League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 959 Chapter957 The Empire’s Countermeasures

The atmosphere in the conference room was solemn and depressing to the extreme. The Holy Emperor did not speak, but his attitude was clearly revealed. Anyone could feel the Holy Emperor's almost irrepressible rage.

Xina looked at Syndra, who stood up solemnly, took a deep breath, and spoke in a low tone.

"After further investigation and research by the Imperial Mage Association, it can be determined that the underworld has mastered an evil secret method that forcibly blocks the Holy Light Rune teleportation array, and can directly locate the coordinates of the teleportation array to Mitna Rachen, the city of the underworld. The Sentinels of Light responsible for transferring the sacred artifacts were most likely captured by Mitna Rachen.

At present, the empire has closed the [Star Gate] and most of the cross-continental magic array transmission network. The magic transmission array will be disabled until the Mage Association further finds a way to crack it. "

Everyone understands the seriousness of the matter. Whether it is the loss of the holy artifact or the cracking of the empire's teleportation magic, it is a very serious problem. These two things also mean that Mordekaiser, who has been dormant in the underworld, has begun to take action. .

No one knows what the Lord of the Underworld is planning to do with the Merciful One, but everyone is certain that this will definitely be a big trouble affecting the entire empire. In the worst case scenario, the empire may have to open a new front to deal with the undead army.

After Xina and Syndra finished talking, Lester said indifferently.

"My dear friends, our enemies have shown their fangs to us. They are ruthless and cruel. They use their undead bodies to invade the world of the living. They wantonly trample on the dignity of the empire and ignore all people. After being so humiliated, my dear friends, Do you have any thoughts in your mind?"

Under Leicester's stern gaze, no one dared to echo. Only the manic emotions brewing were surging. Many people still had the arrogance unique to the Noxus Empire on their faces, as if they were possessed by ants. A provocative and furious giant, he can trample the opponent to death with one kick in return.

"What kind of enemies do you think they are? Are they another Principality of Valoran and Kingdom of Northland?"

Lester sneered.

"I'll tell you what they are,

They are very powerful. After thousands of years of endless fighting, each of them is a remnant of hundreds of battles that is far superior to the soldiers of the Empire. They are as fearless of death as the warriors of Noxus, and are more spiritual than the most fanatical warriors of Roxy. Bloodthirsty and warlike,

They possess magic craftsmanship and casting craftsmanship that are not inferior to those of the empire, and they have built a civilization in a void and cold world.

I tell you! They are another Noxian Empire! He is the super overlord who dominates the underworld! Even the Guardian of the River Styx and the Creator of the Masked Spirit, the Mother of Masks, chose to surrender!

You can't see him or feel him. This doesn't mean that he doesn't exist, nor does it mean that he is incompetent or weak.

On the contrary, he has always existed, always conquering places you cannot see, and always defeating enemies you cannot imagine! "

The always arrogant and domineering Holy Emperor gave a frightening evaluation. Such a blow to the head completely eliminated the luck in the hearts of some cabinet ministers.

Among the people, the one with the ugliest expression was LeBlanc in the magical image. As a former subject of Mordekaiser, no one understands the horror of Mordekaiser better than her. The direction she has been working towards has been to suppress the soul as much as possible. Deep well, prevent Mordekaiser's head from getting close to the deep well, and prevent Mordekaiser's return.

It wasn't until she completely surrendered to Lester that she realized that it was useless to use any conspiracy against a scheming overlord like Mordekaiser. She could only accumulate her own hard power and defeat and kill the opponent in an upright manner. It's the right way.

"Before the establishment of the Noxus Empire, U'zul conquered most of Valoran. Now, thousands of years later, he has completely conquered the underworld.

Tell me, should we feel fear in the face of such an enemy? "

Lester stared at everyone present with cold eyes. What made him somewhat relieved was that he could see suppressed anger, chilling calmness, and fearless indifference, but he could not see fear. and cowardice.

Also, if you don't have a fearless and strong heart, how can you be qualified to sit here and decide the future destiny of Runeterra with him?

"Your Majesty, I think it's not us who are afraid of Mordekaiser's Underworld Legion, but Mordekaiser's Underworld Legion who is afraid of us."

What Leicester didn't expect was that the first person to speak was LeBlanc, the magical transparent person in the cabinet meeting.

His expression remained unchanged, Lester said calmly.

"Qing LeBlanc, why do you say this?"

Through the magic image crystal, LeBlanc looked around, and her eyes finally settled on Lester's majestic face. She straightened her chest, spoke calmly, and told the undoubted facts.

“Because even though the Underworld Legion is strong, the Noxus Empire has never stopped growing stronger.

Mitna Rachen's only enemy was the Mother of Masks, but she fought for more than thirteen hundred years.

What did the Noxus Empire do?

From the beginning of our founding, we have had countless enemies. In less than a thousand years, we have conquered all the mortal kingdoms. Even the most unruly Freljord and Demacia, who regard us as barbarians, are willing to surrender. , even the arrogant dragons had to bow their heads in submission and pray for a place.

Our armies crossed mountains and seas, established ruling regimes in the distant continents of Shurima and Ionia, and took root in the Shadow Isles to drive out the dead souls.

Our legionnaires include all the peoples of Runeterra, and our footprints have traveled all over the world, even to the end of the world, the flag of the Empire is flying.

We have the most advanced magic technology, the most powerful rune weapons, and the most fierce soldiers who are not afraid of death. We fight against the void, against the false gods of the star world, and against the evil gods from other worlds who try to hinder the empire.

On the road to conquering the world, we dare to be the enemy of the world. Although Mordekaiser's underworld army is strong, what is it compared to us? That is why, Your Majesty, it is Mordekaiser who fears us. "

After saying these words, the warlike hearts in everyone's hearts seemed to be ignited with a flame and began to burn blazingly.

Lester looked around, taking in everyone's expressions, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"In this case, we should do something to let Mordekaiser know that he does not have to start this war. Noxians also have wolf fangs."

It was already dark when the cabinet meeting ended. At the meeting, Leicester decided on the empire's next major action plans. After that, more specific action plans would be further discussed by the empire's cabinet ministers, gradually refined, and implemented. .

The most important matters are as follows:

The first point is the issue of the transportation of materials and personnel in the empire. In order to prevent the teleportation array from being affected by the underworld, the empire immediately launched the Hextech Flying Gate transportation plan in advance to use Hextech Flying Gates located in important cities on the four continents. As the core, the Hex airship serves as a transportation vehicle, and the Noxus Empire can transport large quantities of war materials and legionnaires across the continent, supply logistics in a timely manner, and maintain the front line.

The second point is to comprehensively recruit more Light Sentinels to join the Holy Light Legion, actively expand the production efficiency of Holy Stone weapons and equipment, cultivate more Light Sentinels, and establish Holy Light Barriers in major cities controlled by the Noxus Empire. Use the Holy Light Barrier to monitor the energy of the underworld and at the same time station the Holy Light Legion to defend against sudden attacks by the underworld legion.

The third point is to implement the Shadow Island conquest plan, resolutely and at any cost send the Holy Light Legion and Imperial soldiers to clear out the forces such as Foego entrenched on the Shadow Island, occupy the largest stronghold of the underworld in the material realm, and remove the remaining Hylia from the remaining Hylia Collect and investigate the development trends of the underworld forces in ancient ruins, find a way to break the material realm and the underworld, and lay the theoretical foundation for the Noxus Empire's great expedition to the underworld.

The fourth point is to build more Atlan Crystal Magic Towers on the continents. The Noxus Empire, which combines a variety of top technologies such as element weavers and rune crystal crafts, has successfully developed large-scale man-made magic towers in recent years. The Noxian crystal magic tower powered by the Crystal Nexus,

The Noxian Crystal Magic Tower not only integrates the functions of amplification, defense and attack, but also uses the energy crystal hub provided by the Crystal Will as a node to build a long-distance crystal energy transmission network, allowing each tower to be protected by Noxus. The city protected by the Crystal Magic Tower can obtain magic energy from other nodes that have not been attacked when it is under siege, and efficiently dispatch energy attacks or defenses. It is worth mentioning that because of the interference of the underworld in teleporting magic, Noxus Imperial magic scholars have begun to study more secure crystal network transmission magic.

The fifth point is to carry out large-scale magic farming activities in various areas, mobilize mages and Ionian spirit caller priests as much as possible to plant food crops on a large scale in areas where crops can be cultivated, and use magic warehouses to store food for Make more and more adequate food reserves for the coming total war.

The sixth point is to integrate the resources and people of the Freljord as soon as possible, and merge the soon-to-be-enchanted Demacia and the Freljord that is being established into the Noxus Empire's crystal magic network to prevent Freyr Zodiac and Demacia were defeated by hostile forces.

The seventh point is to terminate the empire's military operations on the Star Curtain battlefield as soon as possible, withdraw troops to defend the empire's borders, and rely on the Crystal Hub Guards for passive defense to avoid losing sight of one thing due to multi-front battles.

The eighth point is to immediately summon and dispatch extraordinary strong men to secretly eliminate the Void Queen of Shurima continent, connect Targon, Sun Disk, and Ixoken in a line, and initially establish a defensive front based on the three areas.

The ninth point is to send out the Imperial Legion to end the One Piece game in Bilgewater as soon as possible, help Sarah integrate the pirate forces in Bilgewater and the Baru people of the Anaconda Islands, bring the two areas into the empire's territory, and send strong men Investigate the traces of the Deep Sea Titan and the yordle Fizz, and strive to get the help of the Deep Sea Titan Nautilus and the little fishman Fizz to accumulate more power.

The tenth point is to speed up the digestion of the land resources of the Principality of Valoran and the Kingdom of Northland, use the Kirigakure Killer to eliminate the restless nobles and reactionary forces of the Old Kingdom, and kill the signs of unrest in advance.

The general direction can be roughly divided into these ten points. As the prime minister of the empire, Xina can handle the remaining parts by herself without Leicester having to worry about it.

For him now, the most important thing is to master the second world rune as soon as possible to enhance his power.

When the war machine of the Noxus Empire began to operate, Lester stepped off the carriage alone, rode the magic energy elevator all the way down, and arrived at the most heavily guarded place in the entire Fidelite.

Under the Shining Silver Mountains, the ancient civilization ruins once occupied by the red-skinned demon rats have been transformed into the empire's most important underground research field. Today's research field can not only produce giant war puppets such as [Wrath of the Titans], but also Gathering the top scientists and engineers in the entire empire, it can be said that 80% of the Noxus Empire's cutting-edge technology comes from here.

This is the first-level top-secret research institution that does not exist in any written documents - [Research Institute Zero]

Ten years ago, Lester personally led people to break through the Rune Temple under the Forbidden Stone Forest in Demacia. After absorbing the life runes, he wiped out all the belongings that Ryze had accumulated over the years and brought them all back to Fidelite. , the uprooted Rune Temple tree stump was transplanted directly to the Zero Research Institute. It played a role in auxiliary research before the world runes were further absorbed and used by Leicester, and was able to achieve progress in rune technology. The remaining four The world runes are indispensable.

Ten years later, with the help of Elena, Lester, who had completely mastered the runes of life, returned to Research Zero again and stood in front of four other world runes.

Elena appeared, this time she did not turn into a pocket elf, but transformed into her original appearance, standing strangely outside the gray-white tree hole, looking at the other four people in the tree hole. world runes.

Every time she thinks that her current body is actually such a glowing rune stone, Elena can't restrain her desire to complain.

"Teacher, what would we look like now if I had turned into a world rune other than the life rune?"

After laughing, Lester, who was thinking about what to choose for his next rune, responded.

"According to my understanding of world runes, if you get the power of arcane runes, then I will probably become an arcane special body like Ryze and turn the Noxus Empire into an arcane empire. If you After gaining the power of enlightenment runes, I might become a creator of magic and technology, transforming my body into an immortal body.

If you get the power of the domination rune, I might go down a path similar to that of Darkin and Mordekaiser, and become a self-centered tyrant. As for what if you get the power of the precision rune, I would really I don’t know what it will be like, I’m really not familiar with precision runes. "

Elena chuckled and winked mischievously.

"Is there a possibility, teacher, that you will become a mechanic?"

Lester responded tenderly.

"It is also possible to become a boiler burner. From this point of view, we are the most perfect now, aren't we?"

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