[Ding! The study generates a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 98 times! Your geography (high school) learning progress has increased by 196 points!】

【Ding! Your study generates a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 44 times! Your geography (high school) study progress has increased by 88 points!】


After watching for less than 10 minutes, Jiang Yichen found that his luck had changed suddenly. He was possessed by the European Emperor!

At least 20 times, and the highest was 98 times!

Could it be that bathing and changing clothes would give him a bonus on the drop rate?

The progress of geography learning was increasing rapidly.

Jiang Yichen felt that a large amount of geography knowledge was stuffed into his mind quickly.

Yes, stuffed!

After Jiang Yichen read some of the basic knowledge before, he naturally extended and mastered this knowledge, and it seemed that he had mastered it very firmly.

Jiang Yichen even thought that if he were to take the geography test now, he would be able to get at least 70 or 80 points.

【--Geography: E-level (656/1000)]

Seeing that it was getting late at night, Jiang Yichen decisively closed the book.

With the learning crit system, why should I study so hard all the time?

Just put in a little effort.

We just need to make a little progress every day.

Thinking in his heart, Jiang Yichen turned off the desk lamp and lay down on the bamboo bed.

It was a bit hard and he was not used to it.

Jiang Yichen's mind was also daydreaming rapidly, and he couldn't sleep at all.

With the learning crit system, learning is not a big problem. Not to mention the top scorer in the college entrance examination, at least there is no problem in a good university.

On the contrary, several other skills interested him.

"System, are you there?"

【Ding! Host, I'm here.】

"What are life skills?"

【Skills related to the host's production and life, such as cooking, tea art, gardening, gambling, ball art, agronomy, driving, swimming, etc.】

"What about artistic skills?"

【As the name suggests, artistic skills, such as calligraphy, painting, chess, piano, etc., will be subdivided according to the actual situation.】

"What about Jianwu?" Jiang Yichen was very curious and continued to ask

【For example, various martial arts, swords, boxing, fitness exercises】

"Hey, you can learn this."

【Yes, host, please continue to work hard and strive to become an all-rounder.

Jiang Yichen was a little excited,"With the system, isn't this a piece of cake?"

【……】(System: It’s still up to me, /tsundere)

After knowing these specific matters, Jiang Yichen fell asleep with a smile.

After getting up the next day, Jiang Yichen took some time to read the geography book. As a result, the learning critical hit system kept popping up messages.

【Ding! Learn to generate critical hits, the critical hit multiplier is……】

Seeing that his geography study progress was quickly approaching the maximum level of E, Jiang Yichen happily went to wash up.

"Wow, it's rare that you get up to read a book." Jiang Yixin, who was standing by, sneered.

"Xiaoxin, you are still young and don't know how powerful I am. I am a genius, but I have been hiding my strength in the past. Now that the college entrance examination is approaching, I am ready to wake up."

Jiang Yichen patted Jiang Yixin on the head, rubbed her hair, and said earnestly.

This sister is a little thin.

She is not tall. She has not developed yet.

Jiang Yixin knocked Jiang Yichen's hand away,"Cut it out, just brag. Mom has already said that you can't even get into a junior college with your grades."

"I've already said that, I haven't awakened yet."Jiang Yichen snorted in a childish way.

Then he ignored her and went straight to the kitchen.

Liu Yuanxiu was preparing breakfast for the two of them, cooking noodles.

Jiang Yichen watched for a while, and just as he was about to leave, the voice of the system in his mind rang again.

【Ding! Learning behavior detected, current learning time is 1 minute 20 seconds, learning content is cooking】

【Ding! Learning to generate critical hits, the critical hit multiplier is 26 times! Your cooking learning progress has increased by 31 points. Your cooking skills have been upgraded to F level, and the current progress is 26/100. Congratulations, you can cook noodles and make fried rice very smoothly!】


Jiang Yichen was a little speechless. Was his cooking skill really that bad?

After all, he had been a Meituan courier for many years. Although he usually ate the food cooked by Liu Yuanxiu, he had been influenced by her for a long time!

Liu Yuanxiu said with disdain,"Don't you want to eat noodles again?"

"Eat, but noodles are better"

"Eating noodles can help you grow taller, you need to eat more. Look at you, you haven't grown taller in the past few years."Liu Yuanxiu scolded.

Jiang Yichen had no choice but to shut up and run to the table to eat.

He is now 1.7 meters tall. When he was in the science class, he sat in the fifth row.

Now he has transferred to the liberal arts class, and because there are no extra seats, he can only sit in the last row.

As for his father Jiang Nanning, he went to work at the construction site long before 7 o'clock.

The noodles are plain noodles with chopped green onions, and they smell very fragrant.

"Isn't liberal arts easier?"

Sitting at the table, Liu Yuanxiu looked at him and asked

"Well, it's still relatively easy."

Jiang Yichen paused, thinking back to the rapid progress of his geography studies last night, and replied with a smile.

Liu Yuanxiu smiled.

"You can't get into science, so you can only switch to liberal arts. You should be more serious. Look at me and your father. We didn't get any education, so we could only work on construction sites. You are different. You can find easy and profitable jobs after you get education."

"……Got it."

Jiang Yichen ate his noodles quickly and answered hesitantly.

Jiang Yixin came over and smiled, but was immediately scolded by Liu Yuanxiu.

"You too, stop laughing and joking all day long and just watch TV."


Jiang Yixin pouted and stabbed the noodles hard with chopsticks in frustration.

But Liu Yuanxiu immediately slapped him on the back of his head,"You're so slow to eat."

The two were so scared that they stopped talking and ate the noodles in a hurry.

The two siblings were more afraid of Liu Yuanxiu, especially since they started to study. Jiang Nanning rarely supervised them, and Liu Yuanxiu was responsible for them. If they didn't study well, hehe, they would be given a meal of braised meat with twigs.

As for the academic performance, they were preached too much.

After all, Liu Yuanxiu didn't have much cultural level and couldn't read, so the two siblings had to read by themselves.

There are 2,000 commonly used Chinese characters, and she probably knows 50 of them.

Therefore, although she was rarely disciplined in her studies, she was still disciplined in her conduct.

After drinking all the noodle soup, Jiang Yichen looked at Liu Yuanxiu, who had a lot of white hair, and said,

"Mom, don't worry, I'll get into a good university and make you proud."

Liu Yuanxiu said with a smile,"Don't brag, study hard, I just hope you can get into a junior college."

"Hey, your wish is too small, don't scare yourself next time." Jiang Yichen shook his head and sighed

"You little bastard."

After checking the time on the electronic watch, Jiang Yichen waved his hand and left.

"I won't say any more. I'm going to school."

On the way, Jiang Yichen was still thinking, it's good to learn something just by reading.

It's a pity that it's only 2008 now, there are no smart phones, and there is no BI station, otherwise you can get it for free on BI station, there are a lot of things to learn there.

Yes, there is also Tomato Novel, you can read novels for free, he liked it very much in his previous life.

Sometimes he would follow it closely and watch it at least until two or three in the morning!


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