The final exams of the first semester of senior year ended quickly, which also meant the arrival of winter vacation.

Anyuan No. 1 Middle School still had to make up classes during the winter vacation, but Anyuan No. 2 Middle School did not.

Because of Jiang Yichen, it was heard that Anyuan No. 1 Middle School exploited this group of students very badly, which made many people very uncomfortable with the name Jiang Yichen.

Some even wanted to come and find trouble.

But compared to the gangsters, there were many more in Anyuan No. 2 Middle School. Usually they didn't dare to get close to them, let alone come and cause trouble. It was nothing more than talk.

On the night of the final exam, Li Qiuxia specially arranged to go to the cinema to watch a movie.

"The movie tonight is very good, everyone remember to come."Before leaving get out of class, Li Qiuxia reminded everyone,"Jiang Yichen has also prepared popcorn and Coke for everyone."

"Wow, good!"

"Are you watching"Ip Man"? I heard it's very good!"

"Invite me then too"

"Oh, I have to take the bus home soon, so I can't watch it. What a pity.……"

Except for some classmates whose families live in the countryside, most of them still plan to go and see the movie together.

Normally, those who still want to study will not go to any entertainment venues. As for others who don’t want to study, most of them go to places like Internet cafes. There are relatively few people who actually go to the movies.

After all, watching a movie also requires a lot of money.

Pan Yun bumped Jiang Yichen with his arm,"Will you go to see it tonight?"

"Of course I will go. I need to learn: I want to play ten"

""What?" Pan Yun didn't understand what he was talking about.

The movie was just released last month, and he didn't pay much attention to it, so he didn't know about this.

Jiang Yichen wanted to go and see it, and he had an idea.

That was to see if he could learn Wing Chun from the movie.

Although most of the movies are not real, for the sake of authenticity, these martial arts movies do have people who are asking for advice or have real kung fu. If you can activate the critical strike learning system and learn some self-defense skills, it would be a good choice.

At present, in terms of physical fitness skills, Jiang Yichen has no other way to exercise except running and basketball, which is more or less monotonous.

"Jiang Yichen, there is a game tomorrow, would you like to come along?"

Just as Jiang Yichen and Pan Yun were about to leave, Zhou Xiaofeng's voice came over.

He had a basketball in his hand and was playing with it.

Jiang Yichen felt that he should actually study sports, as there was no future for him in this liberal arts class.

"No, I have something to do tomorrow." Jiang Yichen shook his head,"Invite me in a few days."

Tomorrow is January 12th, and Jiang Yichen is ready to leave for the Magic City.

Now that he has money in his hands, he doesn't have to rush so much, and he can have some extra time to stroll around the Magic City.

Zhou Xiaofeng was a little disappointed,"Is that so? If you don't come, our combat effectiveness will drop a lot!"

"My level is also average."Jiang Yichen shrugged.

Although he has improved a little by learning critical strike, he has not practiced to improve it. Although he has not lost progress, he has not improved much. There is still some gap in the specific C-level level.

Zhou Xiaofeng smiled,"You are just pretending, how can I not know your level? Then wait a few days, a few friends from Anyuan No. 1 Middle School said they want to come and play"

"Okay, I'll contact you later." Jiang Yichen agreed.

He was not opposed to playing basketball. Now that his level had improved, Jiang Yichen felt that it was good to exercise his body in this way.

Not only that, it would also bring him closer to his classmates.

In his previous life, he was too ordinary and didn't have many friends.

But this life was different. His brilliance had already blossomed, and it was impossible for him to keep a low profile.

---₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑---

At 7 o'clock in the evening, it was Sanhai Cinema, the only cinema in Anyuan County.

Li Qiuxia booked a small hall that could seat more than 50 people.

But only 38 people actually showed up.

Including Li Qiuxia and several teachers, there were 41 people.

As for why Li Qiuxia also had the money to book a movie, it was because of Jiang Yichen.

Li Qiuxia, as the head teacher, naturally deserves credit for the fact that such a genius appeared in her class and had not been poached.

For this, she received a special reward from the school, 10,000 yuan.

It happened that she had promised to treat everyone to a movie before, so she took this opportunity to gather everyone together.

Zhang Ya and Zhong Ling, both wearing thick down jackets, one white and the other beige, came over again.

"Shall we sit together?"

"It's up to you." Jiang Yichen made way for him,"There are enough seats, sit wherever you want."

He took Pan Yun to sit in the last three rows. He did not rush to sit in the front like other students.

Pan Yun sat next to Jiang Yichen tactfully, not stopping Zhong Ling from leaning against him.

Jiang Yichen did not take the initiative to pay attention to him, and discussed things with Pan Yun,"The bus will arrive in Hongzhou tomorrow afternoon, and then we will take the train. There is a seat, but it will take more than 10 hours to get to Shanghai, and it will be around 7 o'clock in the morning."

"……Didn’t you buy a train?"

"The train costs more than 300 yuan. Pan Yun explained.

"It would be better to take a plane, your arrangement is really bad." Jiang Yichen stroked his forehead, thinking that he was being lazy. Pan Yun asked him to make the arrangements, so he let him make them. But he didn't expect that it was so far from what he wanted.

Pan Yun was stunned,"This is a very economical arrangement, the ticket is only 106"

"I'll choose it myself when I get back." Jiang Yichen shook his head

"But you have to go in advance, otherwise it will be hard to buy tickets. The weather this year is so cold that it's snowing in Changcheng."Pan Yun reminded

"Got it."

On the other side, two girls were chatting secretly.

"What should I do? Jiang Yichen doesn't want to talk to me at all.……"Zhong Ling was very depressed.

She was not bad looking, so why didn't Jiang Yichen next to her even look at her?

Although they would chat, they were also cold.

Sometimes he even joked more with Zhang Ya.

This made her very depressed.

Zhang Ya was also a little helpless. She also acted as a wingman, but it was useless!

Jiang Yichen was indeed more talkative with her, but he talked very little to Zhong Ling.

It felt a bit deliberate.

In other words, he wanted to dispel her unrealistic ideas.

"She is indeed so outstanding, Ling, you should be more open-minded, it would be nice if we can just be ordinary friends."

"……"Zhong Ling was silent.

Jiang Yichen didn't pay attention to what the two said. After a while, Zhong Ling and Zhang Ya changed positions.

At this time, the movie started.

Jiang Yichen didn't have much impression of the plot of the first part of"Ip Man". The only thing he remembered clearly was the line,"I want to beat ten people."

It was full of domineering.

As if in response to Jiang Yichen's idea, these martial arts training scenes were carefully observed by Jiang Yichen, and the system prompt sound immediately rang

【Ding! Learning behavior detected, current learning content: Chinese martial arts (Wing Chun)】

【Ding! Learning to produce critical hits, with a critical hit multiplier of 25 times! Your Chinese martial arts learning progress has increased by 75 points. Your Chinese martial arts (Wing Chun) level has been upgraded to F level, and the current progress is (65/100)]

Although it was just a very simple upgrade, Jiang Yichen's mind was flooded with relevant boxing knowledge, and it seemed that he had gotten started in an instant!

To practice Chinese martial arts well, getting started is one level, and mastering is another level.

Today, Jiang Yichen has already stepped half a foot into the field of Chinese martial arts!

While watching the martial arts training scenes in the movie, Jiang Yichen's hands couldn't help but stretch out and wave along with the movie camera.

Pan Yun and Zhang Ya, who were watching seriously, now stared at Jiang Yichen with wide eyes.

Is this, obsessed with watching the movie?

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