The first class in the morning was Chinese.

The Chinese teacher was also the head teacher, a middle-aged woman named Li Qiuxia. She was usually very aggressive and difficult to get along with.

However, this class was just an ordinary class after all, so she didn't put much thought into it.

After all, to be honest, it would be good if four or five people in this class could pass the college entrance examination.

Most people just wanted to get into a junior college.

"The mock exam will be held in a few days, so everyone should concentrate and prepare well. I just checked everyone's morning self-study in advance, and many students have not yet entered the state of reviewing for the third year of high school."

Li Qiuxia coughed heavily and said

"Chinese is the subject that is easiest for you to improve. I hope you can make good use of your morning and evening self-study time to memorize more ancient poems and essay quotes. Maybe by coincidence, you can get more than ten points in the college entrance examination, which will at least help you beat thousands of people."

"Don't underestimate yourself, believe that you can definitely get into a good school."

No matter what, Li Qiuxia still tried her best to give everyone hope.

Although Jiang Yichen knew that these were just empty promises.

He remembered that there were only 6 people in his class who were admitted to the second-tier universities, and only more than 20 people were admitted to junior colleges.

More than half of the people did not get into college and went to work.

Jiang Yichen was one of them.

Of course, since yesterday, Jiang Yichen knew that his life had changed.

While talking, Li Qiuxia took out a ranking list.

"This is our class's Chinese final report card from last semester. The average score is less than 80 points. The highest score is 118 points for Qin Xiaoxin."

"I will post the report card here. For the next mock test, as long as the average score can be improved by 5 points from this time, I will let you watch a movie for two classes. If it improves by 10 points, I will treat everyone to milk tea. If you are in the top three, or if the students improve by more than 10 points, I will give them a personal reward."

Everyone was a little surprised. How could this teacher suddenly change his temper and actually use this method to motivate students.

You know, as a middle-aged woman, Li Qiuxia is very old-fashioned. She usually preaches and scolds a lot, and she doesn't pay enough attention to this class. Today, she can come up with this reward measure, which is very fresh.

Of course, Li Qiuxia didn't say what the specific reward was.

Maybe she didn't think it through.

Jiang Yichen didn't have many memories of Li Qiuxia. Who made him a poor student?

Chen Hao, the thin man, raised his hand and stood up,"Teacher, what about our new transfer?"

Jiang Yichen frowned and looked at Chen Hao with some displeasure.

This idiot, I haven't offended him before, right?

Targeting me?

Li Qiuxia raised her eyes and looked in the direction of Jiang Yichen,"This classmate, your name is Jiang……"

"Jiang Yichen. Jiang Yichen stood up and answered

"Well, what was your score in Chinese in the final exam for the science class?"

"67. Jiang Yichen said truthfully

"Okay, I'll write it down here. Your foundation is a little weak, I hope you can review and prepare seriously."

After Li Qiuxia finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to motion Jiang Yichen to sit down.

Pan Yun whispered on the side,"This Chen Hao is an idiot, why is he rushing towards you?"

Jiang Yichen shook his head and sneered.

Chen Hao is the representative of the Chinese class, so he always wants to appear different.

To him, this is nothing more than the naive views of an immature student in his school days.

When class started, Jiang Yichen was a little bored, because he found that he had completely mastered the senior Chinese course he was taking and was very familiar with it.

Then Jiang Yichen picked up the college entrance examination composition tutorial book and began to read.

Sure enough, learning this also has learning crits

【Ding! Learning behavior detected, current learning time is 6 minutes and 22 seconds, learning content is writing】

【Ding! Learning produces a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 33 times! Your writing skill learning progress has increased by 204 points. Your writing skill has been upgraded to E-level, and the current progress is (94/1000)】

It has suddenly changed from a life skill that is almost omitted to the E-level level.

It's just a few minutes of reading.

Jiang Yichen smiled, relaxed his body and mind, and occasionally took a look.

The understanding of writing has also changed from being confused at the beginning to having some feeling.

The paragraphs, structure, and some basic wording and sentence structure of the article can all be roughly sorted out.

Jiang Yichen feels that if he writes an essay now, he can probably get about 50 points.

This improvement is very obvious.

You must know that in the past, Jiang Yichen's essays were generally only 30 points.

The highest score was only 42 points.

As for what Li Qiuxia said in front of the podium, Jiang Yichen did not listen, but continued to study"focusedly" without getting tired.

When the class was over, Jiang Yichen's writing skills had entered the D-level stage (35/10000).

Well, very good.

Jiang Yichen planned to take advantage of these days to improve his grades in all aspects through study. Then, hey, hey, he will make a big splash.

After class, Pan Yun went straight to Chen Hao.

"Hey, Chen Hao, what do you mean, what did Jiang Yichen do to you?"

When Pan Yun's fat hand touched Chen Hao, he felt a huge pressure coming over him, and he immediately stepped back and almost fell down.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Mind your own business." Pan Yun spat.

Chen Hao said stiffly,"I'm talking to Jiang Yichen, what does this have to do with you?"

"He is my brother"

"……I am the Chinese class representative and I want to know what’s wrong with my classmates’ grades."

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking." Pan Yun said disdainfully

"I'm telling you the truth, what if he holds us back?"

Chen Hao saw that Pan Yun was no longer bullying him, so he boldly retorted

"I think it's really important that you don't hold us back."Pan Yun snorted,"What's the point of being a class representative? Have you ever taught your classmates Chinese?"

Jiang Yichen coughed in the back row,"Fatty, ignore him."

Jiang Yichen was not interested in this kind of childish quarrel. In his eyes, most of the classmates in the class would never have any intersection in this life.

He was originally a transfer student, and they had only been in contact for a year, so they didn't have much friendship.

In addition, he didn't get into college, and after going out to work, he had no contact with these classmates. Even when Chen Hao held several class reunions later, he didn't attend.

Well, it should be that he didn't even receive an invitation.

Therefore, Jiang Yichen didn't have any feelings for them, and didn't want to get to know them.

Quietly make yourself improve a little bit every day, and then you will naturally become a celebrity in the spotlight, and many people will want to get to know you.

"Jiang Yichen, I'm not targeting you. I just want to say that your score of 67 in Chinese will lower the average score of our class, so it must be taken into account. I have no other intentions."

Chen Hao said loudly.

Jiang Yichen waved his hand,"Don't worry, I won't be worse than you."

"It's OK if you can get an average score..., what did you say, you can't be worse than me?"

Chen Hao laughed suddenly,"You have to be careful before you brag, if you are better than me, I will give you the position of Chinese class representative later."


【Ding! The system automatically generates tasks based on the current situation】

【Random task: Chen Hao underestimates your ability. Please give him a slap in the face in the latest mock exam. Task reward: a random small lottery.

Jiang Yichen was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Hao in front of him, and seemed to see the yellow exclamation mark above his head.

Is this the legendary plot-promoting NPC?

To give the task, so abrupt?

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