

After returning home, Jiang Yichen told his parents about his income from royalties in November in a very calm manner.

"Next, don’t be afraid of what I’m going to say."

"We are not afraid, just tell me."

Liu Yuanxiu calmed down and answered in a relaxed manner.

But then Jiang Yichen told them about the royalties he received, which immediately stunned the two of them.

Even his sister Jiang Yixin was amazed,"Brother, you are so awesome!"

While speaking, she put her hands around his arms and kept rubbing his

"Pay attention to your image."Jiang Yichen coughed lightly,"This is a small scene, I will make more money in the future!"

Jiang Nanning recovered quickly,"Do you really make so much money writing novels?"

He and Liu Yuanxiu went to the construction site early in the morning every day, getting up early and working late, and could only earn two or three hundred yuan a day. If they didn't get any work, they could only sit at home.

Jiang Yichen's income in just one month was equivalent to his total income in several years!

He was so envious.

Liu Yuanxiu still couldn't believe it,"Could he be a liar? How could he make so much money?……"

"The money is in my card now, how can there be any scammers who will directly transfer money to you?"Jiang Yichen was a little speechless,"I told everyone that I just wanted to ask my parents, should we buy a house?"

Jiangnian Ning's eyes lit up. Yes!

So much money is enough to buy a house!

The current housing price is only about 2,000 yuan per square meter, and many are only 1,800.

With 420,000, it is enough to buy a big house, plus decoration.

Liu Yuanxiu was also very tempted. She came to the city from the countryside. In addition to giving Jiang Yichen and his sister a good education, she also wanted to have a house in the city and really settle down.

Instead of renting a house wherever she works.

She didn't save money in the past, otherwise Jiangnan Ning would have wanted to buy a house in 2000.

At that time, with 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, you could buy an old bungalow in a slightly remote area.

And the kind with a real estate certificate.

When it comes to the house, Jiang Yixin couldn't get a word in. She just hugged Jiang Yichen's arm sweetly.

It was a bit like hugging a thigh.

Jiang Yichen nodded and said,"The current housing price is already rising. Maybe in a few years it will be more than 3,000, or even more than 4,000. I happen to have this money. I plan to take it out and buy a big house for our family."

"Xinxin has grown up, it's not good for her to live in the same room with me every day!"

The middle school student period is the time for physical growth. When I was in elementary school, it was okay to sleep in the same bed with my sister, but now it's different, and I have to be more careful.

Liu Yuanxiu said,"Achen is right, let's go to see the house tomorrow."

"I still have work to do on the construction site tomorrow.……"

"Take a day off, it's okay."

Liu Yuanxiu decisively interrupted Jiang Nanning.

She was the type to do what she was told, unlike Jiang Nanning, who sometimes had difficulty making decisions.

With his wife agreeing and his son having the money, Jiang Nanning felt that his voice was weakened, but he had no choice but to agree.

Jiang Yichen said,"Let's go to Dongcheng District and buy a property near the river."

"Okay, your dad and I will go and see it tomorrow." Liu Yuanxiu smiled happily,"My son is really good. He can make so much money just by writing on the Internet."

Jiang Yichen reminded,"Don't tell anyone about this. Don't mention how much you make."

"Got it."

Although Liu Yuanxiu wanted to show off her son, it was mainly to show off his academic performance. As for money, she was not new to the world and knew what was going on.

She knew that wealth should not be shown off.

"It's your dad. He likes to drink a little wine. Don't be so big-mouthed that you spit out everything."Liu Yuanxiu rolled her eyes at Jiang Nanning.

Then the two of them didn't say much and went back to the room. They didn't disturb Jiang Yichen from typing and were ready to think seriously about buying a house.

But Liu Yuanxiu's heart was still in a trance, feeling like a dream.

According to her plan, she would have to wait until Jiang Yichen graduated from university before she could think about buying a house. Before that, she could only look at which house was suitable for rent.

You know, the landlord plans to raise the rent after Jiang Yichen takes the college entrance examination, and she has already been looking for a house to rent.

The place she chose was the same as Jiang Yichen's previous life, a top floor.

It was hot and narrow.

But now it's different. With the support of Jiang Yichen's royalties, there are many choices in this remote town.

You can even buy a house from a local directly.

In the living room, Jiang Yixin finally let go of Jiang Yichen's arm,"Hehe, brother, now that you have earned so much money, will you buy a gift for your lovely sister?"

"Buy it, I must buy it!" Jiang Yichen was in high spirits and waved his hand,"Xinxin, what gift do you want?"

"I want an MP4." Jiang Yixin said with a blink.

Jiang Yichen frowned,"What do you want an MP4 for?"

"You can listen to English, listen to music, and watch movies!"

Jiang Yichen had some impression of MP4, but not very deeply. Instead, he had a stronger impression of MP3.

He remembered that MP4 quickly died out after the advent of smart phones.

Meizhu seemed to have started out by making MP4s, and later developed mobile phones, which became very successful.

Jiang Yichen thought about it, looked at Jiang Yixin's longing eyes, and agreed,"MP4 won't work, it's only for watching movies and novels, I'll buy you an Apple iPod."

"Wow. I heard that it's too expensive. Just buy a Newman or something. Jiang Yixin said hurriedly.

"I have money now, so I must give you the best." Jiang Yichen smiled and pinched his sister's face, then laughed.

Jiang Yixin pouted,"Thank you, brother. But don't always pull my face.……"

The next day, Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu were very happy. They made breakfast casually and then rode their motorcycles to look at houses early.

As for the card, it was still in Jiang Yichen's hands.

According to Liu Yuanxiu, since Jiang Yichen earned it himself, he could use it at his own discretion. His son had grown up and his mother didn't need to worry about him anymore.

Soon, the two of them fell in love with the newly opened Binjiang No. 1.

The house price was 2,100 yuan per square meter. They chose 1 kitchen, 3 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, with a total area of 167 square meters.

It was very spacious.

Originally, they were just thinking about buying a house for 130 or 140 yuan, but Jiang Nanning saw this house type and looked at it for a long time. He thought it was very good. After coming back and talking to Jiang Yichen, he immediately decided on it.

The total price was only 350,000 yuan.

Compared with the housing prices in the past few years, it can be said to be very cheap. It was more than 160 square meters, and each room was very spacious. There were 2 master bedrooms, 1 guest bedroom, and one that could be fully equipped with floor-to-ceiling windows for use as a study.

Jiang Yichen didn't have time to take care of it, so he directly transferred 400,000 yuan to Jiang Nanning through the bank, asking him to buy the house and prepare for the renovation.

According to Jiang Nanning,"We are both masons, and we can do everything except carpentry and plumbing and electrical work ourselves."……"

And because he often does plastering and is very familiar with other types of work, he can get the best price.

According to him, with 50,000 yuan, the decoration can be completed!

However, Jiang Yichen disagrees.

No matter how simple the decoration is, it will be lived in for many years after all, so it still needs to be similar.

According to the current price, the decoration of 110,000 to 120,000 yuan is still necessary."Well, I just happened to learn some design, and I will design the whole thing in the next two days. You guys take a look at it and we'll talk about it later!"

Jiang Yichen smiled as he looked at the new machine that he had just spent 10,000 yuan to assemble, and the network cable that had just been pulled.

It's time to show real strength...

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