Master of Kushuo from the Kinkou Sect and two of his disciples The disciple personally escorted a person over...perhaps, that guy shouldn't be called a human being.

"Ta-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta."

Heavy deerskin boots stepped on the mottled gray stone bricks, and the sound of the keys colliding was intertwined with the sound of walking, echoing in the cell corridor.

As they gradually approached the cell at the end of the corridor, the corrupt and cold air became heavier and heavier. The two middle-aged jailers couldn't help but place their hands on the cold hilts of their swords until their trembling fingertips felt the sting of metal belonging to the sword. Feeling, the tense emotions relaxed a little, but the warden who was walking at the front never wavered in any way.

The two jailers who noticed this couldn't help but feel a little more admiration. It was obvious that the man in front of them was worthy of the title given by the ruling council of Zhiyunnia.

[Iron Masked Torturer], this is the name given by the ruling council of Ziyunnia.

Stopping outside the copper-clad cast iron gate, Sean turned his head, his light gray eyes looking cold and ruthless.

"Open the cell door."

Warden Sean's voice is as pale and cold as his face, giving people a hoarse and harsh feeling. In today's environment, it can greatly relieve the psychological pressure of fellow travelers. After all, no matter how terrifying the voice is, There will be demons inside the cells that are scary.

"Okay, Master Sean."

Taking a deep breath, the jailer who had already prepared the cross-symbol key in the keychain inserted it into the keyhole. He gently turned the key handle, and the copper-clad cast iron prison door made a pleasant "click" sound.

The original lock cylinder had long been rusted. In order to facilitate the deaf-mute slave workers to deliver meals to the prisoners on the sixth floor, the cast iron cell door was replaced with the work of a master locksmith.

With a "squeak", Warden Sean pushed open the heavy cast iron cell door, and a burst of hot air hit his face, but it was the magic warm jade embedded in the cell wall.

Behind the cast iron cell door, there is an unbreakable stainless steel prison fence. The finely decorated room within the fence is the activity space for the prisoners.

Glancing at the hunchbacked man sitting at the wooden table reading, Sean ordered coldly.

"You guys wait outside, I have something to ask Kadar Jhin."

The two jailers did not dare to neglect, and took the initiative to close the cast iron cell door and stay away from the devil's cave.

Standing outside the stainless steel fence, Warden Sean stared silently at the prisoner who was tied to the wall with four chains. However, the prisoner seemed to have not noticed the guest, focusing on the book, the thumb of his right foot. Sometimes lifted up, it looks extremely leisurely.

They were as silent as two sculptures. Neither of them said a word. The only sound in the silent cell was the sound of fingertips turning the pages of a book.

The warden said coldly, knowing very well that he had no intention of going any further.

"Kada Jhin, before I didn't understand why the elders of the council would rather waste time and effort to keep you here than kill you. Now I seem to understand a little bit."

After the warden spoke, the middle-aged man with an extremely ordinary face put down the book he was loving and put his slender fingers on the cover of the book.

Kada Jhin turned his head to look at the man outside the fence with a soft face, his voice was low and magnetic, like the seductive and depraved whisper of a devil.

"A meaningless death is like a stage play that lacks turning points and climaxes. The higher one stands, the more one can understand that the core of a dramatic performance lies in the 'just-in-time' ending. The process of laughter and sadness is not important. , what matters is where the emotion we desire is, and where the emotion others desire is. As long as we understand this, our lives will not be lost. As long as we are not lost, we will be on the most correct path... We It will be smooth sailing and going faster and faster.”

Sean frowned. Every visitor who tried to have a normal conversation with the man in front of him would face this specious temptation. Before the deaf-mute slave workers, three exclusive food delivery workers had already tried to assassinate or poison them. The purpose of killing the jailer is to release the murderous demon in front of him and let this demon reproduce his artistic works.

This is why a simple one-person meal delivery job fell to an illiterate deaf-mute old man. No prison guard in the entire Yagus Heavy Prison was willing to spend even a second with the man in front of him. If it was not his duty, He didn't want to say another word to a demagogue.

Perhaps in this world, only creatures with deprived facial features can be completely immune to the devil's temptation, or only the devil in hell can understand what vicious thoughts the man in front of him wants to convey to the world.

"Being emboldened will not change your situation, Kadar Jhin. From the moment Master Kushuo caught you, you had no room to do evil. Now you are left with some unsolved cases."

Kadar Jhin had a kind smile on his face, as if he was a persuasive teacher. The man tapped his fingers rhythmically on the book cover, patiently explaining very simple questions to his students.

"Who defines good? Who defines evil? Is it evil for a hunter to kill a pheasant? Is it evil for a bird to eat an insect? You stepped on an ant when you went out and crushed its body. Should you commit suicide and apologize?

In other words, if killing is evil, how can humans plunder all things for their own use with peace of mind?

So, tell me, who has the right to define good and evil? Is it the elder of the ruling council, or the famous [Iron Masked Torturer]? "

Sean had a cold face and said nothing, as if he had met a stupid student who was ignorant. Kadar Jhin sighed and spoke seriously.

"When you close your eyes, I believe you will be surprised that everything in the world can make so many sounds. A song can be sung in countless variations, as long as the harmony of the melody is maintained, no matter how harsh the sound is, It can also arouse people's emotions. Just like you, even though you have a job of torturing the same kind, you will still be called "Iron Masked Torturer" instead of "Devil Torturer", and you also love this job. ,

Me too, Prison Officer Xiao Enen, we are human beings, why should we live in the chaos created by others? Why can't we live for ourselves? In fact, I have thought more than once that if you and I join forces, we will definitely be able to create the most amazing works in this dungeon. "

As soon as he said this sentence, all the death row inmates in the heavy-duty prison shuddered.

The warden snorted coldly.

"Stop talking sweet words in front of me! All I punish are heinous bad guys, and your so-called works of art are just self-satisfaction based on innocent blood. There are still people who admire a famous painting. You call yourself an artist. Who would agree with those works? It’s extremely sad..."

Kadar Jhin tilted his head, very puzzled.

"Why pursue other people's approval? Who are others? So what if they agree with me? I am just a stage manager. If I do well, there will be no applause. If I do poorly, there will be no boos. No matter what I do or say, I want to show What, who do you want to kill, and what does it have to do with others? Others call me the Golden Demon, but only I know that I have always been Kadar Jhin, and I have never changed. I am just me, a stage manager. "

"If you really don't care what other people think, why do you come back to the scene every time you kill someone?"

"Because I am also a spectator, Mr. Warden."

Kadar Jhin sighed softly and explained patiently.

“Only I can understand the thrill of the moment when a work of art is completed, and only I can understand how much effort the artist put into carefully carving the work.

Because of this, I need to review my works of art as a pure audience, so that I can make progress and create more perfect works of art...

The beauty of the flower of flesh and blood is that it can capture the beauty of the moment when life disappears. My works and paintings are different from sculptures. Once my works are formed, they will always live in the hearts of every witness.

My works have not died, on the contrary, I have given them eternal life..."

"Here's nonsense!"

"If what I said is wrong, feel free to refute it. Why are you so angry? To destroy your 'iron mask'?"

Kada Jhin stood up and slowly approached Sean. The ordinary face that disappeared from everyone put unspeakable pressure on the warden as he approached. He resisted the physical urge to retreat and tensed his body. The warden held on tightly. Staring at the man standing on the other side of the fence, he didn't know whether he should turn around and leave.

"That you would react can only mean one thing."

The man's eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and the corners of his cold and indifferent lips were slightly raised, like the scarlet curtains on a stage. His hands were grasping the stainless steel railings, and his thin cheeks were pressed against the cold metal.

After all, the warden took half a step back. Even though the man in front of him was still in the cell, he always felt that the man had left the cell. He used his nails to pick up his skin and slowly peeled it off.

"You are another me that you have never clearly identified with yourself, Sean. I know who you are. I understand you. You were the captain of the Zhivania Militia, a bloody warrior. Because of 'miss' You were forced to retire after brutally killing civilians kidnapped by bandits. After leaving the battlefield, you were like a lonely ghost with nowhere to go. You did not become a woodcutter, a fruit farmer, or find an ordinary job. Following your own nature, you finally arrived here,

Because only here you can stop pretending to be your own nature, only here can you find the only joy in life when you are lonely..."

"Shut up! You devil don't understand me at all!"

The warden continued to retreat, but the man had already stretched out his strong fingers and grabbed the warden's right arm, holding on tightly and refusing to let go.

"A competent torture officer wouldn't be able to reach your level if he didn't really love the instruments of torture in his hands. You love your profession, whether as a soldier or as a torture officer, your essence is It has never changed. You like the feeling of stripping your body with a knife, you long for the smell of iron, and you enjoy the whimpering and screaming of life before death. You are also an artist, and you are appreciating your own Every work..."

The warden, who was sweating profusely, pulled out a short knife with his left hand and stabbed the palm of his right arm. Kadar Jhin's arm retracted into the railing like a flexible eel.

After taking several steps back, his back hit the cast iron cell door hard with a muffled sound. The warden bared his teeth and felt pain in his back.

"I'm just a powerless prisoner. Lord Warden, you don't need to be so aggressive. Of course, if you are willing to use my body to paint and be your truest self, that would be my honor... "

"You are truly a madman! An incomprehensible madman!"

With his heart pounding, the warden twitched his nose and gasped hard. He was clearly in a putrid dungeon, but he seemed to be able to smell the smell of blood coming towards his face.

In the cage, Kadar Jhin shook his head, looking a little disappointed.

"That's a real pity. It's better to be your work than to slowly rot. If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time. Of course, you can also come and share your artistic creation experience with me."


The cast iron cell door closed tightly, and the warden left without looking back.

"How about it? Is the Golden Demon willing to agree to my conditions?"

Located in a private mansion in Tuleng, Sean knelt in front of his benefactor, his body trembling slightly.

The old man in satin robes with white beard and hair frowned. This was the first time he had seen the torturer who was so frightened by countless people lose his composure.


"Master Tim, the Golden Devil...he, he is a madman."

The old man looked dissatisfied and his tone increased.

"What I'm asking is, is the Golden Demon willing to agree to my conditions?"

Sean lowered his head. The secret conversation was completely controlled by Kadar Jhin at some point. He seemed to be skinned by the Golden Demon and fled in a hurry, completely forgetting his mission.


"Sir, the Golden Demon has agreed to the conditions and is willing to help you eradicate any enemies in exchange for freedom and funding."

He didn't know whether Kadar Jhin would agree to this condition, but Sean knew that if he thought about it from his perspective, he would definitely agree to this condition.

Wait, why do you need to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to guess what the Golden Demon is thinking?

The old man didn't notice his subordinate's strange look and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, as long as he is willing to be an obedient dog, I don't mind letting him out to bite people." (End of Chapter)

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