The gathering ended quickly, and by 7 o'clock in the evening, everyone dispersed in twos and threes.

With the two microphone masters Pan Yun and Zhang Ya who can sing, no one dared to perform, and Zhong Ling blushed and stopped talking.

Since she knew that Jiang Yichen had no interest in her, she stopped pestering him and dared not talk to him.

Although Zhang Ya wanted to help her, it was obviously useless.

But for Jiang Yichen, it was finally one less person to write love letters to. Although he can often receive love letters now, many of them are from other classes. There is rarely any contact, and he never reads or replies. As for the class, since Zhong Ling's bold pursuit failed, no one came to pursue her. It's much less troublesome and troublesome.

As the New Year approaches, the weather is getting colder.

There is still a snowstorm in other places, and some places even have no water and power outages.

Anyuan County is not bad, but it was cut off once.

On New Year's Eve, snowflakes floated in the sky, which was very beautiful.

As a small county in the south, it is very rare to have snow.

Occasionally, there is a layer of snow, but more often it is just a small snow of rice grains, which melts quickly.

At Binjiang No. 1, the newly bought house is very lively.

Liu Yuanxiu and her aunt Guo Ping are preparing lunch in the huge kitchen, while Jiang Nanning takes each relative to look at the layout and decoration of the new house.

Jiang Yixin ran to the spacious balcony to watch the drizzling"snow scene".

It is so lively.

""Yuanxiu, you are really rich. You bought such a nice house without saying a word!" Aunt Guo Ping said enviously while helping,"Look at this kitchen, it's so spacious!"

"The one in my house is much smaller, and even two people can’t fit in it."

Liu Yuanxiu said with a cheerful smile,"My house is more than 160 square meters!"

"Oh my, it's so big, no wonder! Mine is only 118, a little over 100 after the public area."Guo Ping was really surprised.

Thanks to Jiang Beijing's teacher, they bought a house with their savings and housing fund.

At that time, they were the envy of relatives from the same village who came to the county to work.

Now I didn't expect that Jiang Nanning's family would buy such a big house in one go.

"I have a lot of public areas, 27 or 28!"Liu Yuanxiu felt a little pain.

The two households and two elevators in this high-rise building are good, but the public area is much larger.

"Did you win the lottery? You can afford such a large area. Jiang Yichen's aunt, Jiang Donghong, asked while leaning against the door.

She had just looked at the whole room and the decoration with Jiang Nanning, and was shocked.

"How can I have such good luck!"Liu Yuanxiu was happy,"It's all thanks to my son"

"Jiang Yichen?"

"He earned it?" Guo Ping was stunned

"Yes! He made some money from writing novels, so we decided to buy a house. Otherwise, how could we dare to do this in the past four or five years?"

Liu Yuanxiu was very proud, but she did not say how much she earned.

She is not stupid and knows the importance of not showing off her wealth.

Jiang Donghong praised,"Yichen is so amazing!"

She is Jiang Yichen's aunt and has always been a full-time housewife, taking care of the children at home.

It is precisely because of her doting that Xu Linlin and Xu Anan are very rebellious and disobedient. Liu Yuanxiu often hears her complain.

"Of course not. Did Yichen get first place in the final exam again?" Guo Ping asked with a smile.

"I don’t know, the ranking hasn’t been announced yet." Liu Yuanxiu said vaguely,"I think he scored around 700 points!"


700 points in liberal arts, if this is not the first, who else can get the first place?

Jiang Donghong said quietly,"It would be great if my An An could study so well."

"Isn't An An going to take the high school entrance exam next year? How are your grades now?"

"Very bad, he just plays all day, I don't think he can even get into high school." Jiang Donghong sighed. Liu Yuanxiu comforted her,"It's okay, he will definitely get into high school, maybe he will get smart later! My Yichen also got smart suddenly after he switched to liberal arts!"

""Is it really possible?" Jiang Donghong asked in surprise.

"That's not"

"How can I open my mind?"

Jiang Donghong thought with a blink of an eye. Could it be that I need to open my skull?

Jiang Yichen was installing a computer in his room, and his cousin Jiang Yihong also came to help.

He majored in computer software.

"Damn, you are awesome, you have such a good computer?"

Jiang Yihong started with the quintessence of Chinese culture.

"This computer is awesome, you have never used a good computer before." Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him.

"Get lost, I'm a professional!"

"So what are you learning? Computer assembly, right?"

"Say"machine" instead of"bar", be civilized!"

Jiang Yihong reminded seriously."Besides, I am learning Java language, not installing computer or system."

Jiang Yichen thought for a while,"Mobile phone program development?"

"Yes, Saipan"

"Saipan!" Jiang Yichen shouted,"Isn't Saipan going to die?"

"What nonsense, Nokia is the world's number one now."

Jiang Yihong had no idea what his cousin was talking about.

Jiang Yichen smiled and didn't explain anything.

It was just after 2008, and no one would have thought that Nokia, the dominant company, would suddenly collapse.

And what pushed him down was the smartphone system, Android.

Jiang Yihong is currently learning Java, and there will still be a good market for Android phone program development in the future, so there is no problem

"Hey, do you really make that much money writing novels?"

After knowing that Jiang Yichen made money writing novels, Jiang Yihong was also very jealous.

They were all computer experts, so why couldn't he make that much money?

"It's not much money, it's just that you have better luck. When you graduate, it will be easy to earn a million or even hundreds of thousands a year." Jiang Yichen didn't intend to tell the truth.

After all, writing novels seems to make money, but it is the great writers who make money. It's good enough for ordinary people to finish writing a novel of one million words.

Many college students can only earn some attendance bonuses when writing novels!

He didn't want his cousin to put the cart before the horse.

Jiang Yihong laughed,"Of course, our teacher said that we will go for an internship next year. If we perform well, we can be recommended to a big company like NetEase. Then it is possible to have an annual salary of over a million!"

Jiang Yichen glanced at his cousin's slightly receding hairline,"Yeah!"

"But, I heard from my mom that you got the first place in the school?" Jiang Yihong patted Jiang Yichen's shoulder heavily,"Great, boy!"

"It's just a small scene, don't be surprised." Jiang Yichen raised his head and said with a smile

"So, in this case, the first person in our family to graduate from Tsinghua University is about to be born?"

"Let's wait and see. I don't know if I can do well in the college entrance examination." Jiang Yichen said steadily.

How many people are so glorious before the college entrance examination, but they bury themselves in repeating the exam after the college entrance examination.

Although I am not going to fall to this point, I still have to keep a low profile.

"Then, Chen, what major do you plan to study in the future? Jiang Yihong asked as he sat in front of his cousin's computer and started downloading games.

"I haven't decided on a major yet. I don't know what majors are good for liberal arts majors."

"Why did you transfer to liberal arts?"

"This means that you can’t learn science!"

"……Nonsense, if you can get first place in liberal arts, I don't believe you can be bad at science."

"I don't want to wear a wig."


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