Jiang Yichen didn't wait to go home. When he was at the bicycle parking area, he couldn't help but take out the item that the system rewarded, the Comfortable Warm Jade.

The whole warm jade was warm yellow and not completely transparent, but the texture was very pure and it looked very high-end.

Jiang Yichen hung it around his neck.

The warm jade was close to his chest. The moment he put it down, Jiang Yichen felt a warm feeling.

【Ding! The host wears a piece of comforting warm jade and gains a buff: Calmness (D level)】

【Meditation (D level): Under this buff, your learning efficiency increases by 10%. This buff is an aura effect, and allies within 1 meter around you can enjoy this effect simultaneously】

"Holy shit, so awesome?!"

After Jiang Yichen heard the system's prompt, he jumped up.

No wonder he felt warm and his mind was much clearer just now.

According to this gain increase, Jiang Yichen's learning could increase by 1 point per minute, but now it can increase by 1.1 points.

It seems that the increase is small, but Jiang Yichen's learning will produce a critical hit!

A little bit adds up to a lot, right?

What's more, this damn thing is actually an aura gain, which is amazing.

According to the current aura range, basically only Pan Yun, the fat guy, is blessed.

However, given his size, he probably has to get closer to Jiang Yichen, otherwise it is very likely that half of his body will not be within the aura range.

Singing the ditty"We ordinary people are so happy today", Jiang Yichen was in a good mood and rode his bike home.

Because his home was not far away, Jiang Yichen did not live on campus, and even at noon, he did not eat at school.

At noon, Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu had not returned yet.

Jiang Yixin came back first, and just plugged in the rice cooker, preparing to heat up the leftover rice from the morning.

"I don't know when mom will be back, should we cook for ourselves?"

Jiang Yixin looked at the vegetables in the kitchen basket, feeling a little entangled.

She was not very good at cooking, and usually Liu Yuanxiu cooked.

Sometimes when there was really no other way, she would just make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

A bowl of rice and a dish would be enough.

If it was cooking, she would just put a steamed egg on it and live a simple life.

Jiang Yichen shrugged,"It's time for you to see my true strength."


Jiang Yixin couldn't help laughing,"Brother, stop joking. If it doesn't work, we can just boil some water and mix it with rice. We still have fermented tofu, so we can just make do with it."

"My parents will definitely be back later, can we make do with it?" Jiang Yichen said as he started washing the eggplants, and then ordered,"Xinxin, don't just stand there, go and beat some eggs."

"Otherwise, let me do it."

Jiang Yixin didn't trust Jiang Yichen.

As the older brother, and a boy, his parents took him very seriously and didn't let him do any housework. They just hoped that he would study hard and get into a good university.

But Jiang Yichen still disappointed them.

Of course, that was in the past life. Now Jiang Yichen must be their pride.

"If I ask you to help, you should help. If you don't want to help, go watch TV." Jiang Yichen said with a straight face.

"All right, I hope the dishes you cook are edible."

Jiang Yixin curled her lips and sighed.

Then Jiang Yichen roughly cut the vegetables and prepared to make shredded eggplant and pork and a loofah and egg soup.

Perhaps because he was doing it himself, the cooking skills prompted by the system improved rapidly.

From not being very handy at the beginning, after Jiang Yichen put the eggplant into the pot, he became more and more handy with the spatula.

Jiang Yixin chuckled and said,"I didn't expect it, brother, you've been watching mom cook every day these days, and you've really learned it well!"

"If the taste is good, I can let you cook it every day in the future."

Jiang Yichen's mouth curled up slightly,"You think of me, a great chef, cooking for you every day, it's wishful thinking! I'm afraid that by then you won't be willing to get married."

"Nonsense." Jiang Yixin spat.

As soon as the eggplant was fried on the table, Jiang Yixin immediately got to work, took a small piece of eggplant, tasted it while it was still hot,"Well, it's okay, not too salty"

"Aren't you afraid of getting burned to death?"

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at his sister.

Others said that he had an invincible cute sister, but he felt that his sister was very funny.

Not only did she quarrel with him every day, but she was also a TV fan and liked to watch those martial arts TV series.

At this time, a voice sounded in the corridor.

Jiang Yixin stretched his neck to take a look and smiled happily.

"Mom is back!"

"Xinxin, I mixed too much mortar today and came back late. Who is cooking?"

Liu Yuanxiu changed his muddy boots and asked.

Jiang Yixin said sweetly,"Brother is cooking, it's good."

"Your brother can still cook, stop talking nonsense, tell him to stop, I'll do it."

Liu Yuanxiu said immediately, quickly washed her hands in the bathroom, and walked into the kitchen.

Jiang Yichen was boiling water and preparing to cook soup.

""Mom, I'm back." Jiang Yichen turned around and said with a smile."Let me try today."

Liu Yuanxiu was about to ask Jiang Yichen to move aside, but she saw the eggplant and pork shreds on the table. Although they were roughly cut, they looked decent, so she changed the topic,"You kid, you can really cook for yourself?"

"Watch it every day, even if you can't do it, you'll be almost there." Jiang Yichen said with a chuckle.

Then he said to Jiang Yixin,"Xinxin, go get the dishes and chopsticks, don't just stand there like an idiot."

""Oh." Jiang Yixin responded and did it immediately.

She didn't feel anything wrong in her heart. In the past, it was very difficult for Jiang Yichen to order her around. But today, she didn't know why. Listening to Jiang Yichen's words, she felt that there was nothing wrong.

Jiang Nanning also arrived. He was a little slow because he parked his motorcycle."Achen is cooking?"

Jiang Yichen jumped his eyebrows,"Mom, please sit down and teach me."

Looking at the cooking skills in front of him, which were quickly approaching the full E level, Jiang Yichen felt that in another day, his cooking skills would reach D level. Not to say that he would be better than his mother's cooking skills, but at least making delicious meals would not be a big problem.

If he reached C level, or even B level, Jiang Yichen felt that he could open a big hotel.

Liu Yuanxiu was very happy,"Okay."

Seeing Jiang Yichen so dedicated to cooking, she was naturally very happy and began to instruct him.

However, after all, it was just an ordinary loofah and egg soup, which did not require much technical skills. Liu Yuanxiu was not a chef, but she had experience and gave some guidance, which helped Jiang Yichen gain a lot.

Soon, one dish and one soup were ready.

The family of four sat together and started to eat.

Jiang Nanning rarely spoke and said,"Achen cooked a good meal today. You can cook next time."

Liu Yuanxiu frowned,"Whatever you do, he doesn't want to take the college entrance examination. It's all your fault today. You had to mix so much mortar, otherwise he could come back earlier."

Jiang Nanning choked,"With his grades, what's the use of taking the college entrance examination……"

"What's the point of being so low in grades now? The main thing is to prepare well this year. Maybe I can get into a junior college. Then I can become a teacher. Isn't that good?" Liu Yuanxiu retorted.

Jiang Yichen listened to the two elders arguing and raised his hand weakly.

"Well, is it too difficult for me to get into a junior college?……"

Liu Yuanxiu's face turned bad,"If you don't want to go to college, will you go to work in the future?"

"I mean, of course I mean, if," Jiang Yichen coughed lightly,"I'm going to a key university……"

In an instant, everyone at the table fell silent.

Liu Yuanxiu raised her chopsticks and tapped Jiang Yichen's head gently,"You are dizzy, what are you daydreaming about!"

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