League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 933 Chapter931 Traces of the Dark One

Under the guidance of a Vastaya feathered man, a Roxy three-masted commercial cargo ship slowly sailed into the Zivonian Trade Port with the last rays of the setting sun. When the cargo ship successfully berthed in the shallow water bay No. 13 , the sailor on the ship shouted and quickly removed the sail, walked arm-in-arm with the sailor with a smirk on his face and walked off the cargo ship, preparing to spend a wonderful night with the Vastaya dancer in the tavern at the port. Only the sailor on duty had a look on his face. Unluckily, he stayed in the cabin to prevent the goods brought from Presidence from being lost.

On the deck, a man wearing a captain's hat held up a pipe and smoked, watching the passengers disappear into the crowd like mud flowing into the sea. The captain's expression was a little uncertain.

"Cousin, I can feel their malice towards us. Why didn't they do anything to us until we left?"

Putting on a conservative warrior robe, Akali looked back at the direction of the dock and followed Lester briskly.

The man looked at the towering mountains rising from the ground in the east. From the foot of the mountains, he could not see clearly what the mountains above the clouds looked like.

As one of the nine continental blocks of the Born Land, the Fishbone Mountains in the Zhiyun Province are no less steep than the Longji Mountains in the Navoli Province. According to the empire’s database, the Fishbone Mountains are several million long. There is an earth element magic storm on the ridgeline here. The magic storm is enough to crack mountains and crack rocks, and roll up rocks weighing hundreds of tons into the sky. It forms a stable structure similar to a whirlpool tunnel under the east and west. Zhiyun people say It is called [Whirlpool Rock], and [Whirlpool Rock] can be said to be one of the natural wonders of the newly born land.

The miracle of the whirlpool rock has always been the pure natural 'magic spirit vein' that the empire wants to transform and utilize. As long as it is developed properly, the empire's magicians can even directly transform the whirlpool rock into a floating airship transmission channel that can penetrate the entire Zhiyun Province.

However, due to various reasons, Zhiyun Province has never been completely controlled by the empire. It is currently in a state of 'co-governance'. When public opinion is undecided, the empire cannot forcefully carry out any form of transformation on the vortex rock, otherwise It will cause unnecessary trouble and destroy a harmonious and stable environment.

Not only that, the members and elders of the ruling council of Zhiyun Province are also the biggest stumbling block for the empire to completely rule Ionia. Those long-lived old ghosts who work against the will openly bow to the empire, but secretly support many anti-imperial forces. Most of its base areas are within the Zhiyun Province, Galin Province and Sudarao Province. These three provinces are also the places with the most "bandits and robbers", and they like to attack travelers from Noxus.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lester glanced at the "drunkards" behind him and whispered.

"I asked you to negotiate with them alone. They saw that you, a beautiful girl from Ionia, had little experience in dealing with things, so they became evil and wanted to attack you.

The reason why they didn't attack us later was because of two things. Firstly, Riven and I both have authentic Noxian accents. They found out after testing that we were Noxians. Secondly, you are not the same person, Riven. Wen's Rune Blade has enough deterrence, but they are not confident enough to eat us together. "

Riven nodded in agreement, but there was also confusion on her face.

"Having said that, they are also Noxians after all. They know that sister Akali is our companion, why would they still think of attacking us? We are Noxians."

Considering that the military life he arranged for Riven does not require Riven to experience these strange events, Lester can understand Riven's naive idea, especially since Riven herself has no feelings for Noxar. The Noxian Empire has a very high degree of recognition, and it is understandable if you accidentally believe the political slogan "Noxians never lie to Noxians".

Just in time to give Riven some extra lessons.

"Compatriots can be a criterion for trust, but they cannot be an absolutely reliable criterion for judgment. In fact, it is those who deal with others in the name of compatriots who like to scheme against compatriots. Faced with such people, we have to fight up to 120,000 yuan. divided spirit.

The first rule when going out is not to trust anyone, treat everyone as a potential enemy, maintain the most basic vigilance, and only try to build trusting relationships with others on the premise of ensuring that you are not being plotted against.

Even if you have passed many tests, you cannot take it lightly when it comes to special difficulties. You must always be on guard. Because of this, a companion who can support you when facing gold and silver is very important. precious. "

"So this is ah."

Riven was thoughtful, while Akali held Lester's hand in admiration, shook it, and said charmingly.

"I've learned, I've learned. No wonder, cousin, you would rather eat dried meat and wowotou than their fresh fish soup when you were on the boat."

Lester patted Akali's little head, and the girl immediately narrowed her cute crescent-moon eyes. It turned out that Akali was not a born rebellious child, but was just suppressed by Meime and Tano.

"The human heart is very complex. Sometimes only if you show a certain degree of vigilance, others will give up their bad thoughts. Even a good person who does all the good deeds on weekdays may not be able to help but do so at certain times. Something bad happens,

Don't give others any chance to do bad things from the beginning, and there will seem to be a lot of 'good people' in this world... Okay, Akali, we will stay here tonight, go and book a room, remember Don't waste your money. "

"Just a little bit~ Cousin, I'm not a fool, I'm smart. I won't make this kind of mistake a second time~"

Akali stuck out her tongue and made a face, and quickly walked into the [Dream Garden Homeland] hotel. Riven couldn't help laughing at this weird look.

"I thought sister Akali was the kind of cool-looking girl, pff~"

"She's only three years younger than you, and she hasn't experienced anything bitter and grudged. Apart from wanting to get out of her parents' control, she has no reason to be 'cool'. It's better to be more lively."

The two people who were talking also walked into the hotel. The bright wall lamps shining on the solid wood furniture looked very warm.

More than a dozen tables in the store were occupied. Two Vastaya half-cat girls in short skirts (half-cats only have cat ears and cat tails with orcish characteristics, and the rest of the body is the same as humans) holding up wooden boards. They were making trays and moving nimbly through the crowd to serve meals to the guests. The vibrant youth on their chests and backs looked pleasing to the eye, but no one dared to reach out to wipe the oil, just because there were four people sitting close to the counter who looked very uncomfortable. The irritating Vastaya cat-man brawny, four pure-blood cat-man thugs with their bare upper body muscles staring eagerly at the customers in the store, their tails dangling like steel whips, intimidating those who may be in the store. Troublemaker.

By the time Lester and Riven found an empty table to sit down, Akali had finished negotiating with the cat-woman boss lady and sat confidently on the other side of Lester, giving a thumbs up.

"It's done! Guaranteed to save money~"

Lester smiled.

"Now that it's done, let's order...Miss Catman? Could you please come over?"

"Guest, please wait a moment, meow~ Nina will be here soon, meow~"

Lester didn't have to wait too long. A cat girl with beautiful tawny striped cat ears came to the table. Catwoman glanced at the three of them and covered her mouth with her palm in surprise, but her eyes were fixed on Lester's face. It can't be moved at all.

"What a beautiful guest, meow~"

"Miss Catman, you are also very beautiful~"


Lester smiled slightly and turned to look at Akali.

"Akali, take your order."

"Excuse me, what do you have here?"

Seeing that the cat girl was still staring at her cousin, Akali stood up and shook her palms.

"Miss Nina?"

When she came back to her senses in a panic, the cat-girl's cheeks turned red with embarrassment and she did not dare to look at Lester again.

Worried that Lester's passive talent would offend the hotel guards, Riven took the opportunity to carefully look at the four strong cat people in front of the counter, but was shocked to find that the strong cat people's eyes were also straight, staring closely at them. My boss didn't look like he was going to hit someone, but he was wagging his tail as if he was in heat.

Noticing Riven's gaze, the four strong catmen turned their heads in panic, clasping their tails between their legs, as if they had done something wrong.

"Meow~ Guest, our store provides stew, cheese, wheat cakes, rice, roast beef and mutton and tomato and egg soup. I wonder what the guest would like to eat, meow?"

"I want rice and stew."

"Bring me two roast lambs."

After Lester and Riven finished speaking, Akali continued.

"I want rice and stew too, um, and a bowl of tomato and egg soup."

"Okay, okay, meow~ Please wait a moment, meow~"

After the cat girl left, Riven lowered her voice with a complicated expression.

"Boss, your charm is too great. It was the first time I met Miss Nina and I was fascinated by you..."

After hesitating for a while, Riven still didn't have the nerve to say that the strong catman was also among the little fans, mainly because it was a bit too abstract.

His family knew about his own affairs, Lester smiled bitterly,

Part of Nina's reaction came from his unplaceable charm, and the other part came from the resonance of Vastaya blood. In addition, he also has a very pure Vastaya phantom blood, with three types Vastaya forms (werewolf, half-werewolf, vastaya wolf) are the real 'top three flowers of Vastaya', the kind that tolerates both meat and vegetables.

It would be surprising if the vastaya had no feelings for him.

Relying on the fine tradition of Vastaya Shari's incestuous relations, the sacred tree integrated with the power of his blood has given birth to Vastaya for nearly a hundred years. It can be said that all Vastaya newborns have a blood relationship with him and are born with him. He has a favorable impression that is no less favorable than Vastaya Xia Rui's, or in other words, based on his seniority, he is no different from Xia Rui to today's vastaya people.

This ability is self-evidently convenient when used in interpersonal communication, but it also brings unavoidable troubles, but it is not a bad thing after all.

"Speaking of which, I haven't told you the purpose of coming to Zhiyun Province this time."

Deciding to skip the topic of Riven, Lester said softly.

"In addition to increasing cousin Akali's experience, we also have to solve a big trouble hidden in Zhiyun Province."

"What trouble?"

"Varus, the Bow of Corruption, and Zolani, the Soul-stealing Bonesaw, are hidden somewhere in Zhiyun Province. What we have to do is to find these two stray darkin and recover the darkin weapons."


Akali looked confused.

"Can weapons also grow legs? Do we still need to recycle them?"

"Guests, Nina is here to serve the food, nya~"

While they were talking, the cat girl Nina and another Vastaya girl with black cat ears came to the table with trays and placed the dishes on the table one by one. Lester and the other three thanked the two cat people. The girl reluctantly left.

"Cousin, are you too charming? Or are the cat people here just like you?"

Finally unable to hold it back any longer, Akali complained.

"Even the boss lady and those fierce Vastaya catmen are secretly watching you."

Knocking on the table, Lester looked serious.

"The food is ready. Let's eat first and then go back to the room to discuss this issue."

"Oh well."

Under the secret gaze of the Vastayans, the three of them began to eat. Akali and Riven ate without any plan. Apart from the fact that they didn't have smacking mouths, they couldn't find anything to praise them. His cheeks were like those of a starved hamster. Only Lester, who was sitting between the two women, had an upright waist and nodded slightly. He slowly put the food into his mouth with chopsticks and chewed it carefully. He was obviously just eating stew. With rice, the man simply ate the nobility of an aristocratic whole-beef feast.

This elegant style with no faults and no logic made many people's hearts beat, and they immediately became uncontrollably curious about Lester, but Lester was also accompanied by Riven and Akali. The beautiful girl took over the battle, which made the person who was interested give up his presumptuous thoughts.

Noticing the commotion caused by Lester, the cat-man boss lady waved and summoned the cat-man guards and whispered a few instructions. The two guards immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to block Lester's side, blocking other people's sight.

In this regard, Lester did not reject the boss's kindness and nodded with a smile to show his gratitude.

After dinner, the three of them walked around the town near the pier and returned to the [Hometown of Dream Garden] hotel. They politely declined the kind invitation of the charming Catwoman boss, and spent some time in Akali and Riven's weird... In his eyes, Lester walked up to the third floor of the hotel.

"Where is our room?"

Facing Riven's question, Akali puffed out her chest confidently and pointed to a double room.


Riven nodded,

"Then which room is yours?"

Akali was stunned for a moment.

"That's it?"

Now it was Riven's turn to be stunned.

"If you sleep here, where should we sleep?"

"Just sleep here. For safety and saving money, I opened a room. The bed is so big that it can sleep three people."

Realizing that Akali hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, Riven couldn't help but pull Akali over to the corner.

"Are you going to sleep with the boss and me?"

Akali looked confused.

"Sister Riwen, aren't you also sleeping with your cousin?"

"We... I am the boss's personal guard, and you are his cousin. Can that be the same? Do you know what it means to sleep with a man?"

"I know, I'm not just any girl. My cousin has already agreed to marry me. What's more, my cousin has already seen my body. What's the big deal."

Riven was shocked.

"What?! When did it happen? Why didn't I know!?"

Akali smiled proudly like a little fox.

"Just when sister Riwen is guarding the gate of Longyin Palace~"

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