League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 958 Chapter956 The entire army was wiped out

"Sister Sally, what exactly is the sacred artifact guarded by the Fortress of Light?"

In the secret passage of the Light Fortress, Akshan supported Gayed, who had not yet recovered, and followed closely behind Sally, who was carrying the Holy Light Spear.

The dim crystal lanterns on both sides of the wall could barely maintain the minimum light. I don't know what happened, but the light of the crystal lantern suddenly dimmed and almost went out. The depth and darkness immediately surrounded it. Fortunately, after a few seconds, the Holy Light Crystal The lights turned on again unyieldingly.

Noticing the abnormality of the Holy Light Crystal Lamp, Gayed frowned and spoke weakly.

"We have only heard that there is a sacred weapon of light that can break the boundary between life and death suppressed under the Fortress of Light. I am afraid that in the entire Fortress of Light, only Senior Satya and Lord Douglas have seen the sacred weapon in person. On weekdays, we I only know roughly that the holy artifact is sealed in the most secret place of the Light Fortress by the Holy Light Barrier, but I have never gone in to see it."

Akshan was surprised.

"What does it mean to break the boundary between life and death? Can you beat people to death? What's so powerful about that?"

"It can beat people to death, and it can also revive people from death, and reverse yin and yang."

"Death, death and resurrection?"

Gayed's words made Akshan stupid on the spot. He couldn't imagine how a dead man could come alive because of a gun. It wasn't until Gayed coughed that Akshan continued to carry Gayed on the road and quickened his pace. I followed Sally who was a little distracted.

"Why should such an important thing be stored in a place like Windhowling Canyon where birds don't poop? Wouldn't it be better to put it in Valoran?"

Gayed sighed softly,

"I don't know about that. There must be some secret that cannot be told."

Akshan nodded and walked out of the secret passage with Gayed. A magnificent ancient sacrificial site appeared in front of them.

Looking down from a high place, we can see eight pillars in different positions standing in the sacrificial field.

Two by two, they are distributed on four different circles, but the eight holy light rune pillars have the same center of the circle.

The position of each rune pillar seems to be irrelevant, but they are connected with each other to form an extremely complex enchantment light curtain, with deadly and dangerous enchantment light knives guarding the altar located in the center of the circle.

The light curtain in the moving form will not only produce special changes in a disorderly manner, but also rotate at variable speeds. The condensed high-concentration barrier is sharper than any blade and is enough to strangle intruders into a pool of flesh and blood.

Facing such a barrier, let alone the undead of Shadow Island who are naturally restrained by the energy of the Holy Stone, even the Sentinels of Light who are not harmed by the energy of the Holy Light will never be able to pass through this murderous mobile defensive array and touch it. Must die.

I always felt that the rune pillars seemed to be arranged according to certain rules. I stared at Akshan for several times but couldn't see any clues. I couldn't help but look at Sally who put the Holy Light Spear on the ground.

"Sister Sally, what should we do?"

Sally pointed to the location of the altar without looking back and whispered.

"You don't have to do anything, just wait. I'll go over and turn off the barrier. The sacred artifact is in the dark room under the altar."

"Turn it off?"

Sally said nothing and started to prepare for warm-up. Gayed explained in a low voice.

"This movable barrier is based on the altar, and the source of its power is the Holy Artifact of Light. Removing the Holy Artifact of Light can interrupt the operation of the barrier."

"But shouldn't those high-speed rotating light blades be dangerous? Is Sister Sally going to pass through such a dangerous barrier?"

"There are only three people in the entire Light Fortress who can safely pass through the [Holy Light Blade Barrier].

The first person who can pass through the barrier is General Guard Douglas holding the Holy Shield of Light. The Holy Shield of Light can reflect the light blade and protect General Douglas when he reaches the altar.

The second person is your teacher, Senior Lone Wolf Satya. Miss Sally is the third Sentinel of Light who can pass through the Holy Light Blade barrier. She is also the only one who can obtain the Sentinel of Light when Senior Satya and General Guard Douglas are away. The sentinel of light. "

While Gayed was explaining to Akshan in a low voice, Sally broke into the Holy Light Blade barrier alone.

At the same time, a diagonal cross-shaped ghost sword flashed, and the steel gate of the Bright Fortress cracked open. After two more sword slashes, the iron-clad wooden door weighing dozens of tons crashed to the ground.

The person who came was wearing the royal sword-steel armor of the ancient Kingdom of Kamavia. Each of his hands held a single-edged serrated dark red straight sword pointed at the ground. He was not tall, but his aura was truly terrifying.

Picking up Douglas's head and playing with it, Ceresi gave an order with a low laugh.

"Ledras, I've had enough fun, kill them."

After receiving the order, the Kamavian Immortal Sword Demon did not speak, but silently and firmly walked up the stone steps of the fortress.

Whether it is the holy light shot by the holy spear or the magic of the holy stone, it will be split by Laidros's sword. There is a light sentry holy swordsman who kills Laidros from above, but he is directly killed by Laidros's double swords with his weapons. After being cut into pieces and massacred, there was no movement on the city wall, and Ledros silently returned behind Thresi.

Seresi held Douglas's head in his left hand and a lantern in his right hand, his tone full of mockery.

"Look, what's the point of the sacrifice and dedication that you are so proud of? Haha, old friend, you don't really think you can let those three little mice run away, do you?"

As if affected by some kind of evil magic, Douglas, with only one head left, suddenly glowed with dark green light, and numbly opened his mouth that was already stained red with blood.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you... I'm going to kill you..."

"Obviously I can kill you all easily, but do you know why I let those three little mice leave without any haste?"

"Kill you... I'm going to kill you..."

"Because what I like to hear most is the desperate cries of human beings after they gain hope. Rather than asking you to simply die, I would rather want you, the self-righteous saviors, to cry. The sadder you cry, the sadder it is to me. The more pleasant it sounds.”

"I want... to kill..."

"I know that your Light Sentinel's Holy Light Rune Teleportation Array can avoid the influence of the underworld space interference magic. Do you know that our underworld army has developed cross-border magic that can directly tamper with the teleportation location? Your teleportation protection range Where will it continue, the city of Malvi? Or the desert of Dasai?"


"I really want to know what the three little mice looked like when they saw the monarch when they walked out of the magic circle. Haha, you finally stopped pretending?"

Douglas suddenly widened his eyes and yelled at the top of his lungs at the fortress.

"Sally!!! Don't go through the teleportation array!!!"

Ceresi laughed sarcastically, looking down at the remnant soul of the Sentinel of Light guard who was already on the verge of collapse. This man who was harder than steel did not satisfy him when he was alive, and it was not too late after his death.

"That's it, that's what I want! Roar, scream, maybe they can really hear your voice."



Douglas's head exploded suddenly, Ceresi showed a rare expression of shock, and then angrily threw the paste in his hand to the ground.

"You can't stand it at this level. You're not a tough guy. I misjudged you."

Boringly, she used the soul fire to burn away the remaining traces on her hands. Ceresi turned and walked towards the black mist. Ledros followed silently. After that, an endless army of corpses surged into the black mist. It seemed that We must completely destroy the fortress of light that has no one left.

When Sally successfully arrived at the altar, the woman opened the dark room of the altar and took out the gun-shaped light artifact.

The [Holy Light Blade Barrier] that protects the altar and sacred vessels suddenly stopped operating. Akshan carried the slightly heavy holy stone gun in one hand and helped Gayed to the altar and walked along the sunken stone staircase. Arriving at the core of the formation.

"Is this the Holy Artifact of Light? A pistol? It looks like an ordinary holy stone weapon. Can this thing defeat those terrible enemies?"

Regarding Akshan's evaluation, Sally sighed noncommittally, glanced at Gayed who looked away and felt guilty, and said softly.

"Akshan, we have to leave."

Akshan was taken aback for a moment and nodded in confusion.

"Of course we have to leave. Let's hurry back. Maybe this thing can really come in handy, but I personally think this thing is not as useful as that man's big sword."

Sally shook her head and pointed to the rune teleportation array behind her.

"Instead of returning to the battlefield, we leave the Fortress of Light. This teleportation array is connected to the Light Sentinel stronghold in Bergun. We must bring the Holy Artifact of Light back to the Fidelite headquarters."

"What do you mean? Are we going to be deserters?"

Finally realizing something, Akshan frowned and his tone became a little more serious.

"Others are still fighting outside, but we want to run away and be cowards? I came to the Fortress of Light to fight, not to be a deserter!"

"This is the order of General Guard Douglas and the mission of Miss Sally. Akshan, you and Miss Sally are not deserters, I am the deserter. I should have stayed and fought with my colleagues..."

"That's enough, Gayed. There is no need to explain anything to this little kid who doesn't understand anything. According to the secret order of the general guard, we must immediately activate the rune teleportation array and head to Bergun."

Sally took her Holy Light Gun from Akshan's hand, and held Gayed on the other side towards the teleportation array. Akshan, who was struggling in place, was dragged away by the two of them.

When the three of them entered the teleportation array, Sally placed the energy crystal in the groove and activated the array without giving Akshan a chance to say anything else.

At the same time, Mitna Rachen, the city of the underworld.

A black-green light beam shot toward the sky from the death spire. The death energy unique to the underworld directly penetrated the plane space and locked the space within a hundred miles of the light fortress in the material realm.

By the time the Death Spire returned to calm, there were already three more living people in the cage of the living dead.

"This is the secret stronghold of the Light Sentinels in Bergun? Wait, why are we in the cage? Who are they? Are they also the Light Sentinels?"

Akshan glanced at the three black-robed wizards with big felt hats standing outside the cage in surprise. When he turned around, he saw that Sally and Gayed had collapsed on the ground. Their faces were bloodless and full of despair. .

"How could it be...impossible? There can be no error in the transmission. What is going on...it is impossible for us to come here..."

"Sister Sally? What is going on? Who are they?"

"It's over, we're done, Akshan."

Taking out the sacred weapon of light, Sally aimed it at her chin and was about to pull the trigger when dark chains appeared out of thin air and bound her body.

"Mortals, in Mitna Rachen, everything you have belongs to the king, including your life and soul. You cannot use any of the king's property without permission."

The leader of the Death Wizard put down his hood, revealing a ferocious face like a lich. He obviously looked like a demon, but the Death Wizard insisted on showing a polite appearance.

"Welcome to the world of the dead, mortals, come with me to see the king. Your fate will be decided by the king."

The news that the Fortress of Light had fallen and that the Merciful One was taken away by Mordekaiser reached Fidelette immediately. Lester, wearing the military uniform of the Holy Emperor, walked into the conference room with a heavy face and sat heavily on the main seat. Elena, who has always been lively, rarely dares to show her face.

The right minister of the empire, Xina, and the left minister of the empire, Misha, are at the top of the list below Leicester. LeBlanc, the pale witch of the black rose, Melina, the leader of the black lightning mage army, and Syndra, the archmage of the empire, attended the cabinet meeting with magic projections. The remaining The military ministers took their seats in order of superiority and inferiority.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started."

As Lester's murderous words fell, Xina stood up and controlled the magic image crystal to show everyone the light fortress that had been completely destroyed by the underworld.

In the image, the small military fortress that once stood proudly in the Wind Howling Canyon for hundreds of years seemed to have been dug up three feet into the ground and turned into a shocking ruin.

The cold and majestic voice of the Empire’s right minister Xina soon reached everyone’s ears.

"A week ago, the Fortress of Light suddenly cut off contact with the headquarters of the Holy Light Legion. Four days ago, the headquarters of the Holy Light Legion sent three high-level light mages to the Fortress of Light to investigate the situation.

The information about the destruction of the Fortress of Light was reported to the headquarters of the Holy Light Legion three hours ago. The person in charge of the Holy Light Legion on Shadow Island immediately further reported the news to the Imperial Cabinet, bringing us sad news.

After investigation, we have enough reasons to determine that it was the elite underworld army sent by Mordekaiser that launched a devastating attack on the Fortress of Light. Its purpose was the world-breaking holy weapon [Kai En] that had been transformed by the masked messenger [Ethereal Evil Owl] By】,

The Light Mage traced back the remaining Holy Light fluctuations and confirmed that the Rune Teleportation Array was in a state that had just been opened. Douglas, the general guard of the Light Fortress, strictly followed the operational secret orders of the Light Fortress and activated the link to Bergun in times of crisis. The emergency teleportation array was created, but the formation did not resonate with Bergun, and the benefactor was lost. "

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