League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 940 Chapter938 Noxian Growth

Fuxu glanced back. Behind him was the puncture trap that Hughes was proud of. There were also animal and human body parts hanging on it. Knowing that there was no way to escape, Fuxu, who was unwilling to die, suddenly became red. He rolled his eyes, tightly grasped the handle of the knife with both hands, roared and charged towards Hughes.

Faced with Fuxu's life-threatening collision, Hughes easily avoided it by turning his body sideways. He didn't even need to use his legs to block Fuxu. Fuxu lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Blood spread rapidly from the bottom of Fuxu's body, and after twitching twice, Fuxu stopped moving.

Hughes spat disdainfully and stepped forward to help Fuxu turn over with his feet. He saw the sharp knife accidentally stabbed into Fuxu's chest, which seemed to have hurt his heart and directly killed Fuxu. .

"It's this thing that has been weighing on everyone's heads for most of my life. Only today did I realize how useless I am."

Cursing in a low voice, Hughes pulled out the sharp knife and looked up at the slightly strange stands.

The young man who was watched by dozens of people was still sitting on the high seat, with two female military guards standing behind him, looking like gods with no signs of joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

"Master, Fuxu, the fat pig, is already dead. Strictly speaking, I can't be considered the one who killed him. This fat pig is too useless."

Speaking of Fuxu at this moment, Hughes still felt that Fuxu's death was too cheap. But he hadn't started exerting force yet, let alone having fun, and he hadn't even finished warming up.

The young man on the high seat closed his eyes as if he was tired of it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Four bells sounded from the Colosseum, and any metal that could be struck became the toller of the death knell, as if it had received some kind of Pavlovian signal that could not be disobeyed, except that it had been locked up in the warehouse by Haiying. Except for the slaves inside, the bloodthirsty will from hell instantly took control of everyone's sanity, opening the cruel feast that everyone had been waiting for.

The moment the rational gate was closed, the resentment that had been suppressed for a long time turned into the purest violence and was displayed in the most brutal way. Using the aura of the evil god as a guide and the voice of the devil as a pen, Lester painted a picture of A drawing of hell made of flesh and blood.

The residents of Endas Town, the bandits of Hot Springs Town, the guards of Stone Castle, and all creatures given blood by God are involved. Every killer in Endas is eager to fight in this war of survival without rules. To satisfy its own bloodthirsty desire, the only remaining will of every living being is to take away a few more sinful souls before dying in battle.

Stripping away those innocent people who could not help themselves, there was no distinction between right and wrong in this feast that only belonged to the evil ones. Only the color of the blood became increasingly scarlet.

On the high platform in the Colosseum, Riven and Akali, who looked solemn, had already drawn their weapons. Their mission was to protect the man sitting on the high seat. As the instigator, Lester had no intention of staying out of the matter. On the contrary, it added a lot of pressure to the two girls.

Under his influence, this killing feast will end in two ways,

Either the bandits participating in the feast in the Endas mine tunnel died cleanly, or he himself was killed.

For the two girls, this battle is not only a cruel trial, but also an opportunity to hone their skills and improve themselves. Even if they know that Lester cannot be killed, they will not allow anyone to do so. Harm the target you are guarding.

"Lu, just guard this only passage and don't let anyone hurt the boss. I will intercept the attackers a little below, where I can use my big sword.

Remember, under the influence of the hell curse pattern, these people have completely fallen into a state of madness. If someone rushes up, you must not show mercy.

Since it was a trial given by the boss, he would definitely not intervene at will. "

Before Akali could respond, Riven had already cut one person in half with the rune blade. A happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. The woman rushed down without losing momentum, and the sword in her hand turned into a steel whirlwind, everywhere she passed. There was a bloody storm, and Riven didn't have any psychological burden to kill these bad bandits. For a while, no one could break through Riven's blockade.

Facing the murderous Riven, the bloodthirsty gangsters became even more crazy. They swarmed up with open guns and hidden arrows, attacking Riven without leaving any bottom line.

A broken arm with tattoos flew down at Akali's feet. Akali looked at the tattoos on the broken arm in a daze.

Within a moment, the air was covered with a faint layer of blood mist, and the fishy smell of organs and flesh assaulted your nostrils, making you nauseous.

Along the way, Akali, who had independently solved many bandits, thought she had seen a lot of the world. However, she was a little confused at the moment. The crazy scenes in front of her were far beyond her cognitive limits, so much so that her body actually It was shaking unconsciously.

It seemed that it wasn't just the people in Endath's mines that were crazy, her cousin and sister Riven were also crazy enough to be completely different from the side she was familiar with.

This unknown side frightened her.

"So, the Noxians who truly believe in Noxianism are all lunatics, and the Noxus Empire is a country established by a group of lunatics.

Throughout Runeterra, only the Noxians, as a social group, unanimously regard fighting to the death as a lifelong belief, and regard fighting and conquest as a kind of enjoyment.

Yali...Riven is one of the best. She is a pure Noxian. It is precisely because of the existence of people like Riven that the Noxus Empire can expand its territory to all continental plates. superior. "

When Akali was a little shaken, a man's gentle voice came from behind. The girl turned around and saw that the man's face was clearly a little lonely.

She didn't quite understand that as the emperor of the Noxus Empire, having warriors like Riven carve out a world for him should be something to be proud of.

"You seem to have some doubts? If you can't agree with my and Riven's characters, I won't blame you. Just tell me your doubts."

The man was very patient as always.

Noticing that her cousin's attitude toward her never seemed to change, Akali tilted her head, eyes evasive, somewhat out of breath.

"I just think, is this too much? Of course, I don't think killing these bandits who are causing trouble is a bad thing. I just think that if it is just a simple suppression of bandits, maybe it won't Seems so... strange?"

"You want to say evil."

Lester smiled slightly, and Akali lowered her head in embarrassment when her true intentions were revealed.

"You don't have to be shy. Being able to express your opinions bravely is one of the signs of a person's maturity. If you support me without thinking about anything I do, that's a big problem, because that means I'm not You have enough experience and choose to blindly follow one person. Even if that person is me, it is not a good thing for you, because you can never guarantee that the person you trust will not betray you."

While he was talking, a bandit avoided Riven's obstruction and fired his crossbow at the black-haired girl whose back was turned to him. Lester narrowed his eyes but did not make a sound to remind him.

"call out!"

The poisoned crossbow arrow flew towards Akali's back, but Akali turned around and slashed with her sword, splitting the crossbow arrow directly.

Seeing that the crossbow was ineffective, the bandit dropped the crossbow and pulled out the iron one-handed sword. The next second, a kunai was accurately inserted into the bandit's eye socket, and the bandit fell to the ground.

Akali's face became complicated after killing the bandits. She realized that she didn't know when taking lives had become a common thing, but she didn't feel much guilt in her heart. No, it wasn't so much that she didn't feel guilty. Feeling, rather it made her a little excited.

While the girl was struggling, Lester continued.

"Akali, it's not wrong for you to think that I am evil, because killing is inherently evil, and I who create such inhuman disasters are even more evil among evils. Even if I kill bad people, I am not prepared to do anything for my evil deeds." I have to defend myself because I have long had the awareness to bear the guilt.

But I can tell you the reason why I did this. I plan to use the power of hell to seal the Endas mine tunnel so that it can be accepted by the empire later. Otherwise, even if we clear out the Endas mine tunnel, there will be other If people occupy this place, I don’t want Endas Town, which was built with great difficulty, to be burned down. "

After a pause, Lester looked down at the brutal and brutal Colosseum, his eyes seeming to have traveled through time and space, seeing the world a hundred years later.

That is a great miracle that can be passed down for thousands of years.

"The geology of the Fishbone Mountains is enough to support a huge cavity. With only a planned expansion, Endas Town will become an underground metropolis connecting Kashuli and Zhiyuniya, and the hot spring town will also develop as a result. At that time, I will monopolize the hot spring business in the hot spring town, and after world peace, I will be a hot spring hotel owner."

Smiling playfully, Lester shrugged.

"Because of this, even if this place is soaked in the sins and blood of countless people, it still has the value that must exist. People always have to look forward."

Akali silently digested the man's words. After careful consideration, she seemed to understand something, and she seemed to have more questions.

The only thing that is certain is that, although a little crazy, my cousin’s original intentions are always good.

The town of Endas is indeed terrible. There is no mountain town like Endas in the entire province of Navoli. If you put your efforts into it, it might actually become an architectural miracle.

If the insurmountable natural barrier of the Fishbone Mountains is broken, perhaps the development of the eastern and western continents of Zhiyun Province can be more balanced.

The fear seemed to have dissipated. Akali looked back at the bottom of the passage, only to see Sister Riven, who had killed the intruders, resting against the wall with a blood-stainless sword.

After noticing Akali's gaze, the cold and solemn Riven nodded and said hello, but with her body covered in blood and murderous intent, the woman's expression was more like "I'm fighting in front, you little kid" How dare you flirt with my man from behind, you bitch's demonstration.

Thinking that she seemed to have done nothing in this battle, Akali couldn't help but look away with a guilty conscience. Not sure if there was some kind of illusion, the girl twitched her nose.

From the perspective of killing the bandits, she was obviously not as conscientious as Riven as a guard, and she was just talking to her cousin. But the problem was... she really couldn't stop in front of her cousin who was all-knowing and very tolerant. ah!

"Um...Lin, what is the power of hell?"

Lester said he was very pleased that Akali still remembered to call her by her pseudonym. Regardless of whether it was necessary or not, this attitude was worthy of recognition.

"As long as we don't appear in sight, we shouldn't be targeted. Yali, there is no need to be alert. Come and listen."

Hearing this, Riven, who had lowered her head and felt a little sore in her heart, quickly ran towards the two of them with the Rune Blade in her hand. She nodded coolly with her tight little face covered in blood, but Lester took out a handkerchief. Akali moistened the handkerchief with water vapor and carefully wiped the blood on Riven's face under Akali's somewhat envious gaze.

"Old, boss, no, no need... ugh~"

After wiping away the blood, the white-haired girl's face was still bright red, and even Akali had the urge to take a bite.

After the bloodbath, Sister Riwen seemed to have an indescribable charm, especially when she was shy, she was as heroic as a Valkyrie who had just come off the battlefield, with a hint of love.

After the light of magic flashed, the magic handkerchief returned to its clean state. Lester naturally put away the tool for picking up girls and smiled slightly.

"To put it simply, hell is not a power, it is a world belonging to chaotic demons. I happen to have some relationship with a certain demon lord in hell, so I will send these sinful souls to hell so that they can continue to enjoy fighting and sell their friends at the same time. One favor kills two birds with one stone,

As for demons, you can understand them as those who like to kill and destroy alien creatures. Most of them also have the same intelligence and thinking ability as humans, and are extremely powerful. Each demon lord has power comparable to that of a demigod. .

Unlike us, demons are keen on killing and destroying and never consider the issue of creation and production. However, the harsh environment of hell does not require production and creation.

Lu, if you have the opportunity to go to hell in the future, you will understand that what happened in the Endas Mine is nothing to mention. In the places you can't see, the world is going on that you can't imagine. Cruelty, you must learn how to accept reality and how to adapt to cruelty. "

After lowering her head and pondering for a while, Akali said something that made Riven stunned.

"Sister Yali, I will take the initiative to participate in this trial. For you, the enemies here are no longer useful to you, right? In this case, Lin will ask you to protect me, sister. Okay. ?"

In Akali's serious eyes, Riven looked at Lester, who was really in charge. To her surprise, the boss who doted on Akali actually nodded and agreed to the request.

"I will protect Lin, Lu. No matter what, safety comes first."

Akali smiled at the two of them and patted her chest confidently.

"Don't worry, I am the most powerful assassin in Longyin Ryu besides my mother."

When Akali turned around and left, Riven became a little hesitant. She knew very well how much the man valued Akali.

"Do we really want to expose ourselves to action?"

After digging into his pocket, Lester took out two magic rings.

"This is an aura shielding ring that can maintain an invisible barrier."

Riven took the ring and looked surprised.

"Wait a minute, isn't this a magical secret treasure that only the top Night Blade assassin can receive?" (End of Chapter)

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