Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.

As you can tell from the name, this middle school is not one of the top middle schools in Anyuan.

The top students went to Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, and when it came to Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, there were only some middle and lower level students.

For this reason, Anyuan No. 2 Middle School changed its thinking and tried to make efforts in art and sports.

If Jiang Yichen was not tall enough and had no artistic talent, Liu Yuanxiu would have thought of letting him switch to sports or fine arts.

It would be nice to be a physical education teacher or an art teacher after graduation. As soon as

Jiang Yichen entered the campus, he was stopped by a sarcastic remark.

"Hey, isn't this the guy who just transferred to the liberal arts class?"

Jiang Yichen looked up and saw that it was a classmate from Class 3, Zhang Zhichang.

He had a pointed face and was not tall. He was wearing the school uniform of No. 2 Middle School and his expression was very funny. He was a bully in class and had never gotten along with Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen had a relatively deep impression of him because after graduation, this guy specialized in repairing leaking houses at home.

Later, he was not sure what happened.���As he was repairing, he ended up repairing the bed of a left-behind woman.

Finally, one day, an angry man chopped him to death.

Jiang Yichen remembered that it seemed to be in 2018. It was widely circulated in the circle of friends and WeChat groups. Because he was a former classmate, he watched it a few more times.

Therefore, when he watched it again at this time, he still had an impression.

"It's none of your business." Jiang Yichen said directly

"Damn, you are so arrogant, let's meet in the woods after school."

Zhang Zhichang sneered when he heard it.

The classmate who usually doesn't talk much and is used to being bullied actually became so arrogant?

Jiang Yichen shook his head,"I'm sorry, I'm not that naive, go play in the mud by yourself."

As he spoke, he pushed him away and was about to leave.

"Damn, you rubbish, you changed your personality after switching to liberal arts, and you dare to talk to me like that? Who do you think you are?"

Zhang Zhichang cursed,"I tell you, even if you switch to liberal arts, you are still rubbish."

"Just wait and see who is the rubbish."

Jiang Yichen sneered.

He had no interest in chatting with this kind of scum.

When the class arrived, the morning self-study was about to start.

"Why are you so late?"

Pan Yun took a book and spread it out, still eating breakfast.

A cup of soy milk and four big meat buns.

The whole thing smelled very strong.

If this place wasn't the last row, other students would have scolded him.

Jiang Yichen pouted,"What a weirdo!"

"You were in the class?"

"No more talking, read, read." Jiang Yichen didn't want to talk much, he just wanted to see how much progress he could make in this 40-minute morning self-study.

Pan Yun looked at Jiang Yichen with contempt,"Just pretend."

"Here, have a bun."

Jiang Yichen took it without hesitation, took a big bite, and the full chicken juice overflowed to his lips."Well, since you want to lose weight anyway, I will help you"

"If you are not good at history, geography, and politics, I will teach you later. This requires skills."

Pan Yun finished the big meat bun in two or three bites, wiped his hands with a tissue, and said

""Tsk, I appreciate your kindness. But there's no need to worry. What's so difficult about liberal arts? I can catch up easily."

Jiang Yichen said with a crooked mouth

"Wow, is it that awesome?"

"Super brave."

After eating the meat bun, Jiang Yichen smiled, opened the Chinese textbook, and began to read silently.

This time he did not stop after reading for a minute, but quickly read silently to follow up.

Although he did not achieve ten lines at a glance, it was almost the same as speed reading.

Jiang Yichen planned to see if this long period of study crit could give himself a surprise.

The loud reading sounds in the morning self-study came into his ears, making Jiang Yichen feel very cordial.

In the past, I was afraid of studying and wished I could graduate early and not take exams anymore.

But after really struggling in the society, I will envy those young students.

They are under the wings of their parents, without any burden of life, they only need to study.

But even so, some people are tired.

Time passed quickly without knowing it.

When the morning self-study was over, Jiang Yichen closed his eyes lightly, quietly waiting for the arrival of the study crit.

【Ding! Learning behavior detected, current learning time is 38 minutes and 34 seconds, learning content is Chinese (senior high school)】

【Ding! Learning produces a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 95 times! Your Chinese learning progress has increased by 3642 points. Your Chinese has been upgraded to level D, and the current progress is (2877/10000). Congratulations, your Chinese is almost invincible in high school! 】

Damn it!

An instant of knowledge initiation made Jiang Yichen's mind clear instantly.

It seemed that all the Chinese knowledge that needed to be mastered in high school was loaded into his mind. Famous ancient Chinese articles, literary appreciation, and essays, none of them could stump him.

Putting down the Chinese textbook in his hand, Jiang Yichen crossed his legs, looked at the classmates who were still studying, tilted his head and showed Zhao Desheng's proud smile.

"Look, you guys are still studying hard, but I just glanced at the book casually, and I'm already invincible in Chinese in high school. If I study more, won't I be able to reach the level of a graduate student directly?"

Jiang Yichen laughed in his heart.

But Pan Yun slapped him in the face and broke his proud reverie.

"Which beauty are you looking at?"

Pan Yun winked.

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him,"How many beauties can there be in our class?"

Because it is a liberal arts class, the proportion of girls is higher, with 36 people, and there are only 19 boys.

As for the quality, it must be uneven.

And from Jiang Yichen's perspective in his previous life, they are all high school students, most of them have not yet fully developed, and passive skills such as clothing and dressing have not yet been added, so it is hard to tell how many beauties there are. There are only a few good-looking ones, and they are all surrounded by boys.

Some of the more mature ones are directly pursued.

But most of them are still a little shy.

For example, Pan Yun sitting next to him.

He just likes Zhang Ya, a classmate sitting in the first row.

Because the two of them often arrange to clean together, after a few contacts, Pan Yun has a crush on each other.

But Zhang Ya naturally won't like him with his tonnage.

As for how the two of them got together after graduation, Jiang Yichen doesn't know.

It is estimated that they were managed by the fat man's persistence.

"Here, study committee member Luo Lin, and Zhao Dandan……"

Jiang Yichen followed Pan Yun's finger and took a look. He didn't have a big impression of these people. It seemed that none of them came back to Anyuan to work.

After a look, he could also see Pan Yun's aesthetic taste. He liked the kind of petite and beautiful girls with good figures.

"All right A, what kind of vision do you have?"Jiang Yichen narrowed his eyes and looked at it, and said disdainfully


"Forget it, you won't know even if I tell you, save more money in the future and buy milk powder."

Jiang Yichen patted Pan Yun's shoulder comfortingly, and stood up to take a rest.

Although more than 90 times the critical hit is difficult to achieve, at this learning progress, Jiang Yichen estimated that he could learn at least one course to D level every day. Then, mock exams and college entrance examinations would be easy and easy.

After learning all six liberal arts courses to D level, he could try to dabble in other things.

At least making a little money is not too much, right?

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