Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400

Motherboard: ASUS P5Q

Memory: Kingston 8GB DDR2 800

Hard disk: Seagate 500G 7200 16M

Graphics card: Dylan HD4850


A very mainstream configuration, at least running these design software, there is no big problem.

Although, for Jiang Yichen, who was reborn in the previous life, this configuration is extremely rubbish.

But after all, it is a difference in time.

At this time when everyone is still using the XP system, 1G memory or 2G memory, Jiang Yichen's 8G memory is already very large.

The monitor also has a 21-inch large monitor, which looks very high-end and classy.

As for the laptop, Jiang Yichen put it aside and set a password to prevent his sister from using it secretly.

According to him, Jiang Yixin is only in the second grade of junior high school and cannot touch the computer, otherwise his heart will be wild.

Fortunately, Jiang Yixin at this time didn't know what the computer could do. He just saw Jiang Yichen typing and self-learning some software, which felt very boring.

After pulling the network cable, Jiang Yichen immediately felt that the network speed had improved a lot.

Of course, he is probably not the only one who feels that the network speed has improved. The landlord brother He Dong probably feels the same way.

Jiang Yichen tried it and felt that the assembled computer is an assembled computer. Both the speed and the feeling have been significantly improved.

This feeling is especially obvious after opening design software such as CAD.

Of course, learning the critical hit system is also improving rapidly.

In just half a month, Jiang Yichen has reached the C-level in software design!

In the true sense, holding a book"From Beginner to Mastery" has achieved mastery.

----Σ(°△ °〣)---

The results of the second mock exam came out soon.

The students in Class 9 heard Li Qiuxia's cheerful and cheerful voice from a distance.

"Teacher Li, congratulations, a genius has emerged in your class!"

"No, no, our average score has even dropped compared to the last mock exam!"

Although he said that, he was actually quite pleased with himself. He was just being modest.

When Li Qiuxia entered Class 9, the originally low-pitched discussion soon quieted down.

Because the seemingly happy Li Qiuxia immediately changed her expression and stared at everyone with a stern face.

"The results of this mock exam are very unsatisfactory!"Li Qiuxia didn't even call the class to a close. She threw the test paper away and said sternly,

"The average score dropped by 5 points! What are you doing? Are you thinking about the fairy when you are doing the test paper?"


Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

You were so happy just now, I thought you would be praised, but you were criticized again.……

"If you guys work half as hard as Jiang Yichen, I'll be thankful!"

Li Qiuxia looked at everyone who was so quiet that they didn't say anything, and said unhappily

"All the scores have been printed out. This is the ranking list. Zhang Ya, you can post it on the wall later so that everyone can see it and compare the differences."

The report card in his hand was raised, and then his face was slightly smiling.

"In this mock exam, Jiang Yichen won the first place in the liberal arts of the county with a total score of 706! I hope everyone can learn from Jiang Yichen."

706 points?!

Damn, is this cheating?!

Even if there is an answer, it can't be so awesome!

Everyone turned their heads and stared at Jiang Yichen in admiration.

Jiang Yichen was prepared in his heart. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stood up and raised his hand to press down,"It's just basic exercises, don't be surprised."

In his heart, he still felt that being deducted 44 points was a bit strange.

After all, for him, he had critically hit the D level in all 6 courses, and he had no problem dealing with high school knowledge.

It can only be said that the subjectivity of liberal arts is still relatively strong, and it is impossible to satisfy the examiners and examiners.

Zhong Ling's eyes were shining with little stars,"Wow, Jiang Yichen, you are my idol!!"


"Too strong, it's simply overwhelming us……"

"Jiang Yichen, please teach me, I want to be awesome too……"

After Jiang Yichen stood up and said"Versailles", everyone started laughing and playing.

Li Qiuxia rarely showed any anger and let everyone give their speeches.

""Okay, everyone be quiet."

After everyone finished speaking, Li Qiuxia coughed and said,"Jiang Yichen, if you have time, you can help the teacher guide the students. If you can help them improve their scores, they will be able to beat many competitors in the college entrance examination."

Jiang Yichen was about to refuse when the system in his mind rang again.

【Ding! The system automatically generates tasks based on the current situation】

【Random task: Li Qiuxia, the head teacher, hopes that you can help your classmates improve their grades.

As the protagonist in the spotlight, you can take on this task and win the admiration of everyone.

Task Reward: The reward will be determined according to the improvement of the average score of the college entrance examination.

If the average score increases by 5 points, a small random lottery will be awarded; if it increases by 10 points, a large random lottery will be awarded; if it increases by 15 points or more, two C-level rewards can be selected.

Is there such a good thing?

Jiang Yichen was stunned.

This is the second time that the system has a random task. Before this, I was still thinking whether only the plot NPC Chen Hao could trigger it, but later I found that Chen Hao didn't dare to fight me, so there was no task.

I didn't expect Li Qiuxia to give me a task.

But this task is not easy to complete.

Not to mention the long time, but also to improve the average score, which is simply too difficult.

You must know that in this class, except for a few who can go to the second-tier universities, it is good for 1/3 of the others to go to junior college, and most of them have to work after graduating from the college entrance examination.

So, it is extremely difficult to improve the average score.

It is better to let the college entrance examination examiner come up with a simple question.

However, it was a rare mission, so Jiang Yichen immediately accepted it.

"Okay, I will tutor you for an hour every night."

Jiang Yichen thought about it and agreed.

Now he has enough manuscripts of his novels, and it is not a big problem to guide students between 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening during self-study.

In addition, he plans to sort out some key points and let everyone spend time memorizing them. He believes that there will be certain gains.

Although it will not be of any help to some people who don't want to study, such as Zhou Xiaofeng, it will still be helpful for those students who still have ideas.

Li Qiuxia clapped her hands and smiled happily,"Very good, then every day during self-study in the future, Jiang Yichen, you will go to the podium and tutor everyone."

""Yes." Jiang Yichen nodded in agreement.

The test papers were handed out soon. Pan Yun couldn't put down Jiang Yichen's Chinese test paper.

"Awesome! 142 points, only a few points were deducted……"

"Yours is not bad either, 120 points, and your handwriting can also be improved."

Jiang Yichen took a look at Pan Yun's test paper, which was exactly 120 points. It can be said that basically except for himself, his Chinese score is probably the highest in the class.

As for Jiang Yichen, his score is something that others look up to.

If Jiang Yichen"luckily" scored more than 600 points in the first mock exam, then this time, under the supervision of the most perverted invigilator in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, he was able to get this score, which is beyond envy. It is completely the worship of the god of learning by the poor student.

After class, Zhang Ya took the report card given to him by Li Qiuxia and was shocked.

Jiang Yichen, who ranked first, had the scores for each subject right there.

Chinese: 142 points

Mathematics: 150 points

English: 139 points

Liberal arts: 275 points

Total score: 706 points

Class ranking: 1

School ranking: 1


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