When Ip Man fought against General Sanpu, Jiang Yichen felt that his martial arts skills were growing explosively.

He didn't even feel that he had learned the basics of karate!

【Ding! Learning behavior detected, current learning content: Karate】

【Ding! Learning to generate critical hits, the critical hit multiplier is 5 times! Your national martial arts learning progress has increased by 30 points. Your karate level has been upgraded to F level, and the current progress is (20/100)]

As for Wing Chun, it has increased greatly. By the end of the film, Jiang Yichen's Wing Chun has reached the intermediate level of D level!

【--Chinese martial arts (Wing Chun): D-level (541/1000)】 He is basically familiar with small ideas and looking for bridges. He knows the basic techniques such as rubbing hands, lifting hands, and breaking rows of hands clearly. Even the standing position has a vague shape.

Although Jiang Yichen had not learned it specifically before, his brain seemed to tell his body that you have failed.

Even Pan Yun and Zhang Ya felt that Jiang Yichen's temperament seemed to have changed.

His hands were still gesturing.

Zhang Ya watched Jiang Yichen's hands moving constantly, and handed the popcorn in his bag to the other party.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yichen subconsciously raised his hand to block it, and fought back with both defense and attack.

The popcorn in his hand was immediately scattered all over the floor.

"Jiang Yichen, are you obsessed with watching movies?"

Zhang Ya was shocked and shouted. Jiang

Yichen finally reacted,"Ha, sorry, I was just learning boxing!"

Zhang Ya rolled her eyes,"Now it's all gone."

"Let me help pick it up."

"Forget it, it's scattered like this, I can only let Auntie sweep it up."

Pan Yun saw Jiang Yichen taking action,"Achen, what are you doing!"

"I said I watched it for a while and I felt like I had learned Wing Chun. Do you believe me?" Jiang Yichen shrugged and said

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you ready to tell everyone that you are going to beat up ten people?" Pan Yun was speechless. After watching the movie, he finally understood why Jiang Yichen said"beat up ten people". It turned out that he came prepared.

The movie ended quickly, and Pan Yun walked in front, clearing a smooth path.

Li Qiuxia said loudly in the front row,"Do you think the movie is good?!"


"Great fight!"

"Okay, then everyone should write a reflection on your experience during the winter vacation and hand it in to me when school starts!"


Everyone was depressed, and their good mood suddenly dropped, and their voices became sparse.

Zhou Xiaofeng and others whistled, encouraging people to disperse.

Li Qiuxia had no choice but to let everyone leave.

Pan Yun was also speechless,"This teacher Li is weird. Last time he gave you rewards for the exam and gave you test papers, but this time he gave you winter vacation homework for watching a movie during the holiday. I'm really fucking convinced."……"

"Isn't this to strengthen everyone's patriotism education?" Jiang Yichen smiled

"Anyway, I won't write it. To be honest, China was so weak at that time. What's the point of learning some martial arts? Can it save the country and the people? Ye Wen almost couldn't even save himself."Pan Yun complained.

Zhang Ya thought for a while and said,"There is no one to practice boxing now. After all, weapons have eliminated these national arts."

"It's good for keeping fit and protecting yourself occasionally." Jiang Yichen shrugged.

"As for other deeper things, why bother to delve into them so much? This is just a video to show you the story of the famous boxing star Yip Man."

"To be honest, Wing Chun is a niche martial art in China."Jiang Yichen continued,"It is more of a defensive style." Pan Yun chuckled

,"Anyway, I don't understand it, but I think it's filmed very well."

After going downstairs, Jiang Yichen said goodbye to the two girls and bowed,"Happy winter vacation, both of you, see you when school starts."

Zhang Ya chuckled,"Is I possessed by Ip Man?"

"That's right, maybe he will teach me a set of Wing Chun."Jiang Yichen said jokingly.

Zhong Ling probably understood, her face was not very good, she waved her hand, and left with Zhang Ya.

Pan Yun glanced at the backs of the two people leaving,"Hey, that girl is pretty good, are you really giving up?"

"There will be better things in college." Jiang Yichen shook his head.

The two then rode back side by side, discussed the specific details, and then separated.

When they got home, Jiang Yixin was already very excited. He took a shower early, put on cool pajamas, and packed his things.

Seeing Jiang Yichen coming back, he smiled and said,"Brother, your movie is finally over. Come and pack your clothes. Aren't we leaving tomorrow?"

"……There is no need to be so anxious. The bus leaves at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Jiang Yichen said with a smile.

Then, Jiang Yichen sank his energy into his dantian, stood in a horse stance with his eight characters inward, and prepared to practice.

Liu Yuanxiu was helping, and when she saw Jiang Yichen doing this, she was stunned and kicked him,"What are you doing! Go take a shower and pack your things early, don't leave anything behind."

Jiang Yichen, who had just got ready, fell down immediately,"Okay."

There was no other way. His parents seldom went out, and when they knew that Jiang Yichen was going to Shanghai, they were even more worried, and they wanted to think of everything.

When Jiang Yichen came back from taking a shower, Liu Yuanxiu had almost packed a big box.

"There's no need to bring so many things!" Jiang Yichen had a headache, as he also had to bring a newly bought woolen coat.

The suitcase was full of clothes for just two people.

Liu Yuanxiu said,"The Demon Capital is in the north, and I heard the temperature is very cold, so it's always a good idea to bring more clothes."

"OK, I'll wear this coat tomorrow. No need to put it in the suitcase. It's tiring to carry it."

"This is what you wore to the event that day. If you wear it on the train tomorrow, won’t it get dirty?"Liu Yuanxiu disagreed.

Jiang Yichen felt that he couldn't argue with his mother, so he could only follow her.

"You need to bring your ID card. This is Xinxin's household registration book. Don't you need it to buy tickets and stay in a hotel?" Liu Yuanxiu reminded again.

Jiang Yichen took it.

"Your wallet is in your bag. You should pay special attention to it. When you go out, put your bag on your back and put it in front of you, so you don't have to worry about it being stolen."

"Got it. Mom, don't worry. I'm such a big person, how can I not be able to take care of myself?" In the previous life, people usually had electronic ID cards, and their wallets were in WeChat or Alipay, so they didn't need to carry so many things.

Liu Yuanxiu's eyes were a little red,"Yes, you have grown up, and you will graduate next year and take the entrance exams for Tsinghua University and Peking University, and you will also go to study abroad alone. You should be more sensible, and take good care of Xinxin outside, and don't lose her."

Jiang Yixin stuck out her tongue,"I won't lose her, I'm not a child anymore."

"You girl, you can make a lot of noise at home, but not outside. You must listen to your brother and don't run around casually."Liu Yuanxiu warned with a stern face. Jiang

Yichen smiled and said,"Pan Yun will also go. On the day of my event, Xinxin will not get lost with him there."

"That's good."

Jiang Nanning just smoked and didn't say anything.

After Liu Yuanxiu explained all the big and small things clearly, he put out the cigarette.

"I'll take you to the station tomorrow."


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