The sound was sharp, and the students who were drinking water in the class could clearly feel the water in their cups shaking.

Zhang Yunlong was also startled.

Turning around, he saw Li Qiuxia, the head teacher of Class 9 who had no classes, running over in a pair of slippers, panting and pointing at him, her eyes bloodshot and her face fierce.

"You, you, you Li Qiuxia are rebelling against you!"

Zhang Yunlong was scolded by her harshly, and his face immediately turned dark, and his voice was stuttering.

"I just reported this to you, and you turned around and poached my students. What do you mean?"

Li Qiuxia was very unhappy. Not to mention that the grade director was here, even if Principal Liu Youxi was here, she would still be furious and want to fight for it!

Why should the talents in my class be poached?

Just because Class 13 is called the Rocket Class?

Zhang Yunlong blushed,"Do you understand the rules? How dare you talk to me like this!"

"Isn't it a waste to put a talent like Jiang Yichen in your class? Your level is high, but what about other teachers? Only Class 13 can give him a better study environment, do you understand?"

"If you want to do this for his own good, just let him go with me!"

At first, Li Qiuxia was still very angry.

But as Zhang Yunlong talked about teaching resources, especially worried about whether he would harm Jiang Yichen, her face was very tangled and painful.

Many students came over to watch the excitement.

At this time, there were not only students from Class 9, but also students from the two classrooms next to them.

The two people in the corridor were quiet for a while.

Li Qiuxia said to Jiang Yichen,"Yichen, you choose whether to stay in the class or go to Class 13. I won't stop you from choosing."

As for Zhang Yunlong's request, if Jiang Yichen didn't want to, she wouldn't let go.

Zhang Yunlong also stared at Jiang Yichen and said,"Xiao Jiang, I have been the head of the grade for many years. I know which teacher is good. Believe me, I will definitely do it for your own good!"

"You are a transfer student, and you have only been in this class for more than a month, so there is no problem in changing classes."

If he had known that Jiang Yichen would be so powerful after transferring to this class, he would have arranged him to Class 13 a long time ago, and there would be no chance for Li Qiuxia to yell at him here.

Jiang Yichen raised the corner of his mouth slightly,"I think Class 9 is good enough"

"You... don't rush to answer, think about it carefully!"Zhang Yunlong was stunned. There are such students?

Li Qiuxia's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I have already thought about it. I can study with peace of mind here. Going to other classes may affect my learning rhythm."Jiang Yichen made up a random excuse.

"This!"Zhang Yunlong was anxious and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Li Qiuxia.

"Okay, Director Zhang, Jiang Yichen just said that we will stay in Class 9, and you won’t have to worry about his teaching problems. Please go!" Li Qiuxia was firm and stretched out her hand to signal Zhang Yunlong to leave.

""Oh!" Zhang Yunlong stomped his feet and left depressed.

Li Qiuxia's eyes were a little red,"Yichen, thank you!"

"Hey, Teacher Li, you are too polite. We are still waiting for your reward!"

Because of the opposition from classmates, Li Qiuxia wanted to use a laptop to play the movie"To Live" in the classroom during the evening self-study yesterday, but finally gave up.

Li Qiuxia said to Jiang Yichen,"Okay, next time the teacher will take you to the cinema!"

Jiang Yichen smiled, waved and went back to the classroom.

After everyone entered the classroom, Li Qiuxia burst into tears of joy.

631 points in liberal arts is already a genius among geniuses. Even if Jiang Yichen performs like this, 985 schools, except for the top few, are up to her.

If she can go to Tsinghua University or Peking University, then her life will be worth it. As she is approaching retirement, if she has this honor, she will retire happily.

Teacher Huang also had a happy look on her face. She walked into the classroom and glanced at Jiang Yichen who had just sat down.

"Classmates, you should also learn from Jiang Yichen. If you see good people and emulate them, I believe you will improve. Of course, if Jiang Yichen has any good study methods, he can share them with everyone if he has time."


Study method?

Just studying for a few minutes, is this considered a study method?

Jiang Yichen was a little embarrassed.

He has a learning critical strike system, so he improves very quickly. If it were an ordinary person, he would have to work a hundred times harder than himself!

So when Jiang Yichen heard this, he waved his hands and said,"It's all thanks to the teacher's good teaching."

Pan Yun came closer at this time,"Damn, Achen, you're famous. The head of the grade asked you to go to Class 13, why don't you go?"

"Why go there? Is there anything more comfortable?"Jiang Yichen said disdainfully

"Damn, I can't even if I want to go." Pan Yun was very depressed.

Pan Yun's math was terrible, he only scored around 50 or 60 points each time. As a result, although his Chinese and history were better, his grades in other subjects were average, the kind that could be taken to a junior college.

With this level, he was already in the upper middle class in Class 9.

Among them, Chinese was a single subject where he got all three marks.

For him, it would naturally be better if he could go to the Rocket Class.

Not to mention the teaching staff, even the learning atmosphere was better.

In Class 9, except for Qin Xiaoxin, Zhang Ya, Chen Hao and Pan Yun, most of the others were in a state of self-abandonment.

For example, Zhou Xiaofeng and others, whose grades were less than 200 points, usually played games.

Even in class, they often asked for leave.

They skipped evening self-study classes for various reasons and stayed up all night in Internet cafes.

The overall learning atmosphere was not good.

Therefore, Pan Yun couldn't understand why Jiang Yichen chose to stay.

Jiang Yichen smiled,"It's okay, it's the same wherever I go, I just need to study casually"

"Damn, you're a pervert." Pan Yun was very angry.

"By the way, can't you bear to leave me?"

"Get lost."

Since Jiang Yichen said he wanted to write a novel yesterday, he only listened to the class for a few minutes during most of the class time, and spent the rest of the time writing novels in his notebook.

While not falling behind in his homework, the novel became more and more interesting.

The protagonist of the novel, Jiang Han, started to learn martial arts secretly and grew up quickly.

With his own efforts and various lucky bursts, he was noticed by Jiang Qingxue, the eldest daughter of the Jiang family.

From then on, he started to pretend to be cool and get slapped in the face, which was more and more refreshing.

It was unstoppable.

The only pity was that although Jiang Yichen wrote very quickly, his handwriting became more and more sloppy. Pan Yun couldn't recognize some words after a long time.

It was estimated that only Jiang Yichen himself could recognize them.

"You follow a genius like me, aren't you affected by my domineering aura? Logically, this shouldn't be the case."Jiang Yichen shook his head and said

"You have no aura of dominance at all." Pan Yun spitted.

But this was just a tough talk.

Pan Yun felt that when Jiang Yichen was around, he was calmer when reading.

As soon as Jiang Yichen left his seat and ran to get some water, Pan Yun's learning efficiency dropped again.

He was not the only one who felt this way. Xu Ying, a tall girl sitting in the row in front of Jiang Yichen, also thought so.

However, this girl, like Zhou Xiaofeng, had given up studying. She was not more focused on studying, but more focused on playing handheld game consoles in class...

The math class ended quickly.

Jiang Yichen was just about to go to get some water when a little girl ran over with her head down, put down a pink envelope, and left in a hurry through the back door.

"Nani, what's going on?"

"Hey, let me help you." Pan Yun laughed obscenely and reached out to grab the envelope.


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