Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu didn't take Jiang Yichen's"wishful thinking" seriously.

Jiang Yixin laughed at him as usual.

"Don't worry, your grades are not as good as mine."

Jiang Yichen curled his lips and disdained to pay attention to his junior high school sister.

In the afternoon, the results of other courses came out one after another.

As expected, Jiang Yichen once again became the star of Class 9. His first performance after changing subjects shocked everyone:

Chinese: 132

Mathematics: 129

English: 118

History: 86

Geography: 90

Politics: 76

The total score was 631 points.

This score is the first in the liberal arts of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School!

Even in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, it is in the top three.

When the mock test scores were counted, the head teacher Li Qiuxia was stunned, and then ecstatic!

She rushed to the grade director with disheveled hair,"It's rich! It's rich!"

After a while, the grade director rushed to the principal's office like crazy,"Principal Liu, I congratulate you on your success!"

"……What the hell?"

Principal Liu Youxi, who was reading the documents, frowned and asked

"In our liberal arts class, there is a student who scored 631 points in this mock exam!"

The head teacher was much more straightforward and explained the key points directly.

"How many points?"Principal Liu Youxi was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately to confirm again!

"631 points!"

"With this score, can't I choose any other school, let alone Tsinghua or Peking University?"

"Yes! This is a good seedling! We can't let this ordinary class, Class 9, bury him!"

The head teacher muttered. If Li Qiuxia was here, she would definitely fight him.

***, I came to tell you the good news, but you turned around and poached me. Where will I get my college entrance examination bonus and my honor?

"That makes sense!"

Principal Liu Youxi nodded.

"The best class in our liberal arts class is Class 13, which has much more powerful teachers. As long as this... Hey, who is this person who scored 631?"

The head of the grade said hurriedly,"Blame me, I haven't told you yet! His name is Jiang Yichen, and he seems to have just transferred from the science class to the liberal arts class."

"A transfer student? Oh my god, this is the right transfer! A genius in liberal arts!"Liu Youxi nodded continuously

"So, Lao Zhang, you should immediately transfer him to Class 13. As long as he can maintain this level, any conditions are fine. Money and people will be given to him."

Grade director Zhang Yunlong immediately agreed.

"Principal, maybe one day our No. 2 Middle School will be more awesome than No. 1 Middle School!"

"So, train well, and you will definitely get a share of the reward."

Liu Youxi was smiling crookedly as he took the report card handed over by the head of the grade.

Anyuan No. 2 Middle School is just an ordinary middle school. The good students were picked by Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, and the rest of the crooked ones belonged to them.

Anyuan No. 1 Middle School competed on the number of students who passed the first-class and key college entrance examinations, while they could only look at the number of students who passed the second-class and junior college entrance examinations. Except for Jiang Yichen's 631 points, the best class in the liberal arts, Class 13 of Senior 3, had a maximum score of less than 600 points, only about 590 points.

This gap is too big.

It's a complete crush of IQ. The head of the grade was very fast. He went directly to Class 9 of Senior 3 without waiting for the official decision.

In his eyes, this was a great thing, and Jiang Yichen had no reason to refuse.

After all, Class 13 was the rocket class of liberal arts in Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.

Although the quality of this rocket class was a bit average.

But here, both the teachers and the study environment were much better.

Therefore, Zhang Yunlong took the lead and went directly to Class 9.

He never thought of such a thing: he would snatch people from the"hot pepper lady" of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.

""Where's Jiang Yichen, where's Jiang Yichen!"

Math class was in progress at the moment. Zhang Yunlong ignored the math teacher who had just graduated and came to teach. Instead, he interrupted the class and called out loudly to Class 9.

Two questions in a row made the whole classroom quiet.

Some students turned their heads to look at the last row with some resentment.

They found that they had been turning their heads too frequently in the past two days and almost got cervical spondylosis.

At present, the test papers for 5 courses have been issued.

Jiang Yichen ranked first in every subject except political science.

Now only English has not been issued.

Everyone can imagine that Jiang Yichen will become the new number one in Class 9.

But at this moment, why did the grade director, bald Zhang Yunlong, come to the class and look for him directly.

Is there any big news?

Jiang Yichen was caught cheating?

Forget it. If he copied the work of students in Class 9 and could get the first place, that is also a skill.

Jiang Yichen was writing a novel in boredom.

At this moment, Pan Yun pulled him with one arm,"Looking for you!"


"Mr. Zhang, the head teacher, have you done anything wrong?"


At this time, the math teacher whispered,"Jiang Yichen, go out for a while. Everyone else, let's continue the class."

Jiang Yichen responded and then went out the back door.

Zhang Yunlong rushed over with a happy face and pulled Jiang Yichen

"The boy is quite handsome! Let's go.……"

"Director Zhang, what's going on? Please tell me first.

Jiang Yichen was not used to a man being so enthusiastic. He almost hugged her, but he quickly stopped her.

"Your mock test results are out, 631 points! 631 points!"Zhang Yunlong said eagerly,"Do you know what this means?"

""Oh." Jiang Yichen blinked and responded calmly.

Calculated in this way, his English score was about 130 points.

Overall, it was pretty good.

This was the performance he had 5 days ago.

Now, he will be even more invincible.

Zhang Yunlong was stunned,"Oh my God, Jiang Yichen, I don't think you know what this means. This means that you are the first in the liberal arts department of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School!"

"Oh, I see."Jiang Yichen nodded heavily,"Then if Director Zhang has nothing else, I will go back first."

As he spoke, Jiang Yichen turned around and prepared to leave.

But Zhang Yunlong's gesture was quick, and he grabbed Jiang Yichen again,"Why are you still here, come on, I'll take you to Class 13, our liberal arts rocket class."

Jiang Yichen didn't move,"Director Zhang, don't be like this, I'm doing well in this class."

What a joke, it's already the senior year of high school, and in this month, he has almost gotten to know everyone in the class, and now he's asked to change the environment, this is going to make Jiang Yichen depressed.

Besides, according to his current learning progress, it won't be the same no matter which class he goes to?

Why waste time!

"Hey, you don't know, this Class 9 is an ordinary class. Look, your math teacher, Xiao Huang, has just graduated and has no teaching experience. Can he teach a genius like you? No way!"

"He doesn't have the ability, you know!"

Jiang Yichen coughed lightly,"No, Mr. Huang explained it very well, I feel I have made great progress."

Although he was multitasking and spent most of his time writing novels, Jiang Yichen would occasionally listen to the questions he didn't get right. Although it was only six or seven minutes, the learning rate was at least 50 times higher.

The learning progress was soaring.

More importantly, the 24-year-old teacher Huang had just left the classroom and his face had turned black when he heard Zhang Yunlong's evaluation of him.

"No, no, come on, I've already arranged it. Go to Class 13. There's definitely room for improvement in your grades there!"

Zhang Yunlong ignored him and was ready to pull him away.

At this moment, a sharp voice came over.

"Zhang Yunlong, you****! He actually robbed me……"

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