League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 941 Chapter939 Jhin VS Varus

North of Tuleng and south of Kashuli, at the foot of the green mountains, there is a large town that can accommodate a population of 200,000.

The town is called 'Poletrali'. It is the largest city within a hundred miles. It is connected by the north-south highway and has a pleasant environment. It is also known as the "City of Flowers".

Poletrali means "Garden Country" in Ionian. As its name suggests, the entire city is covered with a beautiful plant called "Purple Mountain Flower", which can be smelled from ten miles away. The refreshing fragrance of flowers,

In addition to purple mountain flowers, there are more than thirty-six different kinds of exotic flowers growing in this magical land, including some plants that are very harsh on the growing environment.

In the ancient legend of Poletrali, Poletrali was once the place where the flower fairy Euphilia was born. Because of this, the land of Poletrali was influenced by the flower fairy Euphilia. Ya's blessing mainly produces nectar, petals, perfume, and very exquisite flower specimens.

In addition, Polettrali also produces Zivania’s unique [Polet Drunken Flower Nectar]. Unlike other drinks, [Polet Drunken Flower Nectar] is brewed using a secret method. Twelve kinds of unique nectar, the wine has a mellow taste. Drinking one cup will make you feel like you are in a garden of flowers. Drink another cup and you will fall asleep and forget all your worries.

The freight carriage squeaked forward. The driver looked at the long queue at the city gate, frowned, tightened the bridle hard, and the carriage began to slow down.

For business travelers from other places, entering Poletrali without getting drunk is equivalent to a wasted visit. For Kada Jhin, the Flower City is not a place to drink.

"Ah sneeze!"

A breeze carrying the fragrance of flowers blew towards my face. The man sitting on the back of the carriage sneezed heavily, and grinned helplessly at the little boy who had been staring at him. This smile didn't matter, the little boy was actually frightened. De cried loudly, causing the people around him to chuckle kindly.

She hugged the boy and patted the boy's back. When the boy's cries gradually subsided, the middle-aged woman kindly reminded her.

"People who are allergic to pollen are best to wear some respirators. They are available in stores in the DC area. Poletrali is not suitable for people with pollen allergies."

"Thanks for the reminder, ma'am. What's your name, ma'am? Where do you live?"

The man rubbed his nose and nodded to the woman politely.

Being stared at by the man, the woman avoided the man's gaze and hugged her son tightly.

"I just said it casually, so don't ask."

"It's a pity I didn't get your name."

"The Capital of Flowers has arrived! The carriage can't enter the city, so everyone should get off!"

The coachman's voice came from the front. Jhin first checked his suitcase and package to make sure nothing was missing. Then he was the last one to get off the carriage and join the long queue for inspection into the city.

The team moved forward slowly, and many people were complaining about the snail-like speed of the inspection.

"What are you doing? It's just a matter of collecting city fees. Why is it so slow to enter the city?"

"I heard that a foreign spy killed someone in the city. The Polert militia is searching for the murderer in the whole city. Now the entire city is not allowed to enter or leave, unless there is a document issued by the parliament to open the city."

"You're just kidding, how could ordinary people have something like that? After all, foreigners deserve to be damned, especially Noxus. They cause destruction all day long and don't allow people to live a good life for two days."

"If you ask me, if you scold the Noxians, you might as well scold the useless militia. The whole city was searched for three days, but apart from making the chickens and dogs restless, not even a hair of Noxus was found. They tortured us. These ordinary people are so powerful, I don’t even know how many things were taken from the fruit shop my sister opened in vain by those beasts.”

"You're right. Using the tax money we pay to torment us is like a beast among beasts!"

"Shhhh! You whispered, are you going to die if you speak so loudly?"

"If you are forced to the point of desperation, the worst possible outcome is to go all out and do it. You have one head and two arms, are you afraid of being in a basket?"

Everyone who enters the city must check their luggage. Several hunters were refused entry because they were carrying hunting bows. What is outrageous is that even larger pointed kitchen knives will be refused entry. If you want to enter the city, you can only use it. Give the kitchen knife to the city defense soldier.

As if aware of the boiling public dissatisfaction, a man wearing studded leather armor and an iron sword at his waist stood up with a shy face, and raised his arms to press down.

"Everyone, please understand! Four days ago, a group of robbers launched an attack on Representative Zange's ancestral home. Not only did they rob property, they also killed many people. Stricter inspections when entering the city are for everyone's safety."

"Did you find anything during the three-day lockdown?"

Some unconvinced men stretched their heads and questioned, and the leather-armored officer looked over with a smile on his face.

"Be patient, the militia is working hard to investigate, and we will definitely notify everyone of the results when they are available."

"Does that mean there's no result? Do you think I look like a robber? I'm not even allowed to take a kitchen knife into the city?"

"If you want a kitchen knife or a hunting bow, you can enter the city by paying a guarantee fee."

"So I have to pay extra for bringing my own stuff into town?"

"No way, this is a rule. Everyone is begging for food, and it is not easy. If you have any problems, you can report it to Representative Zange. As long as it is not unreasonable, Representative Zange will definitely consider it seriously."

"I can't even enter the garden of Representative Zange's house, how can I get a response from Representative Zange?"

"This is not a problem we can solve."

Jhin, who was smiling, just looked at everything in front of him with cold eyes, as if he were a spectator outside the world. To him, whether they were sheep, wolves, or shepherds, they were just part of his artistic work. He doesn't need to sympathize with anyone, he just needs to determine who his target is.

"Hey, horse-faced camel man, open your suitcase and get inspected!"

When it was Jhin's turn, the faces of the Polet city defense militiamen showed a bit of malice, because the man's shoulders were raised and lowered when he walked, and coupled with his slightly hunched back, he was obviously an underdeveloped deformed child. .

A deformed child carries large and small luggage. If he can't share some of the burden, wouldn't he be sorry for his position?

He took out a plate of documents and handed it over without any intention of speaking. Jhin's face remained elegant and calm from beginning to end.

The city defense guard took the document and opened it. As if he had changed his face, he suddenly changed from arrogance to humility, and his back was even more hunched than Jin.

"It turns out..."

Jin shook his head slightly, and the guard quickly stopped talking, returned the document, and said with an apologetic smile.

"Sir, please come in. The City of Flowers is the most beautiful city in Zhiyun. I hope you will like it here."

Seeing Jhin enter Poletrali without being inspected and without paying the city fee, no one in the long queue behind Jhin stood up to question, some were just envious and jealous.

Jin had no intention of wandering around when he entered the city. He directly hired a local girl as a guide and successfully checked into a high-end hotel closest to Zanger Manor.

After asking for the girl's home address and confirming it in person, Jin generously offered a gold coin as a reward. In the girl's ecstatic expression, the man said that he would use the girl in the future, making the girl hopeful and happy. Looking forward to leaving.

After ordering a fruit plate, two pieces of bread and butter, a steak, and a bottle of wine, Jin locked the door, hung up the bomb, and gently turned on the magic gramophone in the room.

I fiddled with the disc with my fingertips and selected a soothing sonata that would not disturb others but could also activate my own artistic cells.

After the meal, Jin danced a solo dance calmly, opened the suitcase calmly, took out the human leather gloves and put them on.

He took out the document bags he had sorted out. The document bags contained the target briefing and the architectural topography map of Zanger Manor compiled by Sean. The contents on the surface were very detailed, but after careful consideration, he realized that most of them were useless. information.

Speaking of which, the target briefing and the map of Zange Manor were just waste, because his previous employer who was not short of money had already failed a group of idiots who did things unfavorably, except for letting the turtle hide in the turtle shell. It has no effect inside or outside.

This has also led to the fact that in addition to the unchangeable architectural pattern and the terrain of the manor, the only thing that can be determined in the intelligence is that Congressman Zange, who was against his employer, was frightened by the last assassination of a political opponent. Until now, the great Congressman Zhiyun He was still hiding somewhere in Zanger Manor with his neck hunched, waiting for his visit.

"Professional matters still have to be left to experts. Of course, we can't expect a fool not to do stupid things."

After combing through the information for the fourth time, the man took a deep breath, closed his eyes and half pursed his lips, and very solemnly took out the human skin mask and put it on his face, smoothing out every wrinkle until the skin penetrated the flesh and blood and merged into his soul. deep,

The cold and tight perfect human skin mask seemed to be able to isolate all emotions. When the man opened his eyes, he had already entered a cold state that could not be described in words.

There is no joy, anger or sorrow, only the reason to analyze all things and the passion to create art are left.

From this moment on, he has transcended the world and become a true artist.

The sun shines through the window grille, leaving streaks of light on half of the man's face. The witty notes of the sonata dance with the rustling charcoal, leaving smart characters that are conducive to artistic creation on the thick and yellowed notepad.


A very subtle and sudden discordant sound came from the roof, along the solid wood floor and into the cochlea.

As if someone had pressed the pause button, the man wearing the human skin mask tilted his head and remained motionless. The pale human skin mask was fixed in the direction of the window following the fishy smell, looking a bit scary.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The sound of heavy footsteps hovered above the ceiling, and only the beautiful notes of the sonata still sounded in my ears, but it seemed a bit strange at the moment.

Putting away the notepad, he gently took out the metal parts from the shoulder bag and backpack and began to assemble them. Jhin, who kept moving, raised his head and looked at the ceiling, as if he was looking at another face across the wall.

Three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds,

While waiting silently, there was no more movement from the ceiling. Jhin stood up, filled four bullets into the assembled Whisper, put on his backpack, and left from the window like a civet cat.

In the room, the pendulum clock tower was swaying, and the sonata was coming to an end. The metal lock core of the door rotted into dust in the blink of an eye. A man with pale skin opened the door. There was no one in the room, but the door edge was broken. A tight rope.


The moment the gramophone stopped spinning, the bomb bloomed like a lotus. The highly compressed curse energy was released within a thousandth of a second, forming a powerful shock wave and hundreds of fragments.

The fire engulfed the fourth floor. Amidst the screams one after another, thick smoke and fire surged outward from the broken outer wall. The rioting crowd swarmed out of the hotel like headless flies. In the distance, a group of Pollet city defense troops The militiamen blew warning whistles and quickly rushed to the hotel. Everything was under control, except for the figure swallowed by the fire.

On the roof 200 meters away, Jhin was lying on the edge and whispering. His head was slightly tilted, and his sight was locked on the broken building on the fourth floor of the hotel through the scope. The tingling sensation on his face proved it. The monster is not dead.

Yes, it was an existence that was enough to make him, a top artist, tremble. Even through the thick wooden walls, he could feel the terrifying aura emanating from the monster, so much so that he still can't stand it until now. Unable to calm down.

That was definitely not an evil obstacle that could be described as murderous. The most terrifying thing was that he was the first to notice that evil obstacle under the cover of music. After sensing his attention, the evil obstacle captured him while he was perfectly concealed. .

His finger was half-pressed on the trigger of the cursed gun, and a drop of sweat seeped out from under the human skin mask. There was still no target in the scope, but the sense of threat on the verge of the abyss followed him, getting stronger and stronger, as if there was a random hand that could The black hand appearing behind him seemed to be pushed into the abyss of death the next moment.

Four, three, two, one,

After counting down to four counts while holding his breath, Jin stopped whispering without hesitation,

The next moment, a burnt head emerged from the billowing smoke, and a dark red stream of light flew across the space, grazing Jhin's temples. After burning through the human skin mask, it was like a meteor flying upside down. Falling into deep space and disappearing.

The moment death passed by, as if all the good luck in his life had been exhausted, Jhin's soul was trembling. The sting on his cheek and the body's instinct desperately sent escape signals to his brain. The man just stopped. With his footsteps, he aimed Qingyu at the long-awaited target with smooth and flowing squatting movements.

The corners of his lips were raised, and his cold eyes were burning with hot fire. The man had fallen into the abyss of madness.


The curse gun burst into flames, and the charred and ferocious head exploded like a watermelon. The shadow of death suddenly went away, and he slumped on the ground tremblingly. The man pulled off the damaged human skin mask, and touched it with his right hand as if it was sulfuric acid. The right cheek that had been licked was filled with uncontrollable pleasure.

"There's gunfire up there!?"

Under the building, a passing militiaman looked up at the edge of the building where the explosion came from. A three-person team immediately went upstairs to search.

At the door on the top of the building, a rope quietly hugged the ajar door, and the craftsman was waiting for its prey. (End of chapter)

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